Summer is fine. Fresh fruits are at great prices. Strawberries, peaches, plums, mangos, and the list goes on and on. A great time, indeed. It was really hard not to go overboard with all the fresh stuff available.
We are slowly moving toward the 90° mark. I’m much happier with the low 80’s, but after all, it is almost July, so I can’t complain. Mornings and evenings are still real nice, and I have little reason to be outside during the heat of the day. I do feel sorry for those who have to be. It is interesting to watch the kids around here. They aren’t coming outside until about 6pm each day. A week ago they were outside from about 10am on. They are staying outside until about 10 each night. Good for them. They seem to be having a great time.
Flagstaff is gearing up for the Independence Day weekend. The parade is starting at 9am. This seems a little earlier than in the past. It is still a small town parade, but should be worth a view. The fireworks display is going to be a ground display at the mall. It is good the Forest Service hasn’t yet raised the fire danger for the long weekend. Our big aerial display was permanently cancelled last fall. That was a good thing. Lots of people spent lots of money for displays that were usually cancelled about now, due to the dry weather. The forest is always in danger at this time of year, and there is no reason to have a celebration add to that danger. I’ll be going to a BBQ on the Fourth and will probably skip the mall fireworks. Time and heat index will help me decide.
Music is always interesting. I just heard the latest Jon Bon Jovi release. It is “Stand By Me” in Farsi. What a statement. I hope it plays well in Iran.
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Random Fact
Bruce Lee was so fast that they had to slow down his films for you to see his moves.
July is…
…Air Conditioning Appreciation Month…Blueberries Month…Cell Phone Courtesy Month…Family Reunion Month…Herbal/Prescription Awareness Month…Nat’l Doghouse Repair Month…Nat’l Grilling, Nat’l Hot Dog, Nat’l Horseradish, and Nat’l Ice Cream Month…Smart Irrigation Month…Social Wellness Month…Tour de France Month…Women’s Motorcycle Month…
Week of July 1
Nat’l Unassisted Homebirth Week
July 1—182 days so far this year…183 days remain in 2009
US Postage Stamp Day
Zip Code Day [Zip-Zone Improvement Plan]
2nd half of the year Day
*Australia & New Zealand: Tartan Day
*Burundi : Independence Day
*Canada: Canada [Dominion] Day
*Rwanda: Independence Day
*Somalia: Republic Day
G.W. Leibniz German mathematician/philosopher; postulated monads
Jean-Victor Poncelet mathematician, founded projective geometry
George Sand [pseudonym of Ms Amandine Aurore Lucile] France, novelist (Valentine, Le Figaro)
Thomas Green Clemson mining engineer, endowed Clemson University
James M Cain Minneapolis Mn, novelist (Postman Always Rings Twice)
Estee Lauder CEO (Estee Lauder's cosmetics)
Olivia de Havilland Tokyo Japan, actress
Jamie Farr Toledo Oh, actor (Klinger)
Sydney Pollack director
Deborah “Blondie” Harry rocker
Dan Aykroyd Ottawa Canada, comedian/actor
--Carl Lewis US, Olympic track & field star
--Lady Diane Spencer (Princess Di) consort of England
Pamela Anderson Ladysmith BC, actress
According to many sources, Hernán Cortés and his followers will attempt to escape from Tenochtitlán (modern Mexico City) by way of one of the causeways. They have to fight their way through large numbers of Aztec warriors. Thousands of people are killed on both sides. Many of the Spanish soldiers carried so much looted gold that when they fell in the lake, they drowned. This event is often called "Noche Triste" (Night of Tears or Sorrows).
Sir Thomas More went on trial in England charged with treason
Army of England's Protestant King William III defeats Roman Catholic King James II in Battle of the Boyne in Ireland (Now celebrated on July 12 as "The Battle of the Orange" )
1st vote on the Declaration of Independence
The first adhesive US postage stamps go on sale, NYC
Congress outlaws polygamy (1st time)
Free city delivery of mail begins in 49 US cities
The first zoo in the United States opened in Philadelphia, PA
Teddy Roosevelt & his Rough Riders charge up San Juan Hill
Gideon Society established to place bibles in hotels
Eisenhower marries Mary `Mamie' Geneva Doud in Denver Colo
Ice vending machines introduced in LA
Bulova Watch Co. pays $9 for 1st ever network TV commercial
After suffering earlier defeats at the hands of Rommel's Afrika Korps British troops went on the offensive against Rommel, stopping his advance and becoming a turning point in the war in North Africa.
1st withholding tax from paychecks
Medicare goes into effect
Susan B. Anthony, an activist for the cause of women’s suffrage commemorated on a U.S. coin
The PLO leader Yasser Arafat, has returned to Palestine after 27 years in exile.
The new Scottish Parliament is opened by the queen, this is the first time Scotland has had its own parliament for nearly 300 years.
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
Every anwer is a word in which the only consonants are R and D, repeated as often as necessary along with any number of vowels. Length of the anwers are provided.
EX: Passion or feverency-5- Answer: ardor
1. Library user-6-
2. Blade at the back of a boat-6-
3. Polite term for your backside-8-
4. Poisonous snake-5-
5. Stock up on more goods-7-
6. Oakland football player-6-
7. German Renaissance artist famous for woodcuts and engravings-5-
8. Air traffic control system-5-
9. Sent a message by wireless-7-
10. Scoffed or jeered at-7-
*Bonus: antlered animal with a ruddy coat-3,4-
1. Reader
2. Rudder
3. Derriere
4. Adder
5. Reorder
6. Raider
7. Durer
8. Radar
9. Radioed
10. Derided
*Bonus: red deer
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Traditional Culture
This week started with a good Monday. A former colleague, whom I haven’t seen for months, was in town and we met for lunch. She left the Bureau several years ago, and is very happy. She is also living at Sand Springs. That is an isolated part of the rez between Coal Mine and Leupp. She is living in a hogan, with no running water, no electricity, a few sheep. She goes to the store, about 6 miles from her home to pay the trader to recharge her laptop. The ever money-making trader charges $5 to charge the laptop. I told her she should probably find out if there are car adaptors that will charge a laptop. I must admit I don’t know if they make such a thing. I do know that laptop batteries only last for about six hours, so her friendly trader must be making a killing. The other interesting project she is working on really intrigued me. She is my age, and a boarding school product. She has been keeping a daily diary since she was in elementary school, soon after she learned to write. She said much of the stuff is ‘silly stuff, like it rained today.’ In addition to her weather record, she has her interpretation of some of her grandfather’s stories. She is putting all the good stuff on her computer, but hasn’t decided if she will get it published. She said so far she has about 500 pages. She did relate one story about Changing Woman that was new to me. It had to do with Changing Woman’s parents. She did say that many Navajos never even ask about such things. Fascinating story.
This was a reminder of how much I knew, and how much I don’t know, about traditional Navajos. It reminded me that her generation is one of the last to know these stories, unless one really works to learn this culture. Again I was reminded of how many colleagues I know that are, as they near or take retirement, return to their family roots. Living in a hogan and herding sheep is not an easy life, but one they seem to long for.
For goodness sakes, please bury Michael Jackson. Argue and fight about the kid’s custody, the many bills, his life, his music, his impact after he is buried. While I am not a big fan of funerals, they do bring some closure to a life that is gone. They do seem to help in the grieving process. Watching the circus that is going on only shows the sickness that Jackson lived with everyday. Being a superstar is not a life for me. I’m glad I never had that choice.
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Random Fact
The search engine Google got its name from the word ‘googol’, which refers to the number one with a hundred zeros after it.
June is…
Adopt a Shelter Cat Month…Effective Communications Month…Gay & Lesbian Pride Month [National GLBT Month]…Great Outdoors Month…National Accordion Awareness Month…Rebuild Your Life Month…National Candy Month
Week of June 29
Fish are friends, not food Week
Freedom from Fear of Public Speaking Week
Special Recreation Week
June 30—181 days so far this year…184 days remain in 2009
Leap Second Adjustment Day
*Iraq: National Sovereignty Day
*Democratic Republic of the Congo: Independence Day
*Mongolia: Constitution Day
Elizabeth Kortright Monroe 1st lady
William A Wheeler (R) 19th VP (1877-81)
Dan Reeves NFL team owner (Cleveland/LA Rams)—not related to Broncos coach
Czeslaw Milosz Polish/American writer (Nobel 1980)
David Wayne actor
Susan Hayward (Edythe Marrender) Academy Award-winning actress
Lena Horne Bkln NY, singer
Harry Blackstone Jr magician
Billy Mills Oglala Sioux, 10K Olympic runner
Florence Ballard singer: group: The Supremes
Vincent D’Onofrio actor: Law & Order: Criminal Intent
"Iron" Mike Tyson heavyweight boxing champ
Jews are expelled from Berne Switzerland
Congress creates Indian Territory (now Oklahoma)
Frenchman Charles Blondin is 1st to cross Niagara Falls on a tightrope
Nineteen-year-old Arturo Toscanini makes an acclaimed conducting debut in Brazil as a substitute for the scheduled conductor of the opera "Aïda."
Pure Food & Drug Act & Meat Inspection Act adopted
Giant fireball impacts in Central Siberia (Tunguska Event)
In Rome, the Catholic Pontifical Biblical Commission issued a decree interpreting the first 11 chapters of Genesis as history, not myth.
Mahatma Gandhi's 1st arrest, campaigning for Indian rights in S Africa
President Warren Harding names former president William Howard Taft chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
US Assay Office in Deadwood, South Dakota closes
US Assay Offices in Helena Mon, Boise Id & Salt Lake City Utah closes
In the "Night of the Long Knives," Adolf Hitler purges the National Socialist, or Nazi, party of its paramilitary stormtrooper wing, killing hundreds of the party's most dedicated followers.
"Gone With the Wind" by Margaret Mitchell, published
999 emergency service is started in London When 999 was dialed, a buzzer sounded and a red light flashed in the exchange to attract an operator's attention.
US Fish & Wildlife Service established
The first all-fiberglass-bodied American sports car, the Corvette was produced on this day
The total eclipse of the sun is seen around the world in Europe, United States, and Asia including Pakistan and India. The longest duration of total eclipse was two minutes 35 seconds. Solar eclipses are normally only seen by a small specific area of the world so this was unusual as it was seen from so many continents.
Rwanda & Burundi become independent
Food aid and medical supplies from the International Committee of the Red Cross to war torn Biafra been banned by Nigeria
Cher, just 4 days after divorcing Sonny Bono marries Gregg Allman
Federal Equal Rights Amendment fails 3 states short of ratification
The Colonial flag of Hong Kong is lowered for the last time prior to hand over to China tomorrow on 1st July 1997.
JK Rowling's first Harry Potter book UK "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" in the UK. The book is not released in the US until September 1998 as "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone". The book has now had over 120 million copies sold ( 2008 ).
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
Below are words starting with the letter S. For each one provide an opposite beginning with F
EX: start Answer: finish
1. Slow
2. Stale
3. Slavery
4. Smile
5. Skinny
6. Succeed
7. Spring
8. Smart
9. Strong
10. Successor
*Bonus: Seldom
1. Fast
2. Fresh
3. Freedom
4. Frown
5. Fat
6. Fail
7. Fall
8. Foolish, fat-headed
9. Faint, feeble, frail, fragile
10. Forerunner
*Bonus: Frequently
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This was a reminder of how much I knew, and how much I don’t know, about traditional Navajos. It reminded me that her generation is one of the last to know these stories, unless one really works to learn this culture. Again I was reminded of how many colleagues I know that are, as they near or take retirement, return to their family roots. Living in a hogan and herding sheep is not an easy life, but one they seem to long for.
For goodness sakes, please bury Michael Jackson. Argue and fight about the kid’s custody, the many bills, his life, his music, his impact after he is buried. While I am not a big fan of funerals, they do bring some closure to a life that is gone. They do seem to help in the grieving process. Watching the circus that is going on only shows the sickness that Jackson lived with everyday. Being a superstar is not a life for me. I’m glad I never had that choice.
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Random Fact
The search engine Google got its name from the word ‘googol’, which refers to the number one with a hundred zeros after it.
June is…
Adopt a Shelter Cat Month…Effective Communications Month…Gay & Lesbian Pride Month [National GLBT Month]…Great Outdoors Month…National Accordion Awareness Month…Rebuild Your Life Month…National Candy Month
Week of June 29
Fish are friends, not food Week
Freedom from Fear of Public Speaking Week
Special Recreation Week
June 30—181 days so far this year…184 days remain in 2009
Leap Second Adjustment Day
*Iraq: National Sovereignty Day
*Democratic Republic of the Congo: Independence Day
*Mongolia: Constitution Day
Elizabeth Kortright Monroe 1st lady
William A Wheeler (R) 19th VP (1877-81)
Dan Reeves NFL team owner (Cleveland/LA Rams)—not related to Broncos coach
Czeslaw Milosz Polish/American writer (Nobel 1980)
David Wayne actor
Susan Hayward (Edythe Marrender) Academy Award-winning actress
Lena Horne Bkln NY, singer
Harry Blackstone Jr magician
Billy Mills Oglala Sioux, 10K Olympic runner
Florence Ballard singer: group: The Supremes
Vincent D’Onofrio actor: Law & Order: Criminal Intent
"Iron" Mike Tyson heavyweight boxing champ
Jews are expelled from Berne Switzerland
Congress creates Indian Territory (now Oklahoma)
Frenchman Charles Blondin is 1st to cross Niagara Falls on a tightrope
Nineteen-year-old Arturo Toscanini makes an acclaimed conducting debut in Brazil as a substitute for the scheduled conductor of the opera "Aïda."
