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Almanac: Flagstaff: Week: 24/ Day: 163 Today: H 81°…L 46°
Wind: ave: 12mph; Gusts: 30mph Ave. humidity: 19%
Flag Warning
Ave low
Ave high
Record low
Record high
27° (1976)
91° (1918)
Quote of
the Day
Historical Highlights
"Mr Peepers" (TV Comedy) starring
Wally Cox airs for last time on NBC…1955
1st baseball game played in America…1839
Al Capone is indicted on 5,000 counts of
prohibition & perjury…1931
Anne Frank gets her diary as a birthday
present (Amsterdam)…1942
Austro-Hungarian Empire forms…1867
Baseball players begin a 50 day strike, their
3rd strike…1981
Ben Johnson, Canadian Olympian, admits using
Big Bang theory of creation of universe is
supported by announcement of
discovery of new celestial bodies know as blue
Comstock Silver Lode in Nevada discovered…1859
Nelson Mandela is sentenced to life in prison
in South Africa…1964
Rolling Stones release
US House of Representatives allows live radio
♫ Today’s
Birthdays: ♫
How many can you identify?…answers in Today’s Birthdays
My Free
Rambling Thoughts
What a day…this morning I opened FB to discover that a colleague from my BIA days is in the hospital with possible leukemia. He retired a few years ago after years at the Area office as an Ed Specialist. Good man and am sure he will fight this long and hard.Then the mail arrived and I discovered that my financial advisor had changed to some guy in Prescott. I had known that she was retiring, but this seems to have come faster than either she or her assistant expected. I called her office, a little shaken and her assistant said she too was in shock. She got a call last Friday that the office manager had been removed, and that she could resign. My investments are not in any danger, thankfully, but this is a hard time. I really don’t want to have to go to Prescott in regards to my financial investments. Prescott is nice, but don’t want to live there. I talked to the new guy’s assistant and that office too is in shock as they got the call Friday afternoon. They do not know me, don’t have any of my records, and don’t know when or if they will be getting them. The assistant said they don’t even have the new client’s phone number or addresses. They can answer my questions regarding my current investments, but without a history, that is difficult. I’ll be calling the corporate office tomorrow to let them know my dissatisfaction with the way this is being handled. The Prescott office said that my former advisor had simply retired. I get the corporate line, but when working with people’s money, the truth is always the best course. I’ll be seeing my former advisor at our discussion group on Saturday…we’ll see what she says. I won’t be bringing it up, since I don’t mix business and pleasure.
Game Center (answers
at the end of post)
Brain Teasers
Given below are five pairs of words. Each pair
sounds similar, but have different meanings (they are homonyms). Can you find
Lift high - Bring down, destroy Plant with ears - Labyrinth Burial/Cremation formalities - Uses a pen and paper and forms legible words To communicate with God - Carnivore's target Watery part of milk that separates when milk turns to curds - The route or the course traveled from one place to another
Found on You Tube with some relevance to today
A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
Ok, then?
Harper’s Index
Chance that an Israel Jew believes Israel practices ‘apartheid’ against Palestinians: 1 in 2
Picture of the Day: Getting Ready for Summer!
Unusual Fact of the Day
Snakes are one of those animals you never really expect to see airborne, but Singapore’s Paradise Tree Snake can do just that, flying (or, rather, falling gracefully) from tree to tree. By sucking in its belly and making a U-shape with the length of its body, the tree snake can create its own parachute, allowing it to soar 100 yards or more. Sadly, the snakes aren’t blessed with corresponding landing gear and tend to crash clumsily.Joke-of-the-day
It's a hot summer day and Jake and Harry are in a ditch digging away. Meanwhile, Ralph is up under the shade of a tree sipping on a cool drink. Jake asks Harry, "Why are we down here digging in the hot Sun while Ralph is being cool up there?"Harry says, "I don't know, I'll go ask him".Harry goes up and asks Ralph, "Why are you up here in the shade drinking a cool drink and Jake and I are in the ditch digging in the hot sun?"Ralph says, "'cause I've got smarts"."What's that? Asks Harry. Ralph puts his hand in front of the tree and says, "Hit my hand as hard as you can". Harry swings his fist at Ralph’s hand, Ralph moves his hand and Harry hits the tree, hurting his hand.Ralph, says "I knew to pull my hand away, that’s called having smarts".Harry goes back in the ditch and Jake asks, "What did he say?"Ralph says, "Its cause he has smarts.""What's that? Asks Jake.Harry puts his hand in front of his face and says. "Hit my hand!"
