7 Feb



Flagstaff Today 57°: 22°  Week 6 Day 38

Air Quality: Fair Sunshine

Wind 6 mph Gusts 18 mph cool breeze

Active Fire: 68 miles away Risk of Fire: High

Nearest lightning: 1255 miles away

Feb Averages: Temps: 46°\20° Moisture: 4 Days 

Monthly Observations

Spay/Neuter Awareness Month
Spunky Old Broads Month 
Link  Link
Sweet Potato Month (see also November)

Wise Health Care Consumer Month
Worldwide Renaissance of the Heart Month
Youth Leadership Month

Weekly Observations


Women's Heart Week
World Interfaith Harmony Week


Freelance Writer Appreciation Week


Publicity for Profit Week
African Heritage & Health Week
Burn Awareness Week

Children's Authors & Illustrators Week


International Networking Week
National School Counseling Week

Pride in Foodservice Week Link 
Tax Identity Theft Week 

 Tinnitus Awareness Week Link 


Ambulatory Care Nurses Week Link


Children's Mental Health WeekLink  
PeriAnesthesia Nurse Awareness Week


US Nationals Snow Sculpting Days




Dump Your Significant Jerk Week


Solo Diners Eat Out Weekend


Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week  Link
Have A Heart for A Chained Dog Week   
National Marriage Week
Risk Awareness Week


Daily Observations

Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
Bubble Gum Day 
 "e" Day (math
Clash Day
Give Kids A Smile Day
Laura Ingalls Wilder Day
National Fettuccine Alfredo Day

National Periodic Table Day  Link
Rose Day
Wear Red Day
Working Naked Day
Wave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbor's Day 
Who Shall I Be Day

Today’s Quote                                                               



Today’s Memes





Thoughts for the day

A nice winter day. A  little concerned because some trees are starting to bud and that is way too early. I saw this on the internet machine: SNOW is an acronym for Something no one wants. Not true in the high desert.

I had lunch with Andy and Faith. Good food and great conversation. We all agreed that we are glad to be Federal retirees. Our conclusion was Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.

The current Tuba staff all got letters about deterred resignation, just like millions of other Federal employees. I can’t help but wonder if Sec. of Homeland Christie Noem is interested the Indian issues, since, while she was governor of SD she was banned from all Tribal land there during her tenure.


Mayan Culture of Mexico and beyond…

The Maya believed humans originated from clay.

According to Maya tradition, the Earth was first created, and then humans were constructed from wet clay. 

Like other ancient stories, the Maya tell the tale of a great flood that wiped all but a few humans off the Earth, which was the gods' attempt to start over in creating the perfect human.


Random Thoughts…

Useless Pronunciation: Y as in you


Janelle “Penny” Commissiong was the first black woman to hold the Miss Universe title. She won the title in 1977 at the Miss Universe pageant, which was held in the Dominican Republic.


Just once before I die, I want to know what it feels like to steal a freshly baked pie from someone’s windowsill.


Wall Street is called Wall Street because the settlers erected an actual wall to defend against Native Americans.


“Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.” – Bill Gates


Potato chips were invented in Saratoga Springs in 1853 by chef George Crum.


A group of Midges is called a Bite.


Fred Astaire – Real Name: Frederick Austerlitz

Origin of city nicknames…

Little Rock, Arkansas: ‘The Rock’

Little Rock gained its official name from a nearby rock formation that a French explorer reputedly named La Petite Roche back in 1722. Despite these rugged origins, Little Rock’s official nickname during the 19th century and first half of the 20th century was ‘The City of Roses’ thanks to a long tradition of civic gardening. In 2006, a local radio personality floated the idea of establishing a more contemporary nickname. Contenders included Rock City, Rocktown, and Southern Comfort but The Rock – simple and to the point – proved to be the forerunner as it was already being used by many residents.

Historic Events

Click here for the history on 7 Feb

Birthdays Returns tomorrow


…The End for today…



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.