Pure Food & Drug Act & Meat Inspection Act adopted
Giant fireball impacts in Central Siberia (Tunguska Event)
In Rome, the Catholic Pontifical Biblical Commission issued a decree interpreting the first 11 chapters of Genesis as history, not myth.
Mahatma Gandhi's 1st arrest, campaigning for Indian rights in S Africa
President Warren Harding names former president William Howard Taft chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
US Assay Office in Deadwood, South Dakota closes
US Assay Offices in Helena Mon, Boise Id & Salt Lake City Utah closes
In the "Night of the Long Knives," Adolf Hitler purges the National Socialist, or Nazi, party of its paramilitary stormtrooper wing, killing hundreds of the party's most dedicated followers.
"Gone With the Wind" by Margaret Mitchell, published
999 emergency service is started in London When 999 was dialed, a buzzer sounded and a red light flashed in the exchange to attract an operator's attention.
US Fish & Wildlife Service established
The first all-fiberglass-bodied American sports car, the Corvette was produced on this day
The total eclipse of the sun is seen around the world in Europe, United States, and Asia including Pakistan and India. The longest duration of total eclipse was two minutes 35 seconds. Solar eclipses are normally only seen by a small specific area of the world so this was unusual as it was seen from so many continents.
Rwanda & Burundi become independent
Food aid and medical supplies from the International Committee of the Red Cross to war torn Biafra been banned by Nigeria
Cher, just 4 days after divorcing Sonny Bono marries Gregg Allman
Federal Equal Rights Amendment fails 3 states short of ratification
The Colonial flag of Hong Kong is lowered for the last time prior to hand over to China tomorrow on 1st July 1997.
JK Rowling's first Harry Potter book UK "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" in the UK. The book is not released in the US until September 1998 as "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone". The book has now had over 120 million copies sold ( 2008 ).
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
Below are words starting with the letter S. For each one provide an opposite beginning with F
EX: start Answer: finish
1. Slow
2. Stale
3. Slavery
4. Smile
5. Skinny
6. Succeed
7. Spring
8. Smart
9. Strong
10. Successor
*Bonus: Seldom
1. Fast
2. Fresh
3. Freedom
4. Frown
5. Fat
6. Fail
7. Fall
8. Foolish, fat-headed
9. Faint, feeble, frail, fragile
10. Forerunner
*Bonus: Frequently
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The weatherman says the monsoons are on the way. The weatherman is looking at the calendar…not the sky. While we are having clouds fill the sky, and they are dark, they just won’t drop any moisture down to us.
It was just a good day to be lazy…so that’s what I did.
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Random Fact
More than 2,500 left handed people a year are killed from using products made for right handed people.
June is…
Adopt a Shelter Cat Month…Effective Communications Month…Gay & Lesbian Pride Month [National GLBT Month]…Great Outdoors Month…National Accordion Awareness Month…Rebuild Your Life Month…National Candy Month
Week of June 29
Fish are friends, not food Week
Freedom from Fear of Public Speaking Week
Special Recreation Week
June 29—180 days so far this year…185 days remain in 2009
Please Take The Children to Work
*Netherlands: Veterans Day
Hiram Powers US sculptor (Greek Slave)
George Washington Goethals engineer (built Panama Canal)
William James Mayo surgeon/co-founder Mayo clinic in Minnesota
James Harvey Robinson Ill, historian (Ordeal of Civilization)
Joan Davis St Paul Minn, actress
Slim Pickens (Louis Bert Lindley Jr.) actor:
Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle actor
Harmon Killebrew baseball player (Minnesota Twins)
Kwame Toure (Stokley Carmichael) civil rights leader
Gary Busey Goose Creek Tx, actor
‘Little’ Eva Boyd singer: The Loco-motion
Shakespeare's Globe Theater burns down
Gadsden Purchase (parts of Az, NM) from Mexico for $10 million
Very 1st First National Bank opens in Davenport, Iowa
For his role in seeking German help for the Easter Rebellion in Ireland, Irish nationalist and longtime British diplomat Sir Roger Casement is executed by Britain for treason.
1st flight from West Coast arrives in Hawaii
South Africa begins implementing apartheid; no mixed marriages
Beatles' 1st song "From Me to You" hits the UK charts
1st Jewish worship service at White House
Bradford, Massachusetts, the first U.S. missionary society was organized: the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.
Bill Haley and His Comets reached the top of the pop music charts with Rock Around the Clock
Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 bill into law. The National Interstate and Defense Highways Act was for the construction of 41,000 miles of interstate highways over a 20-year period and was the largest public works project ever undertaken. For each highway created 90 percent of construction costs were paid by the Federal budget and 10% from the local state. 936 : 3 millions job program launched as part of the relief and public works program the WPA average wage has been set at $25.00 per month
The US Supreme Court rules that President George W. Bush's plan to try Guantanamo Bay detainees in military tribunals violated U.S. and international law.
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
Each answer here is a compound word or familiar two-word phrase in which the first part is a color and the second part has been anagrammed as shown. Rearrange the second part to complete the answer.
EX: Orange BLOW Answer: Orange Bowl
1. Pink LIPS
2. Purple EARTH
3. Crimson DIET
4. Yellow GAPES
5. Blue DYNAMO
6. Red CADRE
7. White SEAL
8. Brown ARGUS
9. Black SILT
10. Silver CENSER
*Bonus: Rose STAPLE
1. Slip
2. Heart
3. Tide
4. Pages
5. Monday
6. Cedar
7. Sale
8. Sugar
9. List
10. Screen
*Bonus: Petals
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It was just a good day to be lazy…so that’s what I did.
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Random Fact
More than 2,500 left handed people a year are killed from using products made for right handed people.
June is…
Adopt a Shelter Cat Month…Effective Communications Month…Gay & Lesbian Pride Month [National GLBT Month]…Great Outdoors Month…National Accordion Awareness Month…Rebuild Your Life Month…National Candy Month
Week of June 29
Fish are friends, not food Week
Freedom from Fear of Public Speaking Week
Special Recreation Week
June 29—180 days so far this year…185 days remain in 2009
Please Take The Children to Work
*Netherlands: Veterans Day
Hiram Powers US sculptor (Greek Slave)
George Washington Goethals engineer (built Panama Canal)
William James Mayo surgeon/co-founder Mayo clinic in Minnesota
James Harvey Robinson Ill, historian (Ordeal of Civilization)
Joan Davis St Paul Minn, actress
Slim Pickens (Louis Bert Lindley Jr.) actor:
Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle actor
Harmon Killebrew baseball player (Minnesota Twins)
Kwame Toure (Stokley Carmichael) civil rights leader
Gary Busey Goose Creek Tx, actor
‘Little’ Eva Boyd singer: The Loco-motion
Shakespeare's Globe Theater burns down
Gadsden Purchase (parts of Az, NM) from Mexico for $10 million
Very 1st First National Bank opens in Davenport, Iowa
For his role in seeking German help for the Easter Rebellion in Ireland, Irish nationalist and longtime British diplomat Sir Roger Casement is executed by Britain for treason.
1st flight from West Coast arrives in Hawaii
South Africa begins implementing apartheid; no mixed marriages
Beatles' 1st song "From Me to You" hits the UK charts
1st Jewish worship service at White House
Bradford, Massachusetts, the first U.S. missionary society was organized: the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.
Bill Haley and His Comets reached the top of the pop music charts with Rock Around the Clock
Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 bill into law. The National Interstate and Defense Highways Act was for the construction of 41,000 miles of interstate highways over a 20-year period and was the largest public works project ever undertaken. For each highway created 90 percent of construction costs were paid by the Federal budget and 10% from the local state. 936 : 3 millions job program launched as part of the relief and public works program the WPA average wage has been set at $25.00 per month
The US Supreme Court rules that President George W. Bush's plan to try Guantanamo Bay detainees in military tribunals violated U.S. and international law.
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
Each answer here is a compound word or familiar two-word phrase in which the first part is a color and the second part has been anagrammed as shown. Rearrange the second part to complete the answer.
EX: Orange BLOW Answer: Orange Bowl
1. Pink LIPS
2. Purple EARTH
3. Crimson DIET
4. Yellow GAPES
5. Blue DYNAMO
6. Red CADRE
7. White SEAL
8. Brown ARGUS
9. Black SILT
10. Silver CENSER
*Bonus: Rose STAPLE
1. Slip
2. Heart
3. Tide
4. Pages
5. Monday
6. Cedar
7. Sale
8. Sugar
9. List
10. Screen
*Bonus: Petals
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It is hard to tell if we have had a better weather day in Flagstaff. It was only 79° and the constant breeze made it a little cooler. A couple of hours south, in Phoenix, it was 109°. This always clogs the main arteries for Flagstaff on the weekend. I spent some time in the forest. I drove over Shultz Pass, stopped a few times and wandered around the area. Nothing is better than the smell of the ponderosa, the quiet forest noise, and the many shades of green that are there right now. I did see a couple of doe, but alas no bucks or fawns. It was the middle of the day, so I probably just spooked the does from their rest and they probably drew my attention from their young. The shades of green don’t match the hues of Scotland but we have sunshine. After our almost two weeks of no sun in May, I’ll give up a few shades of green to see the sun most days—all day.
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Random Fact
Most alcoholic beverages contain all 13 minerals necessary to sustain human life.
June is…
Adopt a Shelter Cat Month…Effective Communications Month…Gay & Lesbian Pride Month [National GLBT Month]…Great Outdoors Month…National Accordion Awareness Month…Rebuild Your Life Month…National Candy Month
Week of June 28
National Prevention of Eye Injury Awareness Week
June 28—179 days so far this year…186 days remain in 2009
America’s Kids Day
Descendant’s Day
Gay & Lesbian Parade Day
Log Cabin Day
Henry VIII of England (1509-47), Don't lose your head over him
Peter Paul Rubens Siegen, Flemish Baroque painter (Circumcision)
John Wesley religious leader: founder of ‘Methodism
Richard Rodgers Hammels Station NY, composer (Rodgers & Hammerstein)
Mel Brooks comedian/actor/director (Blazing Saddles, Spaceballs)
Gilda Radner Detroit, comedienne (SNL-Baba Wawa)
Kathy Bates Academy Award-winning actress: Misery
John Elway NFL QB (Denver Broncos)
John Cusack actor (Stand By Me, Sure Thing, Better Off Dead)
Quakers open a school for blacks in Philadelphia
Tomato is proven nonpoisonous
Britain's Queen Victoria crowned in Westminster Abbey
U.S. President Grover Cleveland signed an act of Congress, making Labor Day a federal holiday in the U.S.
1st flight between Hawaiian Islands
Treaty of Versailles ending WW I signed
Alfred E Smith (NY-Gov) nominated for president at Dem Convention
1st atomic reactor built for private research operates Chicago Ill
Mike Tyson was disqualified after biting off part of Evander Holyfield's ear
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service removes the American bald eagle from the Endangered Species list after finding that nesting populations had sufficiently recovered.
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
Every answer involves a familiar phrase in the form “____ & ____”, in which the first word starts with the letter F.
EX: ______ & son Answer: father
1. ____ & foremost
2. ____ & square
3. ____ & fortune
4. ____ & fiction
5. ____ & dandy
6. ____ & stream
7. ____ & loose
8. ____ & chips
9. ____ & brimstone
10. ____ & away
*Bonus: ____ & a day
1. First
2. Fair
3. Fame
4. Fact
5. Fine
6. Field
7. Fast
8. Fish
9. Fire
10. Far
Bonus: Forever
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Random Fact
Most alcoholic beverages contain all 13 minerals necessary to sustain human life.
June is…
Adopt a Shelter Cat Month…Effective Communications Month…Gay & Lesbian Pride Month [National GLBT Month]…Great Outdoors Month…National Accordion Awareness Month…Rebuild Your Life Month…National Candy Month
Week of June 28
National Prevention of Eye Injury Awareness Week
June 28—179 days so far this year…186 days remain in 2009
America’s Kids Day
Descendant’s Day
Gay & Lesbian Parade Day
Log Cabin Day
Henry VIII of England (1509-47), Don't lose your head over him
Peter Paul Rubens Siegen, Flemish Baroque painter (Circumcision)
John Wesley religious leader: founder of ‘Methodism
Richard Rodgers Hammels Station NY, composer (Rodgers & Hammerstein)
Mel Brooks comedian/actor/director (Blazing Saddles, Spaceballs)
Gilda Radner Detroit, comedienne (SNL-Baba Wawa)
Kathy Bates Academy Award-winning actress: Misery
John Elway NFL QB (Denver Broncos)
John Cusack actor (Stand By Me, Sure Thing, Better Off Dead)
Quakers open a school for blacks in Philadelphia
Tomato is proven nonpoisonous
Britain's Queen Victoria crowned in Westminster Abbey
U.S. President Grover Cleveland signed an act of Congress, making Labor Day a federal holiday in the U.S.