Rules of Thumb:
shortcuts to make an ‘educated’ guess
If you really wish to win your case, don't hire a lawyer who is in it for the cause. The cause will be more important to the lawyer than what is best for you.
Yeah, It Really Happened
WILDWOOD, N.J. -- Mayor Ernest Troiano Jr. thinks he's found a way to put one of this Jersey shore resort town's problems behind it. Wildwood is ready to ban overly saggy pants, no ifs, ands or butts.The city is set to pass a law Wednesday regulating how people dress on its boardwalk. It bans going shirtless, as well as walking on the boardwalk with bare feet.But the provision that has gained widespread attention is a prohibition on pants that sag more than 3 inches below the hips, exposing either skin or underwear. Troiano said Wildwood has been inundated with complaints from tourists upon whose money the popular beach town depends for its survival."When you have good families who call you up and say, `I've been coming here 20 years, 30 years, 40 years and I'm not going to any longer because I'm not going to subject my children or my parents or grandparents to seeing some kid walk down the boardwalk with their butt hanging out,' you have to do something," he said. "I'm not one of the Fruit of the Loom underwear inspectors; I'm not one of the grapes. I don't want to see it."Neither does Frank Krueger, of Gloucester City, N.J., who has been coming to Wildwood with his wife, Denise, for decades. Together, they had spent about $80 on pizza and games of chance in two hours of strolling the boards."You want a family atmosphere here," he said. "You don't want to see someone walking around with their butt crack hanging out. On the beach is one thing, but not here on the boardwalk.""It's disgusting," his wife added. "I don't want to see someone's bare butt. It just looks terrible. They walk around with their legs spread, and their crotch is down around their knees."John Peters was not sporting his pants quite that low Monday on the boardwalk. But they were still low enough that half his navy blue briefs were exposed. He had not heard of the proposed law but said he was unconcerned about it."That's not low, compared to some of the others," he said.The proposed Wildwood law would set fines of $25 to $100 for a first offense and $200 for subsequent offenses. Having to do 40 hours of community service is also a possibility.Bathing suits are already prohibited for both sexes on the boardwalk, unless covered up by other clothing.Ruthann Robson, a City University of New York law professor and author of the upcoming book "Dressing Constitutionally," says the Wildwood law appears to be unconstitutional."Courts have struck down attempts to ban saggy pants if what is exposed is underwear rather than `private parts,'" she said. "As for municipalities requiring men to wear shirts, at least one federal appellate court has said that is `irrational.'"The American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey declined to comment on the proposed law, but other ACLU chapters elsewhere in the country have denounced similar bans as unconstitutional.Troiano said the city's legal department has reviewed the proposed law and is confident it will withstand a court challenge, which he conceded will probably happen at some point. He promised police won't be out with measuring tapes, relying instead on common sense when evaluating a person's attire.
Somewhat Useless Information
- A 'clue' originally meant a ball of thread. This is why one is said to 'unravel' the clues of a mystery.
- The act of snapping one's fingers has a name. It is called a 'fillip.'
- Measurements have nothing to do with a Ten-Gallon hat. The name comes from sombrero galon, which means 'braided hat' in Spanish.
- Giant Sequoias in California's Sequoia National Park range from 2,000 to 2,100 years old and can measure 275 feet tall and 30 feet across.
