June 16



Daily Almanac for Flagstaff
Week 25 Day: 167 \ Ave. Sky Cover: 60% \ Visibility: 10 miles Flagstaff Today 85° \45° 
Wind: 1mph \ Gusts: 5mph  Air Quality: POOR
Extreme Risk of fire \ Nearest active fire: 5mi \ Nearest Lightning: 464mi
June Averages for Flagstaff: 80° \ 43° (1 day of moisture)

Today’s Quote

Weekly Observations

Thru Sep.5
National Marina Days (From Memorial Day to Labor Day)  Link

US Police and Fire Championships Link

National Automotive Service Professionals Week
National Flag Week
National Pet Wedding Week   Link
National Right of Way Professionals Week Link 
National Waste & Recycling Workers Week Link 
Men's Health Week: 13-19 Link  

National Hermit Week

Meet A Mate Week
US Open Golf Championship

Royal Ascot Link

Learning Disabilities Week

Duct Tape Days Link 

Daily Observations

My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts

There is no wind today…that means our town is very smoky. Our air quality is POOR. This was not unexpected but still very bothersome. The good news is that the Pipeline fire is 31% contained. The Haywire and Double fire joined to be the Haywire Complex fire and it is 21% contained. Planes can continue flying throughout the day as the wind is not an issue. I have several friends who have been evacuated but none have lost property. They are just starting to lift evac orders for some areas. Things are looking up.

I have to say I expected more from the Biden administration. Inflation and gas prices are hurting everyone. Mass shootings have only increased. If something doesn’t change very soon, the Dems are going to get creamed in the November midterms. Many of the winning Republicans in the primaries across the country want to return Trump to the presidency, but any means possible. I learned a long time ago you can never go back because people remember the good from the past and gloss over the bad. I still want to see a better world than yesterday,

Favorite Memes





Everyday Phrases with a Dark Meaning

Be-all, end-all

William Shakespeare has made a huge contribution to the English language. He is credited for inventing numerous phrases and words. "Be-all, end-all" is one of them.

The phrase is used to describe a defining moment/the most important thing in a scenario. The playwright first used it when Macbeth was about to kill the king in his famous play 'Macbeth.'

US Flag Myths

Myth #10: The flag must always be folded into a triangle for storage

Folding a flag into a triangle for storage, with only the blue union and stars visible, is part of tradition, said Hendricks, not a requirement of the Flag Code. Flags on a staff are properly stored in an entirely different manner that doesn't involve folding.

"Flags that are affixed to a staff are typically rolled around the staff and then a burlap case is placed over the flag and staff,” he said. “So, at that point, you can handle it like luggage. It's been properly stored." 

Historical Events

Ë  1816 – Lord Byron read ‘Fantasmagoriana’ to his four house guests – Percy Shelley, Mary Shelley, Claire Clairmont, and John Polidori, and inspired his challenge that each guest to write a ghost story.
Ë 1858 – Abraham Lincoln gave his “a house divided against itself cannot stand” speech.
Ë 1884 – The first public roller coaster, LaMarcus Adna Thompson’s “Switchback Railway” (patent #310,966) opened in New York’s Coney Island amusement park.
Ë 1893 – Cracker Jack, invented by R.W. Rueckheim, was introduced at the World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago’s World Fair.
Ë 1903 – The Pepsi-Cola Co. registered the Pepsi-Cola trademark.
Ë 1911 – IBM was founded as the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company in Endicott, New York.
Ë 1961 – Dancer Rudolf Nureyev defected to the US from the Soviet Union.
Ë 1963 – Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova became the 1st woman in space on Vostok 6.
Ë 1967 – The Monterey Pop Festival began.
Ë 1977 – Oracle Corporation was incorporated in Redwood Shores, California,
Ë 2010 – Bhutan became the first country to institute a total ban on tobacco.
Ë 2016 – Shanghai Disneyland Park, the first Disney Park in Mainland China, opened to the public.

Birthdays Today

@79 – Geronimo ['the one who yawns'], Apache leader (d.1909; in prison, pneumonia)
@74 – Stan Laurel, English comedic actor (d. 1965; heart attack)
@74 – Jack Albertson, American character actor (d. 1981; cancer)
52 – Phil Mickelson, golfer
@25 – Tupac Shakur [Lesane Parish Crooks], musician (d. 1996; shot)



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.