16 Jan



Flagstaff Today 37°:   Week 3 Day 16

Air Quality: Fair Sunshine

Wind 11 mph Gusts 23 mph Cold Wind

Active Fire: 132 miles away Risk of Fire: Moderate

Nearest lightning: 1082 miles away

Jan Averages: Temps: 44°\18° Moisture: 4 Days 

Weekly Observations

Cuckoo Dancing Week: 11-17
International Snowmobile Safety and Awareness Week: 11-19 
Healthy Weight Week: 12-18
Home Office Safety & Security Week: 12-18  

Idiom Week: 12-18
National Mocktail Week: 12-18

No Name Calling Week:  13-17 Link
Sundance Film Festival: 16-26
National Fresh Squeezed Juice Week: 17-23

Daily Observations

Appreciate A Dragon Day
Civil Service Day
Customer Service Day
Ditch Your New Year’s Resolutions Day
Fig Newton Day 
Link  Link
Get to Know Your Customers Day
Hot Buttered Rum Day

Hot Heads Chili Day

Kid Inventors’ Day
National Bootlegger’s Day
National Nothing Day
National Quinoa Day

Religious Freedom Day Link 
Without A Scalpel Day 
Link  Link
Zeta Phi Beta Day

Today’s Quote                                                               


Today’s Memes





Thoughts for the day

Another cold morning. By noon it warmed up to a sweltering 37°.

I bundled up and headed out around 10 to get a pedicure. There was an 84-year-old man in the nearest chair. He looked at me and said “You always gotta take care of your feet. I know, I’m 84”. I told him I agreed. My feet and I do feel much better.

I knew it was a dry winter.

            Moisture from Dec 2 to Jan 15                        3 driest on record

            0.1” in 2024-25        0.02” in 2005-06                  0.11” in 1917-18

There is now a ceasefire in Gaza. Thanks to Qatar's leadership there is a long-term (42 day) ceasefire. Everyone involved hopes each of the phases hold.

Mayan Culture of Mexico and beyond…

They had an extensive library of written books.

Revisiting the Maya hieroglyphs, the Maya used their written language to fill books. Using strips of paper made from fig tree bark, the Maya created a vast library of books, including three codices that exist today. 

But hundreds of books were lost over time, either due to the humid climate of the region or the arrival of Europeans who burned the written texts. 

Random Thoughts…

The Soviet Union national ice hockey team participated nine times in the Winter Olympics and won seven gold medals, one silver medal and one bronze medal.

Biggest film of 1984: Ghostbusters (Comedy) earned ~ $242,000,000

Ray Charles – Real Name: Ray Charles Robinson

We invented the wheel, built the pyramids, discovered electricity and landed on the moon, but still haven’t found a way to stop accidentally biting the inside of your mouth when you least expect it.

I don’t think I’m a robot, but maybe that’s just part of my programming.

Woody Allen – Real Name: Allen Konigsberg

Because 1800 was not a leap year, John Adams served one fewer day as president than all other one-termers.

Lord Acton’s famous quote ‘Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.’ is immediately followed by ‘Great men are almost always bad men’.

A group of Asteroids is called a Belt.

Origin of city nicknames…

Chicago, Illinois: ‘Windy City’

‘Windy City’ could easily refer to the chill weather blowing in from Lake Michigan, but it most likely has a less obvious origin. In the late 19th century, Chicago regularly played host to major political conventions, and quickly gained a reputation for both its loquacious politicians and boastful citizens, who loved to proclaim their hometown’s status as the undisputed “Metropolis of the West”. In other words, it became known as, quite literally, a city of windbags, a derisive term which, over time, has been adopted with pride. 

Historic Events

Click here for 16 Jan History


Lin-Manuel Miranda, 45

Stage Actor

Kate Moss, 51


Sade, 66

R&B Singer

Debbie Allen, 75

TV Actress

John Carpenter, 77


Joe Flacco, 40

Football Player


@78 – Andre Michelin, French industrialist, founder of Michelin Tire Company (d. 1931)

@76 – Ethel Merman (Ethel Agnes Zimmermann), American actress and singer (d. 1984;  glioblastoma)

@71 – Susan Sontag, American novelist, essayist, and critic (d. 2004; lung cancer)

@64 – Dizzy Dean (Jay Hanna Dean), American baseball player and sportscaster (d. 1974; heart attack)

@53 – Dian Fossey, Gorilla advocate (d. 1985; murdered)

@22 – Aaliyah, American singer and actress (d. 2001; overloaded private plane crash)

…The End for today…


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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.