May 22


Daily Almanac for Flagstaff
Week 22 Day: 142 \ Ave. sky cover: a% \ Visibility: 10 miles Flagstaff Today 75° \37° 
Wind: 8mph \ Gusts: 14mph
Extreme risk of fire \ Nearest active fire: 10mi \ nearest Lightning: 621mi
May Averages for Flagstaff: 68° \ 34°  (3 days of moisture)

Today’s Quote


Weekly Observations

American Craft Beer Week Link 
International Coaching Week  Link
National Bike to Work Week  Link  
National Foul Ball Week
PGA Championship   Link

Cannes Film Festival

Health Information Professionals Week Link

National Backyard Games Week
National Safe Boating Week
World Schizophrenia Awareness Week  Link
Healthy and Safe Swimming Week Link


Daily Observations


My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts

Cooler today, but I’m not complaining as the horrific wind is also gone. Yesterday’s highest wind was 54 mph.

A male who started a wildfire that killed 12 endangered condors has been given 24 years in prison. I have seen condors, in the wild, outside Page, AZ. They are magnificent birds.

Trump paid the $110,000 fine for contempt after he didn’t release documents. His lawyers say they have now done so.

A Catholic bishop has notified Nancy Pelosi that she can no longer receive communion within the parishes he oversees in San Francisco until she repents for her stance on abortion and retracks her comments in public. A while back the Pope told US Catholic leaders not to get involved in politics when there was a discussion of preventing Biden from receiving communion for the same reason. It seems a little hypocritical since the bishop’s statement does not preclude Pelosi from receiving communion in say DC where she spends most of her time. I wonder what the Pope is going to say about this. Also, if the church can stop someone from receiving communion for their political beliefs, shouldn’t the church be taxed?

Favorite Memes






I wanted to take pictures of the fog this morning but I mist my chance. I guess I could dew it tomorrow!


v Noted for making incredible claims, Tesla claimed that he invented a death ray that could send concentrated beams of energy through air with the capability of bringing down a fleet of 10,000 enemy airplanes at a distance of 250 miles. He believed his death ray, if it were ever accomplished, would end war as we know it.

v When Tesla died in the year of 1943, the Office of Alien Property took his stuff. Most of his things were given to his family, and many were taken to the Tesla Museum in Belgrade. However, some documents still remain classified by the U.S. Government.

Historical Events

   Ø  1455 – England’s War of the Roses began when the Yorkists defeated King Henry VI’s Lancastrian forces at St. Albans.
Ø  1762 – Trevi Fountain was officially completed and inaugurated in Rome.
Ø  1804 –Lewis and Clark Expedition officially began, from St. Charles, Missouri.
Ø  1807 – A grand jury indicted former Vice President of the United States, Aaron Burr, on a charge of treason.
Ø  1819 – SS Savannah left port at Savannah, Georgia, United States, starting a voyage to become the first steamship to cross the Atlantic Ocean.
Ø  1849 – US President #16 Abraham Lincoln was the first U.S. President to receive a patent, on his floating drydock, US patent #6469.
Ø  1906 – The Wright brothers were granted US Patent (#821,393) for their “Flying-Machine”.
Ø  1964 – Lyndon B. Johnson launched The Great Society.
Ø  1990 – Microsoft Windows 3.0 was released.
Ø  1992 – Johnny Carson hosted The Tonight Show for the last time
Ø  2017 – Twenty-two people were killed at an Ariana Grande concert in the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing.

Birthdays Today

84 – Richard Benjamin, American character actor and director

@71 – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, British writer (d. 1930; heart attack)

@69 – Richard Wagner, German composer (d. 1883; heart attack)

@65 – Quinn Martin [ Irwin Martin Cohn], screenwriter, producer (d. 1987; heart attack)

56 – Johnny Gill, American singer-songwriter

52 – Naomi Campbell, English model

@48 – Brody Stevens, American comedic actor (d. 2019; suicide)

35 – Novak Djokovic, Tennis playere


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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.