
TODAY’s “Geez”: 1495 - 1st written record of Scotch Whiskey appears in Exchequer Rolls of Scotland, Friar John Cor is the distiller

Free Rambling Thoughts…
I did some river trip shopping today and found lots more than I expected. Well on the track to be ready in July. I still have a couple of other places to check out, but know that most everything is available. This trip is going to be a great adventure, to be sure.

Summer is almost here, and Flag without wind is really nice. Early morning walks are invigorating, and today eve an afternoon walk was nice. I was a little tired, so head out for a walk. Came back with new energy. It’s so hard to stay inside when the weather is so nice. I have to get some color in my flower pots. My favorites still haven’t arrived, but should be in this week.  

Trivia Quiz…(answers at the end of post)
Who first played Mr. Arnstein with Barbra Streisand in Funny Girl?
Which former child star appeared in Little Johnny Jones in the 1980’s?
What was known as Sondheim's Kabuki musical?
In which theater did Pal Joey have its New York premiere?
In which year did New York have its very first premiere of a musical version of Peter Pan?
Where did Crazy For You lose half a million dollars before finding success on Broadway?
Who wrote the play on which Porgy  & Bess was based?
What was the first show at the Ziegfeld Theater in February 1927?
What was the name of Jerry Bock and Sheldon Harnick's follow-up to the musical which had the hit If I Were A Rich Man?
Who lived at the real 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue when the musical 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue had its debut in 1976?
Who played Maria in the 1990 revival of The Sound of Music by the New York City Opera?
Sunday in the Park with George is based on which painting?

Zoom-ed in Picture…Can you Identify what this is? (Answer at end of post)

Minimum number of advocacy groups in Texas for Cockfighting: 3

Somewhat Useless Information…
>The Sock Capital of the World is located in Fort Payne, Alabama. The area's first sock mill, the W.B. Davis Hosiery Mill (1907), is no longer producing socks but still houses an antique mall with artifacts left over from the mill's past.
>You can visit Kellogg's Cereal City USA, an interactive museum in Battle Creek, Michigan that pays tribute to cereal and shows its impact on our culture. You can check out a re-creation of a cereal production line, meet your favorite Kellogg's cereal-box celebrities, and purchase a box of cereal with your face on it!
>If you're ever in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, you can pay a visit to the Phillips Mushroom Museum. The museum, established in 1972, chronicles three generations of the mushroom-farming Phillips family.

Yeah, It Really Happened…
A South Florida teen's attempt at a stunt you might see on MTV's "Jackass" ended with him in a hospital and barely surviving thanks to what doctors call a very unique heart.
Gabriel Mendigutia, 19, dared his girlfriend, Ally Castro, to shoot him in the chest with his pellet rifle at near point blank range, a Miami-Dade Police report read.
Castro allegedly closed her eyes and pulled the trigger and the pellet went directly through Mendigutia's heart, eventually getting lodged in his back, Mendigutia told the Miami Herald reported.
The stunt gone wrong would have killed most people, doctors at Jackson Memorial Hospital said.
But Mendigutia's heart is special.
Despite the hole in his heart's main artery, Mendigutia's heart was able to pump blood around the bullet wound because of a "very rare" anatomical anomaly, doctors said.
"He is a miracle case because so many things went in his favor,” said Dr. Nicholas Namias, who performed the surgery to save Mendigutia's life May 23.
Miami-Dade Police have ruled the incident an accidental shooting and Castro isn't expected to face any charges.

Guffaw…or at least smile…
When a woman got married she put a shoebox in the closet and told her husband not to open it. After over 50 years of marriage she was dying and told him to open the box. When he opened it there were 2 doilies and $85,000.00.
He ask why this was in the box. She replied “when I got married my mother told me to crochet a doily every time I got mad at you. He smile thinking she was only mad twice and ask what the $85,000.00 was. She replied that's the money from selling the doilies.

Searchin’ “You Tube” I found…

Daybook Information…
…Happening this Month:
Adopt A Shelter Cat Month → Audio Book Appreciation Month → Black Music MonthCancer From The Sun MonthCaribbean-American Heritage MonthCelibacy Awareness MonthChild Vision Awareness Month → Children's Awareness Month → Corn and Cucumber Month → Country Cooking Month → Dairy Alternative Month → Effective Communications Month → Entrepreneurs "Do It Yourself" Marketing Month → Fireworks Safety Month → Gay & Lesbian Pride Month → Great Outdoors Month → International Childhood Cancer Awareness Month → International Men's Month → International Surf Music Month →  Dairy Month → Lane Courtesy Month → Perennial Gardening Month → Turkey Lovers Month Lemon and Mango MonthNational Accordion Awareness Month → National Aphasia Awareness Month → National Bathroom Reading Month → National Camping Month → National GLBT (Gay,Lesbian,Bisexual & Transgender) Awareness Month → National GLBT (Gay,Lesbian,Bisexual & Transgender) Book Month → National Candy Month → National Fruit and Veggies MonthNational Ice Tea Month → National Rivers Month → National Rose Month → National Safety Month → National Smile Month → National Soul Food MonthNational Steakhouse MonthOkra MonthPharmacists Declare War on Alcoholism MonthPotty Training Awareness MonthProfessional Wellness MonthRebuild Your Life Month → Skyscraper Month → Sports America Kids MonthStudent Safety MonthVision Research MonthWomen's Golf MonthWorld Infertility Month
…Happening This Week:

Heimlich Maneuver Day
National Go Barefoot Day
Say Something Nice Day
Stand For Children Day
Solar Eclipse
China: International Children's Day
Samoa: Independence Day
US: Kentucky: Admission Day [1792—15th]
US: Navajo Nation: Treaty Day [1868]

