TODAY’s HOLY MACKEREL: 2000 - In a pre-dawn raid, federal agents seize six-year-old Elián González from his relatives' home in Miami, Florida.
How quickly I forget…spring in NAZ means wind. Not one day, not two days, but it appears the entire spring. The wind blows, doesn’t usually bring in a storm or chase on out, it just blows. This spring wind is not a gentle wind, used for enjoyment. This wind is harsh and is not brining any enjoyment. In addition to making driving on highways more difficult, it is drying out our already dry forest.
Being a small town, Flag is going all out this Easter. Lots of outdoor events are happening around town for many. The local pool is even having an Easter Egg hunt in the pool. Should be a good weekend.
It’s been 12 years since the massacre at Columbine. I am attuned to news from Jefferson County CO, since I grew up there. The very large mall near Columbine had ‘an incident’ on the anniversary. A small fire broke out, and when first responders arrived they found the fire, along with a pipe bomb and propane tanks near the food court. No one was hurt and so far no suspects. The entire district—some 30+ schools went on lockdown for several hours. So many sickos out there. Those in schools and now malls in CO are being very cautious.
Wisconsin has been in the news for its union busting governor. Now citizens have begun some recalls on some of the people involved. One group offers free alcohol shots to signers of their recall petition. What is this world coming too?
>For lustrous hair with more shine, keep brushes and combs clean. Remove natural oil build-up and hair product residue by soaking combs and brushes in a solution of 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a small basin of warm water. Rinse and allow to dry.
>Have rough dry heels? Massage a diaper-rash ointment on them! Most ointments are packed with heavy moisturizers like petrolatum, lanolin, and beeswax that will soothe, nourish and protect your heels.
>Cadbury introduced its first cream-filled egg in 1923, but the brand we know today was not launched until 1971.
>In 1975, the Cadbury Creme Egg was advertised for the first time on television. A boy asks a shopkeeper for ‘600 Cadbury Creme Eggs please’.
>The egg is made by pouring liquid chocolate into a half-egg shaped mold, which is then filled with white fondant and then a dab of yellow fondant to simulate the yolk. The two mold halves are closed very quickly and cooled to allow the
chocolate to set.
PUZZLE: Trivia Quiz […answers at bottom…]
1. Who or what was Skippy ( on TV )?
2. Who wrote and starred in the 1922 version of Robin Hood?
3. What 1945 film won best picture, actor and director Oscars?
4. What movie cast featured James Garner, Richard Attenbourough, Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson and Donald Pleasance?
5. What actress said "I dress for women and undress for men"?
6. Which short sighted cartoon character had a nephew named Waldo?
7. Who played the part of the scarecrow in the movie 'The Wiz'?
8. Taidje Khan became using which name?
9. What actress said "I acted vulgar, Madonna is vulgar"?
10. John Huston scored a hit with his first film, what was it called?
SALISBURY, Mass. — A man on the run from police, wanted for breaking into a pickup truck, ran right into them in Salisbury.
Police said 21-year-old Joseph Dastous is one of the world’s dumbest crooks.
"Usually they run from you,” Chief Richard Merrill said. “In this case it's the first time in my life, in 33 years of police work, they run towards me."
It started on John and Donna Sanborn's farm, where Dastous allegedly tried to steal their truck.
"I grabbed hold of him with my left hand, hit him with my right and pulled him out of the truck," John Sanborn said.
Dastous ran away, across the field and toward the highway where Chief Merrill, driving his unmarked cruiser, spotted the suspect and pulled over
"He thought it was actually someone stopping to give him a ride,” Merrill said. “I did get out of the vehicle, and he started shouting thank you, sir, thank you."
Dastous actually jumped into the back seat of the cruiser before realizing he'd just made a big mistake.
"He looked up at me and he said, 'You look familiar.' I said I should look familiar. I'm the chief of police," Merrill said.
Back at the farm, the Sanborns were relieved to hear he was arrested and a little surprised.
"I thought it was pretty good. I didn't expect it to be that easy," Sanborn said.
We visited our newly married daughter, who was preparing her first Thanksgiving dinner. I noticed the turkey thawing in the kitchen sink with a dish drainer inverted over the bird.
I asked why a drainer covered the turkey.
Our daughter turned to my wife and said, "Mom, you always did it that way."
"Yes," my wife replied, "but you don't have a cat!"
CLOSEUP PICTURE: Can you identify this close up picture?
Jane Froman was a great singer and was severely injured in a USO plane crash during WWII. One of my mom’s favorite singers
♫ Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ♫
2004 Inductee: Prince arrived on the scene in the late Seventies, and it didn’t take long for him to upend the music world with his startling music and arresting demeanor. He rewrote the rulebook, forging a synthesis of black funk and white rock that served as a blueprint for cutting-edge music in the Eighties. Prince made dance music that rocked and rock music that had a bristling, funky backbone. MORE INFO
Click on Song Title to see and hear it.
