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Almanac: Flagstaff: Week: 30/ Day: 205 Today: H 75°…L 55°
Wind: ave: 5mph; Gusts: 16mph Ave. humidity: 75%
* Average Low Average High Record Low Record High
51° 82° 39° (1995) 91° (1937)
Quote of
the Day
Today’s Historical Highlights
1st settlers from Germany to US, leave aboard
Bonnie Prince Charlie becomes King James
Brigham Young & his Mormon followers
arrive at Salt Lake City, UT…1847
Instant coffee invented…1938
Jacques Cartier, lands in Canada, claims it
for France…1534
Mary Queen of Scots is forced to abdicate
& 1-year-old James VI becomes
King of Scots…1567
King of Scots…1567
O. Henry is released from prison after serving
three years for embezzlement…1901
Supreme Court unanimously rules Nixon must
turn over Watergate tapes…1974
♫ Today’s Birthdays: ♫
How many can you identify?…answers in Today’s Birthdays
My Free Rambling Thoughts
Another wet day here in Flag. A good hard rain for about 2 hours this afternoon. Sadly, lots of road flooding below the burn area. I guess it will be decades before the burn area returns to its previous growth and the flooding becomes less dangerous.I got a strange email from Google today. It said that an IP address in Pakistan had tried to get into my account. There was a link to go Google to change my email password. Being the semi-savvy tech guy, I ignored it, figuring it was some spammer. [I get messages from banks quite often, telling me I need to change my password. They are all spammers when I check with the bank. I even get those emails for banks I don’t do business with and from paypal, where I have no account.] Then I went to my email account and had the same message, telling be to change my password to get to my email. Hmmm, good for Google. I changed the password at the site and everything is working fine. I also changed all the sites that used the same password, just in case. Whatever a hacker wants with my email account is beyond me, but I will do what is necessary to stop them from getting it.
Game Center (answers
at the end of post)
Brain Teasers
Based on the clue in parentheses, find a
four-letter word that can be inserted backwards into the blank to complete a
longer word.
Example: di____ve (a defeat)
Answer: dissolve ("A defeat" gives you LOSS, which is placed backwards in the blank: di_SSOL_ve.)
Example: di____ve (a defeat)
Answer: dissolve ("A defeat" gives you LOSS, which is placed backwards in the blank: di_SSOL_ve.)
1. s____ing (profound, extreme, or intense) 2. si____ll (inspired by a feeling of reverence) 3. re____ed (draw with force) 4. s____hot (to extend over)
Found on You Tube with some relevance to today
- Occupational Puns
- A poet could be diversified.
- A celebrity could be defamed.
- A cricketer could be detested.
Ok, then?
Harper’s Index
Number of amendments made to a recent parliamentary bill legalizing same-sex marriage in France: 5,395
Picture of the Day: Africa’s Big 5
African Elephant, Cape Buffalo, Leopard, and Rhinoceros
Unusual Fact of the Day
If you want a spot on the beach in Monaco, you'd better get there early. It has only 3.5 miles of coastline, less than any other non-landlocked country.Joke-of-the-day
A couple is sitting on the porch sipping wine. The wife says, "I love you." The husband says, "Is that you or the wine talking?" The wife replies, "It's me, talking to the wine."
Rules of Thumb:
shortcuts to make an ‘educated’ guess
PLANTING A SPRING BULBPlant spring flowering bulbs so the top of the bulb is at a depth three times the bulb's diameter.
Yeah, It Really Happened
Officials in rural parts of the China's Xinjiang province are using domesticated geese to aid in law enforcement.Apparently, the geese are more effective than dogs for a variety of reasons: They're aggressive, have exceptional eyesight, and, as anyone who has had to deal with them knows, they're loud and nothing can shut them up, reported."Among all poultry, geese [are known] for being extremely vigilant and having excellent hearing," said Zhang Quansheng, a police chief in Xinjiang's Shawan county, according to the New York Daily News. "Geese are very brave. They spread their wings and will attack any strangers entering [someone's] home."In one case, some of the crime-fighting geese helped nab a suspect who broke into a police headquarters, drugged the police dogs and stole a motorbike.The fine-feathered crime-fighters apparently fanned their wings and shrieked until the duty officer awoke to apprehend the criminal.
