Dec 13


Week: 51 Day: 347
Ave. Sky Cover:  5%Visibility: 10miles
Local Temp:   48°\ 19° Wind: 1mph\ Gusts: 4mph
Moderate risk of fire Active fire: 432mi. \ Lightning: 1445mi.
Dec Averages: 43°\17° (5 days w/moisture)


Today’s Quote


Weekly Observations


Andisop (Meterological Fiddling)  Link


Human Rights Week


Gluten-free Baking Week Link 


Cookie Exchange Week

Daily Observations 

Favorite Memes






Have a laugh

What did the mushroom say to the bouncer?

Let me in ‘cause I'm a fungi.



George Washington was our first President. We all just naturally assume that George was number one. Except maybe not. Maybe he was ONE of the firsts. During the American Revolution, several presidents were elected by the Continental Congress, the first being Peyton Randolph, who created the Continental Army. Thomas Mifflin, who was president between 1783 and 1784, oversaw the ratification of the Treaty of Paris. John Hancock, who became more famous for signing the Declaration of Independence, was the president between 1785 and 1786. George Washington was our first president to be elected by the people, but technically speaking, he was our 15th president.


My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts

 A cool, nice day.

I did some laundry while watching my Sunday news programs.

I’ll listen to the Bronco’s game on the internet machine and watch the Cards play tonight.

Tornados are no longer just in tornado alley. Climate change to blame. Sad.

Turns out Tucker Carson is often touted on Soviet TV to show the disapproval of Bodem in the US.



Historical Events

1294 – Saint Celestine V resigned from the papacy after only five months to return to his previous life as an ascetic hermit.

1962 – NASA launched Relay 1, the first active repeater communications satellite in Earth orbit.

1972 – Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt began the third and final extra-vehicular activity (EVA) or “Moonwalk” of Apollo 17.

1991 – North and South Korea officially ended their war. (Fighting stopped in 1953)

2018 Apple announces new $1 billion campus in Austin, Texas and expansion in other US cities


Birthdays Today

96 – Dick Van Dyke, American actor, singer, and dancer

@91 – Christopher Plummer, Canadian actor (d. 2021)

80 – John Davidson, American actor, and game show host

73 – Ted Nugent, American singer-songwriter

71 – Wendy Malick, American actress

64 – Steve Buscemi, actor

@63 – Mary Todd Lincoln, 16th First Lady (d. 1882; stroke)

54 – Jamie Foxx, American actor, and comedian

32 – Taylor Swift, American singer-songwriter



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.