Sun 5-16

≈Week 20 of 2010: 136 days this year… 229 days remain≈
≈ Something To Think About  
“Life is uncharted territory. It reveals its story one moment at a time.”
~Leo Buscaglia: professor in the Department of Special Education University of Southern California.
≈ Random Fact    
More people have seen David Copperfield perform live than any other living performer in the world.
• Holy Mackerel: On this day in 1770 ►Marie Antoinette (14) marries future King Louis XVI (15) of France
≈ Free Ramblings
After enjoying a nice day here in Flagstaff I turned on the computer and the news. The opening story was Sara Palin and our non-elected governor Jan holding a press conference in Phoenix. Sara informed the world, that because of SB 1070, we are all Arizonans. Sara has made herself an adopted citizen of our state as Jan stood on the stage, smiling. Geez, if it is that easy to get AZ citizenship, I wonder why others haven’t tried it. Anyone can stand next to Jan and declare to be an AZ citizen, and Jan doesn’t check papers but simply smiles. There is hope for all of us. They even put up a web site—well their ‘people’ put up a web site—to clarify the law. Actually it is a a web site for securing the border and is loaded with interesting stats. It can be viewed at The website states that it is paid for by Jan Brewer. The domain name owner is listed as PRIVATE. Another tidbit from the Gov’s office: in declaring the AZ National Day of Prayer she encouraged people to pray at their local church, synagogue, or mosque. Hmmm, nothing like trying to be politically correct.
We had a great weather day here in Flagstaff. It was 66°, a few clouds, and barely a breeze. Sure felt good to spend some time on the deck. Maybe spring really is here to stay.
≈ A Quick Smile…    
While we were working at a men's clothing store, a customer asked my coworker to help her pick out a tie that would make her husband's blue eyes stand out.
"Ma'am," he explained, "any tie will make blue eyes stand out if you tie it tight enough."
≈ Puzzle    
The following clues lead to two words or phrases that are the phonetic reverse of each other. When you answer the first clue and flip the syllables, you get the second answer. (Phonetic only, not letters.)Using the clues below, please find the words/phrases in question.
Example: Impertinent * Teetertotter  Answer: Saucy/Seesaw
1. Fundamental * Where the doctor works on a naval ship
2. Government assistance for the poor * Goodbye
3. Worst possible Test Score * Optimistic
4. Relevant * What Jesus was born in
5. Sofa * Cups, saucers, sugar bowl, etc. (2 words)
≈ Side Show Stories    
EDINBURGH, Scotland - A Scottish college student said her invention, a clear plastic helmet with openings at the face and ears, is designed to help people talk in noisy bars. Elaine McLuskey, 23, an Edinburgh Napier University student, said the sound bubble is designed to cut out background noise and help friends converse without straining in busy bars and pubs, the New York Daily News reported Thursday.
"(There's) that frustrating situation of trying to catch up with a friend in a busy bar. You want to hear their news and have a proper chat, but you have to shout over the din of music, chatter and clinking glasses," McLuskey said. However, some bar patrons in New York said the helmet brings its own problems, most prominently the fish bowl-like appearance. "I'd be skeptical to sit near them," George Whitehurst, 59, said of people wearing the helmets. "It looks kind of awkward."
≈ Calendar Information    
• Observance Weeks in May•
National Tourism Week
National Etiquette Week ↔ Salvation Army Week ↔ Universal Family Week
Children's Book Week ↔ National Stuttering Awareness Week
Grand Prix de Monaco
National Dog Bite Prevention Week
National New Friends, Old Friends Week
National Transportation Week
World Trade Week
• Today’s Observances—US/UN/World •
Biographer's Day
National Sea Monkey Day
Wear Purple For Peace Day
• Today’s Observances—by country •
Cayman Islands : Commonwealth Day
Iraq: Mass Graves Day
Malaysia: Teachers' Day
Middlesex County England: Middlesex Day to honor war heroes of Battle of Albuera, 1811
• Today’s Number One Songs in…
For anyone interested, all these songs are available on iTunes.
