Oct 9



FYI: Any Green text is a link. Click to check it out!

Oct 9, 2020  Week: 41 Day: 283      

Local:   H 77 \ L 38° Average Sky Cover: 25%

Wind:   7mph\Gusts:  10mph                       

Nearest lightning:  1114mi.; active fire:  59mi

Extreme Risk of Fire          

Visibility:  10mi

Record: 81°[1996]   Record: 20°[1970]              

Sep Averages: 63°\32° (4 days with moisture)


Today’s  Quote

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.

Thomas Jefferson


Random Tidbits

 It was called "The Great War" and "The War to End All Wars" but what World War I was, was a war of firsts and innovations that revolutionized warfare and the world in general.

Tanks were initially called "landships." However, in an attempt to disguise them as water storage tanks rather than as weapons, the British decided to code name them "tanks."


A little humor

Has your tooth stopped hurting yet?

I don’t know; the dentist kept it.

What did the tooth say to the departing dentist?

Fill me in when you get back.


True Things

 In 1881, Queen Victoria was on a tour on the Isle of Wight when her horse and carriage could not keep up with a woman riding a tricycle. The Queen made her servants identify the woman so she could demonstrate the tricycle to the Queen. Intrigued by the bike, the Queen proceeded to order two. She also asked that the inventor, James Starley, arrive with the delivery. Though you might associate tricycles with toddlers, Queen Victoria made them cool among the elite. Special deliveries are definitely a royal bonus.


Observations This Week


Albuquerque Internat’l Balloon Fiesta: Link  Cancelled due to COVID-19


Getting The World To Beat A Path To Your Door Week


No Salt Week


Great Books Week




Kids' Goal Setting Week  

International Post Card WeekLink   

Mental Illness Awareness Week


Sea Otter Awareness Week:Link


Mystery Series Week

National Carry A Tune Week  Link  

National Health Care Food Service Week Link 
National Metric Week10  


World Hearing Aid Awareness Week


National Midwifery Week Link

National Work From Home Week


Trichotillomania, Skin Picking

& Related BFRB Awareness Week Link


Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Week

World Space Week Link


National Walk Your Dog Week: Link   Link Universal Children's Week


Customer Service Week Link
Drive Safely Work Week Link 


4-H Week: Link Cancelled due to COVID-19


Financial Planning Week

National Heimlich Heroes Week


Fire Prevention Week  Link



Primary Care Physicians Week


National Physicians Assistant Week


World Dairy Expo


Death Penalty Focus Week


Spinning & Weaving Week Link


Observations for Today

Curious Events Day

National Moldy-Cheese Day

Fire Prevention Day


National Nanotechnology Day (Honors the Nanometer Scale 10-9 meters) Link

International Beer and Pizza Day  Link

National Pro-Life Cupcake Day

Leif Erikson Day

Nautilus Night (Cephalopods)  Link

National Chess Day   Link  

Shemini Atzeret (at Sundown)

National Family Bowling Day(or Kids Bowl Free Day) Link  

World Egg Day Link   

National Hoagy Day

World Post Card Day Link


My Rambling Thoughts

Clouds are making their way in. No hope for moisture.

Late yesterday afternoon I took some time to clean up the vinyl trim on my vehicle. It should be black, but was actually an ugly gray due to winter weather. Put some kind of restorer on it and it’s black again. Well worth the 45 minutes it took.

As I was doing that, I remembered a car wash one of the 8th grade classes had at Red Lake. Our SpEd teacher, my next-door neighbor, had a red pickup. It was old. It had been a light red for years. The kids washed and waxed it. It was a really nice deep red color. She and her husband were very impressed and gave them a very nice tip.

Our local school district released the guidelines for reopening in person classes. The goal is less than 100/100,000 in the community. Currently, it is 236/100,000. In person school is still a long way off.

Frustrated: a friend and well-known Navajo artist has had one of his paintings about the long walk of the Navajo put in a video by Turning Point USA. Their video is entitled ‘the long walk to socialism’. This is so disgusting. He has publicly denounced the use of his art in the video.

Militia activity just got real. Thanks to law enforcement at every level of government, a plot to kidnap the Governor of Michigan and start a Civil War has been infiltrated and now arrested. Until today I have never heard of the Wolverine Watchmen. They got caught due to their Facebook and/or twitter posts. I wonder if Trump will say anything useful about this…after all she is a woman and a Democrat. His world is so small.


Today’s Puzzle

Answer at the bottom of the page

When can you add two to eleven and get one as the correct answer?


Historical Events

768 – Carloman I and Charlemagne were both crowned Kings of The Franks. Carloman died in 771, and Charlemagne reigned until 814.

1665 Due to the Great Plague of London, the British Parliament meets at the University of Oxford rather than the Palace of Westminster

1701 Collegiate School of Ct (Yale U), chartered in New Haven

1767 – Surveying for the Mason-Dixon line separating Maryland from Pennsylvania was completed.

1824 – Slavery was abolished in Costa Rica.

1873 – The US Naval Institute was established.

1888 – The Washington Monument officially opened to the public.

1919 – The Cincinnati Reds won the World Series, and eight White Sox players were later accused of intentionally losing games in exchange for money from gamblers.

1941 US President Franklin D. Roosevelt approves an atomic program that would become the Manhattan Project

1967 – Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara was executed in Bolivia.

1968 2,000 students from Queen's University Belfast try to march to Belfast City Hall in protest against 'police brutality', but blocked by loyalists led by Ian Paisley; leads for formation of student civil rights group People's Democracy

1975 - Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov wins Nobel Peace Prize

1980 – Pope John Paul II met and shook hands with the Dalai Lama in Vatican City.

2006 – North Korea may have tested its first nuclear device.

2012 – Pakistani Taliban made a failed attempt to assassinate 15-year-old Malala Yousafzai on her way home from school.

2012 - 25,000 people in Athens protest against German Chancellor Angela Merkel

2019 - Turkey launches airstrikes on Kurdish forces in Northern Syria after US President Donald Trump announces decision to pull back US forces


Birthdays Today

72 – Jackson Browne, American singer-songwriter

68 – Sharon Osbourne, English television host

67 – Tony Shalhoub, American actor

66 – Scott Bakula, American actor

56 – Guillermo del Toro, Mexican-American director

45 – Sean Lennon, American singer-songwriter, John of John

41 – Brandon Routh, American actor

@40 – John Lennon, English singer-songwriter, guitarist (d. 1980; shot)


Puzzle Answer

When you add two hours to eleven o-clock, you get one o-clock.


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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.