1st flight between Hawaiian Islands
Treaty of Versailles ending WW I signed
Alfred E Smith (NY-Gov) nominated for president at Dem Convention
1st atomic reactor built for private research operates Chicago Ill
Mike Tyson was disqualified after biting off part of Evander Holyfield's ear
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service removes the American bald eagle from the Endangered Species list after finding that nesting populations had sufficiently recovered.
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
Every answer involves a familiar phrase in the form “____ & ____”, in which the first word starts with the letter F.
EX: ______ & son Answer: father
1. ____ & foremost
2. ____ & square
3. ____ & fortune
4. ____ & fiction
5. ____ & dandy
6. ____ & stream
7. ____ & loose
8. ____ & chips
9. ____ & brimstone
10. ____ & away
*Bonus: ____ & a day
1. First
2. Fair
3. Fame
4. Fact
5. Fine
6. Field
7. Fast
8. Fish
9. Fire
10. Far
Bonus: Forever
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Rain, Rain, Stay Awhile
As we end the month of June, rain has returned to Flag. Three separate showers today. Two were short and ended within five minutes. The last however lasted about 20 minutes. So good for the forest.
Arizona seems to be heading for a big shut down of government services. Still no budget has been sent to the non-elected governor. This woman, Jan Brewer, seems to be in way over her head in Arizona politics. Just over the news, they are getting close to a budget. They are talking about a 3% flat tax for us. Whatever that means. Oh, I know what a flat tax is…but I’m sure this one will end up costing us more. The $600 million in spending cuts won’t make life any better here either. Guess in this day of superfast internet speed, we will find out tomorrow morning in the newspaper what is going on.
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Random Fact
Penguins can convert salt water into fresh water.
June is…
Adopt a Shelter Cat Month…Effective Communications Month…Gay & Lesbian Pride Month [National GLBT Month]…Great Outdoors Month…National Accordion Awareness Month…Rebuild Your Life Month…National Candy Month
Week of June 25
National Watermelon Seed Spitting Week
June 27—178 days so far this year…187 days remain in 2009
Great American Backyard Campout
National HIV testing Day
Decide To Be Married Day
*UK: Veteran’s Day
*Brazil: Mixed Race Day
Louis XII (the Just) king of France (1498-1515)
Charles Stewart Parnell Ireland, nationalist
May Irwin US comedienne/singer (A Hot Time in the Old Town)
Emma Goldman anarchist/publisher (Mother Earth)
Paul Laurence Dunbar Dayton Oh, short story writer (Majors & Minors)
Helen Keller blind-deaf author/lecturer had more sense than many
Willie Mosconi billiard player 1975 - Tobey Maguire actor
I.A.L. Diamond screenwriter (1960 Acad Award-The Apartment)
Bob Keeshan aka Capt Kangaroo/Clarabelle (Good Morning Captain)
H Ross Periot Texas billionaire (Presidential candidate)
Bruce E Babbitt (Gov-D-AZ, Sec. of Interior)
1st woman's magazine "The Ladies' Mercury" published (London)
Buenos Aires captured by British
Scientific American magazine warns that whale oil, used for lighting, may soon run out due to overhunting
Chichester Bell and Charles S. Tainter applied for a patent for the gramophone. The patent was granted on May 4, 1886.
Newberry Medal 1st presented for kids literature (Hendrik Van Loon)
1st color TV demo (NYC)
Federal Savings & Loan Association created
The first Wide Wide World was broadcast on NBC-TV
1st automobile seat belt legislation enacted (Illinois)
Pres Kennedy spent 1st full day in Ireland
1st sci-fi soap opera, "Dark Shadows," premiers
Police raid the Stonewall Inn
The the National Anthem Act, making O Canada Canada's national anthem, was unanimously accepted by the House of Commons and the Senate
Salman Rushdie, condemned to death by Iran, contributes $8600 to help their earthquake victims
Michael Jackson kicked off the Dangerous Tour in Munich, Germany
Registration begins for the Do Not Call List with nearly 3/4 million phone numbers registered on the first day providing consumers with an opportunity to limit telemarketing calls
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
Every answer here is a word, name, or phrase that ends in the syllable ‘new’ in any spelling
EX: street Answer: avenue
1. Something to paddle
2. Young actress
3. Actor Reeves
4. Group of attendants for an important person
5. 1960’s-70’s vice president
6. Chief of staff under the first Pres. Bush
7. First prime minister of Burma
8. Business income
9. Phrase that means ‘confidentially’
10. Question for a pussycat?
*Bonus: William Henry Harrison nickname
1. Canoe
2. Ingénue
3. Keanu
4. Retinue
5. Agnew
6. Sununu
7. U Nu
8. Revenue
9. Entre nous
10. What’s new?
Bonus: Tippecanoe
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Arizona seems to be heading for a big shut down of government services. Still no budget has been sent to the non-elected governor. This woman, Jan Brewer, seems to be in way over her head in Arizona politics. Just over the news, they are getting close to a budget. They are talking about a 3% flat tax for us. Whatever that means. Oh, I know what a flat tax is…but I’m sure this one will end up costing us more. The $600 million in spending cuts won’t make life any better here either. Guess in this day of superfast internet speed, we will find out tomorrow morning in the newspaper what is going on.
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Random Fact
Penguins can convert salt water into fresh water.
June is…
Adopt a Shelter Cat Month…Effective Communications Month…Gay & Lesbian Pride Month [National GLBT Month]…Great Outdoors Month…National Accordion Awareness Month…Rebuild Your Life Month…National Candy Month
Week of June 25
National Watermelon Seed Spitting Week
June 27—178 days so far this year…187 days remain in 2009
Great American Backyard Campout
National HIV testing Day
Decide To Be Married Day
*UK: Veteran’s Day
*Brazil: Mixed Race Day
Louis XII (the Just) king of France (1498-1515)
Charles Stewart Parnell Ireland, nationalist
May Irwin US comedienne/singer (A Hot Time in the Old Town)
Emma Goldman anarchist/publisher (Mother Earth)
Paul Laurence Dunbar Dayton Oh, short story writer (Majors & Minors)
Helen Keller blind-deaf author/lecturer had more sense than many
Willie Mosconi billiard player 1975 - Tobey Maguire actor
I.A.L. Diamond screenwriter (1960 Acad Award-The Apartment)
Bob Keeshan aka Capt Kangaroo/Clarabelle (Good Morning Captain)
H Ross Periot Texas billionaire (Presidential candidate)
Bruce E Babbitt (Gov-D-AZ, Sec. of Interior)
1st woman's magazine "The Ladies' Mercury" published (London)
Buenos Aires captured by British
Scientific American magazine warns that whale oil, used for lighting, may soon run out due to overhunting
Chichester Bell and Charles S. Tainter applied for a patent for the gramophone. The patent was granted on May 4, 1886.
Newberry Medal 1st presented for kids literature (Hendrik Van Loon)
1st color TV demo (NYC)
Federal Savings & Loan Association created
The first Wide Wide World was broadcast on NBC-TV
1st automobile seat belt legislation enacted (Illinois)
Pres Kennedy spent 1st full day in Ireland
1st sci-fi soap opera, "Dark Shadows," premiers
Police raid the Stonewall Inn
The the National Anthem Act, making O Canada Canada's national anthem, was unanimously accepted by the House of Commons and the Senate
Salman Rushdie, condemned to death by Iran, contributes $8600 to help their earthquake victims
Michael Jackson kicked off the Dangerous Tour in Munich, Germany
Registration begins for the Do Not Call List with nearly 3/4 million phone numbers registered on the first day providing consumers with an opportunity to limit telemarketing calls
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
Every answer here is a word, name, or phrase that ends in the syllable ‘new’ in any spelling
EX: street Answer: avenue
1. Something to paddle
2. Young actress
3. Actor Reeves
4. Group of attendants for an important person
5. 1960’s-70’s vice president
6. Chief of staff under the first Pres. Bush
7. First prime minister of Burma
8. Business income
9. Phrase that means ‘confidentially’
10. Question for a pussycat?
*Bonus: William Henry Harrison nickname
1. Canoe
2. Ingénue
3. Keanu
4. Retinue
5. Agnew
6. Sununu
7. U Nu
8. Revenue
9. Entre nous
10. What’s new?
Bonus: Tippecanoe
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Two Entertainment Icons Lost
A strange news day to be sure. Two icons of different eras passed. Early in the day, Farrah Fawcett lost her long battle with cancer. Just as that was sinking in, the news broke that Michael Jackson passed. The 24/7 news channels have gone into overdrive over Michael’s death. Both were icons. Jackson’s death was a surprise, Fawcett’s was not. I guess that’s how death is. Many seem to mourn longer and louder when someone passes without being ill. No time to prepare. No time to reflect. Sad, because a life gone is just that…gone. Gone to another plane, or just gone. Whichever, gone from this world.
Clouds all day. Sunrise brought us the reminder that there are several prescribed burns in the area. The whole East Flagstaff area was in a heavy haze. The breeze must have finally blown that away. Then the clouds came in, spit a tiny bit of rain, and stayed, unable to do anymore. The evening’s cool breeze has helped drop the high of 80° down to a much nicer 62°.
I attempted to help my friend Martha buy a digital camera. She takes very good pictures and puts them in her many newsletters. She has been having trouble finding a place to develop her film lately. She is not a technocrat, so this was a really big deal. We found a nice one, at a reasonable price, that appeared fairly easy to use. Got the camera running, took some pics, downloaded the CD that came with the camera onto her laptop. Then we looked for the cord that connects the camera to the computer. Not in the box. It used the same one my cell phone uses, so we were even able to download some pics. She went back to the store, only to find that it would be several weeks to get the cord. Smartly, she just got her money back after about an hour of hassles. The problem is, she sees it as just another sign that technology is too complicated for her. She certainly has had more than her share of techno problems. I do understand her frustration. It’s just sad that she will not be looking for another camera for some time. This really wasn’t a techno problem; it was some salesperson’s stupidity or some glitch from the camera people. I believe that some salesperson just took the cord out of the box and lost it, or gave it to some other customer and put the box back on the shelf. Whatever caused the problem, it simply further added to her “technology bad” version of reality.
Random Fact
The ashes of the average cremated person weigh nine pounds.
June is…
Adopt a Shelter Cat Month…Effective Communications Month…Gay & Lesbian Pride Month [National GLBT Month]…Great Outdoors Month…National Accordion Awareness Month…Rebuild Your Life Month…National Candy Month
Week of June 25
National Watermelon Seed Spitting Week
June 26—177 days so far this year…188 days remain in 2009
Take your Dog to Work Day
National Ugly Dog Day
International Day in Support of Torture Victims
International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
*Madagascar: Independence Day
*Thailand: Sunthorn Phu Day (Thailand's best-known poet. His most popular single work is the 30,000-line epic Phra Aphai Mani)
Dr Philip Doddridge England, nonconformist clergyman
Abner Doubleday credited with inventing American baseball
Anthony G de Rothschild Britain, philanthropist
Pearl S Buck China, author (Good Earth-Nobel 1938)
Peter Lorre actor (M, Casablanca, Beast with 5 Fingers)
Maurice Wilkes inventor (stored program concept for computers)
Babe (Mildred) Didrikson Zaharias
“The outstanding female athlete of the first half-century.”
Frances Rafferty Sioux City Iowa, actress (December Bride)
Noriyuki "Pat" Morita Calif, actor (Happy Days, Karate Kid)
Chris O’Donnell actor
In a royal drama later told by Shakespeare, Richard, Duke of Gloucester, takes the crown of England as Richard III, following the death of King Edward IV and the imprisonment of the young Edward V.
Charles Newbold patents 1st cast-iron plow. He can't sell it to farmers, though, they fear effects of iron on soil!
The bicycle was patented by W.K. Clarkson, Jr. of New York City
In Atlantic City, N.J., the world's first ocean side boardwalk is completed.
Dr Walter Reed begins research that beats Yellow Fever
The first French Grand Prix the first race of it's kind to be held anywhere was staged in Le Mans
1st issue of NY Daily News published
W E B Du Bois resigns position at NAACP
The United Nations charter is signed by 50 countries in San Francisco after two months of negotiations
Queen Elizabeth & Pres Eisenhower open the St Lawrence Seaway
Kennedy visits W Berlin "Ich bin ein Berliner" (I am a Berliner)
At a Marsh supermarket in Troy, Ohio, a consumer purchased a package of Wrigley's chewing gum. And for the first time, a laser beam in an NCR checkout terminal with a bar code reader read a UPC bar code symbol on the package and automatically rang up the purchase.
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
Every answer below is a familiar two word phrase that contains the consecutive letters L-E-G with the first word ending with L-E and the second word beginning with G
EX: Automobile lubricant Answer: Axel grease
1. Something you chew and blow
2. A kind of bread made with unprocessed ingrediants
3. Where a war is fought
4. Kids climb on it in a playground
5. Stoves, washers, and big machines, from an economist’s standpoint
6. Bill Clinton or George Bush, scholastically speaking
7. Device that shoots tiny metal fasteners
8. She play Bea Arthur’s mother on “The Golden Girls”
9. Garden product brand that helps plants get larger
10. Dingy and off-white, like clothes that aren’t washed well
1. Bubble gim
2. Whole grain
3. Battle ground
4. Jungle gym
5. Durable goods
6. Yale Graduate
7. Staple gun
8. Estelle Getty
9. Miracle Gro
10. Tattletale grey
Clouds all day. Sunrise brought us the reminder that there are several prescribed burns in the area. The whole East Flagstaff area was in a heavy haze. The breeze must have finally blown that away. Then the clouds came in, spit a tiny bit of rain, and stayed, unable to do anymore. The evening’s cool breeze has helped drop the high of 80° down to a much nicer 62°.
