Here we are at the end of August, and I guess it’s time to get ready for September. This has been one of the warmest, no--hottest, Augusts that Flagstaff has had in quite a while. Temperatures were in the 90’s for many days. Remember please we are about 7000’ above sea level. The average temperature for Flagstaff in August is 79.9°. The monsoons seem to have helped cool us down a lot of days, but it looks like August did not bring the total amount of rain we wanted or needed. This month we got 0.74” of rain. Our normal rainfall for August is 2.89”—our wettest month. I do believe that I got more than ¾” of rain in August, but certainly not anywhere near the average.
A number of events in the past few months is changing my view on Health Care…sort of. Many have made the change a political issue. It is not a political issue, it is a moral issue. It is that those with money, jobs and health insurance get treatment, those who don’t have these things do not get the same care. I was reminded of my buying into the political issue as I listened to the many, many sound bites of Ted Kennedy. That is when I realized Obama’s big mistake on Health Care Reform. He let it become and remain a political issue, not a moral issue. I heard a great interview with Bill Moyers this weekend that really laid it out. Thank you to HBO and Real Time. We have always allowed insurance companies and the pharmaceutical industry and many hospitals to be ‘for profit’ entities. This means you have to have money, and a lot of it, to get health care. Those with money have to pay for those who don’t have money. Yes, everyone has to be served in emergency rooms. But the charges are based on some formula that allows them to make a profit, and charge accordingly. They have figured out an approximate percentage of patients who don’t have coverage so they increase the costs for those who do.
How can the US allow this to continue? The health of our citizens should not be for sale. We are not in the top 30 countries of the world for longevity. We are not in the top 30 countries of the world for low health care costs. We are not in the top 30 countries for successful health care. We need to have reform. We need to have better health care in this country. We all need to learn the facts. We need to remember…’life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’ is for every citizen. It took a long time to let women vote. Longer to let Native Americans vote. I took almost 100 years to end slavery and another 100 years to allow all Blacks the right to vote and attend schools of their choice and drink water from public water fountains. It’s been 50 years since Truman begna the call for reform in Health Care. We are almost there. Let our legacy be that we are the ones who gave all of our citizens the freedom of choice for health care, based on health needs and not on politics.
Random Facts…
Real diamonds can be made from peanut butter!
Crazy Stuff in the News…
Bizarre Book Titles
How to Avoid Huge Ships by John W. Trimmer
Scouts in Bondage by Michael Bell
Be Bold with Bananas by Crescent Books
Fancy Coffins to Make Yourself by Dale L. Power
The Flat-Footed Flies of Europe by Peter J. Chandler
101 Uses for an Old Farm Tractor by Michael Dregni
Across Europe by Kangaroo by Joseph R. Barry
September Month Long Observances
Apple Month…Be Kind to Editors & Writers Month…Children’s Good Manners Month…International People Skills Month…International Strategic Thinking Month…National Honey Month…National Preparedness Month…Pleasure Your Mate Month…Healthy Aging Month…National Hispanic Heritage Month…
Week of 1 Sep…
Self-University Week [to increase lifelong learning]—ideas at end of this blog
1 Sep Observances…
244 days so far this year…121 days remain in 2009
National Cherry Popover Day
*Australia / New Zealand—1st Day of Spring
*Russia—Knowledge Day
*Singapore—Teacher’s Day
*Slovakia—Constitution Day--1992
*Uzbekistan—Independence Day—From USSR-1991
*Libya—Revolution Day—1969
*Qatar—Independence Day—1971—From UK
1849….. Elizabeth Harrison US, educator (Natl Congress of Parents & Teachers)
1875….. Edgar Rice Burroughs novelist (Tarzan, Mars Saga)
1922….. Yvonne De Carlo (Peggy Yvonne Middleton) Vancouver BC, actress (10 Commandments, Munsters)
1931 ….. Boxcar Willie (Lecil Martin) ‘The Singing Hobo’: songwriter, singer
1933….. Conway Twitty [Harold Jenkins], Miss, country singer
1938….. George Maharis Astoria NY, actor (Buz-Route 66)
1939….. Lily Tomlin Detroit, comedienne/actress
1957….. Gloria Estefan Cuba, singer
1923….. Rocky Marciano (Rocco Marchegiano) heavyweight champion boxer (1952-56)
1864….. Sir Roger David Casement Ireland, martyr (IRA)
1907….. Walter Reuther labor leader/president of UAW & CIO
1933….. Ann Richards (Gov-Tx)
1848 – Auguste-Henri Forel, Swiss entomologist (d. 1931)
1939 Heinrich Messner Austria, downhill skier (Olympic-bronze-1972)
Events on this day…
1666….. Great London Fire begins in Pudding Lane. 80% of London is destroyed
1807….. Aaron Burr acquitted of charges of plotting to set up an empire
1859….. RC Carrington & R Hodgson make 1st observation of solar flare
1866….. Manuelito and twenty-three of his Navajo followers surrender to the army at Fort Wingate.