"Music, once admitted to the soul, becomes a sort of spirit, and never dies." ~ Edward Bulwer-Lytton.
1940 ►Tuxedo Junction; Glenn Miller
1950 ►'The Third Man' Theme; Anton Karas
1960 ►Stuck on You; Elvis Presley
1970 ►American Woman/ No Sugar Tonight; The Guess Who
1980 ►Call Me; Blondie
• Today’s Happenings•
In The Arts
1929 ►The First ever Academy Awards of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Awards presented
In Athletics
1985 ►Michael Jordan named NBA Rookie of Year
In Business or Education
1817 ►Mississippi River steamboat service begins
1891 ►George A Hormel & Company introduce Spam
1965 ►Spaghetti-O's 1st sold
In Politics
1568 ►Mary Queen of Scotland flees to England
1760 ►Creek warrior Chief Hobbythacco (Handsome Fellow) has often supported the English, but, at the outbreak of the Cherokee war, he decides to support the Cherokees.
1866 ►Congress authorizes nickel 5¢ piece (replaces silver half-dime)
1910 ►US Bureau of Mines forms
1939 ►Food stamps are 1st issued
In Science/ Religion
1975 ►Japanese climber Junko Tabei, leading an all-woman expedition to Mount Everest, became the first woman to reach the summit
• Today’s Births •
Artists, Writers, and Composers
Studs Terkel, 1912, author/host (Stud's Place, Working), born in New York NY
Olga Korbut, 55, Olympic gold medal gymnast, born Grodno, USSR
Billy (Alfred Manuel) Martin, 1928, baseball: played and managed (5 times) Yankees; managed Twins, Tigers, Rangers and A’s, born in Berkley, CA
Gabriela Sabatini, 40, former tennis player, born Buenos Aires, Argentina
David Boreanaz, 39, actor (“Angel,” “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” “Bones”), born Philadelphia, PA
Pierce Brosnan, 57, actor (The Matador, The Thomas Crown Affair, “Remington Steele,” James Bond films), born County Meath, Ireland
Henry Fonda, 1905, actor (Mr Roberts, On Golden Pond), born in Grand Island NE
Woodrow Charles 'Woody' Herman, 1913, jazz clarinetist/ bandleader/ composer (Thundering Herds), born in Milwaukee, WI
(Wladziu Valentino) Liberace, 1919, concert pianist & showman, born in West Allis, WI
Tori Spelling, 37, actress (“Beverly Hills 90210”), born Beverly Hills, CA
Debra Winger, 1955, actress (Officer & Gentleman), born in Columbus OH
Business, Education Persons
Elizabeth Palmer Peabody, 1804, educator/founder (1st US kindergarten), born in Billerica, MA
Political Persons
Levi P. Morton, 1824, 22nd United States Vice President
William Henry Seward, 1801, Secretary of State (1861-69, buys Alaska at 2¢/acre), born in Florida, NY
Scientists /Religious Persons
Dafydd Williams, 56, Canadian physician and astronaut
• Today’s Obits •
Charles Perrault, 1703, author/fairy tale writer, @ 75
Lean Bear (Awoninahku), 1864, Cheyenne chief, murdered while surrendering
Max Brand [Frederick Schiller Faust], 1944, western author, shrapnel while imbedded reporter @ 52
James Agee, 1955, US critic/writer (Death in Family), heart attack @ 46
Andy Kaufman, 1984, comedian (Latka-Taxi), cancer @ 35
Jim Henson, 1990, muppeteer (Sesame Street, Muppet Show), pneumonia @ 53
Sammy Davis Jr, 1990, entertainer (Golden Boy), throat cancer @ 64
≈ ANSWERS to puzzle    
1. Basic / Sick Bay
2. Welfare / Farewell
3. Zero / Rosy
4. Germane / Manger
5. Settee / Tea Set


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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.