I attempted to help my friend Martha buy a digital camera. She takes very good pictures and puts them in her many newsletters. She has been having trouble finding a place to develop her film lately. She is not a technocrat, so this was a really big deal. We found a nice one, at a reasonable price, that appeared fairly easy to use. Got the camera running, took some pics, downloaded the CD that came with the camera onto her laptop. Then we looked for the cord that connects the camera to the computer. Not in the box. It used the same one my cell phone uses, so we were even able to download some pics. She went back to the store, only to find that it would be several weeks to get the cord. Smartly, she just got her money back after about an hour of hassles. The problem is, she sees it as just another sign that technology is too complicated for her. She certainly has had more than her share of techno problems. I do understand her frustration. It’s just sad that she will not be looking for another camera for some time. This really wasn’t a techno problem; it was some salesperson’s stupidity or some glitch from the camera people. I believe that some salesperson just took the cord out of the box and lost it, or gave it to some other customer and put the box back on the shelf. Whatever caused the problem, it simply further added to her “technology bad” version of reality.
Random Fact
The ashes of the average cremated person weigh nine pounds.
June is…
Adopt a Shelter Cat Month…Effective Communications Month…Gay & Lesbian Pride Month [National GLBT Month]…Great Outdoors Month…National Accordion Awareness Month…Rebuild Your Life Month…National Candy Month
Week of June 25
National Watermelon Seed Spitting Week
June 26—177 days so far this year…188 days remain in 2009
Take your Dog to Work Day
National Ugly Dog Day
International Day in Support of Torture Victims
International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
*Madagascar: Independence Day
*Thailand: Sunthorn Phu Day (Thailand's best-known poet. His most popular single work is the 30,000-line epic Phra Aphai Mani)
Dr Philip Doddridge England, nonconformist clergyman
Abner Doubleday credited with inventing American baseball
Anthony G de Rothschild Britain, philanthropist
Pearl S Buck China, author (Good Earth-Nobel 1938)
Peter Lorre actor (M, Casablanca, Beast with 5 Fingers)
Maurice Wilkes inventor (stored program concept for computers)
Babe (Mildred) Didrikson Zaharias
“The outstanding female athlete of the first half-century.”
Frances Rafferty Sioux City Iowa, actress (December Bride)
Noriyuki "Pat" Morita Calif, actor (Happy Days, Karate Kid)
Chris O’Donnell actor
In a royal drama later told by Shakespeare, Richard, Duke of Gloucester, takes the crown of England as Richard III, following the death of King Edward IV and the imprisonment of the young Edward V.
Charles Newbold patents 1st cast-iron plow. He can't sell it to farmers, though, they fear effects of iron on soil!
The bicycle was patented by W.K. Clarkson, Jr. of New York City
In Atlantic City, N.J., the world's first ocean side boardwalk is completed.
Dr Walter Reed begins research that beats Yellow Fever
The first French Grand Prix the first race of it's kind to be held anywhere was staged in Le Mans
1st issue of NY Daily News published
W E B Du Bois resigns position at NAACP
The United Nations charter is signed by 50 countries in San Francisco after two months of negotiations
Queen Elizabeth & Pres Eisenhower open the St Lawrence Seaway
Kennedy visits W Berlin "Ich bin ein Berliner" (I am a Berliner)
At a Marsh supermarket in Troy, Ohio, a consumer purchased a package of Wrigley's chewing gum. And for the first time, a laser beam in an NCR checkout terminal with a bar code reader read a UPC bar code symbol on the package and automatically rang up the purchase.
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
Every answer below is a familiar two word phrase that contains the consecutive letters L-E-G with the first word ending with L-E and the second word beginning with G
EX: Automobile lubricant Answer: Axel grease
1. Something you chew and blow
2. A kind of bread made with unprocessed ingrediants
3. Where a war is fought
4. Kids climb on it in a playground
5. Stoves, washers, and big machines, from an economist’s standpoint
6. Bill Clinton or George Bush, scholastically speaking
7. Device that shoots tiny metal fasteners
8. She play Bea Arthur’s mother on “The Golden Girls”
9. Garden product brand that helps plants get larger
10. Dingy and off-white, like clothes that aren’t washed well
1. Bubble gim
2. Whole grain
3. Battle ground
4. Jungle gym
5. Durable goods
6. Yale Graduate
7. Staple gun
8. Estelle Getty
9. Miracle Gro
10. Tattletale grey
Listen to the Scotsman
Summer has sure arrived in Flagstaff. Windows are now open until fall. It was 80° with a nice cooling breeze coming in about 3pm. With the clouds bringing in the 25% relative humidity, it was a pleasant day.
It is a shame that more don’t remember Scotsman Sir Walter Scott. Especially the SC governor. First he disappears for about a week. No one claims to know where he is, but no one seems concerned about his absence from the state. Ah, we all knew there was more to the story. Then finally his staff said he was out hiking the Appalachian Trail. That’s a 2100+ mile marked trail from Maine to Georgia. It probably doesn’t have a lot of cell phone service. He missed Father’s Day with his kids and his family. Then he got off a plane from Buenos Aires. This huge city is not near the American Appalachian Trail. He said he had thought about hiking, but at the last minute decided to go to Argentina. Somehow he found a road, in Buenos Aires that has a costal drive. No maps show such a road, no Argentineans know of such a road. Then he held a news conference and admitted an affair with a woman from Argentina. Then some emails came out that were very personal. He says he and his wife are not legally separated, but his wife said she kicked him out two weeks ago. While this part of the story is really not news—just fodder. Some other odd facts are: he called for Clinton to resign during the Monica thing, he has always run for his various offices on Christian values, he works against Gay marriage because he believes it is a sin. Sir Walter had it right: “Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive.”
Random Fact
If you put a raisin in a fresh glass of champagne, it will rise and fall continuously.
June is…
Adopt a Shelter Cat Month…Effective Communications Month…Gay & Lesbian Pride Month [National GLBT Month]…Great Outdoors Month…National Accordion Awareness Month…Rebuild Your Life Month…National Candy Month
Week of June 25
National Watermelon Seed Spitting Week
June 25—176 days so far this year…189 days remain in 2009
National Handshake Day
National Catfish Day
*Mozambique: Independence Day
*Oglala Sioux: Victory Day--Tribal offices closed
Antonio Gaud¡ Spanish architect (Sagrada Familia, Barcelona)
Robert Henri US painter, leader of the Ashcan school
George Orwell England, satirist/author (Animal Farm, 1984)
June Lockhart NYC, actr (Lassie)
Carly Simon NYC, singer
Jimmie Walker Bronx NY, comedian
Fork introduced to American dining by Gov Winthrop
A lunar eclipse becomes the 1st astronomical event recorded in US
1st building constructed at Yerba Buena (now SF)
Custer & 7th Cavalry wiped out by Sioux & Cheyenne at Little Big Horn
Problems with Native American Indian Businesses using The Swastika which is an Indian symbol of good luck and predates the modern world including the use of the swastika buy the Nazi Party in Germany is causing those Indian businesses to stop displaying the sign due to people believing it stands for the Nazis.
Iraq announces that Kuwait is a part of Iraq (Kuwait disagrees)
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled (5 to 4) that prayers in public schools violated the First Amendment to the Constitution regarding the separation of church and state.
Supreme Court upholds male-only draft registration, constitutional
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, wins a landslide victory in Iran's presidential poll. Mr Ahmadinejad is a conservative hard liner and believes that Israel does not have rights in the Middle East. Because of this the world will be watching for further signs of tension in the area.
Windows 98 was released. Microsoft used the slogan, “Works better. Plays better.”
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
Anagram the statements to complete the last names of these famous people.
EX: Jack “I LACK SUN” Answer: Nicklaus
1. Rush “I HUG LAMB”
2. Rocky “I CAN ROAM”
3. Dianne “I NET FINES”
4. Rodney “I FLED CARDEN”
5. Dwight “I SEE HER NOW”
6. Thomas “I GO BUG SHARON”
7. Richard “I BLAME RANCH”
8. Roman “I SANK P.L.O.”
9. Leonardo “I DO A CRIP”
10. Oscar “I MET SHERMAN”
9. DiCaprio
It is a shame that more don’t remember Scotsman Sir Walter Scott. Especially the SC governor. First he disappears for about a week. No one claims to know where he is, but no one seems concerned about his absence from the state. Ah, we all knew there was more to the story. Then finally his staff said he was out hiking the Appalachian Trail. That’s a 2100+ mile marked trail from Maine to Georgia. It probably doesn’t have a lot of cell phone service. He missed Father’s Day with his kids and his family. Then he got off a plane from Buenos Aires. This huge city is not near the American Appalachian Trail. He said he had thought about hiking, but at the last minute decided to go to Argentina. Somehow he found a road, in Buenos Aires that has a costal drive. No maps show such a road, no Argentineans know of such a road. Then he held a news conference and admitted an affair with a woman from Argentina. Then some emails came out that were very personal. He says he and his wife are not legally separated, but his wife said she kicked him out two weeks ago. While this part of the story is really not news—just fodder. Some other odd facts are: he called for Clinton to resign during the Monica thing, he has always run for his various offices on Christian values, he works against Gay marriage because he believes it is a sin. Sir Walter had it right: “Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive.”
Random Fact
If you put a raisin in a fresh glass of champagne, it will rise and fall continuously.
June is…
Adopt a Shelter Cat Month…Effective Communications Month…Gay & Lesbian Pride Month [National GLBT Month]…Great Outdoors Month…National Accordion Awareness Month…Rebuild Your Life Month…National Candy Month
Week of June 25
National Watermelon Seed Spitting Week
June 25—176 days so far this year…189 days remain in 2009
National Handshake Day
National Catfish Day
*Mozambique: Independence Day
*Oglala Sioux: Victory Day--Tribal offices closed
Antonio Gaud¡ Spanish architect (Sagrada Familia, Barcelona)
Robert Henri US painter, leader of the Ashcan school
George Orwell England, satirist/author (Animal Farm, 1984)
June Lockhart NYC, actr (Lassie)
Carly Simon NYC, singer
Jimmie Walker Bronx NY, comedian
Fork introduced to American dining by Gov Winthrop
A lunar eclipse becomes the 1st astronomical event recorded in US
1st building constructed at Yerba Buena (now SF)
Custer & 7th Cavalry wiped out by Sioux & Cheyenne at Little Big Horn
Problems with Native American Indian Businesses using The Swastika which is an Indian symbol of good luck and predates the modern world including the use of the swastika buy the Nazi Party in Germany is causing those Indian businesses to stop displaying the sign due to people believing it stands for the Nazis.
Iraq announces that Kuwait is a part of Iraq (Kuwait disagrees)
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled (5 to 4) that prayers in public schools violated the First Amendment to the Constitution regarding the separation of church and state.
Supreme Court upholds male-only draft registration, constitutional
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, wins a landslide victory in Iran's presidential poll. Mr Ahmadinejad is a conservative hard liner and believes that Israel does not have rights in the Middle East. Because of this the world will be watching for further signs of tension in the area.
Windows 98 was released. Microsoft used the slogan, “Works better. Plays better.”
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
Anagram the statements to complete the last names of these famous people.
EX: Jack “I LACK SUN” Answer: Nicklaus
1. Rush “I HUG LAMB”
2. Rocky “I CAN ROAM”
3. Dianne “I NET FINES”
4. Rodney “I FLED CARDEN”
5. Dwight “I SEE HER NOW”
6. Thomas “I GO BUG SHARON”
7. Richard “I BLAME RANCH”
8. Roman “I SANK P.L.O.”
9. Leonardo “I DO A CRIP”
10. Oscar “I MET SHERMAN”
9. DiCaprio
Bored Kids
Now that school has been out for several weeks, our neighborhood is getting filled with bored children. We have about seven kids under school age and about ten kids in elementary school. Moms seem to be tired of trying to keep the school kids occupied with anything. Flagstaff is not known for its young youth programs, especially around here. So these kids are ‘taking to the streets’ with their kid games. Most are good kids. However, a couple are kids who seem to have no supervision at home. One preteen girl is just mean. She spends her time setting up other kids to get into mischief. She will start a simple game of tag, and then chase the little ones. To get away the kids run between the bushes and the buildings at all the houses. This is a small area, a couple of feet wide. The little ones scream at the top of their lungs. It is just no at my unit, it is at all the units in our building. The same mean girl will tell young ones to hit smaller kids then stand back and act all innocent. I don’t want to get the reputation as the ‘mean old guy’ so I usually just go out on my front porch, water some plants, and am pleasant. So far the kids have gotten the point. They have quieted down and quit getting so close to the buildings. I do feel sorry for the kids, because we don’t have a playground or anything else for kids to do. So I guess a little kid noise during the day isn’t that bad. I just hope the mean girl stops picking on the little ones.
