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Almanac: Week: 19 \ Day: 127
May Averages: 68°\35°
86004 Today: H 65°\L 36° Average Sky Cover: 30% 
Wind ave:   12mph\Gusts:  22mph
Ave. High: 64° Record High:  81° (1989) Ave. Low: 32° Record Low:  15° (1938)
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Observances Today:
Beaufort Scale Day             Cosmopolitan Day
Join Hands Day                  Mother Ocean Day
National Babysitters Day  National Barrier Awareness Day
National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day
National Day of Prayer      National Day of Reason
National Day to Prevent Teen & Unplanned Pregnancy
National Homebrew Day   National Roast Leg of Lamb Day
National Tourism Day        Paste Up Day
Spring Astronomy Day       World Fair Trade Day
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Observances This Week:
1-7 Choose Privacy Week

2-10 National Tourism Week

3-9 Be Kind To Animals Week           National Anxiety & Depression Awareness Week 
Children's Mental Health Week                   National Correctional Officer's Week
Dating and Life Coach Recognition Week  National Family Week
Drinking Water Week                                  National Hug Holiday Week
Dystonia Awareness Week                          National Pet Week 
Flexible Work Arrangement Week               National Post Card Week
Goodwill Industries Week                           National Raisin Week 
Kids Win Week                                  NAOSH Week                                             

Public Service Recognition Week     
National Alcohol & Drug Related Birth Defects Awareness Week


Children's Book Week                                PTA Teacher Appreciation Week
National Occupational Safety & Health Week       Screen-Free Week Screen-Free Week 
National Small Business Week                             Teacher Appreciation Week     
National Wildflower Week

6-12 National Nurses Day and Week    

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Quote of the Day 

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US Historical Highlights for Today
1700 - William Penn began monthly meetings for blacks advocating emancipation
1718 - The city of New Orleans was founded by Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne de Bienville
1789 - First US Presidential inaugural ball (for George Washington in NYC)
1800 - Indiana Territory organized
1888 - George Eastman patents "Kodak box camera"
1904 - Flexible Flyer trademark registered
1928 - Pulitzer prize awarded to Thornton Wilder for (Bridge of San Luis Rey)
1934 - Pulitzer prize awarded to Sidney Kingsley (Men in White)
1945 - WWII: unconditional German surrender to the Allies signed
1945 - Pulitzer prize awarded to John Hersey (Bell for Adano)
1951 - Pulitzer prize awarded to Conrad Richter (The Town)
1956 - Pulitzer prize awarded to Frances Goodrich & Albert Hackett
1959 - Kitt Peak planned to install a solar telescope in AZ
1962 - Pulitzer prize awarded to Theodore H White (Making of President 1960)
1973 - According to the FBI, at 10:19 AM this morning, the occupation of
  Wounded Knee ended The occupation started on February 27, 1973
1973 - Pulitzer prize awarded to Eudora Welty (Optimist's Daughter)
1974 - Pulitzer prize awarded to Robert Lowell (Dolphin)
1994 - Denver Nuggets become NBA's 1st #8 seed to beat a #1 seed (Seattle)
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Today’s World Events through History
1429 - English siege of Orleans broken by Joan of Arc and the French army
1928 - The United Kingdom lowers age of women voters from 30 to 21
1934 - World's largest pearl (64 kg) found at Palawan, Philippines
1946 - Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering (later renamed Sony)
  is founded with around 20 employees
2007 - The tomb of Herod the Great is discovered
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Birthdays Today:
How many can you identify? Answers below in Birthday’s Today

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My Rambling Thoughts
Nice mid-week day. A little windy, but still nice.
Ran errands most of the morning, then relaxed in the afternoon.
Having lunch in Williams tomorrow, and a visit to Bearazona. Nice!
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Brain Teasers
(answers at the end of post)
Can you figure out the famous quote below? 

Aye, dame, I am befuddled. But in the forenoon I will be clear-headed and you will still be unsightly.

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Found on You Tube with some relevance to today
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…Cat Facts…
The cat featured in the popular internet meme "grumpy cat" has a permanently grumpy face is due to feline dwarfism. Her real name is Tardar Sauce.

Cats sleep for 70% of their lives.

…Cool Facts…
In 2010, George Lucas said "I am dedicating the majority of my wealth to improving education. It is the key to the survival of the human race." Two years later, Lucas sold Lucasfilm Ltd. to Disney for 4.05 billion dollars and is donating the majority of the proceeds to a charity that focuses on education.

In the Victorian era, they had special tea cups that protected your moustache from getting dunked in your tea.

There is a prison in Brazil that allows inmates to pedal stationary bicycles, providing electricity to a nearby city in exchange for reduced sentences.

…Flagstaff, AZ History…
50 YEARS AGO-1965
~Lake Mary has topped the 3 billion gallon mark!
~There’s a 30-acre black spot near the summit of Agassiz summit. The Geological Survey says this was not caused by an avalanche but is an area that has melted more quickly due to some kind of internal heat. Bob Sutton and Joe O’Conner of the USGS says this “Black Spot” has appeared several times during the past 15 years.