1878….. 1st female telephone operator starts work (Emma Nutt in Boston)
1905….. Alberta & Saskatchewan become 8th & 9th Canadian provinces
1914….. St Petersburg, Russia changes name to Petrograd
1922….. The first daily news program on radio
1941….. Yellow star becomes obligatory for Jews in the Reich to wear
1948….. UN's World Health Organization forms
1972….. Bobby Fischer (US) defeats Boris Spassky (USSR) for world chess title
1975….. Gunsmoke goes off the air
1983….. Soviet jet fighters shoot down a Korean Airlines passenger flight in Russian airspace killing 269 passengers and crew members.
1989….. New car safety legislation required all newly manufactured cars to install an air bag on the driver's side.
Holy Mackerel….
1928….. At 1:00 p.m. on 1st September 1928 groups of Boy Scouts placed approximately 2,400 concrete markers at sites along the Lincoln Highway [New York to California] to officially mark and dedicate it to the memory of Abraham Lincoln.
*A*B*C* words
Each answer has the letters A, B, and C in order. Other letters may be in between.
Example: kidnap Answer abduct
1. calculator
2. textile
3. failure to be present
4. exercise type
5. hot sauce
6. a muscle or a seizer
7. patient vehicle
8. tuna-type
9. like antennas or fables
10. more than enough
^ Scroll down for answers
1. abacus
2. fabric
3. absence
4. aerobic
5. tabasco
6. abductor
7. ambulance
8. albacore
9. parabolic
10. abundance
10 Lifelong Learning Ideas
• Look up a new word every morning and figure out three ways to use it during the day.
• Listen to audio books or language tapes while you drive.
• Attend an open meeting or public forum each noon hour or evening for a week.
• Sign up for a night course, workshop, or seminar.
• Take photos of ten things (places, objects, people) that best symbolize who you are. Then take ten more of things that represent your dreams. (Use a digital camera) Put the photos together in an album , montage or a web page.
• Go to a foreign movie--or to a foreign country, if you can afford it.
• Visit a museum or gallery.
• Watch an hour of public television each night instead of cable.
• Practice the tutorials for a new piece of computer software.
• Memorize a poem.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
I had a nice quiet weekend. Not a lot happened. I figure next weekend will be really busy as we all celebrate Labor Day.
There was another ‘extreme heat warning’ south of us all weekend. I really don’t recall this many days of extreme heat. From what I can find out, the term ‘excessive heat warning’ has only been around since 2006. Before that I guess the weather service just called it ‘very hot’. When I hear about these warnings, it makes me happy I live in the ‘cool’ mountains. While we have been ‘hot’, it’s nothing like the oven to the south. Somehow 85° sounds OK compared to 112°.
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Random Facts…
Factor by which the average length of a heat wave in Western Europe has increased during the past century: 2
Estimated portion of the earth where forests reduce global warming, through consumption of CO2: 1/3
Estimated portion where forests increase warming, by trapping more heat than their CO2 consumption reduces: 1/3
Even Antarctica has an area code. It’s 672.
Crazy Stuff in the News…
NICEVILLE, Fla. - Police in Florida said they arrested a woman for attacking a smoker with air freshener sprayed from a can. Niceville police allege the woman was waving the can of Glade Potpourri Air Freshener around the other woman’s head while dispensing its contents at a Niceville apartment complex Friday, the Northwest Florida Daily News of Fort Walton Beach reported. The woman then allegedly pointed the can at the back of the other woman’s head and sprayed it for nearly a full minute. Police said she told the victim she would keep using the spray can as long as the victim kept smoking in front of the attacker’s apartment. “I will do it again, and take it to the Supreme Court because I have the right to breathe fresh air,” the police report quoted the suspect as saying. The woman was arrested and charged with battery.
Month long events in August
Edinburgh Festival is an internationally famous arts festival that takes place during August National Immunization Awareness Month… National Psoriasis Awareness Month… Women's Small Business Month... National Back to School month…American Adventures Month…Golf Month…National Inventor’s Month…National Win with Civility Month…What will be your legacy Month
Week of Aug 31…
Waffle Week
31 Aug…
243 days so far this year…122 days remain in 2009
Love Litigating Lawyers Day
*Poland: Day of Solidarity—from 1980
*Moldova: National Anthem Day—1994
*Malaysia: Hari Merdeka—Independence Day 1957 from UK
*Kyrgyzstan—Independence Day 1991 from USSR
*Trinidad and Topango—Independence Day 1962 from UK
1903…. Arthur Godfrey radio, TV host
1914…. Richard Basehart Zanesville Oh, actor (Voyage to Bottom of Sea)
1918…. Alan Jay Lerner Songwriters Hall of Famer
1924…. Buddy (Leonard) Hackett Brooklyn, comedian
1928…. James Coburn Laurel Nebr, actor (Our Man Flint, Magnificent Seven)
1931…. Dan Rather news anchor
1945…. Itzhak Perlman Tel Aviv Israel, violinist/polio victim
1889…. A Provost Idell father of modern volleyball
1955…. Edwin Moses Olympic Gold Medalist [1976, 1984] & Hall of Famer
1935…. Eldridge Cleaver Black Panther turned Republican
1870 - Maria Montessori educator: first woman to attend medical school, first female Doctor of Medicine in Italy, worked with handicapped and socially deprived children, developed unique educational method known as the Montessori method; Montessori Schools named for her
Events on this day…
1887…. Thomas A Edison patents Kinetoscope, (produces moving pictures)
1888…. The first attributed to victim of Jack the Ripper "Mary Ann Nichols" a prostitute from London's East End was found mutilated and murdered in London's East End
1935…. FDR signs an act prohibiting export of US arms to belligerents
1964…. California officially became the most populated of the United States.