On my way to lunch today, I was held up by a huge funeral procession from the Catholic Church. It was for a 90 year old veteran who lived in Flagstaff. The procession must have had at least 60 cars coming out of the church. There were still about 25 cars in the lot, I assume, preparing for the after burial feast. As I was coming back from a long lunch with a friend, the church parking lot was overflowing again. I mention this only because, to my knowledge, a funeral of this size is rare in Flagstaff for a man of this age. He sure had quite a following.
We started out cloudy today, with hope for rain. The clouds dispersed after lunch, rekindled about 4pm. They did not drop any rain on this end of town. I heard there were some sprinkles
Random Fact
German chemists made a replica of a trophy the size of one molecule.
June is…
Adopt a Shelter Cat Month…Effective Communications Month…Gay & Lesbian Pride Month [National GLBT Month]…Great Outdoors Month…National Accordion Awareness Month…Rebuild Your Life Month…National Candy Month
Week of June 21
Carpenter Ant Awareness Week
National Mosquito Control Awareness Week
National Old Time Fiddler’s Week
June 24—175 days so far this year…190 days remain in 2009
Celebration of the Senses Day
*Irland: Quarter Day
*Venezula: Battle of Carabobo Day—Boivar v Spain
*Bahá'í Faith: Feast of Rahmat (Mercy)
* Newfoundland and Labrador: Discovery Day (celebrating the 1497 discovery by John Cabot)
E I Du Pont France, chemist/scientist (Du Pont)
Gustavus Franklin Swift founded Swift & Co
Jack Dempsey heavyweight boxing champion (1919-26) (Manassa Mauler)
Norman Cousins editor (Saturday Review)
Al Molinaro Kenosha Wisc, actor (Odd Couple, Happy Days)
Jack Carter Bkln NY, comedian/actor
Mick Fleetwood drummer (Fleetwood Mac)
Jeff Beck Surrey England, singer/songwriter
Bruce Johnston rocker (Beachboys)
Joe Penny actor
In the Battle of Bannockburn, the decisive victory for Scottish independence, forces led by Robert Bruce, king of Scotland, defeat the troops of English king Edward II.
John Cabot claims eastern Canada for England
Henry VIII divorces his 4th wife, Anne of Cleves
Membertou (MICMAC) becomes the 1st Indian Catholic.
1st coffee planted in Hawaii on Kona coast
Decision to begin modern Olympics every 4 years
Painter Pablo Picasso has his first exhibit in Paris, at the age of 19
Flying saucers sighted over Mount Rainier by pilot Ken Arnold
Soviets blockade West Berlin when they block all off all land and water routes between West Germany and West Berlin
"Hopalong Cassidy" becomes 1st network western (NBC)
Mexico has agreed to continue providing farm labor until the Bracero agreement runs out on July 15th , On June 15th the Mexican Government gave 30 days notice that it would end its migratory labor agreement.
1st demonstration of home video recorder, at BBC Studios, London
Equal Rights Amendment goes down to defeat
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
Every answer here is a word or name that begins with the syllable “say” in any spelling
EX: Polio vaccine discoverer Answer: Sabin
1. Calvalry sword
2. Holy
3. Mass. Town where Nathaniel Hawthorne was born
4. To enjoy the taste of
5. Game show host Pat
6. Paul ___, French painter of “The Card Players”
7. “60 Minutes newsman Morley ___
8. Northern animal with valuable fur
9. Popular watch maker
10. Extreme cruelty
1. Saber
2. Sacred
3. Salem
4. Savor
5. Sajak
6. Cezanne
7. Safer
8. Sable
9. Seiko
10. Sadism
On my way to lunch today, I was held up by a huge funeral procession from the Catholic Church. It was for a 90 year old veteran who lived in Flagstaff. The procession must have had at least 60 cars coming out of the church. There were still about 25 cars in the lot, I assume, preparing for the after burial feast. As I was coming back from a long lunch with a friend, the church parking lot was overflowing again. I mention this only because, to my knowledge, a funeral of this size is rare in Flagstaff for a man of this age. He sure had quite a following.
We started out cloudy today, with hope for rain. The clouds dispersed after lunch, rekindled about 4pm. They did not drop any rain on this end of town. I heard there were some sprinkles
Random Fact
German chemists made a replica of a trophy the size of one molecule.
June is…
Adopt a Shelter Cat Month…Effective Communications Month…Gay & Lesbian Pride Month [National GLBT Month]…Great Outdoors Month…National Accordion Awareness Month…Rebuild Your Life Month…National Candy Month
Week of June 21
Carpenter Ant Awareness Week
National Mosquito Control Awareness Week
National Old Time Fiddler’s Week
June 24—175 days so far this year…190 days remain in 2009
Celebration of the Senses Day
*Irland: Quarter Day
*Venezula: Battle of Carabobo Day—Boivar v Spain
*Bahá'í Faith: Feast of Rahmat (Mercy)
* Newfoundland and Labrador: Discovery Day (celebrating the 1497 discovery by John Cabot)
E I Du Pont France, chemist/scientist (Du Pont)
Gustavus Franklin Swift founded Swift & Co
Jack Dempsey heavyweight boxing champion (1919-26) (Manassa Mauler)
Norman Cousins editor (Saturday Review)
Al Molinaro Kenosha Wisc, actor (Odd Couple, Happy Days)
Jack Carter Bkln NY, comedian/actor
Mick Fleetwood drummer (Fleetwood Mac)
Jeff Beck Surrey England, singer/songwriter
Bruce Johnston rocker (Beachboys)
Joe Penny actor
In the Battle of Bannockburn, the decisive victory for Scottish independence, forces led by Robert Bruce, king of Scotland, defeat the troops of English king Edward II.
John Cabot claims eastern Canada for England
Henry VIII divorces his 4th wife, Anne of Cleves
Membertou (MICMAC) becomes the 1st Indian Catholic.
1st coffee planted in Hawaii on Kona coast
Decision to begin modern Olympics every 4 years
Painter Pablo Picasso has his first exhibit in Paris, at the age of 19
Flying saucers sighted over Mount Rainier by pilot Ken Arnold
Soviets blockade West Berlin when they block all off all land and water routes between West Germany and West Berlin
"Hopalong Cassidy" becomes 1st network western (NBC)
Mexico has agreed to continue providing farm labor until the Bracero agreement runs out on July 15th , On June 15th the Mexican Government gave 30 days notice that it would end its migratory labor agreement.
1st demonstration of home video recorder, at BBC Studios, London
Equal Rights Amendment goes down to defeat
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
Every answer here is a word or name that begins with the syllable “say” in any spelling
EX: Polio vaccine discoverer Answer: Sabin
1. Calvalry sword
2. Holy
3. Mass. Town where Nathaniel Hawthorne was born
4. To enjoy the taste of
5. Game show host Pat
6. Paul ___, French painter of “The Card Players”
7. “60 Minutes newsman Morley ___
8. Northern animal with valuable fur
9. Popular watch maker
10. Extreme cruelty
1. Saber
2. Sacred
3. Salem
4. Savor
5. Sajak
6. Cezanne
7. Safer
8. Sable
9. Seiko
10. Sadism
Warm Day in Flagstaff

Sunrise at Stonehenge--First Day of Summer--2009. I should have posted this yesterday, but just forgot.
Another great summer day. My outdoor thermometer shows a high of 82°, with the Flagstaff high only 78°. Either way it was a very nice day. A great day to be outside. A good day to spend time on my deck.
It is difficult to get excited about anything with this good weather. So I’ll leave it to another day. The weather was great. I had a great time enjoying my deck. Maybe it’s because today was ‘Guy Thing Day’.
Random Fact
Lenny Kravitz's mother played the part of 'Helen' on 'The Jeffersons'.
June is…
Adopt a Shelter Cat Month…Effective Communications Month…Gay & Lesbian Pride Month [National GLBT Month]…Great Outdoors Month…National Accordion Awareness Month…Rebuild Your Life Month…National Candy Month
Week of June 21
Carpenter Ant Awareness Week
National Mosquito Control Awareness Week
National Old Time Fiddler’s Week
June 23—174 days so far this year…191 days remain in 2009
Public Service Day
National Columnists Day
Let It Go Day
*Northern Europe: Midsummer’s Eve
*Luxemburg: Grand Duke’s Official Birthday
Giambattista Vico, philosopher of history
George Sax inventor (the saxophone)
Duke of Windsor
Dr. Alfred Kinsey sexual behavior researcher
Bob Fosse Chicago Ill, choreographer/director
June Carter Cash Maces Spring Va, country singer
Wilma Rudolph US, 100m/200m sprinter (Olympic-gold-1960)
Clarence Thomas U.S. Supreme Court Justice
William Penn signs friendship treaty with Lenni Lenape Indians in Pennsylvania; only treaty "not sworn to, nor broken"
1st regatta held on Thames, England
Congress establishes the Government Printing Office
US Secret Service created
Christopher Latham Sholes patents "Type-writer"
Civil Aeronautics Authority (US) established
Marineland opens in Florida-1st aquarium
Walt Disney's "Lady & the Tramp" released
The army coup led by Gamal Abdel Nasser deposed the regime of King Farouk 1961
The Antarctic Treaty (signed Dec. 1, 1959) comes into effect. It pledges the 12 signatory nations to nonpolitical, scientific investigation of the continent and bars any military activity.
Jim Ryun sets mile record of 3 min, 51.1 sec (Bakersfield, CA)
*the fastest mile ever run is 3:43.13 by Hicham El Guerrouj of Morocco in 1999. The fastest women's mile is 4:12:86 ran by Svetlana Masterkova of Russia on August 14, 1996.
The Charlie Daniels Band releases "Devil Went Down to Georgia"
Lorena Bobbitt cut off her husband’s, uh, you know, with a butcher knife -- while he was sleeping
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
Each answer is a two=word phrase with the initials T-D
EX: It helps you tear off adhesive Answer: tape dispenser
1. Activity in which you click your heels
2. What an auto dealer invites you to take in a new car
3. Inability to distinguish pitch in musical sounds
4. Reason for a filling
5. Thick book with names, addresses, and numbers
6. What shook the world in a book by John Reed
7. A charitable contribution or state taxes, on your IRS form
8. 1976 Martin Scorsese film starring Robert de Niro
9. What a TV station tells you it’s experiencing when a program suddenly stops
10. In China it lasted from the years 618 to 907
1. Tap Dance or tap dancing
2. Test drive
3. Tone deafness
4. Tooth decay
5. Telephone directory
6. Ten days
7. Tax deduction
8. “Taxi Driver”
9. Technical difficulties
10. T’ang dynasty
Summer's Here
What a great way to start summer. We had a beautiful sunrise. We had a blue, cloudless sky. We had very little breeze. We had a 73° temperature. A great day to be outside. I took advantage of the day and washed, then detailed my vehicle. The wash is quick, through the nearby car wash. The detailing took a couple of hours. Vacuum, clean carpets, Armorall the inside, use Black Back on the black parts that have lost their black color to a dull grey. I don’t do this very often, as I get depressed looking at the new paint chips, a couple of cart dings, and the difficulty in removing the bug remnants from the bumper. However, when it is done, the ride looks a lot better. At least until the next spitting rain, which will undo the shine, undo the clean outside windows, and probably undo the shiny black. First day of summer brings out the joys of warm weather.
It is also Father’s Day. Only memories for those of us who are not fathers, and have lost our own fathers. It is mostly good memories for me. Many of my neighbors have been outside all day too. Not just the usual kids, but also moms and some dads. Watching the dads play with their kids is nice. Some of these dads don’t live here, but are here today. Each trying, in his own way, to be a father. Too bad they don’t realize that visiting kids on certain days seldom makes a man a father. On the other hand, these visits are better than nothing for most of the kids involved.
Random Fact
n 1659, it was illegal to celebrate Christmas in Massachusetts.
