19 July


19 July 2023

Flagstaff Almanac

Week 29 Day 200 Ave. Sky Cover 5%\ Visibility  28mi. Flagstaff Today  92° \ 58° 
Wind  6mph \ Gusts  14mph  Nearest active fire: 17miles Nearest Lightning:  36mi
Air Quality: Moderate   Moisture Days this month: 1 days
Risk of fire: Extreme July Averages: Temps 82° \ 51° Moisture 8 Days
Sunshine  High Heat Warning

Today’s Quote

Weekly Observations


Tour de France 

Captive Nations Week
Everybody Deserves A Massage Week
Hemp History Week
National Independent Retailers Week
National Zoo Keeper Week


Beach Volleyball Days

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) Education & Awareness Week

National Baby Food Week 

Daily Observations

Flitch Day Link 
International Balloon Dog Day
Islamic New Year

National Hot Dog Day Link 
Take Your Poet To Work Day
Words With Friends Day  

Today’s Thoughts

Another hot day with no moisture in the forecast.

Last weekend former colleagues lost their 45-year-old son to an auto accident here in Flag. Today was the funeral. I have known the family since the mid-1970’s. The service was very nice. Attending were many former BIA people. It was nice to see all of them. They are all retired and enjoying their lives. Memories sure came flowing back when I saw each one.

Congresswoman Jayapal has apologized for her comments that Israel is a racist state while listening to Palestinians at an event. Of course, most accepted her apology, but a few are demanding some strict sanctions for her comments.

Here is something scary. 19 State Attorney Generals from Republican states have sent a letter to the Feds stating that they have a right for unredacted individual Health records of individuals who reside in their state that bans abortion or gender affirming care when said resident seeks such care in any state where it is legal. I’m old enough to remember when the Republicans believed in small government. This is certainly an overreach.



Boomer Slang…

Cool beans

“Cool beans” was an expression used to express approval or agreement. It conveyed a sense of positive affirmation and enthusiasm.

Hang loose

“Hang loose” was an encouragement for someone to relax or take it easy. It represented a laid-back attitude and an invitation to stay calm and free-spirited.

True Conspiracy Theories…

The Iran-Contra Drug Trafficking

The Contra rebels funded by the US government were involved in drug trafficking to finance their activities. The CIA was aware of the drug trade but turned a blind eye.

Random Trivia…

Did you know Abraham Lincoln is in the wrestling hall of fame? The 6'4" president had only one loss among his around 300 contests. He earned a reputation for this in New Salem, Illinois, as an elite fighter.

Historic Events

·         1848 – Woman’s Rights Convention at Seneca Falls

·         1863 – Suffering 1,515 casualties, the Union soldiers were defeated while trying to capture Fort Wagner in South Carolina.

·         1909 – Baseball’s first unassisted Triple Play was achieved by shortstop Neal Ball.

·         1982 – Geraldine Ferraro was nominated as the first female Vice-Presidential candidate.

Birthdays with some quotes


 Arthur Rankin Jr., American director, producer and screenwriter

(d. 2014)


 Max Fleischer, Austrian-American animator and producer

(d. 1972)


 Edgar Degas, French painter, sculptor, and illustrator

“A painting requires a little mystery, some vagueness, and some fantasy. When you always make your meaning perfectly plain you end up boring people.”

(d. 1917)


 Vikki Carr (Florencia Vicenta de Casillas-Martínez Cardona), American singer and actress

“The biggest emotion in creation is the bridge to optimism.”

“I really thought I was pretty good before I saw Hendrix, and then I thought: Yeah, not so good



Florence Foster Jenkins, American bad-singing soprano and socialite

“Some may say that I couldn’t sing, but no one can say that I didn’t sing.”

(d. 1944)


Brian May, English singer-songwriter, astrophysicist and guitarist



 Lizzie Borden, acquitted for the murder of her parents in 1892

(d. 1927; pneumonia)


Alice Dunbar Nelson, African-American poet and activist

“Every new fad or fashion at once has its denouncers from the pulpit, platform, professor’s chair.”

(d. 1935; heart ailment)


Anthony Edwards, American actor



Samuel Colt, founded Colt’s Manufacturing Company

(d. 1862; gout)


Benedict Cumberbatch, English actor



Jared Padalecki, American actor

“There’s always gonna be someone better looking, there’s always gonna be someone smarter, there’s always gonna be someone who works harder. What you have to offer is yourself, so don’t lose it, focus on it and try to bring it out.”



Shane Dawson (Benedict Cumberbatch), American Youtuber



…The End for today…


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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.