1980…. Poland's Solidarity labor union founded
1988…. 5-day power blackout of downtown Seattle begins
1997…. Diana The Princess of Wales and her constant companion Dodi Fayed are killed in a car crash in Paris
Holy Mackerel….
1978…. 400 of the world’s top climatologists are meeting in Geneva to discuss climate change
Can you guess what each of these riddles is describing?
1. Sir, I bear a rhyme excelling
In mystic force and magic spelling
Celestial sprites elucidate
All my own striving can't relate
2. What work is it that the faster you work, the longer it is before you're done, and the slower you work, the sooner you're finished?
3. When I am filled,
I can point the way;
When I am empty,
Nothing moves me.
I have two skins,
One without and one within.
What am I?
4. As a whole, I am both safe and secure.
Behead me, and I become a place of meeting.
Behead me again, and I am the partner of ready.
Restore me, and I become the domain of beasts.
What am I?
5. I fly, yet I have no wings. I cry, yet I have no eyes. Darkness follows me; lower light I never see.
*Bonus: What walks on four legs in the morning, two at mid-day, and three in the evening?
1. The number PI, the digits of which are illustrated by the length of each word in the riddle.
2. Roasting meat on a spit.
3. A glove.
4. A stable.
5. A cloud.
*Bonus: A human does. As a baby, it crawls; in old age, uses a cane.
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There was another ‘extreme heat warning’ south of us all weekend. I really don’t recall this many days of extreme heat. From what I can find out, the term ‘excessive heat warning’ has only been around since 2006. Before that I guess the weather service just called it ‘very hot’. When I hear about these warnings, it makes me happy I live in the ‘cool’ mountains. While we have been ‘hot’, it’s nothing like the oven to the south. Somehow 85° sounds OK compared to 112°.
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Random Facts…
Factor by which the average length of a heat wave in Western Europe has increased during the past century: 2
Estimated portion of the earth where forests reduce global warming, through consumption of CO2: 1/3
Estimated portion where forests increase warming, by trapping more heat than their CO2 consumption reduces: 1/3
Even Antarctica has an area code. It’s 672.
Crazy Stuff in the News…
NICEVILLE, Fla. - Police in Florida said they arrested a woman for attacking a smoker with air freshener sprayed from a can. Niceville police allege the woman was waving the can of Glade Potpourri Air Freshener around the other woman’s head while dispensing its contents at a Niceville apartment complex Friday, the Northwest Florida Daily News of Fort Walton Beach reported. The woman then allegedly pointed the can at the back of the other woman’s head and sprayed it for nearly a full minute. Police said she told the victim she would keep using the spray can as long as the victim kept smoking in front of the attacker’s apartment. “I will do it again, and take it to the Supreme Court because I have the right to breathe fresh air,” the police report quoted the suspect as saying. The woman was arrested and charged with battery.
Month long events in August
Edinburgh Festival is an internationally famous arts festival that takes place during August National Immunization Awareness Month… National Psoriasis Awareness Month… Women's Small Business Month... National Back to School month…American Adventures Month…Golf Month…National Inventor’s Month…National Win with Civility Month…What will be your legacy Month
Week of Aug 31…
Waffle Week
31 Aug…
243 days so far this year…122 days remain in 2009
Love Litigating Lawyers Day
*Poland: Day of Solidarity—from 1980
*Moldova: National Anthem Day—1994
*Malaysia: Hari Merdeka—Independence Day 1957 from UK
*Kyrgyzstan—Independence Day 1991 from USSR
*Trinidad and Topango—Independence Day 1962 from UK
1903…. Arthur Godfrey radio, TV host
1914…. Richard Basehart Zanesville Oh, actor (Voyage to Bottom of Sea)
1918…. Alan Jay Lerner Songwriters Hall of Famer
1924…. Buddy (Leonard) Hackett Brooklyn, comedian
1928…. James Coburn Laurel Nebr, actor (Our Man Flint, Magnificent Seven)
1931…. Dan Rather news anchor
1945…. Itzhak Perlman Tel Aviv Israel, violinist/polio victim
1889…. A Provost Idell father of modern volleyball
1955…. Edwin Moses Olympic Gold Medalist [1976, 1984] & Hall of Famer
1935…. Eldridge Cleaver Black Panther turned Republican
1870 - Maria Montessori educator: first woman to attend medical school, first female Doctor of Medicine in Italy, worked with handicapped and socially deprived children, developed unique educational method known as the Montessori method; Montessori Schools named for her
Events on this day…
1887…. Thomas A Edison patents Kinetoscope, (produces moving pictures)
1888…. The first attributed to victim of Jack the Ripper "Mary Ann Nichols" a prostitute from London's East End was found mutilated and murdered in London's East End
1935…. FDR signs an act prohibiting export of US arms to belligerents
1964…. California officially became the most populated of the United States.
