16 Nov


November 2022

Daily Almanac for Flagstaff
Week 47 Day 320 \ Ave. Sky Cover 5% \ Visibility 10 miles Flagstaff Today 38° \13° 
Wind 12mph \ Gusts 19mph  Air Quality: Moderate\Low Risk of fire \ Nearest active fire 124mi \ Nearest Lightning 1510mi
Nov Averages for Flagstaff: 53° \ 23° (3 days of moisture)

Weekly Observations

World Antibiotic Awareness Week: 11-17
National Hunger & Homeless Awareness Week: 12-18 Link  
International Fraud Awareness Week: 12-18  
International Fraud Awareness Week: 12-18  Link   
National Cider Week: 12-19 
National Cider Week: 12-19 Link 
National Split Pea Soup Week: 12-18
National Split Pea Soup Week: 12-18 Link
National Nurse Practioner's Week: 12-18 Link  Link
Perioperative Nurse Week: 12-18 Link
Roc Your Moc Week: 12-18 Link  
World Kindness Week: 12-18  
World Kindness Week: 12-18  Link    
International Restorative Justice Week: 13-19 
International Restorative Justice Week: 13-19 Link 
National Global Entrepreneurship Week: 13-19  
National Global Entrepreneurship Week: 13-19  Link
American Education Week: 13-17 Link 

Daily Observations

Beaujolais Nouveau Day  Link
Children's Grief Awareness Day Link 
Educator For A Day 
Educator For A Day Link 
Great American Smokeout 
Great American Smokeout Link 
Have a Party With Your Bear Day
Have a Party With Your Bear Day
International Day for Tolerance 
National Button Day
National Check Your Wipers Day  Link
National Fast-Food Day
National Indiana Day
National Parental Involvement Day  Link
National Philanthropy Day Link
National Rural Health Day   Link
Teddy Bear Day (Historic)   Link
Use Less Stuff Day Link 
World Day of Prayer and Action for Children
World Day of Prayer and Action for Children Link
World Pancreatic Cancer Day Link  
World Philosophy Day
World Philosophy Day

My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts

Another cold night and still a little chilly today.

Biden needs to address the border crisis. The recent resignation only makes it more of a mess.  Ignoring it only makes it worse.

In AZ, we finally have a new governor as the race was called for the Dem. Katie Hobbs. The Republican was an election denier. Now to hope the Dem lead for AG holds. The fat lady is warming up her voice with the Dem having a slight lead.

This morning 2 Russian missiles hit in a small Polish town on the border with Ukraine. Two locals were killed. Now what?

Favorite Memes



Little known Native American History

If the only thing you knew about Native Americans came from Hollywood, you would be forgiven for assuming every tribe lived in teepees, but this is far from the truth. Native Americans were encompassed by many tribes who spoke different languages and had different cultures and ways of life. Many of the Plains Indians tribes lived in teepees, but the nations of the Iroquois nation lived in longhouses, while the tribes of the Mesa Verde region dwelled in cliffs, while the tribes in Taos lived in pueblos, a site which makes the area one of the top 16 American cities for history buffs. 

Meaning/history of a phrase

Be-all, end-all

William Shakespeare has made a huge contribution to the English language. He is credited for inventing numerous phrases and words. "Be-all, end-all" is one of them.

The phrase is used to describe a defining moment/the most important thing in a scenario. The playwright first used it when Macbeth was about to kill the king in his famous play 'Macbeth.'

Historical Events

1620 – British settlers found the first corn (maize) in North America, including Myles Standish and William Bradford, in Provincetown, Massachusetts.
1676 – First colonial prison was organized in Nantucket, Massachusetts. William Bunker was the first warden.
1801 – The first edition of the New York Evening Post was published. It is the US’ oldest continuously published daily newspaper.
1841 – The first patent (#2,359) for a US life preserver of cork was issued to Napoleon E. Guerin of New York City for his “Improvement in Buoyant Dresses or Life-Preservers.”
1855 – David Livingstone became the first European to see the Victoria Falls in what is now present-day Zambia-Zimbabwe.
1910 – The first American driver to exceed the speed of ‘a mile a minute’ (60 mph) was of A.C. Bostwick on the Ocean Parkway Racetrack in Brooklyn, New York.
1907 – Oklahoma became the United States’ 46th state.
1914 – The Federal Reserve Bank of the United States officially opened.
1938 – LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) was first synthesized by Swiss chemist Dr. Albert Hofmann at the Sandoz Laboratories in Basel, Switzerland.
1945 – Two new elements were announced in Chicago: americium (atomic number 95) and curium (atomic number 96).
1945 – United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) was founded.
1965 – Walt Disney launched Epcot Center: Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow.
1973 – President Richard Nixon signs the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act into law, authorizing the construction of the Alaska Pipeline.
2006 – Great Firewall of China began, giving the Chinese government much control over what its citizens could see online.

Birthdays Today

@89 – Burgess Meredith, American actor, singer, director, producer, screenwriter (d. 1997)
“Like the seasons of the year, life changes frequently and drastically. You enjoy it or endure it as it comes and goes, as it ebbs and flows.”– Burgess Meredith
72 – George S. Kaufman, American director, producer, playwright (d. 1961)
58 – Dwight Gooden, American baseball player
55 – Lisa Bonet, American actress, director
52 – Martha Plimpton, American actress
50 – Missi Pyle, American actress, singer
“I find more of an authenticity in people who are a little strange – so I really like characters who are just the tiniest bit weird. I find enormous comfort in that – someone who’s kind of normal just doesn’t feel as true.”– Missi Pyle
45 – Maggie Gyllenhaal, American actress, singer
38 – Gemma Atkinson, English model, actress
29 – Pete Davidson, American comedian, actor



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.