US: Tennessee: Admission Day [1796—16th]

Today’s Events:
1933 - Century of Progress world's fair opens in Chicago
1971 - Ed Sullivan's final TV show on CBS
1990 - Cowboy Channel on cable TV begins transmitting
2008 - A fire at the backlot of Universal Studios Hollywood destroys several icons from movies, such as Courthouse Square, the clock tower from Back to the Future, and the King Kong exhibit on the studio tour.
1918 - White Sox losing 5-4 against NY Yankees, load the bases in 9th with no outs Chick Gandil lines to Frank Baker who turns a triple play
1941 - NY Giant Mel Ott hits his 400th HR & his 1,500th RBI
1975 - California Angel Nolan Ryan 4th no-hitter beats Baltimore Orioles, 1-0
1880 - 1st pay telephone installed
1886 - The railroads of the Southern United States convert 11,000 miles of track from a five foot rail gauge to standard gauge.
1949 - 1st magazine on microfilm offered to subscribers (Newsweek) 1949 - Lucille Ball & Desi Arnaz wed for the second time
1980 - Ted Turner's Cable News Network [CNN] begins broadcasting
1989 - 62nd National Spelling Bee: Scott Isaacs wins spelling spoliator
1995 - 68th National Spell Bee: Justin Tyler Carroll wins spelling xanthosis
1868 - Treaty of Bosque Redondo is signed allowing the Navajos to return to their lands in Arizona and New Mexico.
1934: A legal definition of "Indian" is made today.
1215 - Beijing, then under the control of the Jurchen ruler Emperor Xuanzong of Jin, is captured by the Mongols under Genghis Khan, ending the Battle of Beijing.
1533 - Anna Boleyn crowned queen of England
1679 - The Scottish Covenanters defeat John Graham of Claverhouse at the Battle of Drumclog
1979 - The first black-led government of Rhodesia in 90 years takes power.
1980 - ANC sets fire to Sasol oil installations in South Africa
4000 BC - Approximate domestication of the horse in the Eurasian steppes near Dereivka, central Ukraine (hypothesis only)
1638 - 1st earthquake recorded in US, at Plymouth, Mass
1657 - 1st Quakers arrives in New Amsterdam (NY)
1660 - Mary Dyer is hanged for defying a law banning Quakers from the Massachusetts Bay Colony
1836 - Charles Darwin returns to Capetown
1845 - Homing pigeon completes 11,000 km trip (Namibia-London) in 55 days
1888 - California gets its 1st seismograph
1796 - Last of Britain's troops withdraws from US
1813 - Capt John Lawrence utters Navy motto "Don't give up the ship"
1843 - Sojourner Truth leaves NY to begin her career as antislavery activist
1869 - Voting machine patented (Thomas A Edison)
1877 - US troops authorized to pursue bandits into Mexico
1967 - Mayor-council form of government instituted for Washington, DC



Pat Boone, singer/actor (April Love, Cross & Switchblade) turns 77
Diana Canova, actress (Corrine-Soap) turns 58
Morgan Freeman actor turns 74
Andy Griffith actor turns  85
Heidi Klum model turns 38
Lisa Hartman TV personality turns 55
1926 - Marilyn Monroe, [Norma Jean Mortenson], actress (Some Like It Hot)
1921 - Nelson Riddle, musical conductor (Batman, Frank Sinatra)
1762 - Edmund Ignatius Rice, Irish founder of the Christian Brothers and Presentation Brothers 

1833 - John Marshall Harlan, Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court

1801 - Brigham Young, painter/religious leader (Mormon church)/polygamist

Today’s Obits:
1927 - J. B. Bury, Irish historian dies at 65
1996 - Ray Combs, TV host (Family Feud), commits suicide at 40
1952 - John Dewey, US philosopher (Common Faith), dies at 92
1973 - Harvey S Firestone Jr, US tire manufacturer, dies at 75
1985 - Richard Greene, actor (Adv of Robin Hood), dies of cardiac arrest at 67
1769 - Edward Holyoke, President of Harvard University dies at 79
1968 - Helen Keller, blind & deaf/author (Let us Have Faith), dies at 87
2001 - Hank Ketcham, American cartoonist (Dennis the Menace) dies at 81
1991 - David Ruffin, rock vocalist (Temptations), dies of drug overdose at 50
2008 - Yves Saint Laurent, French fashion designer dies of brain cancer at 71

Trivia Quiz
Who first played Mr. Arnstein with Barbra Streisand in Funny Girl?
Sydney Chaplin
Which former child star appeared in Little Johnny Jones in the 1980’s?
Donny Osmond
What was known as Sondheim's Kabuki musical?
Pacific Overtures
In which theater did Pal Joey have its New York premiere?
Ethel Barrymore Theater
In which year did New York have its very first premiere of a musical version of Peter Pan?
Where did Crazy For You lose half a million dollars before finding success on Broadway?
Who wrote the play on which Porgy  & Bess was based?
DuBose & Dorothy K Heyward
What was the first show at the Ziegfeld Theater in February 1927?
Rio Rita
What was the name of Jerry Bock and Sheldon Harnick's follow-up to the musical which had the hit If I Were A Rich Man?
The Rothschilds
Who lived at the real 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue when the musical 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue had its debut in 1976?
 Gerald Ford
Who played Maria in the 1990 revival of The Sound of Music by the New York City Opera?
Debby Boone
Sunday in the Park with George is based on which painting?
Sunday Afternoon On the Island of La Grande Jatte

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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.