1980…. Poland's Solidarity labor union founded
1988…. 5-day power blackout of downtown Seattle begins
1997…. Diana The Princess of Wales and her constant companion Dodi Fayed are killed in a car crash in Paris
Holy Mackerel….
1978…. 400 of the world’s top climatologists are meeting in Geneva to discuss climate change
Can you guess what each of these riddles is describing?
1. Sir, I bear a rhyme excelling
In mystic force and magic spelling
Celestial sprites elucidate
All my own striving can't relate
2. What work is it that the faster you work, the longer it is before you're done, and the slower you work, the sooner you're finished?
3. When I am filled,
I can point the way;
When I am empty,
Nothing moves me.
I have two skins,
One without and one within.
What am I?
4. As a whole, I am both safe and secure.
Behead me, and I become a place of meeting.
Behead me again, and I am the partner of ready.
Restore me, and I become the domain of beasts.
What am I?
5. I fly, yet I have no wings. I cry, yet I have no eyes. Darkness follows me; lower light I never see.
*Bonus: What walks on four legs in the morning, two at mid-day, and three in the evening?
1. The number PI, the digits of which are illustrated by the length of each word in the riddle.
2. Roasting meat on a spit.
3. A glove.
4. A stable.
5. A cloud.
*Bonus: A human does. As a baby, it crawls; in old age, uses a cane.
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I’m not a big football fan, but do enjoy a good game every now and then. The AZ Cardinals were in Flagstaff for their annual July pre-season training. They certainly bring a lot of visitors to town and this helps the town a lot financially. Last night the Cards played Green Bay. Die hard Cardinal fans say that they have lost their first 3 preseason games simply because they are trying out most of their roster and not keeping the top players in the game. Top players will be used when the ‘real season’ begins. Last night the Cards trailed for most of the game. With only 38 seconds left, they scored. A kick could have led to OT, a run could have won the game. The Cards seem to be a ‘not guts, no glory’ team, so they went for the 2 points. They didn’t make it. Then they let the Packers score a TD on the kickoff. The Cards came close to one more score, but just didn’t make it. They lost 44/37. The amazing thing is that they scored 17 points in the first three quarters then scored 20 points in the final quarter. I’ll see how they play their first few ‘real’ games and hope they can hold up their NFC Championship play from last year.
We started the day with a 10% chance of showers. By 2pm it was raining and has remained cloudy since. It climbed to 88° here but the rain and the following breezes have made it quite bearable.
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Random Facts…
Average compensation of the ten highest-salaried presidents of U.S. public universities: $533,000
.....Number of them who earn more than the school’s football coach: 2
Margin by which Americans would rather watch football with Obama than with McCain: 50–47
Percentage of N.F.L. fourth downs on which teams are better off “going for it,” according to a Berkeley study: 40
…..Percentage of fourth downs on which N.F.L. teams do go for it: 13
Crazy Stuff in the News…
CHARLOTTE, N.C. - The Wallendas Still Flying High. A seventh-generation high rope walker crossed the U.S. state line between the Carolinas twice while 125 feet above the ground, observers say. Nik Wallenda, 30, did it without a safety net or harness.
Wallenda, the seventh generation of the venerable Flying Wallendas crossed from one state to the other in about 10 minutes on a rope fixed to attractions at the border-straddling Carowinds theme park Sunday afternoon, the Charlotte (N.C.) Observer reported. Wallenda, who holds world records for the longest distance and greatest height ever traveled by bicycle on a high rope, said the heat, which reached the upper 80s Sunday, was not as hard on him as it was on the assembled crowd on the ground. “There’s a lot more breeze up that high, so it wasn’t so hot up there,” he said. “Of course, the humidity actually affects how I walk the wire and how my shoes grip the wire.”
The performer said he plans future walks over the Grand Canyon, New York’s Central Park, Niagara Falls and a NASCAR race.
Month long events in August
Edinburgh Festival is an internationally famous arts festival that takes place during August National Immunization Awareness Month… National Psoriasis Awareness Month… Women's Small Business Month... National Back to School month…American Adventures Month…Golf Month…National Inventor’s Month…National Win with Civility Month…What will be your legacy Month
Week of Aug 30…
Minority Enterprise Development Week
30 Aug…
242 days so far this year…123 days remain in 2009
National Toasted Marshmallow Day
National Holistic Pet Treatment Day
International Day of the Disappeared
* Peru: St. Rose of Lima Day—1st Saint in Americas, born in Lima01586
1797….. Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley London England, author (Frankenstein)
1896….. Raymond Massey Toronto Canada, actor
1898….. Shirley Booth (Thelma Booth Ford) Academy Award-winning actress
1907….. Fred MacMurray Kankakee Ill, actor
1919….. Kitty Wells Nashville Tn, country singer
1927….. Geoffrey Beene fashion designer
1935….. John Phillips singer (Mama & Papas)
1947….. Peggy Lipton Lawrence NY, actress (Julie-Mod Squad)
1972….. Cameron Diaz model; actress
1918….. Ted Williams Baseball's last .400 hitter
1943….. Jean Claude Killy France, skier
1837….. Ellen Lewis Herndon Arthur wife of president Chester A Arthur
1893….. Huey P Long Winn Parish La, (gov/sen-D-La)
1871….. Ernest Lord Rutherford England, physicist; discovered atomic nucleus
1931….. John L Swigert Jr Denver Colorado, astronaut (Apollo 13)
Events on this day…
30 B.C. ….. Under the threat of being taken prisoner by Roman emperor Octavian, Cleopatra, the queen of Egypt, poisons herself.
