Dec 17


Week: 51 Day: 351
Ave. Sky Cover:  15%Visibility: 10miles
Local Temp:   48°\ 122° Wind: 4mph\ Gusts: 11mph
Low risk of fire Active fire: 132mi. \ Lightning: 984mi.
Dec Averages: 43°\17° (5 days w/moisture)


Today’s Quote

Weekly Observations


Andisop (Meterological Fiddling)  Link


Human Rights Week


Gluten-free Baking Week Link 


Cookie Exchange Week


Christmas Bird Count Week: Link 


Halcyon Days





Daily Observations

Favorite Memes




Have a laugh

What is brown & sticky?

A stick.


Arizona Trivia

·        Out of all the states in the U.S., Arizona has the largest percentage of its land designated as Indian lands.

·        The Five C's of Arizona's economy are: Cattle, Copper, Citrus, Cotton, and Climate.

·        More copper is mined in Arizona than all the other states combined, and the Morenci Mine is the largest copper producer in all of North America.

·        Clark Gable and Carole Lombard, two of the most prominent movie stars of Hollywood's Golden Age, were married on March 18, 1939, in Kingman, Arizona.


My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts

 Sun shining and chilly.

The NAU Prof on Jeopardy is out, but left with $10,000

Yesterday’s phlebotomy went well. Total time-home to home: 1 hr, 10 min.

The wind on Monday night knocked out power to over 10,000 customers on the Navajo Rez…mostly from downed wires. Power was out for over 6 hours.

To help teachers, who still must buy many of their supplies, a South Dakota hockey team laid out a tarp on the ice, put several thousand one-dollar bills on the tarp and let 10 teachers pick up as much cash as they could.  The video went viral. Many posted that it was demeaning for teachers, others compared it to Squid Game. I agree that it raised awareness of school funding…I also find it demeaning.

Our retirement group had our weekly lunch at Olive Garden. Way too cold to be outside. The endless Soup, Salad, and Breadsticks filled us up nicely. Great conversation.



Historical Events

1843 – A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens was published.

1903 – The Wright brothers make the first controlled powered, heavier-than-air flight in the Wright Flyer at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.

1969 – Project Blue Book: The United States Air Force closed its study of UFOs.

2101 – The Arab Spring began

2014 – The United States and Cuba re-established diplomatic relations after severing them in 1961.


Birthdays Today

85 – Pope Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio), Argentinian priest, elected Pope 2013

75 – Eugene Levy, Canadian actor

@54 – Burt Baskin, co-founded Baskin-Robbins (d. 1967; heart attack)

46 – Milla Jovovich, Ukrainian-American actress

43 – Manny Pacquiao, boxer

35 – Emma Bell, American actress



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.