It was another hot one here in our little mountain town. Again, my deck went to 90°. It did spit some moisture a couple of times today. Not enough to cool us off very much. The spitting certainly raised the humidity. I can hardly complain, since Phoenix hit 115°.
I made it to the traveling Viet Nam Wall today. I must say, I didn’t know what to expect, nor was I ready for what I saw. First there was a constant flow of people in front of the memorial. People had left pictures, letters, and flowers at many of the panels. Then there were the tears. People standing at the panel, tissues and tears flowing. One guy my age was knelt in front of a panel, with a younger man patting his shoulder…both saying ‘gone too soon’ over and over. A woman, the older guy’s wife, I assume, stood in silence, tears flowing and lip quivering. There were several Native families at the wall. Standing respectfully in front of different panels. Mourning in their own privacy.
I did not know anyone who died in that war. I know families on the Rez who lost relatives, long before I arrived. At Tuba, I organized several Veterans remembrances. One year we had families bring in photos of family members who had served. We decorated a big former dorm living room in Red White and Blue, and had them put the photos on tables. Students in various classes studied the history of Veteran’s Day. They made class signs, listing their relatives who had served. People flowed though that exhibit for two days. People were very moved. Another year, on Flag Day, during summer school, we invited local military people, had the High School band playing patriotic music, staff also played some tunes, a few family members spoke, and at the end, the High School ROTC marched around the campus with the American flag, Navaho Nation Flag, AZ state flag and all the Branches of Service flags. all the staff, students, and visitors followed behind. We had a great sound system and played loud patriotic music as everyone marched around the campus. The PD even stopped traffic on Main Street as we walked down the sidewalk. Then many of the Vets went to classrooms to talk to students about their lives in and out of the military. Our school got lots of kudos and a few tears for that.
I mention the Tuba experience because of the years I spent there, and what I learned about military service from them. I arrived on the Rez one year after Kent State and campus demonstrations against the war. I was certainly in the minority on the Rez for being anti-war. I recall the day the war ended. I was teaching 4th grade when we got the news. I was very excited that killing would finally stop. When I told my class, questions were raised. Not what I expected…Does that mean my ____ [brother, uncle, cousin] is coming home? How soon will they be back? For me, this really brought the war right to my doorstep.
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Random Fact
Three Mile Island is only 2 1/2 miles long.
July is…
…Air Conditioning Appreciation Month…Blueberries Month…Cell Phone Courtesy Month…Family Reunion Month…Herbal/Prescription Awareness Month…Nat’l Doghouse Repair Month…Nat’l Grilling, Nat’l Hot Dog, Nat’l Horseradish, and Nat’l Ice Cream Month…Smart Irrigation Month…Social Wellness Month…Tour de France Month…Women’s Motorcycle Month…
Week of July 12
National Farriers Week [People who make horseshoes]
Sinclair Lewis Week
July 12—193 days so far this year…172 days remain in 2009
*Kiribati: Independence Day [equatorial Pacific Island chain]
*Northern Ireland, Labrador & Newfoundland: Orangemen’s Day
*Sao Tome & Principe: Independence Day [Island off Western Equatorial Africa
100 –BC
Julius C‘sar Roman Emperor
Josiah Wedgewood England, pottery designer/manufacturer
Henry David Thoreau Concord Mass, naturalist/author/pacifist
George Eastman Waterville NY, invented Kodak camera
George Washington Carver studied the peanut
Oscar Hammerstein II NYC, lyricist who worked with Richard Rodgers
R Buckminster Fuller architect (invented geodesic dome)
Milton Berle Harlem NYC, comedian
‘Curly’ Joe DeRita (Joseph Wardell) comedian: The Three Stooges
Harvey Lavan "Van" Cliburn Jr La, pianist
Bill Cosby Philadelphia, actor/comedian
Richard Simmons exercise guru
Cheryl Ladd Huron SD, actress
Kristi Yamaguchi Olympic gold medalist
Jews are expelled from England by order of King Edward I
Orangeman's yearly celebration (The battle of the Orange) - Actually "Battle of the Boyne" ( 1 July 1690), when Protestant had victory in Ireland
A part of a legislative bill allocates $500 to Dartmouth College, in New Hampshire, to be dedicated to the education of Indian youth.
1st flower show held (Dannybrook, County Cork, Ireland)
16th Amendment approved (power to tax incomes)
Babe Ruth makes his baseball debut, pitches for the Red Sox
Congress passes 1st minimum wage law (33 cents per hour)
1st President to fly in helicopter-Dwight Eisenhower
The first Etch-A-Sketch went on sale
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
For each description below, name an appropriate celebrity whose name can be found among the letters in that description. Lengths of the answers are provided.
EX: Author--4
Answers: ROTH
1. Consumer advocate—5
2. Writer/feminist—7
3. Map creator—8
4. Court justice—6
5. Tennis champion—4
6. Fashion designer—4
7. Sportscaster—6
8. Dance artist—7
9. Lovelorn advisor—7
10. Soprano--4
• Bonus: novelist--5
1. [Ralph] NADER
2. [Gloria] STEINEM
3. [Gerhardus] MERCATOR
4. [David] SOUTER
5. [Arthur] ASHE
6. [Christian] DIOR
7. [Bob] XOSTAS
8. [Fred or Adele] ASTAIRE
9. [Ann] LANDERS
10. [Lily] PONS
* Bonus: [Ira] LEVIN or [Irving] STONE
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About Me

- Retired, Not Dead
- Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
- I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.