12 Mar



Flagstaff Today 51°: 26° Week 11 Day 71

Air Quality: Fair Sunshine

Wind 10 mph Gusts 16 mph

Active Fire: 49 miles away Risk of Fire: Very Low

Nearest lightning: 2429 miles away

Mar Averages: Temps: 52°\24° Moisture: 4 Days 

Weekly Observations


Orthodox Lent




Campfire USA Birthday Week
Teen Tech Week
Girl Scout Week
National Patient Safety Awareness Week


Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Week Link


International Water Week   Link
International Brain Awareness Week


Bar Crawl Week Link


Turkey Vultures Return to the Living Sign

Daily Observations

Alfred Hitchock Day Link
Baked Scallops Day
Girl Scout Birthday Day 
National Equal Pay Day ?  

Plant a Flower Day
Registered Dietitian Day 
Sterile Packaging Day
Working Moms Day

Today’s Quote                                                               


Today’s Memes





Thoughts for the day

Sunshine and warmth. It’s a great day.

I wish that Speaker Johnson was speaking the whole truth when he talks. His recent speech on the Continuing Resolution sounded great…just doesn’t match the fact that everyone hears.

Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ) made a trip to Ukraine. He came back with some sobering information. Unelected immigrant Elon Musk decided it was a good time to call him a traitor. He gave no information that led him to that conclusion. Musk may be rich, but should not be calling our Senator a traitor with no proof. I’m sick of this kind of politics.

Symbols of USA and their hidden meaaning…

The Statue of Liberty

Standing tall in New York Harbor, the Statue of Liberty is a beacon of hope and freedom. Gifted by France, Lady Liberty symbolizes the democratic ideals shared by both nations.
She welcomes immigrants with open arms, representing the promise of a new beginning. Her torch, a symbol of enlightenment, and the tablet inscribed with the date of the American Declaration of Independence, speak to the nation's commitment to liberty and justice.
This iconic statue has witnessed countless stories of hope and aspiration, as newcomers arrived in search of the American Dream. Her presence on Liberty Island is a reminder of the values that define the United States.

Random Thoughts…

§ Portia De Rossi – Real Name: Amanda Lee Rogers

§ John Wayne actually went bald in the 1940s and wore a hairpiece throughout his career.

§ As a child, Audrey Hepburn was a courier for resistance fighters in Holland during World War II.

§ Antarctica is the largest desert on earth.

§ Marie Curie – Real Name: Manya Sklodowska

§ The British Royal family is named after Windsor Castle, not the other way around.

§ Every year in the US, over 600 people are struck by lightning.

Historic Events

Click here for the history on 12 Mar


92 – Barbara Feldon, American actress 79 – Liza Minnelli, American actress, singer and dancer
78 – Mitt Romney, American businessman and politician
77 – James Taylor, American singer-songwriter
68 – Marlon Jackson, American singer-songwriter, Jackson 5
65 – Courtney B. Vance, American actor
63 – Darryl Strawberry, American baseball player
56 – Jake Tapper, American journalist
41 – Jaimie Alexander, American actress


@87 – Harry Harrison, American author and illustrator (d. 2012)

@76 – Al Jarreau, American singer (d. 2017; respiratory failure)

@64 – Gordon MacRae, American actor and singer (d. 1986; mouth cancer)

@58 – W.H.R. Rivers, English anthropologist, neurologist, ethnologist, psychiatrist (d. 1922; hernia)

@47 – Jack Kerouac, American author and poet (d. 1969; liver damage)

…The End for today…



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.