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Oct 30, 2017 Week: 44 \ Day: 303
86004 Today: H 37° \ L 35°
Average Sky Cover: 3%
Wind ave.: 5mph\Gusts: 17mph
Visibility: 10 mi
Record High: 73°[1934] Record Low: -2°[197]
Oct Averages: 63°\31°
Oct Records: H: 85° (1980) L: -2° (1971)
Quote of the Day
Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart.
Anne Frank
Observances Today
Checklist Day
Create A Great Funeral Day Link
Devil's Night or Mischief Night
Haunted Refrigerator Night
National Publicist Day Link
Speak Up For Service Day Link
World Audio Drama Day
Observances This Week
Red Ribbon Week: 23-31 Link
Disarmament Week: 24-30
Prescription Errors Education & Awareness Week: 24-31
World Origami Days: 24-11/11
International Magic Week: 25-31
International Dyslexia Association Reading Week: 25-28
Give Wildlife a Brake! Week: 29-11/4 Link
Today’s Significant US Historical Events
◘ Today’s Significant International Historical Events
◘1270 The Eighth Crusade and siege of Tunis ended by agreement between Charles I of Sicily (brother to King Louis IX of France, who had died months earlier) and the sultan of Tunis.
◘1503 Queen Isabella of Spain bans violence against Indians
1768 First Methodist church in North American colonies initiated (Wesley Chapel, NYC)
1864 Helena, Montana's capital, founded
1868 John Menard of Louisiana is 1st African American elected to US Congress
1873 P T Barnum's circus, "Greatest Show on Earth", debuts (New York City)
1894 Daniel Cooper patents time clock
1896 Martha Hughes Cannon of Utah becomes 1st female senator
1900 First-ever US auto show opens in Madison Square Garden in NYC
1905 George Bernard Shaw's "Mrs Warren's Profession" premieres in NYC
1938 A radio broadcast of H. G. Wells "The War of the Worlds", narrated by Orson Welles, allegedly causes a mass panic
1945 US government announces end of shoe rationing
1948 20 die & 6,000 made ill by smog in Donora, Pennsylvania
1952 Clarence Birdseye sells first frozen peas
◘1953 Dr Albert Schweitzer & Gen George Marshallwin Nobel Peace Prize
1954 US Defense Department announces elimination of all racially segregated regiments
1954 1st use of 24-sec shot clock in pro basketball (Rochester vs Boston)
◘1957 Soviet Union launches Sputnik II, carrying a dog named Laika
◘1961 Soviet Party Congress unanimously approves a resolution removing Stalin's body from Lenin's tomb in Red Square
◘1968 Nobel prize for chemistry awarded to Lars Onsager (thermodynamics)
1972 Worst US rail accident in 14 years; 45 die in Chicago, Illinois
◘1974 The Rumble in the Jungle: Muhammad Ali KOs George Foreman in the 8th round in Kinshasa, Zaire
◘1983 The first democratic elections are held in Argentina after seven years of military rule.
◘1995 Quebec Referendum votes to remain part of Canada
2012 Walt Disney purchases LucasFilm Ltd and its rights for Star Wars and Indiana Jones for $4.05 billion
2016 Canada and the EU sign free trade deal after opposition by Belgium
My Rambling Thoughts
Fall just won’t kick in completely. Nice day, Birds are very confused.
No Cards today. No Broncos until tomorrow. Life just moves on.
Still baffled by our pharmaceutical empire and their connection to insurance companies. I understand that I have a platinum level insurance…thanks to the Feds. I take two thyroid meds. One somehow started a few years ago as a 30-day supply while the other one has always been 90-day. I needed a new script for the 30-day one. I have been paying $1.17 for the script. The nurse asked if I wanted a 90-day supply. Of course. I pick up the 90-day supply and it cost $1.47. Makes no sense to me.
After listening to how bad the ACA is and how a ‘great’ plan is on the way I am hoping that the 45 voters understand that the reason their healthcare premiums are going up about 20-30% is the of the failure of the ‘repeal and replace’ Congress and White House. The insurance companies are in the business of making money and all the talk scares the crap out of the industry. Raising premiums is the only alternative they like. And, by the way, a ‘great’ plan would have passed. They haven’t provided a ‘great’ plan. Every plan they suggest hurts millions.
Bizarre News
A 10-year-old boy is accused of stealing his mother’s car from their Cleveland home on Hadley Avenue and leading police on a high-speed chase. Authorities say the chase itself began in Westlake and ended at mile marker 121 on the Ohio Turnpike, which is near Sandusky.
At times, the boy drove at speeds up to 100 mph along the Turnpike, according to Highway Patrol Lt. Richard Reeder of the Milan post.
After making eye contact with the boy during the chase, a trooper signaled him to pull over. The boy shook his head no, according to authorities.
After going off the side of the roadway, a cruiser crashed into the vehicle and brought the chase to an end as the boy tried to reenter the Turnpike.
The boy was combative after the chase concluded, allegedly spitting and kicking at authorities. Cleveland police say this is the "second incident" involving the same child.
Birthdays Today
@- indicates age at death
@90- John Adams,
2nd US President (1797-1801), born in Braintree, Massachusetts
(d. 1826)
@87- Ezra Loomis Pound,
American poet (Cantos), born in Hailey, Idaho
(d. 1972)
@88- Ruth Gordon, American actress (Rosemary's Baby, Harold & Maude), born in Quincy, Massachusetts (d. 1985)
@85- Dick Gautier,
stage and screen actor (Get Smart, Mr Terrific), born in Los Angeles
(d. 2017)
@80- Charles Atlas, [Angelo Siciliano],
American bodybuilder
78- Grace Slick,
rock vocalist (Jefferson Airplane-White Rabbit), born in Chicago
72- Henry Winkler,
American actor (Fonz-Happy Days, Night Shift), born in NYC
66- Harry Hamlin,
actor (Michael Kuzak-LA Law), born in Pasadena, California
@59- Fyodor Dostoevsky,
Russian novelist (Crime and Punishment), born in Moscow, Russian Empire
(d. 1881)
@54±- Christopher Columbus,
Italian explorer and navigator who discovered the "New World" for Spain and initiated European colonization, born in the Republic of Genoa
(d. 1506)
52- Gavin Rossdale,
London, English heavy metal vocalist and actor (Bush)
47- Nia Long,
American actress (Fresh Prince of Bel-Air)
36- Ivanka Trump,
American businesswoman and daughter of Donald Trump, born in New York
Historical Obits Today
@96-2015 Al Molinaro,
American actor (Murray-Odd Couple, Al-Happy Days)
@83-1956 Pío Baroja y Nessi,
Spanish Basque writer, author of over 100 novels (The Struggle for Life, Zalacain the Adventurer)
@78-2000 Steve Allen,
American comedian and TV host (Tonight Show, Steve Allen Show),
heart attack
@74-1985 Kirby Grant,
actor/singer (Sky King),
auto accident
@73-2007 Robert Goulet,
American singer and actor,
pulmonary fibrosis
Disclaimer: All opinions are mine…feel free to agree or disagree.
All ‘data’ info is from the internet sites and is usually checked with at least one other source, but I have learned that every site contains mistakes and sadly once the information is out there, many sites simply copy it and is therefore difficult to verify. Also for events occurring before the Gregorian calendar was adopted [1582] the dates may not be totally accurate.
☼☼☼☼…And That Is All for Now…☼☼☼☼