I just don’t get it. Obama wants to talk to students about the importance of education. When I was in school, I remember listening to Ike on a school radio one time. It was something about the National Highway program and the need for engineers. I was too young to really understand. George II was talking to school kids when 9-11 happened. George the Dad talked to school kids and ask them to send him letters about what he should do if he became President. Now Obama, at the beginning of the school year, wants to talk to school kids around the country about the importance of education. Here in AZ our elected state school superintendent has said it is a bad idea—to have the President of the United States to talk to school kids during school time about getting an education and staying in school. Lots of crazies are joining in to this debate. “He will brainwash kids”, “he will influence them to support his programs—especially health care”, “this is what happens in North Korea.” These crazies are urging parents to keep their children home if the school is letting students listen to this speech. Unfortunately, I remember the days when there was a political season, the days when one guy one and one guy lost, and then everyone treated the President with respect. I haven’t always agreed with any president, but I was taught by the schools and my parents to listen to our leader. If I disagreed, I was free to do something about it—protest and state my side. These crazies are now preventing their children from learning how to think, learning to discuss, and now, just plain learning.
NPR ran a piece today on ‘social networking’. There are 250 million people around the world on Facebook. If Facebook was a country it would be the 4th largest in the world—behind China, India, the US and just ahead of Indonesia. Facebook is a great way to keep up on so much stuff. Some of the apps are really addicting. Overall it is a great site. If you aren’t a member, join in. You will certainly learn a lot.
Flag had interesting weather today. West side got some nice heavy showers, east side didn’t get anything. It’s really not that big a town. It was still nice at 77° but I wish we had gotten some rain.
Random Facts…
Phobatrivaphobia is fear of trivia about phobias.
Crazy Stuff in the News…
ORLANDO, Fla. - Authorities in Florida said a man with a duffel bag full of new Victoria's Secret underwear was arrested for violating probation warrants. The Orange County Sheriff's Office said Khasim Charles Stephenson, 35, was accused of violating probation for fleeing a law enforcement officer, grand theft and other counts, WKMG-TV, Orlando, Fla., reported Monday. Deputies said Stephenson was tracked to the Fairfield Inn in Orlando and arrested as he was approached a vehicle. He was carrying a duffel bag that was found to be full of new underwear, most still bearing price tags, from Victoria's Secret. Authorities said the underwear is believed to be stolen, but no charges have yet been filed in relation to the items. Stephenson has several prior convictions for grand theft and arrests for violent felony charges including homicide, aggravated battery on a law enforcement officer with a deadly weapon and aggravated fleeing and eluding.
September Month Long Observances
Apple Month…Be Kind to Editors & Writers Month…Children’s Good Manners Month…International People Skills Month…International Strategic Thinking Month…National Honey Month…National Preparedness Month…Pleasure Your Mate Month…Healthy Aging Month…National Hispanic Heritage Month…
Week of 1 Sep…
Self-University Week [to increase lifelong learning]—ideas at end of this blog
5 Sep Observances…
248 days so far this year…117 days remain in 2009
Oatmeal Day
Be Late for Something Day
*India: The birth date of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan is celebrated as Teacher's Day in India.
1902….. Darryl F Zanuck Hollywood producer & motion picture executive
1921….. Jack Valenti Pres of Motion Picture Assn of America
1929….. Bob Newhart Oak Park Ill, comedian
1939….. John Stewart San Diego Ca, rocker (Kingston Trio-Fire in the Wind)
1940….. Raquel Welch Chic Ill actress
1946….. Freddie Mercury rock vocalist (Queen)
1952..... Graham Salmon blind runner (fastest 100m by a blind man)
1954..... Hans-Jrgen Gerhardt German DR, bobsled (Olympic-gold-1980)
1956..... Steve Denton world's fastest tennis serve-138 mph
1187….. Louis VIII [Coeur-de-Lion] king of France
1638….. Louis XIV the great, king of France
1847….. Jesse James Missouri, outlaw
1927 Paul Volcker Federal Reserve chairman
1897….. Arthur Charles Nielsen market researcher: founder of A.C. Nielsen Co.
Events on this day…
1774….. 1st Continental Congress assembles, in Philadelphia
1836….. Sam Houston elected president of the Republic of Texas
1882….. The first Labor Day holiday parade was held in New York City. It was sponsored by the Central Labor Union. Some 10,000 workers -- all men -- participated in the parade.
1877….. Oglala Sioux leader Crazy Horse is killed by a U.S. soldier while in custody, allegedly after he resists his confinement.
1885….. 1st gasoline pump is delivered to a gasoline dealer (Ft Wayne, Ind)
1921….. The Irish President has rejected Lloyd Georges Proposal and has stated in a reply to Lloyd George that there is no voluntary Union with Britain and the Irish People choose as a fundamental right to set up an Independent Republic.
1953….. 1st privately operated atomic reactor-Raleigh NC
1957….. Jack Kerouac's novel "On the Road," is published.
1958….. "Doctor Zhivago" by Boris Pasternak published in the US
1964….. The Animals’ House of the Rising Sun made it to #1.
1972….. Arab Guerillas members of the Arab terrorist group known as Black September attack the Israel Athletes Compound in Munich Germany during the Olympic games
1975….. IRA terrorists bomb the Park Lane London Hilton Hotel killing two and injuring 60 more
1975….. Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme attempts to assassinate Ford in Sacramento
1978….. Sadat, Begin & Carter began peace conference at Camp David, Md
Holy Mackerel….
1980 ….. Switzerland’s St. Gotthard Auto Tunnel, the longest underground motorway in the world, opened. Traffic moved along the 10+ miles that took ten years to build and cost $417 million.
Which Craft?
Match each tradesman (using his surname as guide) with the object(s) of his work.
1. Mr. Cooper was applying a hoop to the ______ for Turner.
2. Mr. Bowyer was softening the wood required to fashion a(n) _____ for Glim.
3. Mr. Wheelwright was putting finishing touches on the _______ for Kerf.
4. A bored Mr. Sawyer was loading ________ on Stew's wagon.
5. The itinerant Mr. Tinker could be heard fixing Slat's ___________.
6. Mr. Fletcher was all a-quiver, as he had just received a large order for _________ from Archie.
7. The drippy Mr. Chandler was inspecting his latest batch of _________, ordered by Shaft.
Need some help?
Here are the seven words: wagon, bow, cask, planks, kettle, arrows, candles
^ Scroll down for answers
1. Mr. Slat Cooper was applying a hoop to the cask for Turner.
2. Mr. Archie Bowyer was softening the wood required to fashion a bow for Glim.
3. Mr. Turner Wheelwright was putting finishing touches on the wagon for Kerf.
4. A bored Mr. Kerf Sawyer was loading planks on Stew's wagon.
5. The itinerant Mr. Stew Tinker could be heard fixing Slat's kettle.
6. Mr. Shaft Fletcher was all a-quiver, as he had just received a large order for arrows from Archie.
7. The drippy Mr. Glim Chandler was inspecting his latest batch of candles, ordered by Shaft. a covey of quail
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
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About Me

- Retired, Not Dead
- Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
- I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.