Jan 19


Week: 4 Day: 19

Ave. Sky Cover:  40% Visibility: 10 miles

Local Temp:   39°\ 26° Wind: 2mph\ Gusts: 9mph

Low risk of fire Active fire: 243mi. \ Lightning: 1173mi.

Jan Averages: 43°\17° (5 days w/moisture)

Today’s Quote

Weekly Observations


International Snowmobile Safety and Awareness Week Link 


Healthy Weight Week
Hunt For Happiness Week 
National Activity Professionals Week  


Sugar Awareness Week


National Fresh Squeezed Juice Week


No Name Calling Week  Link


Week of Christian Unity


National Soccer Coaches of America Week

Daily Observations

My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts

Cloudy with some very light snow.  It’s OK because it’s winter. It is a quick storm with no measurable snow.

The Cardinals lost last night. Thankfully Budda has been released from the hospital is on his way back to AZ.

I had lunch with Andy and Faith. We planned to go to the Mongolian Grill, but it was closed ‘due to staff shortage’, so we ended up at Wildflower.  Good food, good conversation.

The 5G controversy continues. There has been way too much advertising and not enough coverage of the science. I expected better from Verizon and AT&T and from my government.

I read an article about the National Western Stock Show happening in Denver. As a kid, my dad worked at Armour. That meant we went to the stock show every year, got good seats for the rodeos, and spent way too many hours looking at cattle and hogs when Armour had entries. Great memories all the same.

Favorite Memes





A bit of Humor

What kind of flower lives between your mouth & chin?


A pirate started singing me a song. I didn’t really like it until he started swinging his arm around.

Then I was caught on the hook.


1.        What or who is the Ford Mustang named after?

2.        How many parts (screws and bolts included) does the average car have?

3.        Which car is often called the first muscle car?

4.        In what year was the Corvette introduced?




Answer 1: A fighter plane from WWII

Answer 2: 30, 000

Answer 3: The Pontiac GTO

Answer 4: 1953

Historical Events

§  1883 – The first electric lighting system using overhead wires, built by Thomas Edison, began in Roselle, New Jersey.1915 –

§  1915 – Georges Claude patented the neon tube.

§  1920 – The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) was founded.

§  January 19, 1981 Birthday (fictional) Buffy Summers, TV

Birthdays Today

·        @99 – George Burns, American comedian (d. 1996)

92 – Tippi Hedren [Nathalie Kay "TippiHedren], American model, actress

78 – Shelley Fabares, American actress and singer

·        @77 – Dan Reeves, Broncos coach

76 – Dolly Parton, American singer-songwriter and actress

75 – Paula Deen, American chef, and author

·        @73 – Frederico Fellini, Italian film director (d. 1993; heart attack)

68 – Katey Sagal, American actress

67 – Paul Rodriguez, Mexican-American comedian, and actor

·        @67 – Paul Cézanne, French painter (d. 1906; pneumonia)

·        @63 – Robert E. Lee, American general and academic (d. 1870; stroke)

·        @54 – Robert Palmer, English singer-songwriter (d. 2003; heart attack)

51 – Shawn Wayans, American actor, producer, and screenwriter

·        @40 – Edgar Allan Poe, American short-story writer, poet, and critic (d. 1849)

40 – Pete Buttigieg, politician

30 – Shawn Johnson, American gymnast

·        @27 – Janis Joplin, American singer-songwriter (d. 1970; OD)



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.