Jul 13


Week: 3 Day: a
Ave. Sky Cover:  % Visibility: 10 miles Local Temp:   48°\ 15° Wind: 7mph\ Gusts: 1mph
Moderate risk of fire Active fire: 608mi. \ Lightning: 1199mi.
Jan Averages: 43°\17° (5 days w/moisture)

Today’s Quote


Weekly Observations


Idiom Week

National Mocktail Week


Cuckoo Dancing Week

Daily Observations

My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts

A nice day.

Today is Lynn Burnette’s services. I had a nice conversation with Lori this morning, apologizing for not being there. She has her sister and lots of his family around. We will get together in Loveland when things are not so hectic.

The Federal Gov’t and the CDC are not helping a much as they could with this virus. After all this time dealing with the virus there are no guidelines as to when to students and staff to be in class. As a result, each school district must make their own guidelines. There are over 67,000 Elementary districts and over 30,000 Secondary districts in the US. This is not a suggestion that the CDC issue a blanket policy for the districts. It is suggesting that they set guidelines for safe in-class instruction. If the school in a district tests all students and find an infection rate below 1%, do this. If the infection rate is over 5% do this, over 10%, virtual learning only. Without such guidance, the individual boards make decisions and have no way to get scientific data to use to make the decision.

The stories of the problems with virtual learning are harming our youth. Children are experiencing an increase in anxiety due to the lack of the in-class opportunities of working with classmates. Wearing a ‘good’ mask for the school day is bothersome for most students. In my recent travel, I was in different airports for over 7 hours. I made way too many trips to a public restroom to be in a stall so I could take off my mask. Thinking of students, it is only worse.

Wendy Rogers, AZ state senator and Trump supporter, has introduced a bill that will stop all mail-in voting in AZ. Flagstaff has had mail-in voting for off year local low turnout elections for several years. They found that it was less expensive to send ballots to all registered voters than to open numerous polling places for the day. We also have several drive-thru drop off places as well as mail in option. This bill would stop all of that. When will the insanity end?

Favorite Memes






A bit of Humor

Why did Shakespeare only write using pens?

Because pencils confused him. 2B or not 2B.


1.        What was Superman’s birth name?

2.        What does DC in DC Comics stand for?

3.        How many films did Sean Connery play James Bond in?




Answer 1: Kal-El

Answer 2: Detective Comics

Answer 3: Seven

Historical Events

Ø 1910 – Lee De Forest performed the first public radio broadcast in New York City.

Ø 1966 – Robert C. Weaver was appointed United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, becoming the first African American Cabinet member.

Ø 1968 – Johnny Cash performed at Folsom Prison in Folsom, California.

Birthdays Today

§  @84 – Robert Stack [Charles Langford Modini Stack,], American actor (d. 2003)

§  @80 – Sophie Tucker, Russian-born American singer and actress (d. 1966)

79 – Richard Moll, American actor (Night Court)

@65 – Salmon P. Chase, American senator, abolitionist (d. 1873; stroke)

61 – Julia Louis-Dreyfus, American actress

60 – Trace Atkins, American singer/songwiter

56 – Patrick Dempsey, actor

§  @48 – Brandon Tartikoff, American screenwriter, producer (d. 1997; Hodgkin lymphoma)

45 – Orlando Bloom, English actor

44 – Nate Silver, American journalist and statistician

32 – Liam Hemsworth, Australian actor



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.