18 Dec





Flag Today  53°/35°   Week 51  Day 353

Air Quality: Fair Light Clouds   Sunshine

Wind 7 mph Gusts 12 mph Gentle Breeze

Active Fire: 67 miles away Risk of fire: High  

Nearest Lightning: 1911 miles away

Dec. Averages: Temps: 45°\18° Moisture:  5 Days

Weekly Observations


Andisop (Meteorological Fiddling) Link

Christmas Bird Count Week Link 

Halcyon Days: 14-28 (Always 7 days before and 7 days after the Winter Solstice)

Gluten-free Baking Week



Cookie Exchange Week



Daily Observations

Answer the Phone like Buddy the Elf Day
Arabic Language Day

Bake Cookies Day

Give A Wine Club Day  Link
International Migrants Day

Today’s Seasonal Quote                                                                


Today’s Meme


Thoughts for the day

Sunshine with high clouds today.

The stats of the Madison School shooting have changed: 2 killed and the female shooter shot herself.

Good news: 1st: the WEP on Social Security may end. My $75/ month check will be closer to $250/month. 2nd: Trump wants to end National Daylight time. During my career I had to live in Daylight time all week, and standard time on weekends. After retiring, its has been nothing but standard time. I really enjoy not having to adjust to the time changes.

Sad news: My friend and colleague from Tuba Boarding has been diagnosed with dementia. I met Cheryl when she was a SpEd teacher, and her new husband also taught SpEd. They have one son, Joey, and were divorced when Joey was still young. Cheryl left Tuba after the divorce and worked for an Insurance Company. She returned to Tuba soon after I became Dept. Head. After we both retired we had weekly lunches with other retired colleagues.  A little over a year ago she went to visit Joey and his family in California. She had several falling incidents and no longer felt comfortable driving long distances. She stayed with her Joey at his house. After almost a year, she moved into a retirement complex near Joey. I talked to her on her May birthday and once during the summer. I called her yesterday. She was talking about how Joey retired and moved his family to Phoenix and that she was driving between her place in Williams and his place in Phoenix. We had a good conversation, but it seemed a little off. Later last night I called Joey to see what was going on. He didn’t retire and didn’t move. Cheryl is still at the retirement place. He said her dementia has gotten worse and that she has good days and bad days. I’m glad I called on a good day. He thanked me for checking and asked that I call every so often. So very sad. I'm glad she is happy in her own little world.

Trivia Time


Christmas Traditions

Trim a banana tree

In India, fir trees are not as prevalent, so celebrants there make do with what they have: banana and mango trees! These trees are adorned with lights and ornaments on the street and their leaves decorate inside people’s homes.

Random Thoughts…

A friend is someone who will help you move. A BEST friend is someone who will help you move a body.

Due to the mild temperatures in 1949, the Rockefeller Christmas Tree was spray-painted with hundreds of gallons of silver paint in efforts to look more winter-like.

Old Quaker Oats advertising identified the “Quaker man” as William Penn, but today he is referred to as “Larry”.

Biggest film of 191620,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Action/Adventure) earned ~ $8,000,000

US President #40 Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) Reagan was the oldest president elected to office (aged 69). His favorite all-time job? As a teenage lifeguard!

The dinner I was cooking for my family was going to be a surprise, but the fire trucks ruined it.

Ancient Roman Life

Emperors were fed grapes but at what cost

Roman emperors led lives marked by extravagance, luxury, and often bizarre behaviors. They rose to power through various means, such as conquest, political expertise, or military support, and once they were in power, they generally ruled for life. The emperors had no term limits or retirement plans, and their tenure often ended with their death, frequently through assassination or forced suicide.

Historic Events

18 Dec History


Billie Eilish, 23 Pop Singer

Brad Pitt, 61 Movie Actor

Christina Aguilera, 44 Pop Singer

Stone Cold Steve Austin, 60 Wrestler

Steven Spielberg, 78 Director

Keith Richards, 81 Guitarist


@87 – Raiford Chatman "Ossie" Davis , American actor (d. 2005)


@80 – Charles Wesley, English missionary, composer (d. 1788)

@78 – Willy Brandt, German politician (d. 1992; colon cancer)

@74 – Joseph Stalin, Georgian-Russian politician, 4th Premier of the Soviet Union (d. 1953)

@74 – Ty Cobb, American baseball player (d. 1961; diabetic coma)

@59 – Joseph Grimaldi, English clown, known as “The Greatest Clown in History” (d. 1837; alcoholism)

@56 – Betty Grable, American actress (d. 1973; lung cancer)

@50 – Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria (d. 1914; assassinated)

…The End for today…


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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.