Somewhat Useless Information
- "Fortnight" is a contraction of "fourteen nights." In the US "two weeks" is more commonly used.
- A bathometer is an instrument for indicating the depth of the sea beneath a moving vessel.
- A 'jiffy' is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second.
- A Sphygmomanometer measures blood pressure.
- A typical lightning bolt is two to four inches wide and two miles long.
- A wind with a speed of 74 miles or more is designated a hurricane.
- Any month that starts on a Sunday will have a Friday the 13th in it.
Calendar Information
National Scrabble Week
National Parenting Gifted Children Week
Captive Nations Week
National Independent Retailers Week
National Zoo Keeper Week
World Lumberjack Championships
National Parenting Gifted Children Week
Captive Nations Week
National Independent Retailers Week
National Zoo Keeper Week
World Lumberjack Championships
Today Is
Earhart Day
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Pioneer Day
Cousins Day
National Drive-Thru Day
Tell An Old Joke Day
National Tequila Day
Today’s Events through History
1st ptarmigan hatched reared in
captivity, Ithaca, NY…1934
Bob Dylan release "Like a Rolling Stone"…1965
Citizens of Leeuwarden Neth rebel against ban
on foreign beer…1487
Pres Harry Truman settles 53-day steel strike…1952
Slavery is abolished in Chile…1823
Tennessee becomes 1st Confederate state
readmitted to Union…1866
VP Nixon argues with Khrushchev, known as
"Kitchen Debate"…1959
Today’s Birthdays
In their 70’s
Ruth Buzzi, comedienne (Laugh-In, Margie-That
Girl) is 77
Mark Goddard, actor (Don West-Lost in Space)
is 77
In their 60’s
Lynda Carter, Phoenix Az, Miss USA
(1973)/actress (Wonder Woman) is 62
In their 50’s
Karl Malone, NBA forward (Utah, Oly-2 gold-92,
96) is 50
Pam Tills, Country music artist is 57
In their 40’s
Barry Bonds, left fielder (Pirates, SF Giants,
3X MVP) is 49
Jennifer Lopez, entertainer,
businesswoman, producer and philanthropist is 44
In their 30’s
Anna Paquin, Oscar winning actress (Piano) is
Under 30
Bindi Irwin, Australian entertainer; daughter
of Steve Irwin is 15
for being born today
Bella Abzug, Rep-D-NY [1920-1998]
Simón Bolívar, political/military leader
(freed 6 republics from Spanish rule), [1783-1830]
Alexandre Dumas, Aisne France, author (3
Musketeers, Count of Monte Cristo), [1802-1870]
Amelia Earhart, US aviator (1st woman to solo
Atlantic) [1897-1939]
Zelda Fitzgerald, 1st wife of F Scott [1900-1948]
Chief Dan George [Geswanouth Slahoot], actor (Little Big Man) [1899-1981]
Today’s Historical Obits
Archie Duncan, actor (Sherlock Holmes)…1979…at
Chad Everett, American actor…lung cancer…2012…at
Sherman Hemsley, actor [The Jeffersons]…lung
cancer…2012…at 74
[Richard Henry] Peter Sellers, actor (Pink
Panther)…heart attack…1980…at 54
Martin Van Buren, 8th president…asthama…1862…at
Answer: Brain
1. speeding (DEEP - s_PEED_ing) 2. sidewall (AWED - si_DEWA_ll) 3. regarded (DRAG - re_GARD_ed) 4. snapshot (SPAN - s_NAPS_hot)
Disclaimer: All opinions are mine…feel
free to agree or disagree.
All ‘data’ info is from the internet
sites and is usually checked with at least one other source, but I have learned
that every site has mistakes and sadly once out the information is out there,
many sites simply copy it and is therefore difficult to verify. Also for events
occurring before the Gregorian calendar was adopted [1582] the dates may not be
totally accurate.