June is…
Adopt a Shelter Cat Month…Effective Communications Month…Gay & Lesbian Pride Month [National GLBT Month]…Great Outdoors Month…National Accordion Awareness Month…Rebuild Your Life Month…National Candy Month
Week of June 21
Carpenter Ant Awareness Week
National Mosquito Control Awareness Week
National Old Time Fiddler’s Week
June 21—172nd day of the year…193 days remain in 2009
Stupid Guy Thing Day
El Salvador: Teacher’s Day
Croatia: Anit-Fascist Struggle Day
Paul Morphy New Orleans, greatest chess player of all time (1857-61)
Giacomo Puccini Italy, operatic composer (Madama Butterfly)
Sir Julian Huxley London, biologist/philosopher
John Dillinger one of America's Most Wanted
Billy Wilder movie director
Bill Blass Ft Wayne Ind, fashion designer
Orson Bean Burlington Vt, comedian
Dianne Feinstein1941 Ed Bradley Phila, CBS news correspondent
Kris Kristofferson songwriter
Don Henley drummer/singer (Eagles)
"Pistol" Pete Maravich NBA star
Meryl Streep NJ, actress
Cyndi Lauper (Cynthia Ann Stephanie Lauper) Grammy Award-winning singer
Freddie Prinze NYC, comedian/actor
Clyde ‘The Glide’ Drexler--basketball
Bilbo Baggins returns to his home at Bag End, (Shire Reconning)
Henry Hudson & son set adrift in Hudson Bay by mutineers
Zebulon Pike reaches his peak
Doughnut created
Fire destroys part of SF
FDR signs "GI Bill of Rights" (Servicemen's Readjustment Act)
The Battle of New Orleans, by Johnny Horton, started week number four at the top of the nation’s music
Florida passes a law prohibits wearing a throng bathing suit
Underwater volcano, Mount Didicas, erupts in Phillipines
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
In this puzzle, you’re given clues to some fanciful phrases. In each anser the first syllable is said three times in a row
EX: A very active errand-runner Answer: go-go gofer
1. One who transports a Hawaiian dress
2. Chanteuse at a New York state prison
3. Alpine song about a string toy
4. Crazy cents-off certificate
5. Where stupid, extinct birds lived
6. Likely person to do a French line dance
7. Huge configuration of chocolate candies
8. New England soup for a Chinese dog
9. Very stylish Australian girl
10. Flower made with an error and worn on the lapel
1. Muumuu mover
2. Sing Sing singer
3. Yo-yo yodel
4. Cuckoo coupon
5. Dodo domain or dodo domicile
6. Cancan candidate
7. Bonbon bonfire
8. Chowchow chowder
9. Chi-chi Sheila
10. Boo-boo boutonniere
It is also Father’s Day. Only memories for those of us who are not fathers, and have lost our own fathers. It is mostly good memories for me. Many of my neighbors have been outside all day too. Not just the usual kids, but also moms and some dads. Watching the dads play with their kids is nice. Some of these dads don’t live here, but are here today. Each trying, in his own way, to be a father. Too bad they don’t realize that visiting kids on certain days seldom makes a man a father. On the other hand, these visits are better than nothing for most of the kids involved.
Random Fact
n 1659, it was illegal to celebrate Christmas in Massachusetts.
June is…
Adopt a Shelter Cat Month…Effective Communications Month…Gay & Lesbian Pride Month [National GLBT Month]…Great Outdoors Month…National Accordion Awareness Month…Rebuild Your Life Month…National Candy Month
Week of June 21
Carpenter Ant Awareness Week
National Mosquito Control Awareness Week
National Old Time Fiddler’s Week
June 21—172nd day of the year…193 days remain in 2009
Stupid Guy Thing Day
El Salvador: Teacher’s Day
Croatia: Anit-Fascist Struggle Day
Paul Morphy New Orleans, greatest chess player of all time (1857-61)
Giacomo Puccini Italy, operatic composer (Madama Butterfly)
Sir Julian Huxley London, biologist/philosopher
John Dillinger one of America's Most Wanted
Billy Wilder movie director
Bill Blass Ft Wayne Ind, fashion designer
Orson Bean Burlington Vt, comedian
Dianne Feinstein1941 Ed Bradley Phila, CBS news correspondent
Kris Kristofferson songwriter
Don Henley drummer/singer (Eagles)
"Pistol" Pete Maravich NBA star
Meryl Streep NJ, actress
Cyndi Lauper (Cynthia Ann Stephanie Lauper) Grammy Award-winning singer
Freddie Prinze NYC, comedian/actor
Clyde ‘The Glide’ Drexler--basketball
Bilbo Baggins returns to his home at Bag End, (Shire Reconning)
Henry Hudson & son set adrift in Hudson Bay by mutineers
Zebulon Pike reaches his peak
Doughnut created
Fire destroys part of SF
FDR signs "GI Bill of Rights" (Servicemen's Readjustment Act)
The Battle of New Orleans, by Johnny Horton, started week number four at the top of the nation’s music
Florida passes a law prohibits wearing a throng bathing suit
Underwater volcano, Mount Didicas, erupts in Phillipines
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
In this puzzle, you’re given clues to some fanciful phrases. In each anser the first syllable is said three times in a row
EX: A very active errand-runner Answer: go-go gofer
1. One who transports a Hawaiian dress
2. Chanteuse at a New York state prison
3. Alpine song about a string toy
4. Crazy cents-off certificate
5. Where stupid, extinct birds lived
6. Likely person to do a French line dance
7. Huge configuration of chocolate candies
8. New England soup for a Chinese dog
9. Very stylish Australian girl
10. Flower made with an error and worn on the lapel
1. Muumuu mover
2. Sing Sing singer
3. Yo-yo yodel
4. Cuckoo coupon
5. Dodo domain or dodo domicile
6. Cancan candidate
7. Bonbon bonfire
8. Chowchow chowder
9. Chi-chi Sheila
10. Boo-boo boutonniere
Top 100
Geez…I stay of the internet for most of the day, don’t listen to news, and all hell breaks loose. Turns out a reporter has been held captive since November by those Taliban guys in Afghanistan. He escaped today. The capture has been kept quiet by all the press for all this time--to protect him. I have to wonder how his family kept quiet for so long. Iran remained a mess—protests continued—militia is getting more violent. I guess the reporter story shows us patience can/does bring a good outcome when dealing with terrorists.
On a lighter note, NPR released a list of the top 100 Folk Songs of all time. I went through the list and certainly had some good memories. I was a big folk music fan when it was on Top 40 radio. Always a good message, always a great tune. Woody, Arlo, PPM, Pete, Bob, John D, S &G, and Gordon always took some of my coin. I enjoyed the Kingston Trio, the Carter Family and the Weavers, but their peak was just a little before my time so I didn’t spend a lot on them, but did enjoy them. At various times, I did see Arlo Guthrie. Peter, Paul & Mary, John Denver and Simon & Garfunkel live in concert in Colorado. PPM were to play at Red Rocks—a huge red rock natural amphitheater just outside Denver. About 30 minutes before the sunset concert was to start, the rain came instead. They moved the concert to a large indoor venue about an hour away. We all loaded up, drove to the indoor venue and saw them. They started about 10pm and sang until well past midnight. We really got our money’s worth and more. Had they played at Red Rocks, we would have gotten about 90 minutes.
I’m not a big letter writer, but a few months ago, I did write to our Representative—Ann Kirkpatrick—to let her know I supported a change in health care. She sent me an answer. My letter was sent via email, but she answered by snail mail. As usual it was a form letter that could have gone out to anybody. The snail mail letter was not expected. What pissed me off is that I signed the email “Charlie Frazier III”. The letter came back addressed to “Charlie Frazier Iii”. I still hold pride that I am the third. I still get pissed off when some computer auto corrects it to ‘Iii’. I don’t even know what ‘Iii’ means. I doubt Ann or any of her staff knows either. It is just sloppiness.
Random Fact
Connecticut and Rhode Island never ratified the 18th Amendment (Prohibition)
June is…
Adopt a Shelter Cat Month…Effective Communications Month…Gay & Lesbian Pride Month [National GLBT Month]…Great Outdoors Month…National Accordion Awareness Month…Rebuild Your Life Month…National Candy Month
Week of June 21
Carpenter Ant Awareness Week
National Mosquito Control Awareness Week
National Old Time Fiddler’s Week
June 21—172nd day of the year…193 days remain in 2009
Summer Solstice Litha
Father’s Day
Baby Boomers Recognition Day
World Handshake Day
World Humanist Day
Martha Washington 1st, 1st lady
Jean-Paul Sartre France, philosopher/writer (Nobel 1964; declined)
Jane Russell Bemidji, MN, actress full-figured gal (The Outlaw)
Judy Holliday NYC, comedienne/actress
Maureen Stapleton Troy NY, actress
Lalo (Boris) Schifrin Buenos Aires Argentina, composer
Bernie Kopell NYC, actor (Love Boat)
Ron Ely Hereford Tx, actor (Tarzan)
1947 --hmmm
Meredith Baxter-Birney Ca, actress (Family Ties)
Michael Gross Chicago Ill, actor (Family Ties)
Benazir Bhutto 1st female leader of a Moslem nation (Pakistan)
1st Protestant Episcopal parish in America established, Jamestown
US Constitution goes into effect as NH is 9th to ratify
Cyrus Hall McCormick patents reaping machine
Today the non-hostile Indians along the lower Rogue River, and at Fort Orford, in southwestern Oregon, are put on a boat to be moved to a new reservation between the Pacific Ocean, and the Wallamet River. It will be called the Grande Ronde Reservation.
Ten members of the Molly Maguires, a secret society of Irish immigrant coal miners, are executed for their roles in a violent coal strike in Pennsylvania.
F W Woolworth opens 1st store (failed almost immediately)
Hawaiian Red Cross founded
General Erwin Rommel takes control of British Allied garrison at Tobruk, Libya, taking more than 30,000 prisoners
Supreme Court rules ok to burn US flag as a political expression
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
Every answer in this puzzle is a hyphenated word or a familiar two[=word phrase that contains the consecutive letters N-E-W with N-E ending the first part and W starting the second
EX: Periodic oscillation in physics Answer: sine Wave
1. Street sign with an arrow
2. Common property barrier in New England
3. Riesling or Mosel e.g.
4. Famous old stock brokerage
5. Man who prefers to live and work by himself
6. Actress who won Oscar for “The Three Faces of Eve” and who married Paul Newman
7. To clean clothes, but not by hand
8. Noted African-American congresswoman from Ca
9. Female doctor in the old west
10. It hangs from pole to pole and carries messages.
1. One Way
2. Stone wall
3. Rhine wine or fine wine
4. Paine Webber
5. Lone wolf
6. Joanne Woodard
7. Machine wash
8. Maxine Waters
9. Medicine woman
10. Telephone wire
On a lighter note, NPR released a list of the top 100 Folk Songs of all time. I went through the list and certainly had some good memories. I was a big folk music fan when it was on Top 40 radio. Always a good message, always a great tune. Woody, Arlo, PPM, Pete, Bob, John D, S &G, and Gordon always took some of my coin. I enjoyed the Kingston Trio, the Carter Family and the Weavers, but their peak was just a little before my time so I didn’t spend a lot on them, but did enjoy them. At various times, I did see Arlo Guthrie. Peter, Paul & Mary, John Denver and Simon & Garfunkel live in concert in Colorado. PPM were to play at Red Rocks—a huge red rock natural amphitheater just outside Denver. About 30 minutes before the sunset concert was to start, the rain came instead. They moved the concert to a large indoor venue about an hour away. We all loaded up, drove to the indoor venue and saw them. They started about 10pm and sang until well past midnight. We really got our money’s worth and more. Had they played at Red Rocks, we would have gotten about 90 minutes.
I’m not a big letter writer, but a few months ago, I did write to our Representative—Ann Kirkpatrick—to let her know I supported a change in health care. She sent me an answer. My letter was sent via email, but she answered by snail mail. As usual it was a form letter that could have gone out to anybody. The snail mail letter was not expected. What pissed me off is that I signed the email “Charlie Frazier III”. The letter came back addressed to “Charlie Frazier Iii”. I still hold pride that I am the third. I still get pissed off when some computer auto corrects it to ‘Iii’. I don’t even know what ‘Iii’ means. I doubt Ann or any of her staff knows either. It is just sloppiness.
Random Fact
Connecticut and Rhode Island never ratified the 18th Amendment (Prohibition)
June is…
Adopt a Shelter Cat Month…Effective Communications Month…Gay & Lesbian Pride Month [National GLBT Month]…Great Outdoors Month…National Accordion Awareness Month…Rebuild Your Life Month…National Candy Month
Week of June 21
Carpenter Ant Awareness Week
National Mosquito Control Awareness Week
National Old Time Fiddler’s Week
June 21—172nd day of the year…193 days remain in 2009
Summer Solstice Litha
Father’s Day
Baby Boomers Recognition Day
World Handshake Day
World Humanist Day
Martha Washington 1st, 1st lady
Jean-Paul Sartre France, philosopher/writer (Nobel 1964; declined)
Jane Russell Bemidji, MN, actress full-figured gal (The Outlaw)
Judy Holliday NYC, comedienne/actress
Maureen Stapleton Troy NY, actress
Lalo (Boris) Schifrin Buenos Aires Argentina, composer
Bernie Kopell NYC, actor (Love Boat)
Ron Ely Hereford Tx, actor (Tarzan)
1947 --hmmm
Meredith Baxter-Birney Ca, actress (Family Ties)
Michael Gross Chicago Ill, actor (Family Ties)
Benazir Bhutto 1st female leader of a Moslem nation (Pakistan)
1st Protestant Episcopal parish in America established, Jamestown
US Constitution goes into effect as NH is 9th to ratify
Cyrus Hall McCormick patents reaping machine
Today the non-hostile Indians along the lower Rogue River, and at Fort Orford, in southwestern Oregon, are put on a boat to be moved to a new reservation between the Pacific Ocean, and the Wallamet River. It will be called the Grande Ronde Reservation.
Ten members of the Molly Maguires, a secret society of Irish immigrant coal miners, are executed for their roles in a violent coal strike in Pennsylvania.
