Nov 22


Week: 48 Day: 326
Ave. Sky Cover:  5%Visibility: 10miles
Local Temp:   46°\ 23° Wind: 10mph\ Gusts: 20mph
High risk of fire Active fire: 333mi. \ Lightning: 1095mi.
Nov Averages: 51°\23° (3 days w/moisture)


Today’s Quote

Weekly Observations


Random Acts of Kindness Week Link 


National Farm-City Week


American Sand Sculpting Competition Link  


Church/State Separation Week
GERD Awareness Week
Geography Awareness Week
National Bible Week
National Family Week
National Game & Puzzle Week


Better Conversation Week

Daily Observations

Favorite Memes






Have a laugh

What is the similarity between a tooth & a tree?

Both have roots.



Coin-operated gaming devices in the late 1800s included games with large revolving wheels divided into color segments. Players wagered on which color the wheel would stop. They're considered the forerunners of modern slot machines, even though they didn't have reels. The first recognizably modern three-reel slot was the Liberty Bell, invented by Charles Fey in San Francisco in 1899. The machine was so popular that for many years all slot machines were referred to as bell machines.

The game of 21 got its common nickname, blackjack, from a practice in illegal casinos in the early 1900s. Some casinos paid a bonus if a two-card 21 was made up of an ace and jack of spades. Others paid bonuses if an ace of spades was accompanied by a jack of either clubs or spades. The black jack was the key to the bonus, and became the name of the game.


My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts

Chilly and breezy day. Glad I have no where to go today.

CU pulled of a win against the Washington Huskies yesterday. Good deal.

Something I’m thinking about:

Redefine the role of police in every community. Over the past few decades, police have been given lots of military equipment at no cost. At the same time, they have been responsible for more and more calls that could be better handled by social workers. The cry to ‘defund the police’ are missing the point. We need police to ‘serve and protect’ us. However the police are not just a catch-all profession for incidents better handled by other professionals.

The Focus trip to Jordan and Egypt is coming up soon. Those who are going on this adventure are getting excited. I know it will be another great adventure.

Peng Shuai, the teen Chinese tennis star, was seen in a recent video call with Olympic and Chinese officials. That is some good news.

Broncos have a bye this week. Cards are playing the Seahawks. Hoping for a Card victory.



Historical Events

1963 – President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas, Texas.

1934 "Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town" 1st heard on Eddie Cantor's show1940 – (fictional) The Justice Society met for the first time, DC Comics

1954 –The Humane Society of the United States was founded

1968 – The first airing of an interracial kiss took place on Star Trek between William Shatner (playing Captain Kirk) and Nichelle Nichols (playing Lieutenant Uhura)in an episode titled Plato’s Stepchildren.

2020 Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed gives Tigrayan forces 72 hours to surrender before the military begins offensive on regional capital of Mekelle


Birthdays Today







– Rodney Dangerfield, American comedian, actor, rapper, and screenwriter (died in 2004)

– Billie Jean King, American tennis player, and sportscaster

– Jamie Lee Curtis, American actress

– Mark Ruffalo, American actor, and activist

– Scarlett Johansson, American actress (Black Widow, Avengers)



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.