…Harper’s Index…
3,000--Estimated number of times SWAT teams deployed in the US in 1980
60,000--In 2013
4.5--Average number of SWAT raids carried out per day in Maryland since 2009

…100 People…
If the World were 100 PEOPLE:
60 Asians
15 Africans
14 people from the Americas
11 Europeans

…Murphy’s Real Laws…
6.     I just got lost in thought.     It was unfamiliar territory.

7.     When the chips are down the buffalo is empty.

…Unusual Fact of the Day…
While Stephen King sets many of his stories in Maine, the state actually has the lowest violent-crime rate in the U.S.
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2 jokes for the day
"I've never flown before," said the nervous old lady to the pilot. "You will bring me down safely, won't you?" 

"All I can say ma'am," said the pilot, "is that I've never left anyone up there yet!"
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A married couple, both 60 years old, were celebrating their 35th anniversary. 
During their party, a fairy appeared to congratulate them and grant them each one wish. 
The wife wanted to travel around the world. The fairy waved her wand and *poof* -- the wife had tickets in her hand for a world cruise. 
Next, the fairy asked the husband what he wanted. He said, "I wish my wife was 30 years younger than me." 
So the fairy picked up her wand and *poof* -- the husband was 90.

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Yep, It Really Happened
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (UPI) - Police in Florida said a man fell 30 feet into Tampa Bay while he was attempting to change a tire on the Sunshine Skyway Bridge. The St. Petersburg Police Department said Reginald White, 43, of Bradenton, was driving a sport-utility vehicle Sunday night with two passengers when a tire blew out on the bridge around 9:20 p.m. Police spokeswoman Yolanda Fernandez said White was attempting to change the tire and tripped over the thigh-high wall when he walked backward to avoid traffic. White suffered only minor injuries in his fall and was able to cling to a piling until he was fished out of Tampa Bay by a Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission crew. He was taken to Bayfront Health St. Petersburg for treatment. The Florida Highway Patrol is investigating the incident.        
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Somewhat Useless Information
Currently, nuclear waste in the United States is stored in cooling pools of water and in dry storage casks at nuclear power plants. The United States government, however, hopes to bury its waste deep underground at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Nevadans and surrounding states have protested this proposal.

The United States has 71,862 tons of nuclear waste. Waste can stay dangerous for tens of thousands of years. The industry's nuclear pile of waste is growing about 2,200 tons a year. Some waste sites contain four times the amount of spent fuel they were designed to handle.

The first nuclear-powered surface vessel was the Russian icebreaker Lenin. The largest nuclear powered surface ship is the 1,122-foot-long USS Enterprise, which was launched in 1960. It is the longest naval vessel in the world and has eight reactors driving four propellers. It is still active.

The U.S.S. Nautilus was the first nuclear-powered submarine and was put to sea in December 1954. Named after the submarine in Jules Verne's Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, she was the first vessel to travel submerged under the North Pole, on August 3, 1958. She was decommissioned in 1980 and has been preserved as a National Historic Landmark.

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Birthday’s Today
83 - Pete Domenici, Republican senator from New Mexico
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Remembered for being born today
Darren McGavin, Spokane Wash, actor (Night Stalker) 1922-2006@83 
Edwin Land, inventor (instant photography (Polaroid)) 1909-1991@81 
Jimmy Ruffin, soul singer (What Becomes of the Brokenhearted) 1936-2014@78
Robert Browning, poet (Pied Piper) 1812-1899@77 
Teresa Brewer, Toledo Ohio, singer (Put Another Nickel In) 1931-2007@76
Johnny Unitas, NFL QB (Balt Colts, San Diego) 1933-2002@69 
Johannes Brahms, Hamburg Germany, composer1833-1897@63 
Anne Baxter, actress (Myra-Marcus Welby, Victoria-Hotel) 1923-1985@62 
Gary Cooper, Montana, actor (2 Acad Awards) 1901-1961@60 
Robert Hegyes, NJ, actor (Welcome Back Kotter) 1951-2012@60
Tim Russert, host of NBC's Meet the Press 1950-2008@58
- Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Votkinsk, Russia, composer 1840-1893@53 
Totie Fields, American comedienne 1930-1978@48
Eva Perón [Evita], Argentine First Lady and actress1919-1952@33 
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Historical Obits Today
Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., American actor-2000@90
Eddie Rabbitt, American musician, lung cancer-1998@56
Seve Ballesteros, Spanish golfer, brain cancer-2011@54
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Brain Teasers Answers
Yes, madam, I am drunk. But in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly.

This humorous quote was furnished by Winston Churchill (1874-1965), British prime minister and author.

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Disclaimer: All opinions are mine…feel free to agree or disagree.
All ‘data’ info is from the internet sites and is usually checked with at least one other source, but I have learned that every site contains mistakes and sadly once the information is out there, many sites simply copy it and is therefore difficult to verify. Also for events occurring before the Gregorian calendar was adopted [1582] the dates may not be totally accurate.
§…And That Is All for Now…§


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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.