Nov 2


Week: 45 Day: 306
Ave. Sky Cover:  5%\Visibility: 10 miles
Local Temp:   56°\ 34° Wind: 7mph\ Gusts: 14mph
Moderate risk of fire Active fire: 233mi. \ Lightning: 442mi.
Nov Averages: 51°\23° (3 days w/moisture)


Today’s Quote


Monthly Observations


The Navajo month of November: Nilch’its’osi -- Slender Winds

Kelmuya, November in Hopi, marks the beginning of the Hopi cycle. Men’s Society ceremonies take place and prayers are held for peace.

Family Stories Month Link

Gluten-Free Diet Awareness Month

Hepatitis C (HCV) Education, Awareness and Screening Month
Historic Bridge Awareness Month 
Lung Cancer Awareness Month
Manatee Awareness Month 
MADD's Tie One On For Safety Holiday Campaign (11/1-12/31)
Military Family Appreciation Month 


Weekly Observations



World Origami Days


National Fig Week
World Communication Week


National Patient Accessibility Week
National Veterans Small Business Week   Link


World Karaoke Championships Link 


Daily Observations




Favorite Memes








Number of copies sold

9. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis: 85 million copies sold

The idea of the doorway in this novel linking the real to the magical was used years later by J.K. Rowling in her series Harry Potter.

10. The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown: 80 million copies sold

The Catholic Church publicly denounced this novel, making it even more popular.




My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts


A nice fall day. Happy to report the Broncos won yesterday!

60 minutes did an interesting and educational report on how architecture can help slow the spread of disease. Long ago, air conditioning was introduced to help people be more comfortable during hot weather. In many places windows were made smaller including factories, office buildings, and hospitals. This keeps air recirculating along with all its contaminants.  A US architecture student did an internship in Rwanda. There he designed buildings that were more open, used local workers and materials to build a hospital. His concept was that fresh air and light helps the environment and the people in the hospital. Now he and a fellow student have formed a company that designs such buildings. Long story short, they are now designing Cleveland, Birmingham, Santa Fe, and their hometown of Poughkeepsie NY. Very cool.




Historical Events


1889 – North Dakota and South Dakota were admitted as the 39th and 40th U.S. states.

1898 Cheerleading begins in the United States as Johnny Campbell leads the crowd cheering on the football team at the University of Minnesota

1920 – KDKA in Pittsburgh broadcasted the results of the presidential election. It was the first scheduled radio broadcast.

1930 Coronation of Ras Tafari Makonnen as Haile Selassie I, 225th Emperor of Ethiopian Solmonic Dynasty

1936 – The British Broadcasting Corporation initiated the BBC Television Service (now BBC1).

1960 Penguin Books cleared of obscenity for publishing DH Lawrence's "Lady Chatterley's Lover"

1983 US President Ronald Reagan signs bill establishing Dr Martin Luther King Jr. holiday

2018 Tiger thought to have killed 13 people shot dead after month-long hunt near Pandharkawada, central India



Birthdays Today



@85 – Daniel Boone, American hunter, and explorer (d. 1820)

@80 – Burt Lancaster, American actor (died in 1994)

79 – Stefanie Powers, American actress

76 – J. D. Souther, American Singer/Songwriter, guitarist, actor

@57 – Warren G. Harding (29th President (d. 1923 cardiac arrest)

57 – k.d. lang, Canadian Singer/Songwriter, producer, actress

55 – David Schwimmer, American actor

@53 – James K. Polk (11th President (d. 1849; cholera)

47 – Nelly [Cornell Iral Haynes Jr], American rapper

@42 – Prodigy [Albert Johnson], American rapper (d. 2017; sickle cell)

@37 – Marie Antoinette, Austrian-French queen consort (d. 1793; guillotined)




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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.