- 30 percent of the degrees awarded in China and India are engineering degrees. In the US, that number is only 4 percent.
- Each unit on the Richter Scale is equivalent to a power factor of about 32. So a 6 is 32 times more powerful than a 5.
Calendar Information
Happening This Week:
Jim Thorpe Native
American Games
Men's Health Week
Men's Health Week
Automotive Service Professionals Week
National Flag Week
National Flag Week
Today Is
Crowded Nest Awareness Day
Loving Day
National Jerky Day
National Peanut Butter Cookie Day
American Child Awareness Day
Independence Day (1898 from Spain)
Russia: Independence
Day (1992)
Today’s Events through History
3 convicts used spoons to dig their way out of
Bill Haley's "Rock Around the
Clock," is originally released…1954
DELAWARE Indians, led by King Beaver, will attack the fortified
garrison in Juniata
County, Pennsylvania, called Bingham's Fort. The number of
settlers killed or
captured was estimated to be as many as two dozen…1756
England installs a municipal government in New
York City (the former Dutch settlement
of New Amsterdam)…1665
Gas mask patented by Lewis Haslett (Louisville
Possibly most severe quake in history strikes
Assam India, shock waves felt over
an area size of Europe (low mortality rate
given size of earthquake,
1500 casualties)…1897
Secret Service extends protection of president
to his family…1917
Senator Huey Long of Louisiana spoke
continually for 15½ hours in Senate's
longest speech on record (150,000 words)…1935
Walla Walla Conference: Governor Stevens bypassed
the entire structure of the
American Constitutional System, giving Congress
sole power to ratify treaties…1855
World Health Organization concludes that
diesel exhaust causes cancer…2012
Today’s Birthdays
In their 90’s
David Rockefeller, CEO (Chase Manhattan Bank)
is 97
In their 80’s
George Herbert Walker Bush, 43 VP; 41st Pres
is 89
Vic Damone, [Vito Farinola], Bkln, singer
(Street Where You Live) is 85
Jim Nabors, actor/singer (Gomer Pyle) is 83
In their 70’s
Marv Albert, "Yes!" sportscaster
(NBC-TV)/back biter is 72
In their 60’s
Spencer Abraham, Secretary of Energy under
George W. Bush is 61
for being born today
Eddie Adams, American photographer, won
Pulitzer Prize [VietNam] [1933- 2004]
Anne Frank, Holland, Nazi victim/diarist
(Diary of Anne Frank) [1929-1945]
Paul Guldin, Swiss astronomer and
mathematician [1577-1643]
Cosimo I de Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany and
art patron of Florence [1519-1574]
Today’s Historical Obits
Bill Blass, American fashion designer…cancer…2002…at
Johann A Cramer, prime minister/poet…1788…at 65
Medgar Evers, NAACP official…shot…1963…at 37
James F "Jimmy" Dorsey, US orchestra
leader…throat cancer…1957…at 53
Ron Goldman, waiter, murdered with wife of OJ
Simpson…1994…at 25
Don Herbert aka "Mr. Wizard",
American television host…2007…at 89
John N Ireland, English composer/pianist (Epic
March)…1962…at 82
Gregory Peck, actor…2003…at 87
Nicole Brown Simpson, ex-wife of OJ…murdered…1994…at
Milburn Stone, actor (Doc-Gunsmoke)…heart
attack…1980…at 75
Answer: Brain
Raise - Raze Maize - Maze Rites - Writes Pray - Prey Whey - Way
Disclaimer: All opinions are mine…feel
free to agree or disagree.
All ‘data’ info is from the internet
sites and is usually checked with at least one other source, but I have learned
that every site has mistakes and sadly once out the information is out there,
many sites simply copy it and is therefore difficult to verify. Also for events
occurring before the Gregorian calendar was adopted [1582] the dates may not be
totally accurate.
§ And That Is All for
Now §