25 Feb


Flagstaff Today 63°: 29° Week 9 Day 56

Air Quality: Fair Sunshine

Wind 5 mph Gusts 9 mph

Active Fire: 788 miles away Risk of Fire: High

Nearest lightning: 1660 miles away

Feb Averages: Temps: 46°\20° Moisture: 4 Days 

Weekly Observations


Date (Fruit) Week


Bird Health Awareness Week Link  


National Eating Disorders Awareness Week


National Invasive Species Awareness Week Link 


Cornish Pasty Week  Link


International Energy Week Link

Daily Observations

Digital Learning Day 
National Chili Day
National Chocolate Covered Peanuts Day
National Clam Chowder Day

Paczki Day
Pancake Day 

Rubber Ducky Day Link 
World Spay Day USA

Today’s Quote                                                               


Today’s Memes




Thoughts for the day

I really enjoy the days with not a cloud in the sky. Our town is having another one today.

The government chaos continues. Since I’m retired, much of the chaos misses me personally. However, some of the chaos will be hitting many very soon. I hope we are all strong enough to survive this onslaught. 

Forgotten American Heros…

Ida B. Wells

Ida B. Wells was a fearless African American journalist and civil rights activist who fought against the lynching of black people in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Her investigative journalism brought attention to racial injustice, challenging power structures and advocating for change.

Wells’ unwavering commitment to truth and justice highlighted the need for equality and legal reform. Her legacy as a pioneering journalist and activist continues to inspire those who fight against racial oppression and seek social justice.

Common Misconceptions…

“People think because the average life span was between 30-40 years that everyone died in their 30’s, but that is more because the infant mortality rate was so high. If you lived past the age of 5 you were likely to have a normal life span compared to today.”

Random Thoughts…

Biggest film of 1975: Jaws (Horror) earned ~ $260,000,000

“We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.” – Aesop

We make fun of the spell check generation for not being able to spell, but we don’t make fun of people who can’t make a fire just because the world is full of lighters and ovens.

A group of Mallards (at rest) is called a Brace. A group of Mallards (in flight) is called a Sord.

Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliaphobia is the fear of long words.

A group of Eggs is called a Clutch.

Ginkgo trees are an ancient species, effectively identical to the ones that grew 270 million years ago.

Historic Events

Click here for the history on 25 Feb


Ric Flair, 7 Wrestler

Sean Astin, 54 Movie Actor

Rashida Jones, 49 Movie Actress

Chelsea Handler, 50 Comedian


Sally Jessy Raphael, 90, journalist, talk show host

@81 – Larry Gelbart, American author, screenwriter (d. 2009)

@78 – Tommy Newsom, American saxophonist, bandleader (d. 2007; cancer)

@78 – Herbert Manfred "Zeppo" Marx, American comedian and Brother (d. 1979; lung cancer)


@78 – Pierre-Auguste Renoir, French painter (d. 1919)

@77 – Bobby Riggs, American tennis player (d. 1995; prostate cancer)

@76 – Jim Backus, American actor (d. 1989; Parkinson’s)

@71 – John Foster Dulles, American statesman (d. 1959; cancer)

@58 – George Harrison, English singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer (d. 2001; cancers)

@48 – Enrico Caruso, Italian-American tenor (d. 1921; peritonitis)

…The End for today…



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.