FYI: Click on any blue text for a
link to more information!
♪Happy Birthday To: ♪
Today’s Historical Highlights
1541: Hernando de Soto
discovers Mississippi River
1792: British Capt George
Vancouver sights, names Mt Rainier, Wash
1792: US establishes military
1877: 1st Westminster Dog Show
1899: The Irish Literary
Theatre in Dublin opens
1921: Sweden abolished capital
1952: Mad Magazine debuts
1958: VP Nixon is shoved,
stoned, booed & spat upon by protesters in Peru
1967: Muhammad Ali is indicted
for refusing induction in US Army
1971: Joe Frazier beats
Muhammad Ali at Madison Sq Garden
1994: Pres Clinton announces
US will no longer repatriate boat people
Free Rambling
An interesting Monday. I
ran errands early this morning and found a couple of b-day presents for a
friend. A good day to out, but the smell from Purina was overwhelming near the
stores I was visiting. Then this afternoon everything clouded up and it looks
like snow…but it is not cold enough. Strange indeed.
I was just watching CNN
and several Republican Congressional candidates from the southern part of
America are campaigning with a line that Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery and ‘that
where there is smoke, there is fire.’ I still can’t understand why these
racists, who refuse to accept a bi-racial Black President of the US, are even
on the news. There are lots of crazies everywhere who don’t get on the news.
Game Center
(answers at the end of post)
Brain Game—A close up
picture of what?
NPR Sunday Puzzle
Complete a two-word
phrase with a word that starts with the third and fourth letters of the word
given to you. For example, given "baseball," the answer would be
"season," which starts with S-E, the third and fourth letters in
Riddle of the day
What walks all day on its head?
Anagram: unscramble—numbers represent the number of letters in
each answer word
Lifestyle Substance
Harper’s Index
Chances that a member of
a US corporation’s compensation committee is someone the CEO considers a
friend: 1 in 3
Found on You Tube
VE-day 8th May 1945
Planet Earth—
Confusius say: "man who run behind car get exhausted"..."man who run in front of car get tired"
Rules of Thumb
Easy shortcuts to make
an ‘educated’ guess
If you get rid of the 20 percent of your customers who cause 80 percent of your headaches, your profit will increase by 30 percent.
Yeah, It Really
NEW YORK — Russians prefer their Lay's potato chips dusted in caviar and crab flavors. The Chinese like their Oreos stuffed with mango and orange cream. And in Spain, Kellogg's All-Bran cereal is served floating in hot coffee instead of cold milk.Growth in the snack food industry has been virtually flat in the U.S. for the past two years, according to market research firm Euromonitor. Meanwhile, combined sales in China, Brazil and Russia — three major developing markets — rose 15 percent in 2010 and 11 percent last year to $17 billion. That's half the size of the U.S. market but it's growing.
Somewhat Useless
- Elektro, the world's first humanoid robot, debuted in 1939. Built by Westinghouse, the seven-foot-tall walking machine "spoke" more than 700 words. Elektro later appeared in the 1960 B movie Sex Kittens Go to College.
- Leonardo da Vinci drew up plans for an armored humanoid machine in 1495. Engineer Mark Rosheim has created a functional miniature version for NASA to help colonize Mars.
