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link. Click to check it out!
Aug 19, 2020 Week: 34 Day: 232 Local: H 87° \ L 54° \ Average Sky Cover: 40%
Wind: 2mph\Gusts: 4mph Nearest lightning: 4.9mi.; active fire: 59mi.
Extreme Risk of Fire Visibility: 10mi
Record High: 88°[1983] Record Low: 35°[1979] Aug Averages: 79°\50° (9 days with rain)
Today’s Quote
"If you are not willing to risk the usual,
you will have to settle for the ordinary."
-Jim Rohn
most dangerous volcano today is Popocatepetl, nicknamed El Popo, which is just
33 miles from Mexico City. El Popo is still active, sending thousands of tons
of gas and ash into the air each year.
A little
A tough old Badlands rancher once told his grandson that the
secret to long life was to sprinkle a little gunpowder on his oatmeal every
morning. The grandson did this religiously, and he lived to be 93. When he died,
he left 14 children, 28 grandchildren, 35 great-grandchildren … and a 15-foot
hole in the wall of the crematorium.
State Name
One account maintain the Michigan name is
based on a Native American Chippewa word, "meicigama," meaning
"great water." Another version of the name claims the state gets its
name from Lake Michigan and that Michigan is a French conversion of the Ojibwa
word misshikama, which means "big lake," "large lake," or "large
As we move west, many of the state names are
derived from Native American place names or language. Minnesota is one of them.
The name "Minnesota" comes from the Dakota Sioux word
"Mnisota," the Native American name for the Minnesota River, which
means "cloudy water" or "sky-tinted water."
The name "Mississippi" comes from
the word "Messipi" - the French version for either the Ojibwe or
Algonquin name for the river, "Misi-ziibi," meaning "great
This Week
Pueblo Revolt, New Mexico
Aug10-20, 1680
National Aviation Week: 15-21
National Chef's Appreciation Week: 16-22 Link
Minority Enterprise Development Week: 18-24
for Today
Aviation Day
"Black Cow" Root Beer Float Day
(8/19/1893 by Frank J. Wisner, Cripple Creek Brewing Co., CO. Link
Coco Chanel Day
International Bow Day Link
International Orangutan Day Link
Potato Day
National Soft-Serve Ice Cream
Hot & Spicy Food Day
National Medical Dosimetrist Day
World Humanitarian Day Link
World Photo Day Link
Rambling Thoughts
There was a 5-minute sprinkle today. Looks like more is coming to
drop our temps a little. I’m ready.
Tuba Boarding has released its 20-21 Calendar. All they did was
slide up the start day by 6 weeks…having school end in early July. I talked to
a current employee and found this was straight from DC. Staff will not get pay
until mid-September. Those who have their pay spread over the calendar year get
their last check this week. With the new calendar, they also got a letter
stating they were eligible for unemployment until the school year starts.
During every summer they are eligible for unemployment since they are
‘furloughed’ during the summer. The big problem is that some who applied for
unemployment at the end of the last contract in May have just received their
first unemployment check this week. So happy I’m retired.
The Dems convention is certainly unique. I enjoyed the opening,
with all the children singing the National Anthem. I found parts informative.
Bernie and Michelle did a good job of explaining their positions. I was a
little disappointed that Michelle’s speech had not been recorded after Biden
picked Harris. It is 2020 and should not have been that hard to use a newer
taping. One day down, three to go.
My neighbor with the truck and trailer parked somewhere else last
night. He did show up around 10a, minus the trailer. Now I am very curious to
what the note from the tow company said.
I have talked about my great Trans-Siberian trip last year with
Focus. Here is an update: one of our guides, Vlad, is a Facebook friend of
mine. He spent the early summer at a children’s day camp just outside Moscow.
He said it was more difficult with Corvid and masks but worked out. This was
his 10th summer of working there. After the camp was over, he grew a
full beard to go with his bald head. Now is in Belarus, keeping us updated on
the crisis there. He still plays and sings.
Answer at the bottom of the page
a year, there are 12 months. Seven months have 31 days.
many months have 28 days?
spends most of its time on the ground but never gets dirty?
295 BC – The first temple to Venus, the Roman goddess of love,
beauty, and fertility, was dedicated by Quintus Fabius Maximus Gurges
1561 Mary Queen of Scots arrives in Leith, Scotland to assume throne after spending
13 years in France
1612 – The “Samlesbury witches”, three women from the Lancashire
village of Samlesbury, England, were put on trial, accused of practicing
witchcraft, with all three of the Samlesbury women acquitted.
1692 – In Salem, Province of Massachusetts Bay, five people, one
woman and four men, including a clergyman, are executed after being convicted
of witchcraft at the Salem Witch Trials.
1745 Jacobite Rising 1745 :
Bonnie Prince Charlie, raises his standard at Glenfinnan, Scotland, igniting
the second Jacobite rebellion.
1812 – American frigate USS Constitution defeated the British
frigate HMS Guerriere off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada, earning the
nickname “Old Ironsides”.
1848 – The New York Herald published the news to the East Coast of
the US about the Gold Rush in California.
1909 – The first automobile race at the Indianapolis Motor
1934 – The first All-American Soap Box Derby was held in Dayton,
1960 – With Korabl-Sputnik 2, the Soviet Union launched the
satellite with the dogs Belka and Strelka, 40 mice, two rats, and a variety of
plants. All of the creatures survived
1991 – Black groups targeted Hasidic Jews on the streets of Crown
Heights in New York, New York for three days, after two black children were hit
by a car driven by a Hasidic man.
2010 Operation
Iraqi Freedom ends, with the last of the United States brigade combat teams
crossing the border to Kuwait
2019 Sudanese Ex-President Omar al-Bashir admits he has received
$90 million from Saudi Arabian royals at the start of his corruption trial in
@87 – Coco
Chanel, French founded the Chanel Company (d. 1971)
86 – RenĂ©e
Richards, American tennis player, and ophthalmologist
@80 – Peter ‘Ginger’
Baker, English drummer, and songwriter (d. 2019)
@79 – Malcolm
Forbes, American publisher and politician (d. 1990; heart attack)
@79 – Gene
Roddenberry, American screenwriter, and producer, Star Trek (d. 1991; cardio
@76 – Orville
Wright, American engineer, and pilot, co-founded the Wright Company (d. 1948)
74 – Bill
Clinton, American lawyer, 42nd President of the United States
73 – Gerald
McRaney, American actor
@68 – Ogden Nash,
American poet (d. 1971; Chron’s disease)
@64 – Philo
Farnsworth, invented the Television (d. 1971; alcoholism)
57 – John Stamos,
American actor
55 – Kyra
Sedgwick, American actress
51 - Mathew Perry, actor
months have 28 day