Mar 26

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Mar. 26, 2020 Week: 13 Day: 86
86004: H 59° \ L 35° \ Average Sky Cover: 70%
Wind: 8mph\Gusts: 15mph Visibility: 10 mi
Nearest lightning: 2046mi.; Nearest active fire: 489mi.

Record High: 73°[1988] Record Low: -8°[1902]
Mar. Averages: 53°\19° (6 days with moisture)

Today’s Quote

"If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor." -Eleanor Roosevelt

Random Tidbits

The most popular first name in the world is Muhammad!
Tablecloths were originally meant to be served as towels with which dinner guests could wipe their hands and faces after eating!
Tourists visiting Iceland should know that tipping at a restaurant is considered an insult!

Observations This Week

Orthodox Lent: 2-4/10National Cherry Blossom Festival: 20-4/12 Link  
International Dark Sky Week: 19-26  Link
Internat'l Week of Solidarity with People's Struggling Against Racism & Discrimination: 21-27
Health Information Professionals Week: 22-28 Link
International Phace Syndrome Awareness Week: 22-28  
National Agriculture Week: 22-28
National Cleaning Week: 22-28
National Protocol Officer's Week: 22-28
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Week: 24-30
National Medical Cannabis Week:  25-28  
National Physicians Week: 25-31  
International Listening Association Week: 26-28

Observations for Today

Legal Assistants Day
Live Long And Prosper Day
Make Up Your Own Holiday Day
Purple Day Link
Spinach Day

My Rambling Thoughts

Weather can't decide. Cloudy wins out for a few hours, then the sun is shining. It's decently warm, but the wind ruins that warmth. Only a short walk around the neighborhood. I hate wind.

I have a retired friend from my Tuba days who lives in Holbrook. Her son called because she wanted to shop at Sam's in Flag today, and her adult children were not successful in trying to convince her it wasn't a good idea. So they called her former boss/friend. After a little thought, I suggested that she make a list, ride along, wait in the vehicle while one of the adult children go in and grab what she needs. I stressed hand sanitizer before and after shopping. Everyone agreed it was a good idea. I know Navajo women and my bet is that she goes into the store, shakes hands with anyone she knows, and leaves...and that she will be just fine.

I got a text msg this morning reminding me of a dental appointment for my bridge on Apr. 8. Turns out the office is closed, and when you call you leave a message. About 3 minutes after I left the message, they called back and I said I wanted to postpone until this Covid-19 thing was over. She said that's good because we are only seeing patients in pain until this is over. I've waited 4 months for the extracted tooth area to heal and regrow bone, so a few more weeks doesn't matter. However, the hole where the tooth was for so many years, now is a food trap and a not something I enjoy.

Today’s Puzzle
Answer at the bottom of the page

When young, I am sweet in the sun.
When middle-aged, I make you gay.
When old, I am valued more than ever.

Historical Events

1169 - Saladin became the emir of Egypt.

1812 - A political cartoon in the Boston Gazette coined the term "gerrymander" (named after Governor Elbridge Gerry) to describe oddly shaped electoral districts designed to help incumbents win reelection.

1895 - The Phantoscope, an early motion picture projector that enlarged film images for viewing by large groups, was patented (#536,569) by Charles Francis Jenkins and Thomas Armat.

1916 - Robert Stroud (The Birdman of Alcatraz) stabbed and killed a prison guard in Leavenworth Kansas. He was sentenced to Alcatraz for the murder.

1920 - This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald was published.

1930 - The Book of Mormon was published in Palmyra, New York.

1953 - Dr. Jonas Salk announced that he had successfully tested a vaccine against poliomyelitis, the virus that causes polio.

1955 - # 1 Hit: Bill Hayes - The Ballad Of Davy Crockett

1964 - Broadway Show - Funny Girl (Musical) opened

1977 - #1 Hit: Daryl Hall and John Oates - Rich Girl

1994 Bonnie Blair skates world record 500 m ladies (38.99 sec)

1997 - After the 1995 discovery of the comet Hale-Bopp, 39 members of the 'Heaven's Gate' cult committed suicide to more quickly join the aliens on the 'other side' of the comet.

1999 - The 'Melissa worm' infected Microsoft word processing and e-mail systems.

2015 Richard III of England (1452-1485) is reburied at Leicester Cathedral in England, after being discovered under a carpark in Leicester in 2012

2017 Anti-corruption protests in Russia result in hundreds arrested including opposition leader Alexei Navalny

2018 E-commence group Alibaba Group and US car maker Ford unveil a car vending machine without sales people 5 stories high in Guangzhou, China

2019 Stolen Pablo Picasso painting "Buste de Femme" (Dora Maar) (1938) recovered after 20 years by Dutch art detective

2019 Michelle Obama's biography "Becoming" sells over 10 million copies according to its publisher Bertelsmann

Birthdays Today

86-Alan Arkin, actor, director

@83-Leonard Nimoy, actor (d. 2015)

80-Nancy Pelosi, politician

80-James Caan, actor

76-Diana Ross, singer

71-Vicki Lawrence, actress, singer

71-Steven Tyler, Rock singer

70-Martin Short, comedian

60-Jennifer Grey, actress

52-Kenny Chesney, country singer

35-Keira Knightly, actor

Puzzle Answer:



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.