Aug 23

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Aug. 23, 2019 Week: 34  Day: 235
86004:   H 84° \ L 55° \ Average Sky Cover: 30% 

Nearest wildfire:  21mi.  Nearest lightning:  176mi
Wind:   20mph\Gusts:  33mph  Visibility: 10 mi

Record High: 90°[1985]   Record Low: 24°[1968]
Aug Averages: 79°\50° (9 day with rain)

Today’s Quote

Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

Random Tidbits

During an average lifetime, the heart will pump nearly 1.5 million barrels of blood, enough to fill 200 train tank cars.

In 1929, German surgeon Werner Forssmann (1904 - 1979) examined the inside of his own heart by threading a catheter into his arm vein and pushing it 20 inches and into his heart, inventing cardiac catheterization, a now common procedure.

Observances This Week

Little League World Series

Minority Enterprise Development Week
National Chef's Appreciation Week  Link )

Observances for Today

Day For The Remembrance of The Slave Trade & Its Abolition
Valentino Day
World Daffodil Day Link  

My Rambling Thoughts

The stronger winds are making the temps a little cooler. Enjoying it.

Our retirement group had a nice lunch at our favorite local Mexican place…locally owned. Good conversation, good times, great food, and good service. The greeter turns out to be a neighbor. Somehow we always find solutions to the world’s problems…just can’t get anyone else to listen to our solutions. Haha.

So difficult to listen to our President. One day he wants meaningful background checks, then says we have strong background laws already. He wants to hold children longer than 20 days in detention, but wants to protect children. Guess we all just wait to see what happens, then take action.

The past few days I have had itching on my legs. Benadryl gel is working fairly well, when I remember to use it. I’m blaming it on the heat, and hoping it isn’t some kind of allergic reaction to something. Skin is not dry, as I use lotion on my legs daily. It’s only the legs and now the arms or body. Strange, hope it stops very soon.

Today’s Puzzle
Answer at the bottom of this page

A couple went to Hawaii for their honeymoon. Unfortunately, the husband returned home alone because his wife had died in a horrible boating accident. The police contacted the travel agent he booked the trip with and arrested him for murdering his wife. How did they know he did it?

Historical Events

79 - Mount Vesuvius began stirring, on the feast day of Vulcan, the Roman god of fire.

1305 - Sir William Wallace was executed for high treason at Smithfield in London.

1775 - King George III delivered his 'Proclamation of Rebellion to the Court of St. James's' stating that the American colonies have proceeded to a state of open and avowed rebellion.

1913 - The Little Mermaid statue was dedicated in the harbor of Copenhagen, Denmark

1948 - World Council of Churches was formed.

1965 - The Sound of Music was released, starring Julie Andrews

1966 - Lunar Orbiter 1 took the first photograph of Earth from orbit around the Moon.

1969 - #1 Hit:  The Rolling Stones - Honky Tonk Women

1973 - A bank robbery gone wrong in Stockholm, Sweden, turns into a hostage crisis; over the next five days the hostages begin to sympathize with their captors, leading to the term "Stockholm syndrome".

1975 - #1 Hit: Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds - Fallin' in Love

1991 - Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web opened the WWW to new users.

1996- The Price Is Right celebrated its 25th anniversary special on CBS

1998 - That 70's show premiered on FOX

2007 - The skeletal remains of Russia's last royal family members Alexei Nikolaevich, Tsarevich of Russia, and his sister Grand Duchess Anastasia were discovered near Yekaterinburg, Russia.

2008 - #1 Hit: Rihanna - Disturbia

2011 (Earthquake) Virginia/East Coast, USA

Birthdays Today

Barbara Eden, actor (88)

Gene Kelly, dancer, actor
(d. 1996 @83)

Rick Springfield, Rock star (70)

Scott Caan, TV actor (43)

Kobe Bryant, NBA star (41)

Keith Moon, drummer (The Who)  
(d. 1978 @32 OD)

Seth Curry, NBA star (29)

River Phoenix, actor, musician
(d. 1993 @23 OD)

Puzzle answer:

The travel agent revealed that he had only booked a one-way ticket for his wife.


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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.