30 Dec



Flagstaff Today 56°: 27°  Week 1 Day 365

Air Quality: Fair Sunshine

Wind 8 mph Gusts 17 mph Breezy

Active Fire: 348 miles away Risk of Fire: High

Nearest lightning: 1637 miles away

Dec Averages: Temps: 45°\18° Moisture: 5 Days 

Weekly Observations


Christmas Bird Count Week Link 



It's About Time Week


Daily Observations

Bacon Day
Falling Needles Family Fest Day

Festival of Enormous Changes @ The Last Minute
National Bicarbonate of Soda Day

Today’s Quote                                                               


Today’s Meme


Early Lakeside Park, Denver

Thoughts for the day

Another blue sky and nice winter day.

I watched the Buffs lose the Alamo Bowl…I had expected a better game.

The Rams beat the Cards, no surprise on that one.

I’m ready for 2025. Looking forward to new experiences, new ideas, and many enjoyable weeks.


George Crum - Potato Chips

George Crum was a chef at Moon’s Lake House in Saratoga Springs, New York, who created potato chips by accident in 1853. After a customer complained about thick French fries, Crum sliced potatoes paper-thin and fried them until crisp as a joke. The customers loved them, and “Saratoga Chips” became a popular menu item at the restaurant. Word of the crispy potatoes spread, and eventually, potato chips became one of America’s favorite snacks.

Random Thoughts…

A group of Swans (at rest) is called a Bevy or Bank or Herd. A group of Swans (in flight) is called a Wedge or Flight.

In 2011, a copy of Action Comics No 1 (the first comic featuring Superman) was found in an abandoned storage unit, estimated to be worth over $1 million. The comic actually belonged to Nicholas Cage, who had it stolen from his house 11 years earlier, and was returned to him.

Robert Stack (original host of the popular Unsolved Mysteries television show) was extremely skeptical about the segments involving paranormal occurrences. While recording his famous narrations, he would often turn to his producer in between takes and exclaim: “Oh, come on, Raymond!”

In 1910, a series of books were published featuring a fictional boy-inventor by the name of Tom Swift. One of these books was titled “Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle.” Many years later, this led to the naming of the TASER that police now carry: “Tom A. Swift Electric Rifle”

In 458 BC Roman farmer Lucius Cincinnatus was named absolute dictator of Rome during a crisis. After achieving victory he resigned and returned power to the senate. His resignation of absolute authority is often cited as an example of outstanding leadership, serving the greater good and civic virtue.

Quirky town names…

Bat Cave, North Carolina

Named for a nearby cave inhabited by bats, this town fully embraces its dark and mysterious moniker. It’s a hotspot for outdoor enthusiasts and curious visitors drawn by its unusual name.

Historic Events

Click here for 30 Dec History


LeBron James, 40 Basketball Player

Tiger Woods, 49 Golfer

Tyrese Gibson, 46  R&B Singer

Tracey Ullman, 65 Comedian

Laila Ali, 47 Boxer

Sean Hannity, 63 TV Show Host

Sheryl Lee Ralph, 68 TV Actress


@79 – Bo Diddley (Ellas Otha Bates), American singer-songwriter and guitarist (d. 2008; heart failure)

@77 – Bert Parks, American actor, beauty pageant host (d. 1992; lung cancer)

@73 – Simon Guggenheim, American businessman (d. 1941)

@72 – Skeeter Davis (Mary Frances Penick), American singer-songwriter (d. 2004; breast cancer)

@70 – Rudyard Kipling, Indian-English author (d. 1936; perforated ulcer)

@66 – Davy Jones, English singer-songwriter and actor, Monkee (d. 2012; heart attack)

@55 – Del Shannon (Charles Weedon Westover), American singer-songwriter(d. 1990; suicide)


…The End for today…


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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.