1682 ….. William Penn sailed from England. He later established the colony of Pennsylvania 1923: Seven pirates who attacked a British Rum Schooner killing the captain and cook are being sought by British and US authorities
1850….. Honolulu, Hawaii becomes a city
1961….. 1st Negro judge of a US District Court confirmed-JB Parsons
1967….. US Senate confirm Thurgood Marshall as 1st black justice
1968….. 1st record under Apple label (Beatle's Hey Jude)
1979….. Pres Carter attacked by a rabbit on a canoe trip in Plains Ga
1990….. Ken Griffey & Ken Griffey Jr become 1st father & son to play on the same team (Seattle Mariners), both single in the 1st inning
Holy Mackerel…
1951….. A Native American soldier killed in the war in Korea was refused a burial in a cemetery in Winnebago, Nebraska on the grounds of race. The president of the United States President Truman heard about this travesty of justice and offered the widow a plot in Arlington National Cemetery, stating no person should be refused a burial based on race, creed or color.
Can you guess what each of these riddles is describing?
1. My life can be measured in hours;
I serve by being devoured.
Thin, I am quick; fat, I am slow.
Wind is my foe.
What am I?
2. Lighter than what I'm made of,
More of me is hidden than is seen.
What am I?
3. To unravel me
You need a key.
No key that was made by locksmith's hand,
But a key that only I will understand.
What am I?
4. I give you a group of three. One is sitting down and will never get up. The second eats as much as is given to him, yet is always hungry. The third goes away and never returns. What are they?
5. Whoever makes it, tells it not. Whoever takes it, knows it not. Whoever knows it, wants it not. What is it?
*BONUS: There is not wind enough to twirl
That one red leaf, nearest of its clan,
Which dances as often as dance it can.
-- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
1. A candle.
2. An iceberg.
3. A cipher.
4. A stove, fire, and smoke.
5. Counterfeit money.
*BONUS: The sun
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We started the day with a 10% chance of showers. By 2pm it was raining and has remained cloudy since. It climbed to 88° here but the rain and the following breezes have made it quite bearable.
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Random Facts…
Average compensation of the ten highest-salaried presidents of U.S. public universities: $533,000
.....Number of them who earn more than the school’s football coach: 2
Margin by which Americans would rather watch football with Obama than with McCain: 50–47
Percentage of N.F.L. fourth downs on which teams are better off “going for it,” according to a Berkeley study: 40
…..Percentage of fourth downs on which N.F.L. teams do go for it: 13
Crazy Stuff in the News…
CHARLOTTE, N.C. - The Wallendas Still Flying High. A seventh-generation high rope walker crossed the U.S. state line between the Carolinas twice while 125 feet above the ground, observers say. Nik Wallenda, 30, did it without a safety net or harness.
Wallenda, the seventh generation of the venerable Flying Wallendas crossed from one state to the other in about 10 minutes on a rope fixed to attractions at the border-straddling Carowinds theme park Sunday afternoon, the Charlotte (N.C.) Observer reported. Wallenda, who holds world records for the longest distance and greatest height ever traveled by bicycle on a high rope, said the heat, which reached the upper 80s Sunday, was not as hard on him as it was on the assembled crowd on the ground. “There’s a lot more breeze up that high, so it wasn’t so hot up there,” he said. “Of course, the humidity actually affects how I walk the wire and how my shoes grip the wire.”
The performer said he plans future walks over the Grand Canyon, New York’s Central Park, Niagara Falls and a NASCAR race.
Month long events in August
Edinburgh Festival is an internationally famous arts festival that takes place during August National Immunization Awareness Month… National Psoriasis Awareness Month… Women's Small Business Month... National Back to School month…American Adventures Month…Golf Month…National Inventor’s Month…National Win with Civility Month…What will be your legacy Month
Week of Aug 30…
Minority Enterprise Development Week
30 Aug…
242 days so far this year…123 days remain in 2009
National Toasted Marshmallow Day
National Holistic Pet Treatment Day
International Day of the Disappeared
* Peru: St. Rose of Lima Day—1st Saint in Americas, born in Lima01586
1797….. Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley London England, author (Frankenstein)
1896….. Raymond Massey Toronto Canada, actor
1898….. Shirley Booth (Thelma Booth Ford) Academy Award-winning actress
1907….. Fred MacMurray Kankakee Ill, actor
1919….. Kitty Wells Nashville Tn, country singer
1927….. Geoffrey Beene fashion designer
1935….. John Phillips singer (Mama & Papas)
1947….. Peggy Lipton Lawrence NY, actress (Julie-Mod Squad)
1972….. Cameron Diaz model; actress
1918….. Ted Williams Baseball's last .400 hitter
1943….. Jean Claude Killy France, skier
1837….. Ellen Lewis Herndon Arthur wife of president Chester A Arthur
1893….. Huey P Long Winn Parish La, (gov/sen-D-La)
1871….. Ernest Lord Rutherford England, physicist; discovered atomic nucleus
1931….. John L Swigert Jr Denver Colorado, astronaut (Apollo 13)
Events on this day…
30 B.C. ….. Under the threat of being taken prisoner by Roman emperor Octavian, Cleopatra, the queen of Egypt, poisons herself.
