3 Jan



Flagstaff Today 56°: 26°  Week 1 Day 3

Air Quality: Fair Sunshine

Wind 4 mph Gusts 6 mph

Active Fire: 234 miles away Risk of Fire: High

Nearest lightning: 1077 miles away

Jan Averages: Temps: 44°\18° Moisture: 4 Days 

Monthly Observations

International Quality of Life Month
International Wayfinding Month
International Wealth Mentality Month
Learn to Ski and Snowboard Month 

Menudo Month  Link
National Be On-Purpose Month
National Braille Literacy Month 
National Cheesy Sock Month

Weekly Observations


Christmas Bird Count Week Link 
Diet Resolution Week: 1-7 
Silent Record Week: 1-7

Someday We'll Laugh About This Week: 2-8

Daily Observations

Drinking Straw Day
Festival of Sleep Day  
J.R.R. Tolkien Day
Memento Mori "Remember You Die" Day 

National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day Link
National Drinking Straw Day
Women Rock! Day

Today’s Quote                                                               


Today’s Memes





Thoughts for the day

Another nice winter day.

Social media is spreading so much incorrect information on the 2 events that took place yesterday. Sad.

The FBI is investigating the cybertruck explosion at the front of Trump Tower in Vegas. Not a lot of viable information yet. It was rented in Denver. Musk has sent several techies to recover video that may be in the truck.

I did some shopping this morning. Then had my vehicle washed and waxed.  All good.

I got more texts and telephone calls from friends. Nice to be remembered.


Beulah Louise Henry - Ice Cream Freezer

Known as “Lady Edison,” Beulah Louise Henry invented a vacuum-sealed ice cream freezer in 1912 that could make ice cream without using salt or ice. Her design kept ice cream cold longer and prevented it from getting too hard or developing ice crystals. The freezer could make multiple flavors at once and was much more efficient than existing models. Her invention led to improvements in commercial ice cream production and storage.

Random Thoughts…

Worrying works! 90% of the things I worry about never happen…
One of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient WorldColossus of Rhodes, built in 280 BC, destroyed in the earthquake of 226 BC
“It is useless to hold a person to anything he says while he’s in love, drunk, or running for office.” – Shirley MacLaine

US President #8 Martin Van Buren (1837-1841) Van Buren was born on December 5, 1782, making him the first President born a U.S. citizen. All the presidents prior were originally British Subjects.

The term dead ringer comes from the practice of substituting a thoroughbred horse with a look-a-like to trick bookies.

All mammals, from mice to whales, have roughly the same number of heartbeats in a lifetime: 1 billion.

The Chinese population census margin of error (26 million) is bigger than the population of 180 countries.

Quirky town names…

Tightwad, Missouri

The town’s name came from a stingy postmaster who refused to lower the price of a watermelon for a customer. The incident left such an impression that the name Tightwad was adopted.

Historic Events

Click here for 3 Jan History


Greta Thunberg, 22


Mel Gibson, 69

Movie Actor

Eli Manning, 44

Football Player

John Paul Jones, 79


Jason Marsden, 50

TV Actor

@92 – Dabney Coleman, American actor (d. 2024)

@91 – Victor Borge (Børge Rosenbaum), Danish-American pianist, conductor (d. 2000)

@81 – J.R.R. Tolkien, English writer, poet, and philologist (d. 1973)

@79 – Ray Milland (Alfred Reginald Jones), Welsh-American actor, and director (d. 1986; lung cancer)

@77 – Glen A. Larson, American director, producer, screenwriter, created Battlestar Galactica (d. 2014; cancer)


@63 – Cicero, Roman philosopher, lawyer, politician (d. 43 BC)

@60 – Sergio Leone, Italian director, producer, and screenwriter (d. 1989; heart attack)

@56 – Anna May Wong, American actress (d. 1961; heart attack)

…The End for today…


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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.