Geez…I stay of the internet for most of the day, don’t listen to news, and all hell breaks loose. Turns out a reporter has been held captive since November by those Taliban guys in Afghanistan. He escaped today. The capture has been kept quiet by all the press for all this time--to protect him. I have to wonder how his family kept quiet for so long. Iran remained a mess—protests continued—militia is getting more violent. I guess the reporter story shows us patience can/does bring a good outcome when dealing with terrorists.
On a lighter note, NPR released a list of the top 100 Folk Songs of all time. I went through the list and certainly had some good memories. I was a big folk music fan when it was on Top 40 radio. Always a good message, always a great tune. Woody, Arlo, PPM, Pete, Bob, John D, S &G, and Gordon always took some of my coin. I enjoyed the Kingston Trio, the Carter Family and the Weavers, but their peak was just a little before my time so I didn’t spend a lot on them, but did enjoy them. At various times, I did see Arlo Guthrie. Peter, Paul & Mary, John Denver and Simon & Garfunkel live in concert in Colorado. PPM were to play at Red Rocks—a huge red rock natural amphitheater just outside Denver. About 30 minutes before the sunset concert was to start, the rain came instead. They moved the concert to a large indoor venue about an hour away. We all loaded up, drove to the indoor venue and saw them. They started about 10pm and sang until well past midnight. We really got our money’s worth and more. Had they played at Red Rocks, we would have gotten about 90 minutes.
I’m not a big letter writer, but a few months ago, I did write to our Representative—Ann Kirkpatrick—to let her know I supported a change in health care. She sent me an answer. My letter was sent via email, but she answered by snail mail. As usual it was a form letter that could have gone out to anybody. The snail mail letter was not expected. What pissed me off is that I signed the email “Charlie Frazier III”. The letter came back addressed to “Charlie Frazier Iii”. I still hold pride that I am the third. I still get pissed off when some computer auto corrects it to ‘Iii’. I don’t even know what ‘Iii’ means. I doubt Ann or any of her staff knows either. It is just sloppiness.
Random Fact
Connecticut and Rhode Island never ratified the 18th Amendment (Prohibition)
June is…
Adopt a Shelter Cat Month…Effective Communications Month…Gay & Lesbian Pride Month [National GLBT Month]…Great Outdoors Month…National Accordion Awareness Month…Rebuild Your Life Month…National Candy Month
Week of June 21
Carpenter Ant Awareness Week
National Mosquito Control Awareness Week
National Old Time Fiddler’s Week
June 21—172nd day of the year…193 days remain in 2009
Summer Solstice Litha
Father’s Day
Baby Boomers Recognition Day
World Handshake Day
World Humanist Day
Martha Washington 1st, 1st lady
Jean-Paul Sartre France, philosopher/writer (Nobel 1964; declined)
Jane Russell Bemidji, MN, actress full-figured gal (The Outlaw)
Judy Holliday NYC, comedienne/actress
Maureen Stapleton Troy NY, actress
Lalo (Boris) Schifrin Buenos Aires Argentina, composer
Bernie Kopell NYC, actor (Love Boat)
Ron Ely Hereford Tx, actor (Tarzan)
1947 --hmmm
Meredith Baxter-Birney Ca, actress (Family Ties)
Michael Gross Chicago Ill, actor (Family Ties)
Benazir Bhutto 1st female leader of a Moslem nation (Pakistan)
1st Protestant Episcopal parish in America established, Jamestown
US Constitution goes into effect as NH is 9th to ratify
Cyrus Hall McCormick patents reaping machine
Today the non-hostile Indians along the lower Rogue River, and at Fort Orford, in southwestern Oregon, are put on a boat to be moved to a new reservation between the Pacific Ocean, and the Wallamet River. It will be called the Grande Ronde Reservation.
Ten members of the Molly Maguires, a secret society of Irish immigrant coal miners, are executed for their roles in a violent coal strike in Pennsylvania.
F W Woolworth opens 1st store (failed almost immediately)
Hawaiian Red Cross founded
General Erwin Rommel takes control of British Allied garrison at Tobruk, Libya, taking more than 30,000 prisoners
Supreme Court rules ok to burn US flag as a political expression
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
Every answer in this puzzle is a hyphenated word or a familiar two[=word phrase that contains the consecutive letters N-E-W with N-E ending the first part and W starting the second
EX: Periodic oscillation in physics Answer: sine Wave
1. Street sign with an arrow
2. Common property barrier in New England
3. Riesling or Mosel e.g.
4. Famous old stock brokerage
5. Man who prefers to live and work by himself
6. Actress who won Oscar for “The Three Faces of Eve” and who married Paul Newman
7. To clean clothes, but not by hand
8. Noted African-American congresswoman from Ca
9. Female doctor in the old west
10. It hangs from pole to pole and carries messages.
1. One Way
2. Stone wall
3. Rhine wine or fine wine
4. Paine Webber
5. Lone wolf
6. Joanne Woodard
7. Machine wash
8. Maxine Waters
9. Medicine woman
10. Telephone wire
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About Me

- Retired, Not Dead
- Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
- I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.