The Cable Company Saga continues. I’m beginning to feel like Don Quixote. The Franchise Manager called me today regarding my complaint to the city. He was very sorry. He had listened to several of my calls and was very apologetic about the information I received and the lack of professionalism of call center people. He promised that measures had already been taken regarding their phone manners. Then when I asked when the glitch would be fixed, he had no answer. He claimed that he was awaiting a call from someone about it. He also promised to contact me weekly, via email to keep me updated on the progress of my—and now his--concern. All I could say was that I heard that from another manager back in April, and never got a call. I decided it was time to put it in writing. I sent a letter to the City and to NPG Cable regarding this issue. The letter contained some pretty heavy demands on NPG so I’ll see what happens.
I am wondering about this H1N1 virus. A friend of mine has a grandson in Kindergarten here in Flagstaff. School started the 13th. Like all classrooms, the teacher had sent a very cute letter home. The letter included a list of supplies needed for the classroom. My friend had no car, and just got paid, so I took her to the store to get the supplies and then to the school to drop them off. Every year, after about 2 weeks in school, kids get sick and so do teachers. This has been happening since schools first opened. Students from various homes bring in germs that other kids aren’t used to. Everyone is in a classroom most of the day, breathing each other’s germs. Runny noses, slight fevers, or stomach aches always keep kids home for a couple of days. Sometimes it even keeps teachers home. Well my friend came out of the school and said the teacher said that many kids in the class were absent because they had H1N1 and more were getting sick every day. Hmmmm. I am not at the school so I don’t really know, but my guess is that 1. the teacher is not a medical doctor, 2. that most, if not all, have not been tested to see if it is really H1N1, 3. that the teacher has very little basis for her conclusion. She did tell my friend that the school would be sending a letter home, sometime this week or next explaining what is going on and if they need to shut down the school. Fear is alive and well in the Flagstaff Public School System. If in fact there was a school wide outbreak, or even a classroom outbreak of H1N1, I’m sure the school would have already sent the letter, and would be taking necessary measures. It looks like anytime kids at school get sick, some adults will assume it is H1N1 and spread the fear.
Flagstaff started the month of September with rain. I had a nice little shower about 4:30am that woke me. Then another about 11am, and a third one about 2pm. None dropped very much moisture, but kept us cool. It was only 77° and we had a little breeze most of the day. It was mostly cloudy for most of the day. I do wish the clouds could just dump all their moisture.
Random Facts…
The Japanese Ice Cream Association promoted “raw horse flesh” ice cream in hopes that it would boost the popularity of ice cream!
Elvis Presley got a 'C' in his eighth grade music class.
Crazy Stuff in the News…
CHELSEA, Mass. – Police in Chelsea, Mass., say a bank robbery suspect was apprehended after being identified by her orange fingernail polish. A witness said the woman who made off with $450 in cash from the Sovereign Bank had nails coated with a bright burnt orange fingernail polish, The Boston Globe reported. The robber presented a note demanding money to a teller and left the scene after the bank employee complied, police said. Thanks to another witness who wrote down the license plate number of the fleeing robber’s vehicle, police quickly located their suspect. After tracing the license plate and locating the accompanying vehicle, police found their suspect, Margaret Christie, and her flashy fingernails, the Globe said.
September Month Long Observances
Apple Month…Be Kind to Editors & Writers Month…Children’s Good Manners Month…International People Skills Month…International Strategic Thinking Month…National Honey Month…National Preparedness Month…Pleasure Your Mate Month…Healthy Aging Month…National Hispanic Heritage Month…
Week of 1 Sep…
Self-University Week [to increase lifelong learning]—ideas at end of this blog
2 Sep Observances…
245 days so far this year…120 days remain in 2009
VJ Day—Victory in Japan from WWII
Acoma Pueblo: Feast Day of San Esteban del Rey
*Vietnam: National Day (independence from Japan and France (1945)
*Germany: Sedan Day (Sedantag) – traditional national German holiday that commemorates Prussia's victory over France in 1870, making the German Empire a reality.
*Transnistria: Independence day—1990 A non-recognized country in Eastern Europe
1839….. Henry George land reformer/writer (Progress & Poverty)
1850….. Eugene Field author/journalist (Little Boy Blue)
1884….. Frank Laubach Benton Pa, educator, taught reading through phonetics
1917….. Cleveland Amory writer
1918….. Allen Drury Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist: Advise and Consent
1951….. Mark Harmon actor
1964….. Keanu Reeves actor
1850….. Albert Spaulding baseball player/founded Spaulding sports company
1916….. Dorothy May Bundy-Cheney winner of more than 141 US tennis titles
1937….. Peter Ueberroth organized 1984 LA Olympics/baseball commissioner
1952….. Jimmy Connors tennis
1838….. Queen Lydia Kamekeha Liliuokalani last queen of Hawaii
1853….. Wilhelm Ostwald Germany, physical chemist (Nobel 1909)
1948….. Sharon Christa Corrigan McAuliffe teacher/astronaut (Challenger)
Events on this day…
31 -BC….. Battle of Actium; Octavian defeats Antony, becomes Emp Augustus
490 -BC….. Phidippides runs 1st marathon, seeking aid from Sparta vs Persia
1789….. US Treasury Department established by Congress
1864….. Union armies led by Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman occupy Atlanta.
1901….. VP Theodore Roosevelt advises, "Speak softly & carry a big stick"
1963….. Alabama Gov George C Wallace prevents integration of Tuskegee HS
2003….. Harley-Davidson is celebrating it's motorcycle's 100 birthday
Holy Mackerel….
1752,,,,, Last day of Julian calendar in Britain, British colonies
Show your command of the words ending 'air' clued below. Number of letters in word in parenthsis.
1. carnival (4)
2. The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical (4)
3. dwelling of a wild animal (4)
4. a natural talent (5)
5. illicit sexual relationship (6)
6. elongated cream puff (6)
7. make less effective (6)
8. luxury fiber from Angora goat hair (6)
9. cry of the unjustly treated (6)
10. abandon hope (7)
* Bonus: having a sophisticated charm (8)
^ Scroll down for answers
1. Fair
2. Hair
3. Lair
4. Flair
5. Affair
6. Éclair
7. Impair
8. Mohair
9. Unfair
10. Despair
*Bonus: debonair
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
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About Me

- Retired, Not Dead
- Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
- I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.