Ø Free Rambling Thoughts…
Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers. My own dad did some pretty amazing things during his 80 years. He’s been gone since 1994, but his impact on my brother and I lives on.
This will be short today. Our discussion group meets tonight and I have spent the day outside, so don’t have much time. We are discussion Multilateralism. An interesting discussion on various topics like Nuclear Nonproliferation, the world economy, etc. It is so easy for the ‘haves’ to tell the ‘have nots’ what they should do. Hopefully our discussion will spend time of how to listen to the ‘have nots’ before doing what the ‘haves’ think should be done. We all know that force never works. We are slowly learning that nothing works until the receivers want it.
We did have another Red Flag Day. Hopefully there are no fires. Amazing that the local fire fighters are still finding idiots who start campfires. They just don’t get it. Thankfully those campfires, on a Red Flag day were quickly extinguished by our alert fire fighters.
Ø Daybook Information…
…Happening This Week:
· Universal Father's Week
· US Open Golf Championship
· Meet A Mate Week
· Carpenter Ant Awareness Week
· Emancipation Day or Juneteenth: end of slavery in TX in 1865
· Family Awareness Day
· Father's Day
· Garfield the Cat Day
· Husband Caregiver Day
· "War is Hell" Day
· World Sickle Cell Day
· World Sauntering Day