Christian Holy Week
Cleaning For A Reason Week
Coin Week
Consumer Awareness Week
Fibroid Awareness Week
Fish Fry Week
National Crime Victims Rights Week
National Karaoke Week
National Paperboard Packaging Week
National Park Week
National Pet ID Week:
Police Officers Who Gave Their Lives In The Line of Duty Week
Turnoff Week
Pesach (Passover)
Chemists Celebrate The Earth Day
Earth Day
“In God We Trust" Day
Mother Earth Day
National Jelly Bean Day
Christians: Good Friday
Oklahoma: Oklahoma Day
1707 - Henry Fielding novelist (Joseph Andrews, Tom Jones)
1873 - Ellen Anderson Glasgow, US, novelist (Ancient Law, Pulitzer-1942)
1724 - Immanuel Kant German Enlightenment philosopher
Jeff Hostetler, NFL QB (NY Giants, Raiders, Redskins/1990 Superbowl) turns 50
Nicky Le Roux, South Africa, LPGA golfer (1994 Atlanta Champ-15th) turns 52
1923 - Aaron Spelling, American television producer
1908 - Eddie Albert, [Heimberger], actor (Oliver-Green Acres)
Glen Campbell, Country singer, turns 75
Peter Frampton, Rock musician, turns 61
Estelle Harris, Actress ("Seinfeld"), turns 79
Jack Nicholson, Actor, turns 74
Charlotte Rae, Actress ("Facts of Life"), turns 85
Sherri Shepherd, Actress, talk show host ("The View," "30 Rock"), turns 44
Ryan Stiles, Actor ("Whose Line is It Anyway?"), turns 52
1451 - Isabella I Spanish Queen (1474-1504) ; sponsored Columbus's voyage to the New World
1870 - Vladimir Ilich Lenin Russian leader of the Bolshevik Revolution (1917) and first head of the Soviet state
John A Llewellyn, Cardiff Wales, astronaut turns 78
1904 - J[ulius] Robert Oppenheimer, NY, head of Manhattan (A-bomb) Project
Today’s Obits:
1984 - Ansel Adams, US photographer, dies at 82
1996 - Erma Bombeck, humorist (Grass is Greener), dies of cancer at 69
1993 - Cesar Chavez, US farm worker (United Farm Workers), dies of unspecified natural causes at 66
1980 - Jane Froman, singer (Jane Froman's USA Canteen), dies of cardiac arrest at 72
1978 - Will Geer, actor (Grandpa Walton-Waltons), dies at 75
1778 - James Hargreaves, inventor (spinning jenny), dies at 58
1995 - Maggie Kuhn, activist (Gray Panthers), dies at 89
1989 - Huey Newton, US, Black Panther leader, shot dead at 47
1994 - Richard Milhous Nixon, 37th President (1969-75), dies of stroke at 81
2004 - Pat Tillman, American football player and U.S. Army Ranger (killed in action by friendly fire) at 27
1833 - Richard Trevithick, inventor (steam locomotive), dies of pneumonia at 62
Today’s Events:
1793 - Pres Washington attends opening of Rickett's, 1st circus in US
1976 - Barbara Walters becomes 1st female nightly network news anchor
1976 - Director Ingmar Bergman leaves Sweden due to taxation
1906 - 10th anniversary Olympic games open at Athens, Greece
1966 - Atlanta Braves win their 1st game, beating NY Mets 8-4
1981 - Largest US bank robbery (Tucson Ariz), more than $3.3 million stolen
1993 - Holocaust Memorial Museum dedicated in Wash DC
1839 - General Alexander Macomb, the new military commander in Florida, meets with several Seminole Chiefs, including Chitto and Halek Tustenuggee. The council agrees that the Seminole can remain in Florida if they stay near Lake Okechobee.
1877 - Two Moons, Hump, and 300 other Indians surrender to Col.Nelson Miles, today. Most of the rest of Crazy Horse's followers will surrender on May 6, 1877 at the Red Cloud, and Spotted Tail agencies.
… International POLITICS
1370 - Bastille begins being built in Paris
1500 - Pedro Alvarez Cabral discovers Brazil & claims it for Portugal
1659 - Lord Protector Cromwell disbands English parliament
1964 - Tanganyika & Zanzibar form republic Tanzania
1692 - Edward Bishop is jailed for proposing flogging as cure for witchcraft
1526 - 1st slave revolt occurs in SC
1864 - US mints 2 cent coin (1st appearance of "In God We Trust")
1889 - Oklahoma land rush officially started; some were "sooner"
1951 - Ticker-tape parade for General MacArthur in NYC
1. Who or what was Skippy ( on TV )?
The Bush Kangaroo
2. Who wrote and starred in the 1922 version of Robin Hood?
Douglas Fairbanks
3. What 1945 film won best picture, actor and director Oscars?
The Lost Weekend
4. What movie cast featured James Garner, Richard Attenbourough, Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson and Donald Pleasance?
The Great Escape
5. What actress said "I dress for women and undress for men"?
Angie Dickinson
6. Which short sighted cartoon character had a nephew named Waldo?
Mr Magoo
7. Who played the part of the scarecrow in the movie 'The Wiz'?
Michael Jackson
8. Taidje Khan became using which name?
Yul Brynner
9. What actress said "I acted vulgar, Madonna is vulgar"?
Marlene Dietrich
10. John Huston scored a hit with his first film, what was it called?
Maltese Falcon
Close Up Picture
Shape Fitting toy