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Almanac: Week: 17 \ Day: 110
April Averages: 58°\27°
86004 Today: H 63°\L 30° Average Sky Cover: 75% 
Wind ave:   6mph\Gusts:  18mph
Ave. High: 60° Record High:  78° (1989) Ave. Low: 28° Record Low:  8° (1966)
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Observances Today:
Boston Marathon
Chinese Language Day
Look Alike Day
National Pot Smokers Day
Patriot's Day
Volunteer Recognition Day
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Observances This Week:
National Toddler Immunization Week
Police Officers Who Gave Their Lives In The Line of Duty Week
Administrative Professionals Week
Animal Cruelty/Human Violence Awareness Week
Bedbug Awareness Week
Coin Week
Fibroid Awareness Week
Medical Laboratory Professionals Week 
Oral, Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Week
National Crime Victims’ Rights Week
National Environmental Education Week
National Occupational Health Nursing Week
National Infertility Awareness Week
National Karaoke Week
National Pet ID Week 
National Princess Week  
Sky Awareness Week

National Paperboard Packaging Week
National Playground Safety Week 
National Work Zone Safety Awareness Week
Safe Kids Week
Spring Astronomy Week
World Week of Action for Animals in Laboratories  

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Quote of the Day 

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US Historical Highlights for Today
1606 - According to the first charter of Virginia, issued today, part of
  the colonists goals are to civilize the natives. "...and may in time
  bring the infidels and savages, living in those parts, to human civility."
1841 - 1st detective story (Edgar Allen Poe's "Murders in Rue Morgue") published
1896 - 1st public film showing in US John Philip Sousa's "El Capitan"
  premieres in NYC
1920 - Grand Canyon National Park dedicated
1940 - 1st electron microscope demonstrated (RCA), Philadelphia, PA
1971 - US Supreme Court upholds use of busing to achieve racial desegregation
1980 - Cubans begin to arrive in US from Mariel boatlift
1999 - Columbine High School massacre: Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold
  kill 13 people and injure 24 others before committing suicide at
  Columbine High School located in Jefferson County, Colorado
2008 - Danica Patrick wins the Indy Japan 300 becoming the first female
  driver in history to win an Indy car race
2010 - Deepwater Horizon drilling rig explosion kills 11 and causes
  rig to sink, initiating a massive oil discharge in the Gulf of Mexico
2013 - 5 snowboarders are killed by an avalanche in Loveland Pass, Colorado
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Today’s World Events through History
1611 – 1st known performance of Shakespeare's tragedy Macbeth
  at the Globe Theatre
1862 - The first pasteurization test completed by Louis Pasteur and Claude Bernard
1879 - 1st mobile home (horse drawn) used in a journey from London & Cyprus
1902 - Marie & Pierre Curie isolate the radioactive element radium chloride
1918 - Manfred von Richthofen, aka The Red Baron, shoots down his
  79th and 80th victims marking his final victories before his death
  the following day
1920 - 7th modern Olympic games opens in Antwerp Belgium
1969 - Bombs planted by Loyalists members of the Ulster Volunteer Force
  and the Ulster Protestant Volunteers explode at Silent Valley reservoir
  in County Down and at an electricity pylon at Kilmore, County Armagh
1974 - 'The Troubles', a period of conflict in Northern Ireland involving
  republican and loyalist paramilitaries, the British security forces,
  and civil rights groups claims its 1000th victim
1986 - Michael Jordan sets NBA playoff record with 63 points in a game
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Birthdays Today:
How many can you identify? Answers below in Birthday’s Today 

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My Rambling Thoughts
Nice Sunday…clouds most of the day finally brought a light rain in the late afternoon.
Caught up on my Sunday news programs and a few DVRd TV shows from the past week. Nice.
Did some minor cleaning but nothing major.
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Brain Teasers
(answers at the end of post)
Find the correct words that fit with the following words:
Example: Air PORT Wine

1. Birth _ _ _ Light
2. Knock _ _ _ Line
3. Rock _ _ _ _ _ Bar

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Found on You Tube with some relevance to today
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…Flagstaff, AZ History…
100 YEARS AGO - 1915
~ An odd and remarkable phenomenon has occurred near Black Canyon.  J. E.
Richards and his boy had just driven some horses over the spillway from Richards' reservoir when a cow that had been resting quietly under a tree suddenly disappeared. Upon going to look they were confronted with a yawning chasm! The cow was soon followed by the tree disappearing into the “infernal pit.” It’s about 400 yards long, 50 feet wide and of unknown depth.
~ Lake Mary is full of water and Al Sims has a new gasoline launch for his
resort. The Board of Supervisors agree that the road out to there is in good condition for travel.

