June 14



Daily Almanac for Flagstaff
Week 25 Day: 165 \ Ave. Sky Cover: 30% \ Visibility: 10 miles Flagstaff Today 83° \48° 
Wind: 8mph \ Gusts: 20mph
Extreme Risk of fire \ Nearest active fire: 5mi \ Nearest Lightning: 446mi
June Averages for Flagstaff: 80° \ 43° (1 day of moisture)

Today’s Quote

Weekly Observations

Thru Sep.5
National Marina Days (From Memorial Day to Labor Day)  Link

US Police and Fire Championships Link

National Automotive Service Professionals Week
National Flag Week
National Pet Wedding Week   Link
National Right of Way Professionals Week Link 
National Waste & Recycling Workers Week Link 
Men's Health Week: 13-19 Link  

National Hermit Week

Meet A Mate Week
US Open Golf Championship

Royal Ascot Link

Learning Disabilities Week

Daily Observations

My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts

Warm and windy.

As the sun rises tomorrow, the family American Flag will be flying at my house for Flag Day.

As of 11am there are now 3 separate fires near Flagstaff. The largest is 4500 acres [Pipeline], another is 1500 acres [Haywire], and the third is 500 acres [Double]. All are 0% contained. My place is NOT in danger, but lots of evacuations just 5 miles north of my place. The largest one is now larger than the first fire of the season. Highway 89 to the north is closed and expected to stay closed throughout the week. The wind will continue a few more days. Some moisture may happen about Friday. The wind is keeping the smoke out of my neighborhood. Wildlife is being impacted. Tuba City is 92° and the transmission lines have stopped working due to the fire.

Wrongful Detainees are American citizens being held in foreign prisons on made-up charges. Countries use them leverage for prisoner exchanges. They also are used to get the US to drop sanctions against the country if they are released. As of today, there are at least 40 Americans in the category of ‘wrongful detainees’. Yet, few Americans, outside their families, know they are being held. Our government needs to do more to get these innocent citizens released.

Favorite Memes




Everyday Phrases with a Dark Meaning

Got gypped

This phrase is used when a person in scammed, such as being cheated out of money or the quality of a product, for instance.

The origins are based on prejudice against Romani people (i.e. gypsies).

Riddle of the Day

  What do you call two Italian ants?


Answer: Romance.

Historical Events

Ë  1158 – Munich (in what is now Germany) was founded by Henry the Lion on the banks of the river Isar.
Ë 1775 -The Continental Army was established by the Continental Congress, marking the birth of the United States Army.
Ë 1777 – The Stars and Stripes was adopted by Congress as the Flag of the United States. Today, June 14 is the official ‘Flag Day’ in the United States.
Ë 1789 – Whiskey distilled from maize was first produced by American clergyman the Rev Elijah Craig. It is named Bourbon because Rev Craig lived in Bourbon County, Kentucky.
Ë 1834 – The first sandpaper was patented (#X08244, #X08245, #X08246, #X08247) and issued to Isaac Fisher, Jr., of Springfield, Vermont
Ë 1884 – New York was the first state in the US to enact legislation requiring the burying of utility wires.
Ë 1900 – Hawaii became a United States territory.
Ë 1938 – Dr. Benjamin Gruskin of Philadelphia, Pa. patented (#2,120,667) chlorophyll as a “therapeutic agent for the use in the treatment of infection” of the bloodstream, infected parts, and for open cuts and wounds.
Ë 1949 – Albert II, a rhesus monkey, rode a V-2 rocket to an altitude of 83 miles (134 km), thereby becoming the first monkey in space.
Ë 1954 – President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a bill into law that placed the words “under God” into the United States Pledge of Allegiance.
Ë 1959 – Disneyland Monorail System, the first daily operating monorail system in the Western Hemisphere, opened to the public in Anaheim, California.
Ë 1962 – The European Space Research Organisation (now European Space Agency) was established in Paris.
Ë 1966 – The Vatican announced the abolition of the Index Librorum Prohibitorum (“Index of Prohibited Books”), which was originally instituted in 1557.
Ë 1967 – The People’s Republic of China tested its first hydrogen bomb.

Birthdays Today

@85 – Harriet Beecher Stowe, American author and activist (died in 1896)
76 – Donald Trump,  businessman, television personality, 45th President 
61 – Boy George, English singer-songwriter
53 – Steffi Graf, German tennis player
@51 – Alois Alzheimer, German psychiatrist, neuropathologist (d. 1915; rheumatic fever)
@39 – Ernesto “Che” Guevara, Argentinian-Cuban guerrilla leader (d. 1967; shot)
34 – Kevin McHale, American actor, radio personality
33 – Lucy Hale, American actress


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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.