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Flagstaff Almanac: Day: 276 / Week: 40 
October Averages: 63° \ 31°

    Holiday Observances Today:
Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Day
Lee's National Denim Day
National Diversity Day Child Health Day
Techies Day
UN World Habitat Day
Virus Appreciation Day
World Smile Day first Friday of month
National Foundation Day [Gaecheonjeo] (Korea-2333BC)
Quote of the Day

Historical Highlights for Today
1691 - English & Dutch army occupies Limerick Ireland
1863 - Lincoln designates last Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day
1906 - SOS adopted as warning signal by 1st conference on wireless telegraphy
1908 - Pravda newspaper founded; Leon Trotsky, & other Russian exiles in Vienna
1913 - Federal Income Tax signed into law (at 1%)
1935 - Italy invades Ethiopia
1940 - US forms parachute troops
1942- FDR forms Office of Economic Stabilization

1957 - Allen Ginsberg's Howl and Other Poems is ruled not obscene
1968 - The proposed civil rights march in Derry, Northern Ireland, is banned from the area of the city center and the Waterside area; the banning order is issued under the Public Order Act by William Craig, then Home Affairs Minister
1971 - Billie Jean King became 1st female athlete to win $100,000
1974 - Pele retires as soccer player
1974 - Watergate trial begins
1981 - Irish Nationalist at Maze Prison near Belfast end 7-mo hunger strike
1994 - Gary Larson, announces he is retiring from doing "Far Side" cartoon
1997 - Japan's maglev train breaks world speed record at 280.3 mph

  Birthdays Today:   
How many can you identify? Answers below in Birthday’s Today

My Rambling Thoughts   
Beautiful fall day here, warm after a cool morning. Had a nice lunch with my retiree group. Cheryl got all her household redoing done. Mary has been busy helping out the AZ Trails group.
Heard today that an elderly former teacher from Tuba has been placed in a dementia residence. Turns out her grandkids, except for one, are trying to get their greedy big palms on her money. Her one stable grandson has Power of Attorney, so hopefully he won’t cave in. A tough call for him.
Game  Center (answers at the end of post)
Brain Teasers
Fill in the sentence below so that the first two words combine to make the third word. For example, given "The _____ of the group was extremely _____, not just physically, for he was also particularly _____", you would fill in HEAD, STRONG, and HEADSTRONG.

The guilty _____ fitted the classic _____ for such a character, highlighted by the fact that he looked to constantly _____ his next move.          

Found on You Tube with some relevance to today

OK Then…

Paraphernalia 4 the Brain:     
Age Facts…
The oldest creature ever found was Ming the clam at an admirable 507 years old.
Brain Facts…
Chewing gum boosts your brain power.
Computer Facts…
Computer programming is currently one of the fastest growing occupations.
Flagstaff, AZ History…
Returns soon           
Fun Facts…
The company that makes Nutella uses about 25% of the world's supply of hazelnuts.
Harper’s Index…
Percentage of US teenagers who receive no formal sex education before having sex for the first time: 83
Rules of Thumb…   
The overall cost to the company of hiring a new salaried employee is roughly one-third of the position's annual salary.        

Unusual Fact of the Day…
Not all comets are as "regular" as Halley's Comet. Astronomers believe that Comet West, which last visited our neighborhood in 1975-76, won't be seen again for another half-million years.          
A man came home and was greeted by his wife dressed in a very sexy nightie. 'Tie me up,' she purred, 'and you can do anything you want.' 
So he tied her up and went golfing.         