Calendar Information
…Happening This Week:
Anxiety & Depression Awareness
Be Kind To Animals Week
Dystonia Awareness Week
Children's Mental Health Week
Choose Privacy Week
Drinking Water Week
Flexible Work Arrangement Week
Goodwill Industries Week
International Wildlife Film Week
Kids Win Week
National Alcohol & Drug Related
Birth Defects Awareness Week National
National Family Week
National Hug Holiday Week
National Nurses Day and Week
National Occupational Safety &
Health Day
National Pet Week
National Raisin Week
National Wildflower Week
North American Occupational Safety
& Health Week
PTA Teacher Appreciation Week
Children's Book Week
Dating and Life Coach Recognition
National Correctional Officer's Week
National Stuttering Awareness Week
Teacher Appreciation Week
Work At Home Moms Week
Today Is
Have A Coke Day
National Teacher Day
No Socks Day
Red Cross / Red Crescent Day
Stay up All Night
Time of Remembrance &
Reconciliation for Those Who Lost Their Lives During the Second World War
V E Day World
Liberation Day (Czech
Republic-1945 at end of WWII)
Liberation Day (Slovakia-1945 at end of WWII)
Victory Day (France-1945 at end of WWII)
Yom Ha'Zikkaron (Israel - Remembrance Day from all wars)
Liberation Day (Slovakia-1945 at end of WWII)
Victory Day (France-1945 at end of WWII)
Yom Ha'Zikkaron (Israel - Remembrance Day from all wars)
Today’s Other Events
1521: Parliament of Worms
installs edict against Marten Luther
1660: English parliament
declares Charles Stuart to be King Charles II of England
1725: In one of the last
battles of Lovewell’s or Father Rasle’s War, Pigwacket Indians defeat a British
army under Captain John Lovewell at Fryeburg, Maine.
1784: Only known deaths by
hailstones in US (Winnsborough SC)
1820: The Mi’kmaq Acadia
First Nation reserve of Gold River is established in Nova Scotia. The Shubenacadie
First Nation reserve of Indian Brook #14 is also set up.
1846: 1st major battle of
Mexican War fought at Palo Alto Texas
1914: Paramount Pictures is
1946: The Estonian school
girls Aili Jõgi and Ageeda Paavel blow up the Soviet memorial that preceded the Bronze
Soldier in Tallinn
1958: Pres Eisenhower orders
National Guard out of Central HS, Little Rock
1961: 1st practical sea water
conversion plant-Freeport Texas
1966: Only HR ever hit out of Baltimore's Memorial
Park (Frank Robinson)
1968: Jim (Catfish) Hunter of Oakland pitches perfect
game vs Twins (4-0)
1976: The rollercoaster
Revolution (roller coaster), the first steel coaster with a vertical flip,
opens at Six Flags Magic Mountain
1980: World Health Organization announced
smallpox had been eradicated
2005: The new
Canadian War Museum opens, in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of V-E Day
2007: A new Northern
Ireland Executive is formed under the leadership of Ian Paisley of the
Democratic Unionist Party as First Minister and Martin McGuinness of Sinn Féin
as Deputy First Minister
2010: The last piece
of Yankee Stadium falls in the Bronx, New York, marking the end of the two year
demolition process
Today’s Birthdays
In their 80’s
In their 70’s
Dennis DeConcini,
(Sen-D-AZ, 1977-1995 ) is 75
In their 50’s
Alex Van Halen, Amsterdam
The Netherlands, Dutch drummer (Van Halen) is 59
In their 30’s
Remembered for being born on this day
Peter Benchley, NYC,
novelist (Jaws, The Deep), in 1940
Edward Gibbon, England,
historian (Decline & Fall of Roman Empire) in 1737
Thomas Hancock, founded
British rubber industry in 1786
Miguel Hidalgo y
Castilla, father of Mexican independence in 1753
Fulton J Sheen, El Paso
Ill, bishop (Life is Worth Living) in 1895
Today’s Obits
Peggy Cass, American
actress and comedian dies of heart failure in 1999 at 74
Joe DiMaggio, American
baseball player dies in 1999 at 84
Millard Fillmore, 13th
president (1850-53), dies of stroke in 1874 at 74
William Howard Taft, 27th
US pres (1909-13)/Chief Justice, dies in 1930 at 72
Brain Game: Close Up
Riddle of the day
A nail in a horseshoe
NPR Sunday Puzzle
Postage: stamp
Clerical: error
Liberty: bell
Straight: razor
Second: coming, cousin
Short: order
Silent: letter
Estate: tax
Intelligence: test
Pythagorean: theorem
Disclaimer: All opinions
are mine…feel free to agree or disagree.
All ‘data’ info is from
the internet sites and is usually checked with at least one other source, but I
have learned that every site has mistakes and sadly once out the information is
out there, many sites simply copy it and is therefore difficult to verify. Also
for events occurring before the Gregorian calendar was adopted [1582] the dates
may not be totally accurate.
And That Is All for Now ☺