Flagstaff Today 58°:
Week 8 Day 51 Air Quality: Fair Partly Cloudy Sunshine Wind 5 mph Gusts 11 mph Light breeze Active
Fire: 413 miles away Risk of Fire:
Moderate Nearest lightning: 1343 miles away Feb Averages: Temps: 46°\20°
Moisture: 4 Days |
Weekly Observations
14-21 |
National Condom Week |
15-22 |
16-22 |
Build A Better Trade Show Image Week National Engineers Week |
16-25 |
Date (Fruit) Week |
17-23 |
Hockey Week Across America Link |
19-23 |
American Birkenbeiner Cross-Country Ski Race |
20-22 |
Texas Cowboy Poetry Gathering |
Daily Observations
Clean Out Your Bookcase Day |
Northern Hemisphere Hoodie Hoo Day Link World Pangolin day |
Today’s Quote
Today’s Memes
Thoughts for the day
A great winter day. I had lunch with
Andy and Faith as they headed back to Phoenix. Great food, great conversation.
Baby back ribs were very tasty too.
Now Trump thinks that Ukraine started
this war. Insanity remains.
On President’s Day there were about
500 protestors at City Hall, decrying the Trump Presidency.
Forgotten American Heros…
Francisco Vázquez de Coronado
Francisco Vázquez de Coronado was a
Spanish explorer who led an expedition into the American Southwest in the
While searching for the mythical
Seven Cities of Gold, Coronado and his men explored vast areas, mapping parts
of what is now the United States. Although he never found the cities, his
journey provided valuable information about the region.
Coronado’s exploration paved the way
for future expeditions and settlements. His legacy as a pioneer in the
exploration of the Americas remains significant, illustrating the relentless
pursuit of discovery during the Age of Exploration.
Common Misconceptions…
“That the German tanks in WW2 were
superior to everything the Allies had to offer, and that the Allies had to use
their numerical advantage. Panther and Tiger look cool, yes, but they were
actually a waste of resources.”
Random Thoughts…
Peppers taste hot because of a
chemical compound called capsaicin.
“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” – Walt Disney
Dogs can now watch more TV due to higher refresh rates and resolutions, whereas before it was like watching a flickering image.
After Haiti defeated France to earn its independence in 1804, France returned 20 years later with warships and demanded 150 million francs in gold to compensate for lost property. Haiti did not pay off this debt until 1947.
John Hurt holds the record by dying in over 40 different movies including Alien, Spaceballs, Elephant Man, Hellboy and V for Vendetta.
The word ‘currently’ is useless. It can always be omitted without affecting understanding of a sentence, at least in how we use English currently.
Historic Events
Click here for the history on
20 Feb
@95 –
Gloria Vanderbilt, American actress, fashion designer, and socialite (d.
@71 – J. Geils,
American singer-songwriter and guitarist (d. 2017) @69 – William
Prescott, American soldier, coined the term “Don’t shoot until you see the
whites of their eyes.” (d. 1795)
…The End for today…
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