Sunrise at Stonehenge--First Day of Summer--2009. I should have posted this yesterday, but just forgot.
Another great summer day. My outdoor thermometer shows a high of 82°, with the Flagstaff high only 78°. Either way it was a very nice day. A great day to be outside. A good day to spend time on my deck.
It is difficult to get excited about anything with this good weather. So I’ll leave it to another day. The weather was great. I had a great time enjoying my deck. Maybe it’s because today was ‘Guy Thing Day’.
Random Fact
Lenny Kravitz's mother played the part of 'Helen' on 'The Jeffersons'.
June is…
Adopt a Shelter Cat Month…Effective Communications Month…Gay & Lesbian Pride Month [National GLBT Month]…Great Outdoors Month…National Accordion Awareness Month…Rebuild Your Life Month…National Candy Month
Week of June 21
Carpenter Ant Awareness Week
National Mosquito Control Awareness Week
National Old Time Fiddler’s Week
June 23—174 days so far this year…191 days remain in 2009
Public Service Day
National Columnists Day
Let It Go Day
*Northern Europe: Midsummer’s Eve
*Luxemburg: Grand Duke’s Official Birthday
Giambattista Vico, philosopher of history
George Sax inventor (the saxophone)
Duke of Windsor
Dr. Alfred Kinsey sexual behavior researcher
Bob Fosse Chicago Ill, choreographer/director
June Carter Cash Maces Spring Va, country singer
Wilma Rudolph US, 100m/200m sprinter (Olympic-gold-1960)
Clarence Thomas U.S. Supreme Court Justice
William Penn signs friendship treaty with Lenni Lenape Indians in Pennsylvania; only treaty "not sworn to, nor broken"
1st regatta held on Thames, England
Congress establishes the Government Printing Office
US Secret Service created
Christopher Latham Sholes patents "Type-writer"
Civil Aeronautics Authority (US) established
Marineland opens in Florida-1st aquarium
Walt Disney's "Lady & the Tramp" released
The army coup led by Gamal Abdel Nasser deposed the regime of King Farouk 1961
The Antarctic Treaty (signed Dec. 1, 1959) comes into effect. It pledges the 12 signatory nations to nonpolitical, scientific investigation of the continent and bars any military activity.
Jim Ryun sets mile record of 3 min, 51.1 sec (Bakersfield, CA)
*the fastest mile ever run is 3:43.13 by Hicham El Guerrouj of Morocco in 1999. The fastest women's mile is 4:12:86 ran by Svetlana Masterkova of Russia on August 14, 1996.
The Charlie Daniels Band releases "Devil Went Down to Georgia"
Lorena Bobbitt cut off her husband’s, uh, you know, with a butcher knife -- while he was sleeping
Word Puzzle from NPR Sunday Puzzler…1987
Each answer is a two=word phrase with the initials T-D
EX: It helps you tear off adhesive Answer: tape dispenser
1. Activity in which you click your heels
2. What an auto dealer invites you to take in a new car
3. Inability to distinguish pitch in musical sounds
4. Reason for a filling
5. Thick book with names, addresses, and numbers
6. What shook the world in a book by John Reed
7. A charitable contribution or state taxes, on your IRS form
8. 1976 Martin Scorsese film starring Robert de Niro
9. What a TV station tells you it’s experiencing when a program suddenly stops
10. In China it lasted from the years 618 to 907
1. Tap Dance or tap dancing
2. Test drive
3. Tone deafness
4. Tooth decay
5. Telephone directory
6. Ten days
7. Tax deduction
8. “Taxi Driver”
9. Technical difficulties
10. T’ang dynasty
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