Dec 8, 2012

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Flagstaff Almanac:  Week: 49/ Day:    
Today: H   54°L 28° Averages: H  43° L 17°
Records: H   66°(1958)L -19°(1978)
Wind: ave:   10mph; Gusts:  18mph Today’s ave. humidity:  58%
Quote of the Day:

Today’s Historical Highlights:
114-day newspaper strike begins in NYC—1962
1st TV acknowledgement of pregnancy (I Love Lucy) —1952
American Federation of Labor (AFL) formed by 26 craft unions Samuel Gompers
     elected AFL president—1886
Bombings in Baghdad, Iraq kill 127 and injure 448—2009
John Lennon assassinated at 40—1980
President Andrew Jackson, in his first "State of the Union Address,"
    will state his goal to remove all Indians in the southeastern part of the
    United States—1829

     Happy Birthday To: ♪. ♪   
How many can you identify?…answers in Today’s Birthdays
  •  Returns tomorrow

Free Rambling Thoughts:   
The weatherman says it’s going to get colder in the next few days…but he has said that before. Still was a beautiful day and sure doesn’t feel like winter.
Yesterday, the local PD found a bloody body in a camper a few miles from my place. The first possible homicide all year. Then today, another body found about 8 miles from my place, a possible homicide. They say things happen in threes…sure hope this isn’t one of those times.
Game  Center: (answers at the end of post)
Duplicate Letter Puzzles
Find common words with certain letters duplicated in the given positions. V stands for a duplicated vowel, C stands for a duplicated consonant, L stands for any duplicated letter, and _ stands for any letter
V C C V C _
Lifestyle  Substance:     
Old Saying Explained:
KICK THE BUCKET…When slaughtering a pig you tied its back legs to a wooden beam (in French buquet). As the animal died it kicked the buquet.
Ok, then?

TV Theme Songs you may remember:
Chuck - "Short Skirt/Long Jacket" by Cake
Read This Headline Carefully!!
Cocktail lounge , Norway :
NPR Hosts:

Bet You Didn’t Know…from History Channel
More than 11,500 constitutional amendments have been proposed by the U.S. Congress, but only 27 have been ratified.
Harper’s Index:         
Number of people who applied in May for 877 job openings at a Hyundai plant in Alabama: 28,492
Olympic walking is a lot like a competition of who whispers the loudest
Unusual Fact of the Day:
At the 2000 Samsung Open, a furious Goran Ivanišević smashed three rackets and was forced to withdraw. Why? Because he didn’t have a fourth on hand.
Found on You Tube: 

A little boy came home with his parents from church one Sunday. He seemed a little depressed, so his mother asked him if something happened in Sunday school class that he would like to talk about. He told his mother "Well, we were singing songs and the teacher made us sing about a poor bear named Gladly that needed glasses and I can't stop thinking about him. She said he was cross-eyed and I feel bad for him.
The mother couldn't understand why the teacher would teach such a song in Sunday school, so she decided to call her. To the woman’s amazement, the teacher said she only taught hymns that morning. Then the teacher began laughing out loud and said to the mother, “I know what Jeffrey’s' talking about! We learned the hymn 'Gladly The Cross I'd Bear'".
Rules of Thumb:   
Easy shortcuts to make an ‘educated’ guess
CHECKING A PEARL…To tell if a pearl is genuine, rub it against your teeth. A fake pearl will feel smooth; the real thing will grate.   
Yeah, It Really Happened
An Arizona man who thought he had really scored with an attractive young woman named Brittany. The two started dating in March or April and the relationship seemed to be going great until things started to slow down physically later in the year.
That is when Brittany approached her boyfriend about some different kinds of activities.
He expected Brittany to ask if they could have a threesome or if he wanted to be a swinging couple, but that is not what Brittany started to show him on the Internet. 
Instead, Brittany started to show him pictures of people having sex with animals. She told him that she was interested and in having sex with dogs. She went on to tell him that she has been having sex with their family dogs since she was 13 years old.
The now ex-boyfriend told police he was "disturbed and freaked out" and said he told Brittany "she was disgusting." The two broke up shortly thereafter.
The ex, whose name has been edited from the police report, said Brittany seemed, "like a nice, sweet and innocent girl."
To make matters even more complicated he also suspects Brittany is pregnant with his child.
She was arrested and charged with two counts of "crime against nature"
Somewhat Useless Information   
The ear's malleus, incus and stapes (otherwise known as the hammer, anvil and stirrup) are the smallest bones in the human body. All three together could fit together on a penny.
Sound travels at the speed of 1,130 feet per second, or 770 miles per hour.
Snakes hear through the jaw bone and through a traditional inner ear. In essence, snakes have two distinct hearing mechanisms, which helps them hear and catch prey.
Sitting in front of the speakers at a rock concert can expose you to 120 decibels, which will begin to damage hearing in only 7 1/2 minutes.
Male mosquitoes hear with thousands of tiny hairs growing on their antennae.
Fish do not have ears, but they can hear pressure changes through ridges on their body.
Calendar Information        
Happening This Week:
1-7> Cookie Cutter Week; Tolerance Week
2-8> Recipe Greetings For The Holidays Week; Clerc-Gallaudet Week; National Hand washing Awareness Week