1682 ….. William Penn sailed from England. He later established the colony of Pennsylvania 1923: Seven pirates who attacked a British Rum Schooner killing the captain and cook are being sought by British and US authorities
1850….. Honolulu, Hawaii becomes a city
1961….. 1st Negro judge of a US District Court confirmed-JB Parsons
1967….. US Senate confirm Thurgood Marshall as 1st black justice
1968….. 1st record under Apple label (Beatle's Hey Jude)
1979….. Pres Carter attacked by a rabbit on a canoe trip in Plains Ga
1990….. Ken Griffey & Ken Griffey Jr become 1st father & son to play on the same team (Seattle Mariners), both single in the 1st inning
Holy Mackerel…
1951….. A Native American soldier killed in the war in Korea was refused a burial in a cemetery in Winnebago, Nebraska on the grounds of race. The president of the United States President Truman heard about this travesty of justice and offered the widow a plot in Arlington National Cemetery, stating no person should be refused a burial based on race, creed or color.
Can you guess what each of these riddles is describing?
1. My life can be measured in hours;
I serve by being devoured.
Thin, I am quick; fat, I am slow.
Wind is my foe.
What am I?
2. Lighter than what I'm made of,
More of me is hidden than is seen.
What am I?
3. To unravel me
You need a key.
No key that was made by locksmith's hand,
But a key that only I will understand.
What am I?
4. I give you a group of three. One is sitting down and will never get up. The second eats as much as is given to him, yet is always hungry. The third goes away and never returns. What are they?
5. Whoever makes it, tells it not. Whoever takes it, knows it not. Whoever knows it, wants it not. What is it?
*BONUS: There is not wind enough to twirl
That one red leaf, nearest of its clan,
Which dances as often as dance it can.
-- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
1. A candle.
2. An iceberg.
3. A cipher.
4. A stove, fire, and smoke.
5. Counterfeit money.
*BONUS: The sun
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I’m back to fighting the Cable Company. They reverted to their old billing and I was billed a $5.25 late fee. Their new argument is that when you go to Blockbuster to get a movie you have to pay to take it home. They—the cable company—bill you the same way. They just don’t send you a bill/receipt until it is month late and the late charge has kicked in. How to fix it: call or go on line before you pay the amount they say you owe. [Note: The current bill isn’t posted on line until after the due date for the late charge.] Forget the printed bill, it will always be wrong. Yep, that’s their story and they are sticking to it. I couldn’t talk to a supervisor when I called. Seems Brad was busy on another call, but Shannon promised he would call me as soon as he got off the phone. Three hours later I called again, and he had gone home for the weekend. I left a message with his supervisor, I think. I also called City Hall and the franchise contact remembered my last call, and said, don’t give up, you and I will get to the bottom of this.
When I was in Tuba, I had carpeting and bought one of those home shampooers. Well, it’s time to clean my carpet here again. However, something happened and the brushes didn’t work. I took it to a local guy and he fixed it in two days. He is not real friendly, and doesn’t have the greatest customer relations, but he did the job, and he did it very quickly. I guess next week I’ll be shampooing.
I got a text last night that the teacher I was talking about passed away yesterday afternoon. From what I could tell, she was at peace, and ready. She had been having visitors until just a few hours before she passed. Sad that her life had to end so early, but knowing that she had little suffering makes it a little easier.
We climbed to 90° today, and there was no breeze, so the weather heated me up almost as much as the cable company.
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Random Facts…
There are 10 towns named Hollywood in the United States.
Crazy Stuff in the News…
WINONA, Minn. - Authorities in Minnesota said a goat found in the trunk of a woman’s car when she took it to a repair shop has been placed in the care of a veterinarian. James Prusci, an auto repairman with Tires Plus in Winona, said a woman came into the store just before noon Friday and informed him there was a live goat in her trunk, the Winona Daily News reported. Prusci said the woman told him she planned to butcher the animal but her car broke down en
route to St. Paul, Minn. Workers heard the goal crying in the trunk. The goat was painted the Minnesota Vikings colors, purple and gold, and had the No. 4 — Vikings newcomer Brett Favre’s number — shaved into its side, Prusci said. The mechanic said he called animal control and a vehicle from the service arrived with two police cars as the woman was preparing to drive away. Winona Police Sgt. Chris Nelson said the goat was placed in the care of a veterinarian. He did not say whether the woman or a man who was waiting for her outside of the repair shop was cited.