F W Woolworth opens 1st store (failed almost immediately)
Hawaiian Red Cross founded
General Erwin Rommel takes control of British Allied garrison at Tobruk, Libya, taking more than 30,000 prisoners
Supreme Court rules ok to burn US flag as a political expression
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
Every answer in this puzzle is a hyphenated word or a familiar two[=word phrase that contains the consecutive letters N-E-W with N-E ending the first part and W starting the second
EX: Periodic oscillation in physics Answer: sine Wave
1. Street sign with an arrow
2. Common property barrier in New England
3. Riesling or Mosel e.g.
4. Famous old stock brokerage
5. Man who prefers to live and work by himself
6. Actress who won Oscar for “The Three Faces of Eve” and who married Paul Newman
7. To clean clothes, but not by hand
8. Noted African-American congresswoman from Ca
9. Female doctor in the old west
10. It hangs from pole to pole and carries messages.
1. One Way
2. Stone wall
3. Rhine wine or fine wine
4. Paine Webber
5. Lone wolf
6. Joanne Woodard
7. Machine wash
8. Maxine Waters
9. Medicine woman
10. Telephone wire
Happy Weekend
The weekend is here. The clouds are still here. What a strange June we are having. This should be the time of sunshine, heat, and a drying forest—waiting for the monsoons. This year, it has been cloudy, cool, and strange. Maybe our many-year drought is ending.
I have never enjoyed shopping for groceries. Narrow aisles, stuff in the aisles. But today I went to Albertson’s to pick up some sale items…yeah a cherry picker. Well, it takes a degree in grocery shopping to find their sale items. If you buy 10 from list one, the final price is 75 cents each. If you buy 10 from list 2, the final price is $1 each. If you buy 10 from list 3, the final price is $1.50 each. The ad has lots of pictures of stuff that fit in each list. So as you shop, you see all these tags. I don’t need 10 of anything, but since there are about 20 items on each list, I do find stuff I need. My problem was keeping count of how many from each list I had bought. To really save money, it has to be 10 from the list. I did notice that there were several other shoppers, holding the ad and searching out the items. I did get a lot of stuff I needed, and I did save a lot of money. But my brain was exhausted when I got to the checkout. The computer was able to figure it all out, even if I didn’t. I decided that if I ever attempt this sale shopping again, I will do one of two things…1: get a cart, find the stuff on List one I need. Then start over at the first aisle and find the stuff on list 2 and so on. This would require 3 or 4 trips down every aisle—but good exercise I guess. 2: somehow divide the cart into five sections…one section for each list, and one section for stuff not on sale that I need. How to divide the cart will be a challenge. Maybe I will just get several carts. I have to wonder who came up with this crazy shopping experience. It has to be a computer nerd who never shops for groceries.
Random Fact
Natural gas has no smell. The odor is artificially added so that people will be able to identify leaks and take measures to stop them.
June is…
Adopt a Shelter Cat Month…Effective Communications Month…Gay & Lesbian Pride Month [National GLBT Month]…Great Outdoors Month…National Accordion Awareness Month…Rebuild Your Life Month…National Candy Month
Week of June 14
Flag Week
Men’s Health Week
Meet a Mate Week
June 19—171st day of the year…194 days remain in 2009
Vinegar Day
World Refugee Day
World Juggling Day
International Surfing Day—on the water, not the web
Nicholas Rowe England, poet laureate (Jane Shore, Tamerlane)
Helen Miller Shepard philanthropist/established Hall of Fame
Errol Flynn actor
DeForest Kelley Atlanta Ga, actor (Dr Leonard McCoy-Star Trek)
Audie Murphy Kingston Tx, WWII hero/actor
Martin Landau actor (Mission Impossible)
Brian Wilson Inglewood Calif, singer (Beach Boys)
Anne Murray Nova Scotia, Canada, singer
Lionel Richie musician
John Goodman actor (Roseanne)
Congress approves Great Seal of US & the eagle as it's symbol
Following the death of her uncle, William IV, Queen Victoria takes the British throne at age 18, beginning a reign of 63 years, the longest in British history
1st bank chartered in US (National Bank of Davenport Iowa)
After a sensational murder trial, Lizzie Borden is acquitted of the axe murders of her father and stepmother in Fall River, Mass.
NAACP incorporates (NY)
Federation of Mali (& Senegal) becomes independent of France .
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
Every answer here is a phrase in the form “_____ and _____” where each blank represents a five-letter word. One letter in each word has been changes. What are the phrases?
EX Block and Whine Answer: Black and white
1. Bribe & gloom
2. House & muggy
3. Largo & smell
4. Flash & blond
5. Shout & swept
6. Trick & wield
7. Broad & waver
8. Depth & tapes
9. Poker & fight
10. Peach & quilt
1. Bride & groom
2. Horse & buggy
3. Large & small
4. Flesh & blood
5. Short & sweet
6. Track & field
7. Bread & water
8. Death & taxes
9. Power & light
10. Peace & quiet
Lesson Learned?
If the Iranian Internal Crisis has taught us anything, it is that Iran, like every other nation in the world, cannot be stereotyped into a nice little box. Not only are there several points of view, even the Mullahs are not standing as one. For those who still believe that Iran = Terrorists, let this be a lesson. The political leaders are not the people. Before a country is attacked, remember that the innocents are the civilian population. There are probably many who support the current government in Iran, but as we see, there are many who do not. It seems the more we learn about a country or culture, those with open minds learn that there are many sides to any story.
Random Fact
The average human body contains enough iron to make a small nail.
June is…
Adopt a Shelter Cat Month…Effective Communications Month…Gay & Lesbian Pride Month [National GLBT Month]…Great Outdoors Month…National Accordion Awareness Month…Rebuild Your Life Month…National Candy Month
Week of June 14
Flag Week
Men’s Health Week
Meet a Mate Week
June 19—170th day of the year…195 days remain in 2009
World Sauntering Day
Palawan, Philippines: Feast of the Forest
James VI of Scotland (1567-1625)/James I of England (1603-25)
Blaise Pascal mathematician/physicist/religious writer
Mrs Simpson [Bessie Wallis Warfield), Duchess of Windsor, divorcee
Moses Horowitz--Moe Howard comedian (3 Stooges)
Guy Lombardo London Ontario Canada, orch leader
Henry Louis Gehrig 1st baseman (NY Yankees) "Iron Horse"
Lester Flatt Earl Scrugg's partner
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, leader of the nonviolent movement for human rights and the restoration of democracy in Myanmar (formerly known as Burma)
Salman Rushdie novelist
Garfield the Cat animated character "Big fat hairy deal"
240 –BC
Eratosthenes estimates circumference of Earth
The Governor of Louisiana issues an order today. The order recognizes the CHITIMACHA Indians, and instructs the commander at Manchac to treat them with proper deference
1st baseball game (Cartwright Rules)-NY Nines 23, Knickerbockers 1
Father's Day celebrated for 1st time (Spokane, Wash)
1st photoelectric cell installed commercially West Haven Ct
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) created
"Brenda Starr," 1st cartoon strip by a woman, appears in Chicago
Americans Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, convicted of passing nuclear weapons information to the Soviet Union, are executed
Kuwait regains complete independence from Britain
Pope Paul VI makes 19th-cen bishop John Neumann 1st US male saint
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
Every answer is a word or name with the accented syllable ‘knee’ [in any spelling]
EX: Household blinds Answer: Venetian
1. Swiss city famous for peace talks
2. One of Solumbus’s ships
3. Conductor Arturo
4. “Little” king of early comics
5. Lacking vitality
6. Japanese stock index
7. Actor who starred in “Schindler’s List”
8. Dictator Mussolini
9. Not this one or that one
10. Native of the South Seas
1. Geneva
2. Nina
3. Toscanini
4. Nemo
5. Anemic
6. Nickel
7. Nesson
8. Benito
9. Neither
10. Polynesian
Random Fact
The average human body contains enough iron to make a small nail.
June is…
Adopt a Shelter Cat Month…Effective Communications Month…Gay & Lesbian Pride Month [National GLBT Month]…Great Outdoors Month…National Accordion Awareness Month…Rebuild Your Life Month…National Candy Month
Week of June 14
Flag Week
Men’s Health Week
Meet a Mate Week
June 19—170th day of the year…195 days remain in 2009
World Sauntering Day
Palawan, Philippines: Feast of the Forest
James VI of Scotland (1567-1625)/James I of England (1603-25)
Blaise Pascal mathematician/physicist/religious writer
Mrs Simpson [Bessie Wallis Warfield), Duchess of Windsor, divorcee
Moses Horowitz--Moe Howard comedian (3 Stooges)
Guy Lombardo London Ontario Canada, orch leader
Henry Louis Gehrig 1st baseman (NY Yankees) "Iron Horse"
Lester Flatt Earl Scrugg's partner
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, leader of the nonviolent movement for human rights and the restoration of democracy in Myanmar (formerly known as Burma)
Salman Rushdie novelist
Garfield the Cat animated character "Big fat hairy deal"
240 –BC
Eratosthenes estimates circumference of Earth
The Governor of Louisiana issues an order today. The order recognizes the CHITIMACHA Indians, and instructs the commander at Manchac to treat them with proper deference
1st baseball game (Cartwright Rules)-NY Nines 23, Knickerbockers 1
Father's Day celebrated for 1st time (Spokane, Wash)
1st photoelectric cell installed commercially West Haven Ct
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) created
"Brenda Starr," 1st cartoon strip by a woman, appears in Chicago
Americans Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, convicted of passing nuclear weapons information to the Soviet Union, are executed
Kuwait regains complete independence from Britain
Pope Paul VI makes 19th-cen bishop John Neumann 1st US male saint
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
Every answer is a word or name with the accented syllable ‘knee’ [in any spelling]
EX: Household blinds Answer: Venetian
1. Swiss city famous for peace talks
2. One of Solumbus’s ships
3. Conductor Arturo
4. “Little” king of early comics
5. Lacking vitality
6. Japanese stock index
7. Actor who starred in “Schindler’s List”
8. Dictator Mussolini
9. Not this one or that one
10. Native of the South Seas
1. Geneva
2. Nina
3. Toscanini
4. Nemo
5. Anemic
6. Nickel
7. Nesson
8. Benito
9. Neither
10. Polynesian
We had another cloudy day here in Flagstaff. Still no moisture…This is so strange. Seems that Seattle Washington, known for rain and clouds, has had 28 straight days without any rain—a record. NYC has had more rain days this year than any time in the last 25 years. A friend in the Colorado Mountains says they too had a wet spring and for the first time in recent memory, aren’t as worried about the BC’s as before. Oh, BC’s are Brainless Campers who don’t know squat about campfires, or cleaning up when they are ready to leave. Three tornados in the Eastern suburbs of Denver were mere blocks from another friend’s home. The Front Range was supposed to prevent tornados in the Denver area—at least that’s what we were taught. This weather change, climate change, global warming thing sure is weird.
Many of my Native friends are now grandparents. Most of my friends are the first generation in their family to graduate from college. I had lunch today with a retired aide, who didn’t complete college, but is more educated than any of her siblings. She is also the only one in her immediate family to work at a job long enough to retire. Anyway, as I visit with so many of these friends, I find that somehow, they raised a lost generation. Many have children who are still financially dependent on their parents. These children are in their late 20’s to their early 40’s. Some still live at home—even at 40. Many of these ‘children’ have had their own children. My friends are now raising those grandkids. Watching a grandma raise her son’s children just doesn’t seem fair. I’m not saying that grandparents shouldn’t be there for their children and grandchildren. I just think there are way too many children who just assume that their parents will always provide for them and have no vision of living on their own. My friend has a home in Tuba. She is renting a three bedroom apartment here in Flag, because her two kids want to live here. Now the two kids and three grandkids want to live in Phoenix, so grandma is seriously considering moving to Phoenix. In her younger days, she lived in Phoenix, working at Phoenix Indian School. She hated it. She had no kids back then, and didn’t start her single parent family until she returned to Tuba. Now that she has retired, she will probably return to a city she hates, just so she can help her 27 year old son, his three kids, and her 22 year old daughter find minimum wage jobs while she pays. She doesn’t want to move, but I’ve known her long enough to know she will.
I should mention that all these grandparents grew up in the Boarding School culture. The Boarding School certainly helped many in that generation get the good ol’ American work ethic, and get a decent education. It just left a big hole in their lives. I think many of them are still trying to fill that hole.
Random Fact
Murder is the only crime that does not increase during the full moon. Theft, disorderly conduct, larceny, armed robbery, assault and battery, and rape all statistically increase dramatically during the full moon.
June is…
Adopt a Shelter Cat Month…Effective Communications Month…Gay & Lesbian Pride Month [National GLBT Month]…Great Outdoors Month…National Accordion Awareness Month…Rebuild Your Life Month…National Candy Month
Week of June 14
Flag Week
Men’s Health Week
Meet a Mate Week
June 18—169th day of the year…196 days remain in 2009
Recess @ Work Day
Autistic Pride Day
United Kingdom: Waterloo Day
Egypt : Evacuation Day
James Montgomery Flagg illustrator "I want you" recruiting poster
George Mallory England, mountain climber ("because it is there")
Jeanette MacDonald actress/singer
Kay Kyser Rocky Mount NC, orch. leader
E.G. Marshall actor
Paul McCartney rocker, Beatle 1918 Jerome Karle, American biophysicist, crystallographer, and Nobel Prize winner
Roger Ebert film critic
Richard Martin of London takes out 1st life insurance policy, on William Gibbons
1812 The United States issued a declaration of war on Great Britain. And so began the War of 1812
Battle of Waterloo; Napoleon defeated by Wellington & Blecher
Susan B Anthony fined $100 for attempting to vote for President
Macadamia nuts 1st planted in Hawaii
US Highway planning surveys nationwide authorized
Columbia Records publicly unveiled its new long-playing phonograph record, the 33 1/3
American Library Association adopts the Library Bill of Rights
UN Commission on Human Rights adopts Intl Declaration of Human Rights
Last of foreign troops leaves Egypt
Voting Rights Act of 1965 extended by Senate by 85-8 vote
52 die in plane/helicopter collision over Grand Canyon
Dr. Sally Ride becomes the first American woman in space, aboard the space shuttle Challenger.,
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
You are given three word starting with the letters C, P, and R. Name a fourth word that can follow each of these to complete a compound word or a familiar two-word phrase.
