Jun 11


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Jun  11, 2020 Week: 24  Day: 163

86004:   H 77° \ L 40° \ Average Sky Cover: 5%

Wind:   3mph\Gusts:  6mph  Visibility: 10 mi

Nearest lightning:  648mi.; Nearest active fire:  104mi. 

Extreme Risk of Fire          


Record High: 90°[1918]   Record Low: 26°[1954]

Jun Averages: 80°\43° (3 days with rain)


Today’s  Quote

 "Life is what happens

when you're busy making other plans."

-John Lennon

 Random Tidbits

 Massive swarms of over 1,000 basking sharks spotted off the northeastern U.S. are puzzling scientists.

National Geographic reports that the shark swarms were noticed during aerial surveys to locate endangered North Atlantic Right Whales. Typically solitary creatures, the throngs of basking sharks have surprised experts.

Although fearsome looking, the basking sharks, which can grow up to 32 feet long, are not a threat to humans. Other varieties of sharks are another story.


Have a smile

True conversations while flying


While taxiing at London's Airport, the crew of a US Air flight departing for Ft Lauderdale made a wrong turn and came nose to nose with a United 727. 

An irate female ground controller lashed out at the US Air crew, screaming: "US Air 2771, where the hell are you going? I told you to turn right onto Charlie taxiway! You turned right on Delta! Stop right there. I know it's difficult for you to tell the difference between C and D, but get it right!"

Continuing her rage to the embarrassed crew, she was now shouting hysterically:

"God! Now you've screwed everything up! It'll take forever to sort this out! You stay right there and don't move till I tell you to! You can expect progressive taxi instructions in about half an hour, and I want you to go exactly where I tell you, when I tell you, and how I tell you! You got that, US Air 2771?"

"Yes, ma'am,"

the humbled crew responded. 


Observations This Week

International Clothesline Week: 6-13 
National Lemonade Days: 6-13 Link August due to COVID-19
Bed Bug Awareness Week: 7-13
Black Single Parents Week: 7-13 

Community Health Improvement Week (CHI): 7-13  Link
End Mountain Top Removal Week:  7-13  
Nat'l Automotive Service Professionals Week: 7-13 
National Business Etiquette Week:  7-13  
National Headache Awareness Week: 7-13  
Pet Appreciation Week: 7-13  
Duct Tape Days: 11-13 Link  Canceled due to COVID-19
Superman Days: 11-14  

Observations for Today

Corn on the Cob Day
National Career Nursing Assistants Day 
National Corn on the Cob Day

National Cotton Candy Day Link
National German Chocolate Cake Day

National Making Life Beautiful Day  Link


My Rambling Thoughts


Warming up nicely today…will keep it up through the weekend. Nice

Dental cleaning went well, just have a new cavity under another crown. Bummer

Teachers, when I was in school, learning to become a teacher, I had classes in the various subjects I had to teach. I didn’t have a class in shooting protocol, on serious child counseling, on the tons of paperwork from bureaucrats, and many other duties now required. I needed a bachelor’s degree to teach and the last two years were almost exclusively in the Dept. of Education. After becoming a teacher, I quickly was given ‘other duties as assigned’ that I had to learn to do.  Over  the years they took over more time than direct teaching.

Law enforcement is in the same boat. Their training takes place over a couple of months. Their dream was ‘to serve and to protect’. They are not adequately trained to deal with spousal abuse, child care, huge drug busts, runaways who left due to abuse, dealing with the mentally ill or mentally challenged, dealing with a growing homeless population, dealing with immigration issues…and the list goes on.

The current defund movement is trying to deal with these ‘other duties as assigned’. There are many trained professionals to deal with much of these other duties, but funding is lacking. The movement is to release police from many of these duties and give the professionals in those fields the funding they need to address the root issues. The vast majority of those in the movement agree that law enforcement is needed in every city. They are trying to take some of their responsibilities away and giving the funding to other professionals.

These are just two of the many professions that have had ‘other duties as assigned’ that take away from their primary job. It is time for a major change in this country in many of our professions.

I’m learning, a little late, that the least vocal are often given assignments that others don’t want to or cannot do. It is the old ‘the squeaky wheel gets the grease’.


Today’s Puzzle

Answer at the bottom of the page

A man is found dead at a table slumped over in his chair.  He is surrounded by 53 bicycles.  How did the man die?

Historical Events

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Birthdays Today

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Puzzle Answer

The man cheated at cards.  Bicycle is a popular manufacturer of playing cards. There are 52 cards in a normal deck, yet the man is surrounded by 53 cards.


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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.