Summer is fine. Fresh fruits are at great prices. Strawberries, peaches, plums, mangos, and the list goes on and on. A great time, indeed. It was really hard not to go overboard with all the fresh stuff available.
We are slowly moving toward the 90° mark. I’m much happier with the low 80’s, but after all, it is almost July, so I can’t complain. Mornings and evenings are still real nice, and I have little reason to be outside during the heat of the day. I do feel sorry for those who have to be. It is interesting to watch the kids around here. They aren’t coming outside until about 6pm each day. A week ago they were outside from about 10am on. They are staying outside until about 10 each night. Good for them. They seem to be having a great time.
Flagstaff is gearing up for the Independence Day weekend. The parade is starting at 9am. This seems a little earlier than in the past. It is still a small town parade, but should be worth a view. The fireworks display is going to be a ground display at the mall. It is good the Forest Service hasn’t yet raised the fire danger for the long weekend. Our big aerial display was permanently cancelled last fall. That was a good thing. Lots of people spent lots of money for displays that were usually cancelled about now, due to the dry weather. The forest is always in danger at this time of year, and there is no reason to have a celebration add to that danger. I’ll be going to a BBQ on the Fourth and will probably skip the mall fireworks. Time and heat index will help me decide.
Music is always interesting. I just heard the latest Jon Bon Jovi release. It is “Stand By Me” in Farsi. What a statement. I hope it plays well in Iran.
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Random Fact
Bruce Lee was so fast that they had to slow down his films for you to see his moves.
July is…
…Air Conditioning Appreciation Month…Blueberries Month…Cell Phone Courtesy Month…Family Reunion Month…Herbal/Prescription Awareness Month…Nat’l Doghouse Repair Month…Nat’l Grilling, Nat’l Hot Dog, Nat’l Horseradish, and Nat’l Ice Cream Month…Smart Irrigation Month…Social Wellness Month…Tour de France Month…Women’s Motorcycle Month…
Week of July 1
Nat’l Unassisted Homebirth Week
July 1—182 days so far this year…183 days remain in 2009
US Postage Stamp Day
Zip Code Day [Zip-Zone Improvement Plan]
2nd half of the year Day
*Australia & New Zealand: Tartan Day
*Burundi : Independence Day
*Canada: Canada [Dominion] Day
*Rwanda: Independence Day
*Somalia: Republic Day
G.W. Leibniz German mathematician/philosopher; postulated monads
Jean-Victor Poncelet mathematician, founded projective geometry
George Sand [pseudonym of Ms Amandine Aurore Lucile] France, novelist (Valentine, Le Figaro)
Thomas Green Clemson mining engineer, endowed Clemson University
James M Cain Minneapolis Mn, novelist (Postman Always Rings Twice)
Estee Lauder CEO (Estee Lauder's cosmetics)
Olivia de Havilland Tokyo Japan, actress
Jamie Farr Toledo Oh, actor (Klinger)
Sydney Pollack director
Deborah “Blondie” Harry rocker
Dan Aykroyd Ottawa Canada, comedian/actor
--Carl Lewis US, Olympic track & field star
--Lady Diane Spencer (Princess Di) consort of England
Pamela Anderson Ladysmith BC, actress
According to many sources, Hernán Cortés and his followers will attempt to escape from Tenochtitlán (modern Mexico City) by way of one of the causeways. They have to fight their way through large numbers of Aztec warriors. Thousands of people are killed on both sides. Many of the Spanish soldiers carried so much looted gold that when they fell in the lake, they drowned. This event is often called "Noche Triste" (Night of Tears or Sorrows).
Sir Thomas More went on trial in England charged with treason
Army of England's Protestant King William III defeats Roman Catholic King James II in Battle of the Boyne in Ireland (Now celebrated on July 12 as "The Battle of the Orange" )
1st vote on the Declaration of Independence
The first adhesive US postage stamps go on sale, NYC
Congress outlaws polygamy (1st time)
Free city delivery of mail begins in 49 US cities
The first zoo in the United States opened in Philadelphia, PA
Teddy Roosevelt & his Rough Riders charge up San Juan Hill
Gideon Society established to place bibles in hotels
Eisenhower marries Mary `Mamie' Geneva Doud in Denver Colo
Ice vending machines introduced in LA
Bulova Watch Co. pays $9 for 1st ever network TV commercial
After suffering earlier defeats at the hands of Rommel's Afrika Korps British troops went on the offensive against Rommel, stopping his advance and becoming a turning point in the war in North Africa.
1st withholding tax from paychecks
Medicare goes into effect
Susan B. Anthony, an activist for the cause of women’s suffrage commemorated on a U.S. coin
The PLO leader Yasser Arafat, has returned to Palestine after 27 years in exile.
The new Scottish Parliament is opened by the queen, this is the first time Scotland has had its own parliament for nearly 300 years.
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
Every anwer is a word in which the only consonants are R and D, repeated as often as necessary along with any number of vowels. Length of the anwers are provided.
EX: Passion or feverency-5- Answer: ardor
1. Library user-6-
2. Blade at the back of a boat-6-
3. Polite term for your backside-8-
4. Poisonous snake-5-
5. Stock up on more goods-7-
6. Oakland football player-6-
7. German Renaissance artist famous for woodcuts and engravings-5-
8. Air traffic control system-5-
9. Sent a message by wireless-7-
10. Scoffed or jeered at-7-
*Bonus: antlered animal with a ruddy coat-3,4-
1. Reader
2. Rudder
3. Derriere
4. Adder
5. Reorder
6. Raider
7. Durer
8. Radar
9. Radioed
10. Derided
*Bonus: red deer
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About Me

- Retired, Not Dead
- Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
- I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.