EX: Check, Play, Rule Answer: book (checkbook, playbook, rule book)
1. Cold, permanent, radio
2. Cannon, puff, racquet
3. Candle, pilot, red
4. Checker, peg, running
5. Calling, post, registration
6. Coffee, porter, ranch
7. Court, powder, reading
8. Card, periodic, round
9. Coast, point, rear
10. Cap, pop, ray
1. Wave
2. Ball
3. Light
4. Board
5. Card
6. House
7. Room
8. Table
9. Guard
10. Gun
Many of my Native friends are now grandparents. Most of my friends are the first generation in their family to graduate from college. I had lunch today with a retired aide, who didn’t complete college, but is more educated than any of her siblings. She is also the only one in her immediate family to work at a job long enough to retire. Anyway, as I visit with so many of these friends, I find that somehow, they raised a lost generation. Many have children who are still financially dependent on their parents. These children are in their late 20’s to their early 40’s. Some still live at home—even at 40. Many of these ‘children’ have had their own children. My friends are now raising those grandkids. Watching a grandma raise her son’s children just doesn’t seem fair. I’m not saying that grandparents shouldn’t be there for their children and grandchildren. I just think there are way too many children who just assume that their parents will always provide for them and have no vision of living on their own. My friend has a home in Tuba. She is renting a three bedroom apartment here in Flag, because her two kids want to live here. Now the two kids and three grandkids want to live in Phoenix, so grandma is seriously considering moving to Phoenix. In her younger days, she lived in Phoenix, working at Phoenix Indian School. She hated it. She had no kids back then, and didn’t start her single parent family until she returned to Tuba. Now that she has retired, she will probably return to a city she hates, just so she can help her 27 year old son, his three kids, and her 22 year old daughter find minimum wage jobs while she pays. She doesn’t want to move, but I’ve known her long enough to know she will.
I should mention that all these grandparents grew up in the Boarding School culture. The Boarding School certainly helped many in that generation get the good ol’ American work ethic, and get a decent education. It just left a big hole in their lives. I think many of them are still trying to fill that hole.
Random Fact
Murder is the only crime that does not increase during the full moon. Theft, disorderly conduct, larceny, armed robbery, assault and battery, and rape all statistically increase dramatically during the full moon.
June is…
Adopt a Shelter Cat Month…Effective Communications Month…Gay & Lesbian Pride Month [National GLBT Month]…Great Outdoors Month…National Accordion Awareness Month…Rebuild Your Life Month…National Candy Month
Week of June 14
Flag Week
Men’s Health Week
Meet a Mate Week
June 18—169th day of the year…196 days remain in 2009
Recess @ Work Day
Autistic Pride Day
United Kingdom: Waterloo Day
Egypt : Evacuation Day
James Montgomery Flagg illustrator "I want you" recruiting poster
George Mallory England, mountain climber ("because it is there")
Jeanette MacDonald actress/singer
Kay Kyser Rocky Mount NC, orch. leader
E.G. Marshall actor
Paul McCartney rocker, Beatle 1918 Jerome Karle, American biophysicist, crystallographer, and Nobel Prize winner
Roger Ebert film critic
Richard Martin of London takes out 1st life insurance policy, on William Gibbons
1812 The United States issued a declaration of war on Great Britain. And so began the War of 1812
Battle of Waterloo; Napoleon defeated by Wellington & Blecher
Susan B Anthony fined $100 for attempting to vote for President
Macadamia nuts 1st planted in Hawaii
US Highway planning surveys nationwide authorized
Columbia Records publicly unveiled its new long-playing phonograph record, the 33 1/3
American Library Association adopts the Library Bill of Rights
UN Commission on Human Rights adopts Intl Declaration of Human Rights
Last of foreign troops leaves Egypt
Voting Rights Act of 1965 extended by Senate by 85-8 vote
52 die in plane/helicopter collision over Grand Canyon
Dr. Sally Ride becomes the first American woman in space, aboard the space shuttle Challenger.,
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
You are given three word starting with the letters C, P, and R. Name a fourth word that can follow each of these to complete a compound word or a familiar two-word phrase.
EX: Check, Play, Rule Answer: book (checkbook, playbook, rule book)
1. Cold, permanent, radio
2. Cannon, puff, racquet
3. Candle, pilot, red
4. Checker, peg, running
5. Calling, post, registration
6. Coffee, porter, ranch
7. Court, powder, reading
8. Card, periodic, round
9. Coast, point, rear
10. Cap, pop, ray
1. Wave
2. Ball
3. Light
4. Board
5. Card
6. House
7. Room
8. Table
9. Guard
10. Gun
Flagstaff--New Planet for Auto Dealership
A cloudy day greeted us in Flagstaff. Lots of clouds, only 67°, and alas no moisture. Strange to see all those clouds, and then see them turn to overcast, and not hear any thunder, see any lightning, feel or smell the rain. I guess while it’s overcast, it isn’t drying us out as much.
The auto dealers in Flagstaff must be very confused. Diamond Dodge/Chrysler/Hyundai has been told they are no longer going to be a Chrysler product franchise. They will probably become Diamond Hyundai. Planet Jeep closed its dealership several months ago. It is part of the Planet Flagstaff franchise which included the Planet Jeep dealership and the Planet Nissan Subaru dealership. They had two separate locations. The Nissan Subaru dealership moved to the new AutoMart Plaza. Soon after moving, they brought in Jeep to their name. One guy owns/owned both dealerships. Today we learned that under Chrysler’s “Project Genius”, Planet Nissan, Subaru, Jeep will be picking up Chrysler and Dodge. One problem is that the new facility is not big enough to have Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Nissan and Subaru. The other problem is that this dealership is going to have a very long name: Planet Nissan Subaru, Jeep, Chrysler, Dodge. PNSJCD, or Planet NSJCD, or Planet NiSaJeChDo just don’t ring as a name people will remember. Planet Jesachnido might work, but would probably send astronomers looking for it, and vehicle buyers not sure what they sell. Wonder what they will do? Flagstaff is a small town, but we are starting to sound like LA—with Cal Worthington, or Denver with John Elway, each having a multitude of dealerships in their respective Metro-areas.
Random Fact
One in three male motorists picks their nose while driving.
June is…
Adopt a Shelter Cat Month…Effective Communications Month…Gay & Lesbian Pride Month [National GLBT Month]…Great Outdoors Month…National Accordion Awareness Month…Rebuild Your Life Month…National Candy Month
Week of June 14
Flag Week
Men’s Health Week
Meet a Mate Week
June 17—168th day of the year…197 days remain in 2009
World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought Day
Stewarts Root Beer Day
Iceland: National Day for 1944 independence from Denmark
John Wesley cofounded Methodist movement/author
Jon Sigurdsson Iceland, leader/collects Icelandic legends
George Cormack created "Wheaties" cereal
James Weldon Johnson lawyer, 1st black admitted to Florida Bar
Igor Stravinsky Oranienbaum, Russia, composer
Ralph Bellamy Chicago, actor
James Brown rocker
Barry Manilow NYC, singer
Venus Williams tennis champ
Newt Gingrich American political leader
Sir Francis Drake lands on the coast of Calif
Battle of Bunker Hill (actually it was Breed's Hill)
Republican Party opens its 1st national convention in Philadelphia
In the Battle of Rosebud Creek, Oglala Sioux and Cheyenne forces led by Crazy Horse repel U.S. troops, eight days before joining Sitting Bull to defeat Gen. George Custer at Little Bighorn.
The French gift to the United States to mark the Centennial of the American Declaration of Independence From Great Britain "The Statue of Liberty" arrives in New York City aboard the French ship Isere.
"Barney Google" cartoon strip, by Billy De Beck, premiers
France surrenders to Germany
1st kidney transplant (Chicago)
Supreme Court rules against Bible reading/prayer in public schools
The South African government censors reporters and the news media due to recent outbreaks of unrest throughout the nation.
Driving a white Ford Bronco, O.J. Simpson leads police on a slow freeway chase
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
Each answer in this puzzle is the name of a place in the United States that contains the consecutive letters U-S
EX: _ US _ _ _, Texas Answer: Austin, Texas
1. _ _ _ _ _ _ US, Ohio
2. _ _ _ US _ _, Maine
3. _ _ _ _ _US_, New York
4. _ _ US _ _ _, Texas
5. _ US _ _ _ _ _ _ _, Alabama
6. _ _ _ _ US _ _, Ohio
7. _ US _ _ _ _ _, Oklahoma
8. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ US _ _ _ _, [state]
9. _ US _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [river in NY, PA, Maryland]
10. _ US _ _ _ _ _ , mountain in SD
1. Columbus
2. Augusta
3. Syracuse
4. Houston
5. Tuscaloosa
6. Sandusky
7. Muskogee
8. Massachusetts
9. Susquehanna
10. Rushmore
The auto dealers in Flagstaff must be very confused. Diamond Dodge/Chrysler/Hyundai has been told they are no longer going to be a Chrysler product franchise. They will probably become Diamond Hyundai. Planet Jeep closed its dealership several months ago. It is part of the Planet Flagstaff franchise which included the Planet Jeep dealership and the Planet Nissan Subaru dealership. They had two separate locations. The Nissan Subaru dealership moved to the new AutoMart Plaza. Soon after moving, they brought in Jeep to their name. One guy owns/owned both dealerships. Today we learned that under Chrysler’s “Project Genius”, Planet Nissan, Subaru, Jeep will be picking up Chrysler and Dodge. One problem is that the new facility is not big enough to have Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Nissan and Subaru. The other problem is that this dealership is going to have a very long name: Planet Nissan Subaru, Jeep, Chrysler, Dodge. PNSJCD, or Planet NSJCD, or Planet NiSaJeChDo just don’t ring as a name people will remember. Planet Jesachnido might work, but would probably send astronomers looking for it, and vehicle buyers not sure what they sell. Wonder what they will do? Flagstaff is a small town, but we are starting to sound like LA—with Cal Worthington, or Denver with John Elway, each having a multitude of dealerships in their respective Metro-areas.
Random Fact
One in three male motorists picks their nose while driving.
June is…
Adopt a Shelter Cat Month…Effective Communications Month…Gay & Lesbian Pride Month [National GLBT Month]…Great Outdoors Month…National Accordion Awareness Month…Rebuild Your Life Month…National Candy Month
Week of June 14
Flag Week
Men’s Health Week
Meet a Mate Week
June 17—168th day of the year…197 days remain in 2009
World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought Day
Stewarts Root Beer Day
Iceland: National Day for 1944 independence from Denmark
John Wesley cofounded Methodist movement/author
Jon Sigurdsson Iceland, leader/collects Icelandic legends
George Cormack created "Wheaties" cereal
James Weldon Johnson lawyer, 1st black admitted to Florida Bar
Igor Stravinsky Oranienbaum, Russia, composer
Ralph Bellamy Chicago, actor
James Brown rocker
Barry Manilow NYC, singer
Venus Williams tennis champ
Newt Gingrich American political leader
Sir Francis Drake lands on the coast of Calif
Battle of Bunker Hill (actually it was Breed's Hill)
Republican Party opens its 1st national convention in Philadelphia
In the Battle of Rosebud Creek, Oglala Sioux and Cheyenne forces led by Crazy Horse repel U.S. troops, eight days before joining Sitting Bull to defeat Gen. George Custer at Little Bighorn.
The French gift to the United States to mark the Centennial of the American Declaration of Independence From Great Britain "The Statue of Liberty" arrives in New York City aboard the French ship Isere.
"Barney Google" cartoon strip, by Billy De Beck, premiers
France surrenders to Germany
1st kidney transplant (Chicago)
Supreme Court rules against Bible reading/prayer in public schools
The South African government censors reporters and the news media due to recent outbreaks of unrest throughout the nation.
Driving a white Ford Bronco, O.J. Simpson leads police on a slow freeway chase
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
Each answer in this puzzle is the name of a place in the United States that contains the consecutive letters U-S
EX: _ US _ _ _, Texas Answer: Austin, Texas
1. _ _ _ _ _ _ US, Ohio
2. _ _ _ US _ _, Maine
3. _ _ _ _ _US_, New York
4. _ _ US _ _ _, Texas
5. _ US _ _ _ _ _ _ _, Alabama
6. _ _ _ _ US _ _, Ohio
7. _ US _ _ _ _ _, Oklahoma
8. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ US _ _ _ _, [state]
9. _ US _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [river in NY, PA, Maryland]
10. _ US _ _ _ _ _ , mountain in SD
1. Columbus
2. Augusta
3. Syracuse
4. Houston
5. Tuscaloosa
6. Sandusky
7. Muskogee
8. Massachusetts
9. Susquehanna
10. Rushmore
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About Me

- Retired, Not Dead
- Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
- I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.