Month long events in August
Edinburgh Festival is an internationally famous arts festival that takes place during August National Immunization Awareness Month… National Psoriasis Awareness Month… Women's Small Business Month... National Back to School month…American Adventures Month…Golf Month…National Inventor’s Month…National Win with Civility Month…What will be your legacy Month
Week of Aug 25…
Be Kind to Humankind Week
29 Aug…
241 days so far this year…124 days remain in 2009
More Herbs, Less Salt Day
According to Hoyle Day
*Ancient Egypt: 1st day of Thoth—1st day on Egyptian Calendar—God of Knowledge
*Slovakia Day: Uprising Day—against Nazi’s in 1944
1780….. Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres French painter
1809….. Oliver Wendell Holmes Cambridge, MA, physician/author
1811….. Henry Bergh 1st president of SPCA
1915….. Ingrid Bergman Sweden, actress
1917….. Isabel Sanford NYC, actress (Louise-Jeffersons/All in the Family)
1920….. Charlie "The Bird" Parker famous African-American jazzman
1923….. Sir Richard Attenborough actor/director
1924….. Dinah Washington Chicago, singer
1938….. Elliott Gould Queens NY, actor
1938….. Peter Jennings Canada, news anchor
1941….. Robin Leach TV host (Life Styles of Rich & Famous)
1940 Wilhelm Ruska Holland, judo champ (Olympic-gold-1972)
1945 Wyomia Tyus US, 100m dash (Olympic-gold-1964, 68)
1962 Carl Banks NFL line backer (NY Giants)
1876….. Charles F Kettering Ohio, inventor (auto self-starter)
1936….. John McCain U.S. Senator from Arizona
1940 ….. James Brady—Reagan asst.--shot
1958….. Michael Jackson Gary Indiana, singer
Events on this day…
1758….. The First State Indian reservation, in Brotherton New Jersey, is established. It is primarily for the Lenni Lenape.
1831….. English chemist Michael Faraday discovers electromagnetic induction, the production of an electric current by change in magnetic intensity, which is the principle of the electric generator.
1864….. William Huggins discovers chemical composition of nebulae
1885….. The first prize fight under the Marquis of Queensberry Rules was held -- in Cincinnati, OH.
1896….. Chop suey invented in NYC by chef of visiting Chinese Ambassador
1914….. Arizonan is 1st vessel to arrive in SF via Panama Canal
1945….. Predictions for traffic this coming Labor Day Weekend are predicted to be extremely high due to the restrictions on Gasoline sales having been lifted.
1949….. USSR explodes its 1st atomic bomb
1953….. USSR explodes its 1st hydrogen bomb
1958….. Air Force Academy opens
1966….. The Beatles play their final live concert, at Candlestick Park in San Francisco.
2005….. Hurricane Katrina a Category 5 Storm with sustained winds of 145 MPH and gusts reaching 175 MPH is the most destructive hurricane in $$ ever to hit the United States
2006….. Warren Steed Jeffs is arrested in Nevada by a local patrol officer,
Holy Mackerel…
1984….. Edwin Moses won the 400-meter hurdles in track competition in Europe. It was the track star’s 108th consecutive victory.
Can you guess what each of these riddles is describing?
1. If you break me,
I do not stop working.
If you touch me,
I may be snared.
If you lose me,
Nothing will matter.
What am I?
2. If a man carried my burden,
He would break his back.
I am not rich,
But I leave silver in my track.
What am I?
3. Glittering points that downward thrust,
Sparkling spears that never rust.
What is it?
4. Weight in my belly,
Trees on my back,
Nails in my ribs,
Feet do I lack.
What am I?
5. My life can be measured in hours;
I serve by being devoured.
Thin, I am quick; fat, I am slow.
Wind is my foe.
What am I?
Until I am measured,
I am not known.
Yet how you miss me,
When I have flown!
What am I?
1. One's heart.
2. A snail.
3. An icicle.
4. A ship.
5. A Candle
*Bonus: Time.<> <><> 36<> <> <> <>
When I was in Tuba, I had carpeting and bought one of those home shampooers. Well, it’s time to clean my carpet here again. However, something happened and the brushes didn’t work. I took it to a local guy and he fixed it in two days. He is not real friendly, and doesn’t have the greatest customer relations, but he did the job, and he did it very quickly. I guess next week I’ll be shampooing.
I got a text last night that the teacher I was talking about passed away yesterday afternoon. From what I could tell, she was at peace, and ready. She had been having visitors until just a few hours before she passed. Sad that her life had to end so early, but knowing that she had little suffering makes it a little easier.
We climbed to 90° today, and there was no breeze, so the weather heated me up almost as much as the cable company.
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Random Facts…
There are 10 towns named Hollywood in the United States.
Crazy Stuff in the News…
WINONA, Minn. - Authorities in Minnesota said a goat found in the trunk of a woman’s car when she took it to a repair shop has been placed in the care of a veterinarian. James Prusci, an auto repairman with Tires Plus in Winona, said a woman came into the store just before noon Friday and informed him there was a live goat in her trunk, the Winona Daily News reported. Prusci said the woman told him she planned to butcher the animal but her car broke down en
route to St. Paul, Minn. Workers heard the goal crying in the trunk. The goat was painted the Minnesota Vikings colors, purple and gold, and had the No. 4 — Vikings newcomer Brett Favre’s number — shaved into its side, Prusci said. The mechanic said he called animal control and a vehicle from the service arrived with two police cars as the woman was preparing to drive away. Winona Police Sgt. Chris Nelson said the goat was placed in the care of a veterinarian. He did not say whether the woman or a man who was waiting for her outside of the repair shop was cited.
