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Flagstaff Almanac: Day: 227 / Week: 33 
August Averages: 78° \ 50°
    Average Sky Cover: 70%
    H 73° L 54° Ave. humidity: 40%
    Wind: ave:   2mph; Gusts:  11mph 
    Average High: 79° Record High:  88° (1962)
    Average Low: 51° Record Low:  33° (1968)
Quote of the Day
Historical Highlights for Today
1040 - King Duncan I is killed in battle against his first cousin and rival Macbeth
1519 - Panama City founded
1514 - Spanish Bishop releases the Indians he holds as serfs in Hispaniola
1620 - Mayflower sets sail from Southampton with 102 Pilgrims
1748 - United Lutheran Church of US organized
1876 - US law removes Indians from Black Hills after gold find
1893 - US no longer allowed exclusive rights in Bering Sea
1906 - 1st freight delivery tunnel system begins, underneath Chicago
1911 - Procter & Gamble unveils its Crisco shortening
1914 - A male servant of Frank Lloyd Wright sets fire to Taliesin, murders 7 people.
1918 - 1st full length cartoon (Sinking of Lusitania)
1939 - "Wizard of Oz" premieres at Grauman's Chinese Theater, Hollywood
  Birthdays Today:   
How many can you identify? Answers in Birthday’s Today below
My Rambling Thoughts   
Weekly lunch group today. Went to one of our old places and can’t believe the amount of construction going on over there. It’s an area that has been around about 4 or 5 years and was planned to be a walking community…stores, housing, etc. all within walking distance. It has had a very slow start after the first strip of stores was built, the lots of apt and townhouses popped up, then REI, and now a huge complex of something. Interesting for sure.
I had never heard of Ferguson, MO until the recent shooting of an unarmed teenager. Now it is in the headlines every day. I went to the internet machine to find out more about the place. It is only about 22,000 people and is a suburb of St. Louis. Over the past 10 years its population has changed from mostly white to mostly Black. The city leaders are white and law enforcement remains mostly white. With a population of 60% black, there are only 2 Black officers out of the 50 so officers. Such a dramatic change in demographics can easily lead to problems when the power structure doesn’t change with the times. No matter what the problems, it doesn’t make much sense that innocent journalists are being harassed and even arrested. I hope they will work out their problems soon.
It was a nice day, then looked like rain, then a flash flood advisory, then clear blue sky. Monsoons keep us on our toes.
Game  Center (answers at the end of post)
Brain Teasers
What is represented with this rebus?
Found on You Tube with some relevance to today
OK Then…
<> <> <> <> <>
Paraphernalia 4 the Brain :     
Brief History…
The Soviets Were So Clever Their Rifles Could Use US Ammo but not the Reverse.
This myth is heard over and over in the military, that the AK-47 can use US 7.62 mm caliber ammunition (M-14 rifle and medium machine gun fodder), but that the US weapons could not use the Soviet 7.62 X 39 mm ammunition.  This is false!  Despite what you may have heard over and over, the AK-47 was invented (as was its ammo) long before NATO went to the 7.62 X 51 mm standard round.  The US/NATO rounds are ½ inch longer than the AK rounds, meaning the US ammo will not properly fit the rifle magazines nor chamber properly.  The NATO ammo is also higher pressure and cannot be safely used in Soviet weapons.
Common Sayings from the Bible…
Out of the mouths of babes
Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger Psalm 8:2
Computer Facts…
In 2013, AOL declared that they still made over $500 million a year through dial-up internet subscriptions.
Flagstaff, AZ History…
ity Manager Harry L. Field is working on improving the storm drains, street paving and the installation of curbs and gutters. Some of this work requires the removal of inadequate drains and culverts installed over the years by property owners. Property owners may be required to pay for 21-inch or larger culverts, with the city providing the labor.
Harper’s Index
Estimated number of homeless people in Greece: 20,000
Of unoccupied homes there: 300,000 
Language Facts…
Thinking in a foreign language makes decisions more rational.
Rules of Thumb…   
Two pulleys connected by a belt should be separated by at least the difference between their individual diameters.
Some motorcycle enthusiasts hang a biker's bell from a portion of their bike to protect themselves from evil road spirits.
Unusual Fact of the Day…
The first football helmet was constructed by an Annapolis shoemaker at the request of cadet Joseph Mason Reeves, who'd been told that one more blow to the head would end his naval career.
World Heritage Sites…
Situated on the edge of a plateau that dominates the plain of Cambodia, the Temple of Preah Vihear is dedicated to Shiva. The Temple is composed of a series of sanctuaries linked by a system of pavements and staircases over an 800 metre long axis and dates back to the first half of the 11th century AD. Nevertheless, its complex history can be traced to the 9th century, when the hermitage was founded. This site is particularly well preserved, mainly due to its remote location. The site is exceptional for the quality of its architecture, which is adapted to the natural environment and the religious function of the temple, as well as for the exceptional quality of its carved stone ornamentation.
Two elderly couples were enjoying friendly conversation when one of the men asked the other,” Fred, how was the memory clinic you went to last month?" "Outstanding," Fred replied. "They taught us all the latest psychological techniques: visualization, association, etc. It was great." "That's great! And what was the name of the clinic?" Fred went blank. He thought and thought, but couldn't remember. Then a smile broke across his face and he asked, "What do you call that flower with the long stem and thorns?"
You mean a rose?"
"Yes, that's it!" He turned to his wife, "Rose, what was the name of that memory clinic?"
Yeah, It Really Happened
WINTER SPRINGS, Fla. (UPI) - A Florida grandmother wants her hair salon to fork over $1,000 after a stylist gave her a haircut that is so bad it is affecting her social life. Vyunda Bradshaw wants the money for the "pain and suffering" she has endured after getting butchered by a Great Clips employee. Bradshaw now has a bald spot and uneven pieces of hair throughout the rest of her head. The look is so bad that Great Clips general manager Michelle Bates offered Bradshaw $60 to buy a wig. "I attend church regularly, I have a social life, I can't go anywhere with my hair looking like this," Bradshaw told Local 6. Bates also offered Bradshaw free hair products and the chance to get complimentary weekly cuts, but she declined. The stylist who ruined Bradshaw's hair has been fired. "I take pride in my hair. My appearance means a lot to me, but now somebody looks at me they might think I'm a man with my hair all cut off like that," Bradshaw said.
Somewhat Useless Information   
The average adult heart beats 72 times a minute; 100,000 times a day; 3,600,000 times a year; and 2.5 billion times during a lifetime.
During an average lifetime, the heart will pump nearly 1.5 million barrels of blood—enough to fill 200 train tank cars.
In 1929, German surgeon Werner Forssmann (1904-1979) examined the inside of his own heart by threading a catheter into his arm vein and pushing it 20 inches and into his heart, inventing cardiac catheterization, a now common procedure.
We always knew women were in charge of this!
Studies show that women initiate flirting 90 percent of the time. Although men seem to do most of the pursuing, they actually do so because they perceive that women invited their advances through flirting.
Within general styles of flirting are over 52 specific "flirting signals." For women, the most common is the hair flip.
According to scientists Judy Dutton, women who get the most attention from men send out 35 flirtatious signals per hour. While that seems to be a lot, signals can range from tilting the head to one side to stroking the arm.
The most common mistake people make while flirting according to the Social Issues Research Centre is maintaining too much eye contact. A nonromantic glance lasts only 1.18 seconds and a flirtatious gaze lasts 2–3 seconds. Anything longer is uncomfortable.
Check Your Calendar
Observances This Week:
Gay Games
National Scrabble Week

