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23, 2020 Week: 43 Day: 297 |
69°\ L 36°\Average Sky Cover: 10% |
Wind: 7mph\Gusts: 11mph |
lightning: 973mi.; active fire: 59mi |
Extreme Risk of Fire
Visibility: 10mi |
Record: 76°[2003] Record: 10°[1906] |
Averages: 63°\32° (4
days with moisture) |
Today’s Quote
The heart knows its reasons
Which reason does not know.
Blaise Pascal
Observations This Week
Bone and Joint Health National Awareness Week: 12-20 Link |
National School Bus Safety Week: 18-24 |
Food & Drug Interactions and Awareness Week: 17-24 |
National Teen Drivers Safety Week: 18-24 Link |
Bullying Bystanders Unite Week: 18-24 |
Rodent Awareness Week: 18-24 |
Freedom From Bullies Week: 18-24 |
Spiritual Care Week: 18-24 |
International Infection Prevention Week: 18-24 Link |
YWCA Week Without Violence: 18-24 Link |
National Business Women's Week: 18-24 Link |
Freedom of Speech Week: 19-25 Link |
National Character Counts Week: 18-24 |
Medical Assistants Recognition Week: 19-23 Link |
National Chemistry Week: 18-24 |
Mediation Week: 19-23 Link |
National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week:18-24 Link |
National Health Education Week: 19-23 Link |
National Forest Products Week: 18-24 |
National Nuclear Science Week: 19-23 |
National Friends of Libraries Week:18-24 |
International Dyslexia Association Reading Week: 21-24 |
National Pharmacy Week: 18-24 Link |
Red Ribbon Week: 23-31 Link |
Observations for Today
IPod Day
Day Link
National Mole Day Link
Depart from San Juan Capistrano Day
TechDay Link
TV Talk Show Host Day (Always on Johnny Carson's birthday)
My Rambling Thoughts
My computer is still feeling ill, not enough
to watch the debate tonight. Hoping for a good one, but not expecting very
much…the bar is now so low. I am so honored…Sen McSally, Joe Biden, Kamala
Harris, Barack Obama, the police benevolent society, and a couple of pollsters
have all called me this morning on my landline. I told them all to stop
calling, but they just kept talking like they couldn’t hear me. I hate election
saw a news story last night about the troubles in Nigeria. They have the SARS
police force that started out to stop drugs and corruption. Now they are a
force that simply arrests young people for dressing nicely or having an iPhone
and kills many of them. After lots of demonstrations they have been disbanded.
No cheers yet as the disbanded force has been rehired as SWAT teams doing the
same thing. So sad.
local paper has had lots of ‘stolen political signs’ every day in the paper,
much more than other political seasons. Turns out it is a felony to steal or
destroy such things. Our HOA does not allow any signage in our windows or front
area. A friend pointed out several things to me: This year the signs seem to be
only helping the political divide widen. Our democracy has always had secret
ballots, so why advertize and give up that secrecy. Grouping many signs in an
open lot can be a distraction to drivers. It is doubtful that these signs
change anyone’s vote. Signs are not cheap. Now ask who gains from all the
signs? Probably the sign maker is the only one.
Today’s Puzzle
Answer at the bottom of the page
science types walk into a bar. The first one says ‘Give me a glass of H2O.’ The
second one says ‘Give me an H2O, too. Which one dies?
Historical Events
when computer gets well
Birthdays Today
Returns when computer gets well.
Puzzle Answer
second guy because H2O is water, H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide and deadly when ingested.