…Harper’s Index…
90: percentage of the 300 highest paid physician’s consultants to pharma-
ceutical and medical device companies who are men

…Language Facts…
~ The word "clitoris" comes from the Greek word meaning "side of a hill".
~ The Danish word for condom is 'svangerskabsforebyggendemiddel'.

…Unusual Fact of the Day…
~ G-rated family films earn more money than any other rated films;
however, only 4% of Hollywood's output is G-rated.

…Water Facts..,.
~ A person can live without food for about a month, but only about a
week without water.
~ Spain's capital Madrid means "place of abundant water".

…World Record Facts…
~ The Guinness Book of Records was originally published by Guinness Breweries
as a reference for settling bar arguments.
~ The most push-ups ever performed in one day was 46,001 by Charles Servizio.

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2 jokes for the day
A man visits his psychiatrist and talks about being haunted by visions of his departed relatives. He says; these ghosts are perched on the tops of fence posts around my garden every night. They sit there and watch me and watch me. What can I do?
The psychiatrist says; that's easy … just sharpen the tops of the posts.

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A Sunday school teacher was discussing the Ten Commandments with her five and six year olds.
After explaining the commandment to "honor thy father and thy mother," she asked, "Is there a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters?"
Without missing a beat one little boy answered: "Thou shall not kill."      

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Yep, It Really Happened
SAN DIEGO (UPI) - A team of San Diego doctors said a 29-year-old man was treated for "Candy Crush thumb" after he tore a tendon from playing the smartphone color-matching game. The doctors, writing in medical journal JAMA Internal Medicine, said the man was found to have ruptured a tendon in his thumb and he told doctors the injury had come after he played Candy Crush Saga on his phone "all day for 6 to 8 weeks." The tendon was fixed in surgery, the study said. The study authors said the man did not report any pain in his thumb until the tendon actually ruptured, indicating an addiction to the game may have caused the patient to feel less pain. "The potential for video games to reduce pain perception raises clinical and social considerations about excessive use, abuse, and addiction," they wrote. "Future research should consider whether pain reduction is a reason some individuals play video games excessively, manifest addiction, or sustain injuries associated with video gaming." "Candy Crush thumb" is the latest condition to result from smartphone technology that previously gave rise to the term "text neck."
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Somewhat Useless Information
Do you know who wore first high heel shoes? And red colored, to be more exact?
The answer might surprise you!

The answer is men!
In the beginning men wore high heels and then women followed the trend!

In fact, Louis XIV was a big fan of them, since he was short, and he favoured red high heeled shoes.
He was 1.63 meters, so the monarch boosted his stature with heels—always red colored, an expensive dye.
In the 1670s, Louis XIV issued an edict limiting red heels to members of his court.

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Birthday’s Today
95 - John Paul Stevens, Illinois, 103rd Supreme Court Justice (1975- )
92 - Mother Angelica, American nun and broadcaster
77 - George Takei, actor (Sulu-Star Trek, Green Berets)
76 - Johnny Tillotson, Jacksonville Fla, singer
74 - Ryan O'Neal, actor (Love Story, Paper Moon)
66 - Jessica Lange, Cloquet Minnesota, actress (King Kong, Tootsie)
45 - Shemar Moore, actor (Malcolm-Young & Restless)
43 - Carmen Electra [Tara Leigh Patrick], model and actress (Scary Movie)
39 - Joey Lawrence, Phila Pa, actor (Gimme a Break, Blossom, Summer Rental)
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Remembered for being born today
Nina Foch, Leiden Netherlands, actress (American in Paris) 1924-2008@84
Tito Puente, Puerto Rico, bandleader (Dance Mania) 1923-2000@77 
-Adolf Hitler, Austrian-born German Führer-Nazi 1889-1945@56 
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Historical Obits Today
Sean O'Faolain, [J Whelan], Irish writer (Nest of Simple)-1991@91
Cantinflas, [Mario Moreno], Mexican actor (Pepe)-1993@81
George Clinton, 4th US VP, 1st VP to, die in office-1812@73
Benny Hill, comedian (Benny Hill Show), heart attack-1992@67
Bram Stoker, Irish theater manager/writer (Dracula), syphilis-1912@64
Pontiac (Obwandiyag), Ottawa chief, murdered-1769@48ish
Abigail Williams, American accuser in the Salem witch trials-?-1765@17
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Brain Teasers Answers
1. DAY
2. OUT

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Disclaimer: All opinions are mine…feel free to agree or disagree.
All ‘data’ info is from the internet sites and is usually checked with at least one other source, but I have learned that every site contains mistakes and sadly once the information is out there, many sites simply copy it and is therefore difficult to verify. Also for events occurring before the Gregorian calendar was adopted [1582] the dates may not be totally accurate.
§…And That Is All for Now…§


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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.