Feeding Pets of the Homeless Week  
National Resurrect Romance Week 
Elvis Week  
Weird Contest Week 
Little League Baseball World Series
National Aviation Week  
Today Is  
Best Friends Day
Chauvin Day
Check The Chip Day 
Men's Grooming Day 
Relaxation Day
Independence Day (India-1947 from UK)
Independence Day (Korea-1948)
National Day (Congo-1960 from France)
National Day (Liechtenstein-2004)
Today’s Events through History  
1248 - Construction of Cologne Cathedral begun
1635 - 1st recorded US hurricane hit the Plymouth Colony
1989 - Frederik de Klerk becomes president of South Africa
Birthday’s Today                                                        
Rose Marie, actress/comedienne (Sally Rogers-Dick Van Dyke Show) is 91
Phyllis Schlafly, St Louis, right-winger/Eagle Forum president is 90
Mike Connors, [Krekor Ohanian], actor (Mannix) is 89
Abby Dalton, actress (Joey Bishop Show) is 79
Jimmy Webb, songwriter (MacArthur Park, Up Up & Away) is 68
Debra Messing, actress (Will & Grace) is 46
Ben Affleck, actor (Armageddon, Pearl Harbor) is 42
Remembered for being born today
Napoleon Bonaparte, Corsica, resident of Elba (emperor of France (1769-1821)
Walter Scott, Scotland, novelist/poet (Lady of Lake) (1875-1912)
Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, composer (Hiawatha's Wedding Feast) ()
Ethel Barrymore, actress (Constant Wife, Corn is Green) (1879-1959)
Julia Child, chef (French Chef) (1912-2004)
Stieg Larsson, author (Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) (1954-2004)
Historical Obits Today                                                           
Harry [Maxwell] Harrison, sci-fi author, 2012, @87
Will Rogers, humorist, plane crash in Alaska, 1935, @55
Wiley Post, aviation pioneer, plane crash in Alaska, 1935, @36
Macbeth, King of Scots, slain by son of King Duncan, 1057, @35ish
King Duncan I of Scotland, slain, 1040, @31ish
Brain Teasers                                         
More often than not!

Disclaimer: All opinions are mine…feel free to agree or disagree.

All ‘data’ info is from the internet sites and is usually checked with at least one other source, but I have learned that every site has mistakes and sadly once out the information is out there, many sites simply copy it and is therefore difficult to verify. Also for events occurring before the Gregorian calendar was adopted [1582] the dates may not be totally accurate.

§    And That Is All for Now  §



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.