6 Mar



Flagstaff Today 58°: 24° Week 10 Day 65

Air Quality: Fair Partly Cloudy

Wind 7 mph Gusts 11 mph

Active Fire: 245 miles away Risk of Fire: Moderate

Nearest lightning: 1765 miles away

Mar Averages: Temps: 52°\24° Moisture: 4 Days 

Monthly Observations

National Pet Vaccination Month
National Snow Guards Safety Month 
National Social Work Month 
National Umbrella Month
National Women's History Month

Optimism Month
Pastor's Wife Appreciation Month 
Link  Link
Paws To Read Month
Play The Recorder Month
Poison Prevention Awareness Month

Weekly Observations


Hearing Awareness Week Link
National Cheerleading Week
National Write A Letter of Appreciation Week
National Ghostwriters Week
National Invest in a Veteran Week  
National Pet Sitters Week
Return The Borrowed Books Week
Universal Human Beings Week
Will Eisner Week
World Hearing Awareness Week

Telecommuter Appreciation Week
National Consumer Protection Week  
Celebrate Your Name Week
Consumer Protection Week
National Dental Assistants Recognition Week  

2-8 cont.

National Procrastination Week
National Schools Social Work Week  
National Words Matter Week 
No More Week  
Read an E-Book Week  
Save Your Vision Week  
Termite Awareness Week
Women in Construction Week  
Words Matter Week


Women of Aviation Worldwide Week

Orthodox Lent


National School Breakfast Week


Daily Observations

Day of The Dude Link
Dentist’s Day
Dress Day
Frozen Food Day
Nametag Day
National Dentist's Day 
Link Link  Link Link

National Dress Day  Link
National Frozen Food Day 
National Hospitalist Day 
National Salesperson Day 

Oreo Cookie Day
Slam The Scam Day  
Sofia Kovalevskaya Math Day 
World Book Day 

Today’s Quote                                                               


Today’s Memes




Thoughts for the day

A decent day. Preparing for snow on Thurs and Fri.

I did my grocery shopping today, just in case of big snowfall. All good.

I watched the Trump speech last night. Speaker Johnson had to kick out Congressman Green for lack of decorum. Trump laid out plans that will require lots of Congressional action. These joint speeches are always full of a President’s dream. It sounded like a nightmare for the middle and lower class. Our country used to believe that many things we do were expensive and necessary. Those days were not heard in this speech.

Mary has leg surgery tomorrow. I hope all goes well. Andy, Faith, and I will be having lunch at our favorite Chinse restaurant.


Forgotten American Heros…

Dr. Charles Drew

Dr. Charles Drew, a pioneering African American physician, revolutionized the field of blood transfusion and storage during the 20th century. His innovative techniques in blood plasma preservation saved countless lives during World War II.

Drew's contributions to medicine and science extend beyond his groundbreaking work; he challenged racial barriers and advocated for equal opportunities in the medical field.

His legacy as a trailblazer in healthcare and civil rights continues to inspire future generations of medical professionals.


Random Thoughts…

Biggest film of 1970: Love Story (Drama) earned ~ $106,000,000

A group of Mathematicians is called a Number.

Growing up, everyone was worried that “the powers that be” were going to microchip us. With the spread of smartphones, we microchipped ourselves.

Shaquille O’Neal only made one three-point shot during his entire career.

The word “Pokémon” is a contraction of the Japanese words, “Poketto” and “Monsut”, or “Pocket Monster” in English.

Six of the eight largest pyramidal buildings in the world are either in Mexico or Egypt.


Historic Events

Click here for the history on 6 Mar This one is a little long


78 – Kiki Dee, English singer-songwriter

78 – John Stossel, American journalist and author

77 – Stephen Schwartz, American composer and producer

62 – D.L. Hughley, American actor

57 – Connie Britton, American actress

53 – Shaquille O’Neal, American basketball player



@88 – Michelangelo, Italian painter and sculptor (d. 1564)

@36 – Cyrano de Bergerac, French author and playwright (d. 1655; falling beam)

@90 - Harriet Tubman Civil Rights Leader (d.1913)

@87 – Will Eisner, American illustrator publisher (d. 2005)

@86 – Ed McMahon, American comedian, game show host, and announcer (d. 2009)

@84 – Tom Foley, American lawyer and politician (d. 2013)

@78 – Marion Barry, American lawyer and politician (d. 2014; heart disease)

@70 – Bob Wills, American Western swing musician, songwriter, bandleader (d. 1975; pneumonia)

@55 – Elizabeth Barrett Browning English poet (d. 1861; genetic disease)

@52 – Lou Costello, American actor and comedian (d. 1959; heart attack)

@29 – Lucy Barnes, American writer (d. 1809)

…The End for today…



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.