Aug 26


Aug 26, 2021 Week: 35 Day: 238
Ave. Sky Cover:  15%\Visibility: 10 miles
Local Temp:   80°\ 50° Wind: 5mph\ Gusts: 9mph
High risk of fire Active fire: 395mi. \ Lightning: 357mi.
Aug Averages: 79°\50° (9 days w/moisture) 

Today’s Quote


Weekly Observations


National Little League Week Link


Brake Safety Week Link


National Composites Week  Link
National Safe at Home Week

World Water Week  



Paralympic Games


Be Kind To Humankind Week



Daily Oberservations



Cherry Popsicle Day

Dog Appreciation Day

Web-Mistress Day

Women’s Equality Day



Favorite Memes







A quick smile!



A car's weakest part is the nut holding the steering wheel.



My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts


I really enjoy a summer day that is warm, a slight breeze, a few bright white clouds, and a deep blue sky. That’s what I have today.

The Supreme Court has upheld the Trump policy “stay in Mexico” order. I get that, I don’t like it, but the Supreme Court ruling stands.

Former American soldiers who fought in Afghanistan have begun ‘Digital Dunkirk’ that uses the internet machine to find and rescue those Afghans who helped us. They believe that there are some 50,000 Afghans that need to be brought out safely. If they fail, the US will have a permanent bad mark that will take decades, if ever, to erase. It doesn’t have to be that way. We must save those people.

I am also tired the of the media saying that the government refuses to provide the number of Americans in Afghanistan. I have traveled to many countries around the world. Your passport is checked and stamped at customs by the visiting nation. The forms everyone fills out on the plane are for the country you are visiting. Your passport is checked by US customs when you return. If the media wants to know how many Americans are in Afghanistan, then ask the Afghan Customs. Since the Taliban took over, it probably isn’t a viable source of information. The only way I am aware of for the US to know where you are in a foreign country is if you contact the Embassy and tell them. If the Taliban wasn’t bad enough, now there is ISIS-K who preventing Afghans from leaving.

I find it interesting that the medical community has developed a Monoclonal antibody treatment that is saving many unvaccinated patients who are showing very early signs of COVID. It seems to be saving many of the Delta patients who never got vaccinated. Good for them.


Historical Events


1346 Battle of Crécy, south of Calais in northern France; Edward III's English longbows defeat Philip VI's army, cannons used for first time in battle

1498 Michelangelo is commissioned to carve the Pietà sculpture by French Cardinal Jean de Bilhères

1682 English astronomer Edmond Halley first observes the comet named after him

1789 – The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was approved by the National Constituent Assembly of France.

1873 First free kindergarten in the U.S. started by Susan Blow in Carondelet, a suburb of St. Louis, Missouri

1883 – Krakatoa erupted in Indonesia. It created tidal waves that killed thousands of people and was heard 3,000 miles away. It affected the atmosphere for years afterward.

1939 – The first televised baseball game was played between the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Cincinnati Reds on WXBS in New York.

1996 US President Bill Clinton signs welfare reform into law, representing major shift in welfare policy

2019 Indonesian President Joko Widodo proposes moving the country's sinking and over-crowded capital from Jakarta to the island of Borneo (Kalimantan)


Birthdays Today


@101 – Katherine Johnson, mathematician at NASA

@87 – Mother Teresa, Macedonian-Indian nun, Catholic saint and Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1997)

@76 – Geraldine Ferraro, American politician (d. 2011; cancer)

69 – Will Shortz, journalist; New York Times puzzle creator

51 – Melissa McCarthy, actor

41 – Macaulay Culkin, American actor

41 – Chris Pine, American actor

39 – John Mulaney, American comedian




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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.