Yep, It Really Happened
CONGLETON, England (UPI) - A British cafe is testing the limits of good taste in the the morning with "The Hibernator," a breakfast dish packing a whopping 8,000 calories. Mark Winder, owner of the Bear Grills cafe in Congleton, England, said that only 20 customers have so far attempted to take on "The Hibernator," which weighs 7 pounds and amounts to nearly four times the daily recommended caloric intake for an adult man. Winder said no one has yet succeeded in finishing the dish, which he requires diners to sign waivers before attacking. "It's called 'The Hibernator' because if anyone completes it, they'll have to sleep for a year," Winder said. The breakfast includes four fried eggs, four strips of bacon, eight sausages, four hash browns, a four-egg cheese omelet, four waffles, four pieces of toast, four pieces of fried bread, four pieces of black pudding, two ladles of beans, tomatoes, mushrooms, French fries and a 2,000-calorie milkshake to wash it all down.
Somewhat Useless Information   
Did you know that the word ‘cab’ originates from the French word ‘cabrioler’, which means ‘jump like a goat’?
Back to 1760-70 the first carriages for public hire bounced up and down so much that they reminded people of goats jumping on a hillside!
The Empire State Building, America’s cultural icon, has been named as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World by the American Society of Civil Engineers. 
It stands a total of 443 meters high and it stood as the world’s tallest building for nearly 40 years until One World Trade Center reached a greater height on April 30, 2012.
The Empire State Building has 103 floors and in 2007, it was ranked number one on the AIA’s List of America’s Favorite Architecture.
Do you see the glass half-full or half-empty? Have you chosen to be optimistic or pessimistic? Read the list below with ten things that optimistic people do and find out!
What do optimistic people do?
They consider problems as chances to improve themselves.
They dream big! Without limits.
They make things simpler. They do not exaggerate facts.
They live for today and they enjoy every single minute.
They sleep well and wake up at the same time every day.
They use wisdom to choose friends.
They do not care about what other people say.
They do not only talk but also listen carefully.
They eat proper food.
They are honest.     
Check Your Calendar
Observances This Week:
--- 1-7
National Walk Your Dog Week 
Universal Children's Week
--- 2-4

Great American Beer Festival 

Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend5 
National Storytelling Weekend
            Today’s Events through History  
1778 - Captain Cook anchors at Alaska
1922 - 1st facsimile photo send over city telephone lines, Washington, DC
1945 - Elvis Presley's 1st public appearance at the age of 10
1948 - Columbia University reports discovery of uranium in Belgian Congo
1954 - "Father Knows Best" premieres
1955 - "Captain Kangaroo" premieres on CBS-TV, Good Morning, Captain!
1955 - "Mickey Mouse Club" premieres
1961 - "Mr Ed" premieres
2008 - OJ Simpson found guilty of charges of kidnapping and armed robbery
Birthday’s Today                                                        
Chubby Checker [Ernest Evans], singer-songwriter (The Twist) is 73
Roy Horn, Las Vegas entertainer (Siegfried & Roy) is 70
Lindsey Buckingham, guitarist/lead singer (Fleetwood Mac) is 65
Al Sharpton, minister and civil rights activist (Keepin' It Real) is 60
Tommy Lee, American musician (Mötley Crüe) is 52
Clive Owen, British actor is 50
Gwen Stefani, singer (No Doubt) is 45
Neve Campbell, Canadian actress (Party of 5, Scream) is 41
Ashlee Simpson, singer, actress is 30

Remembered for being born today
John Ross (Guwisguwi- "Little White Bird"), Chief of the Cherokee (1790-1866)
George Bancroft, American historian (History of the United States) (1800-1891)
Patrick Manson, "Father of tropical medicine" (1844-1922)
Thomas Wolfe, novelist (Look Homeward Angel) (1900-1930)
James Herriot [Alfred Wight], veterinarian/novelist (All Creatures Great and Small), (1916-1995)
Gore Vidal, author (Myra Breckinridge, Lincoln), (1925-2012)
Stevie Ray Vaughan, guitarist (Sky is Crying, Texas Flood) (1954-1990)
Historical Obits Today                                                           
Queen Fatima, former Libyan queen, 2009, @98
Janet Leigh, American actress, heart attack, 2004, @77
Virginia Dale, US actress/dancer (Holiday Inn), 1994, @77ish
Myles Standish, Plymouth Colony leader, cancer, 1856, @72
Black Hawk (chief), Sauk, 1838, @71ish
Roddy McDowall, English actor, cancer, 1998, @70
Woodrow Wilson "Woody" Guthrie, folk singer/guitarist, Huntington's, 1967, @55
Elias Howe, American sewing machine pioneer, 1867, @48
Saint Francis of Assisi, infection, 1226, @44
Kintpuash, [Captain Jack], Modoc leader, hanged, 1873, @36ish
Brain Teasers                                         
Disclaimer: All opinions are mine…feel free to agree or disagree.
All ‘data’ info is from the internet sites and is usually checked with at least one other source, but I have learned that every site contains mistakes and sadly once the information is out there, many sites simply copy it and is therefore difficult to verify. Also for events occurring before the Gregorian calendar was adopted [1582] the dates may not be totally accurate.
§…And That Is All for Now…§


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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.