Oct 20


Week: 43 Day: 293
Ave. Sky Cover:  5%\Visibility: 10 miles
Local Temp:   52°\ 29° Wind: 8mph\ Gusts: 15mph
Moderate risk of fire Active fire: 132mi. \ Lightning: 965mi.
Oct Averages: 63°\32° (4 days w/moisture)


Today’s Quote


Weekly Observations



Bone and Joint Health National Awareness Week Link


Food & Drug Interactions and Awareness Week








Bullying Bystanders Unite Week:
Freedom From Bullies Week
International Infection Prevention Week 
National Business Women's Week   
National Character Counts Week  
National Chemistry Week 

National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week 
National Forest Products Week 
National Friends of Libraries Week:17-23 
National Pharmacy Week 
National School Bus Safety Week 
National Teen Drivers Safety Week 
Rodent Awareness Week 
Spiritual Care Week
Veterinary Technicians Week 


Medical Assistants Recognition Week Link
National Health Education Week
National Nuclear Science Week


YWCA Week Without Violence Link 


Career in Energy Week
Freedom of Speech Week

Mediation Week Link  


International Dyslexia Association Reading Week


Sukkot (Jewish)


Daily Observations





Favorite Memes







My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts



Did my weekly run to Sam’s Club. Picked up what I needed, didn’t look around much. Lots of people there. Fall weather prevails.

The Haiti gang that kidnapped the missionaries, including children, wants a $17million ransom. There have been over 620 kidnappings by this group sine January. Most have been Haitians. Tough call for sure.

A 900-year-old Crusader’s sword has been found in the waters off Israel. WOW!

Today is my brother’s 70th birthday. I’ll call him to wish him a happy one.

Our HOA has designated an area around the parking lot as a ‘commons area’. It is trees and weeks with a drainage area. Many residents let their pets ‘use’ the area for their business. Not everyone picks up the solid waste left by the pets. Yesterday we all got a note from the HOA telling us to pick up after the pets or face a stiff fine including a fee per pet on the HOA bill. Months ago, they put up several poles with small bags to pick up the mess. They added that unleashed pets would also pay a fine. I get that it is a problem. Anyone who has lived here know they can’t enforce it. To be honest, I don’t walk in the commons area, as I see how many dogs and cats urinate on the dirt. I’m tempted to dig up some of the soil and have it analyzed, but that would only hurt the pet owners.




Historical Events



1786 Harvard University organizes 1st astronomical expedition in US

1822 1st edition of London Sunday Times

1955 – The Return of The King, the third book of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, was released.1973 – Australia’s Sydney Opera House opened.

1982 – 340 fans were killed at a game between the Soviet and Dutch soccer teams. Details were not released until years later

1990 Antiwar protest marches begin in 20 US cities (US-Iraq)

2020 Vietnam suffers its worst floods in decades with over 100 people killed according to the Red Cross


Birthdays Today




1882 – Margaret Dumont, American actress (died in 1965)

@73 – Bela Lugosi, Hungarian-American actor (d, 1956; heart attack)

@82 – Art Buchwald, American journalist (d. 2007)

@85 – Joyce Brothers, American psychologist and author (d. 2013)

@63 – Mickey Mantle, Baseball star (d. 1995; cancer)

@69 – Jerry Orbach, American actor, and singer (d. 2004; cancer)

@66 – Tom Petty, singer-songwriter (d. 2017; OD)

57 – Kamala Harris, VP

63 – Viggo Mortensen, American-Danish actor

50 – Snoop Dogg [Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr.], American rapper

42 – John Krasinski, American actor





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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.