
Ø  Free Rambling Thoughts…
Our discussion group meets tonight so this will be an abbreviated version.

Lunch was really nice with my former colleagues. We caught up on lots of stuff. John is continuing his Comfort Care work. Amazing. He goes to homes of the ill and converses, does light house cleaning, and generally assists them with their needs. He is able to do all that with a smile and humor. It is something I know I could never do. Without people like him, these people would have to give up their homes and move to full care facilities. Some are just recovering from a surgery, some are just disabled in some way and some are in their last few months. Maree is still happy with her Kindergarten teaching. They had just returned from Pagosa Springs for a few days of rest and relaxation. Next month they head out to Oceanside CA for another week with two grandkids. Sounds like fun.

Another Red Flag day today, another day to dry out the forest at a rapid rate. I sure hope the monsoons get here soon. The latest fire in AZ is in Heber. That’s about 150 miles away, but Flagstaff go some of the smoke today. I couldn’t really smell it, but looking at the horizon in any direction showed the brown haze that Flagstaff is not used to. This fire is not as big as the others, but is still growing.

A Pulitzer Prize winning author came out today that he is undocumented. He came from the Philippines to the US at 12 to live with relatives. At 16 he took his green card to get a driver’s license. He was told his green card was a fake and not to come back. He got more forged documents, completed his education, got amazing jobs, and now is supporting the Dream Act. He said no matter what happens, he will always be an American in his heart. It turns out there are at least 66,000 illegals, from around the world, that have a Bachelor’s degree or higher. I certainly don’t want drug dealers or murderers or other criminals sneaking into the US to do their nasty business. However, there are many children who come just like this guy, not knowing they are illegal. They go to our schools, believe they are legal, get good jobs and benefit our country. It just doesn’t seem right that there is no way for these American educated adults to become citizens. Maybe this story will get out some better stories like this one.

Daybook Information…
…Happening This Week:
·        Universal Father's Week
·        US Open Golf Championship
·        Meet A Mate Week
·        Carpenter Ant Awareness Week
·        Watermelon Seed Spitting Week
·        National Mosquito Control Awareness Week
·        National Prevention of Eye Injuries Awareness
·        Fish Are Friends, Not Food! Week

ARRL (American Radio Relay League) Field Day
Great American Backyard Campout
Log Cabin Day
Bhutan: National Day
Mozambique: Independence Day (1975 from Portugal)
Slovenia: National Day
US: Virginia Ratification Day (17th state: 1788)



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.