Today Is                                                                      
Day Of The Horse— recognize the contribution of horses to American
    history and modern culture
Take It In The Ear Day
~~Catholic: Feast of the Immaculate Conception
~Uzbekistan: Constitution Day (1992)
Today’s Events through History  
Bird banding society found—1909
Disappearance of Agatha Christie—1926
John Sevier, and volunteers from North Carolina, soundly defeat the CHICKAMAUGA
     CHEROKEEs in a fight at boyd's creek, Tennessee—1780
Chinese Nationalist government moves from Chinese mainland to Formosa—1949
Darryl Strawberry indicted on tax evasion charges—1994
Jesse James gang takes train at Muncie Kansas—1874
Kirsty Williams elected first female leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats—2008
Mexican border town Ciudad Juárez is founded by Fray García de San Francisco—1659
Occupied Palestinians start "intefadeh" (uprising) against Israel—1987
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr became Associate Justice on Supreme Court—1902
Police surprise attack on Black-Panthers in LA—1969
Pope Pius IX proclaims Immaculate Conception, makes Mary, free of Original Sin—1854
US & Britain declare war on Japan, US enters WW II—1941
US & USSR sign treaty to prohibit nuclear weapons in outer space—1966

Today’s Birthdays                                                           
In their 80’s
Maximilian Schell, Austria, actor/director (Odessa File, Julia) is 82
In their 60’s
Gregg Allman, Nashville, guitarist/vocalist (Allman Brothers Band)is 65
In their 50’s
Kim Basinger. Actress, singer is 59
In their 40’s
Teri Hatcher, actress (Lois Lane-Lois & Clark) is 48
Sinéad O'Connor, Irish musician is 46
Remembered for being born today
Lee J Cobb, NYC, actor (Virginian, 12 Angry Men, On the Waterfront) (1911-1976)
Sammy Davis Jr, NYC, singer/dancer/actor (Ocean's 11, Candy Man)
Richard Llewellyn, Wales, novelist (How Green Was My Valley) (1906-1983)
James MacArthur, actor (Danny Williams-Hawaii 5-0) (1930-2010)
Jim Morrison, American poet, singer (The Doors) (1943-1971)
E.C. Segar, American cartoonist (Popeye) (1894-1938)
Mary Stuart, Linlithgow Palace, Linlithgow, Queen of Scotland (1560-1587), (1542-executed-1587)
James (Grover) Thurber, Columbus Ohio, humorist (Men, Women & Dogs) (1894-1961)
Eli Whitney, inventor (Cotton Gin) (1765-1825)
Flip Wilson, [Clerow], Jersey City NJ, comedian (Flip Wilson Show) (1933-liver cancer-1998)

Today’s Historical Obits                                                           
John Lennon, musician—assassinated in NY by Mark David Chapman—1980—at 40
Golda Meir, Israel's PM (1969-74)—1978—at 80
Slim Pickins, actor (Blazing Saddles)—brain tumor—1983—at 64

Answer: Duplicate Letter Puzzles
Disclaimer: All opinions are mine…feel free to agree or disagree.
All ‘data’ info is from the internet sites and is usually checked with at least one other source, but I have learned that every site has mistakes and sadly once out the information is out there, many sites simply copy it and is therefore difficult to verify. Also for events occurring before the Gregorian calendar was adopted [1582] the dates may not be totally accurate.
§    And That Is All for Now  §


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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.