Month long events in August
Edinburgh Festival is an internationally famous arts festival that takes place during August National Immunization Awareness Month… National Psoriasis Awareness Month… Women's Small Business Month... National Back to School month…American Adventures Month…Golf Month…National Inventor’s Month…National Win with Civility Month…What will be your legacy Month
Week of Aug 25…
Be Kind to Humankind Week
29 Aug…
241 days so far this year…124 days remain in 2009
More Herbs, Less Salt Day
According to Hoyle Day
*Ancient Egypt: 1st day of Thoth—1st day on Egyptian Calendar—God of Knowledge
*Slovakia Day: Uprising Day—against Nazi’s in 1944
1780….. Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres French painter
1809….. Oliver Wendell Holmes Cambridge, MA, physician/author
1811….. Henry Bergh 1st president of SPCA
1915….. Ingrid Bergman Sweden, actress
1917….. Isabel Sanford NYC, actress (Louise-Jeffersons/All in the Family)
1920….. Charlie "The Bird" Parker famous African-American jazzman
1923….. Sir Richard Attenborough actor/director
1924….. Dinah Washington Chicago, singer
1938….. Elliott Gould Queens NY, actor
1938….. Peter Jennings Canada, news anchor
1941….. Robin Leach TV host (Life Styles of Rich & Famous)
1940 Wilhelm Ruska Holland, judo champ (Olympic-gold-1972)
1945 Wyomia Tyus US, 100m dash (Olympic-gold-1964, 68)
1962 Carl Banks NFL line backer (NY Giants)
1876….. Charles F Kettering Ohio, inventor (auto self-starter)
1936….. John McCain U.S. Senator from Arizona
1940 ….. James Brady—Reagan asst.--shot
1958….. Michael Jackson Gary Indiana, singer
Events on this day…
1758….. The First State Indian reservation, in Brotherton New Jersey, is established. It is primarily for the Lenni Lenape.
1831….. English chemist Michael Faraday discovers electromagnetic induction, the production of an electric current by change in magnetic intensity, which is the principle of the electric generator.
1864….. William Huggins discovers chemical composition of nebulae
1885….. The first prize fight under the Marquis of Queensberry Rules was held -- in Cincinnati, OH.
1896….. Chop suey invented in NYC by chef of visiting Chinese Ambassador
1914….. Arizonan is 1st vessel to arrive in SF via Panama Canal
1945….. Predictions for traffic this coming Labor Day Weekend are predicted to be extremely high due to the restrictions on Gasoline sales having been lifted.
1949….. USSR explodes its 1st atomic bomb
1953….. USSR explodes its 1st hydrogen bomb
1958….. Air Force Academy opens
1966….. The Beatles play their final live concert, at Candlestick Park in San Francisco.
2005….. Hurricane Katrina a Category 5 Storm with sustained winds of 145 MPH and gusts reaching 175 MPH is the most destructive hurricane in $$ ever to hit the United States
2006….. Warren Steed Jeffs is arrested in Nevada by a local patrol officer,
Holy Mackerel…
1984….. Edwin Moses won the 400-meter hurdles in track competition in Europe. It was the track star’s 108th consecutive victory.
Can you guess what each of these riddles is describing?
1. If you break me,
I do not stop working.
If you touch me,
I may be snared.
If you lose me,
Nothing will matter.
What am I?
2. If a man carried my burden,
He would break his back.
I am not rich,
But I leave silver in my track.
What am I?
3. Glittering points that downward thrust,
Sparkling spears that never rust.
What is it?
4. Weight in my belly,
Trees on my back,
Nails in my ribs,
Feet do I lack.
What am I?
5. My life can be measured in hours;
I serve by being devoured.
Thin, I am quick; fat, I am slow.
Wind is my foe.
What am I?
Until I am measured,
I am not known.
Yet how you miss me,
When I have flown!
What am I?
1. One's heart.
2. A snail.
3. An icicle.
4. A ship.
5. A Candle
*Bonus: Time.<> <><> 36<> <> <> <>
We had our weekly lunch today. Mary is headed for two weeks at her family compound in Oregon. They have a home at the beach. She is pretty excited, as this is the first time she has been able to go at this time of year. The many brothers and sisters have it scheduled and she always had to take a summer time, because of her teaching. This year her mother, 97, will be there for a couple of days. Cheryl may join her son, daughter-in-law and the four grandkids on a Cruise. She’s not sure yet. She says she’s waiting for the last minute tickets—as the price will go way down. I learned that one of our long time Navajo teachers, who retired about 10 years ago and is only 65, is in the last stages of brain cancer. So sad. She is here in Flagstaff, at a nursing home, so I’m trying to find out which one so I can visit.
We didn’t have any rain or any even any clouds today. It was nice, with a high of only 82°. The cooler nights are nice. The birds are certainly getting ready for something. They are cleaning up on bird seed. The smaller bird feeder has to be filled a little more than once a day. The larger one lasts for two days. This is about twice as often as often as just a week ago. Either I have more birds or the ones that are here are very hungry. It’s a small thing but is so much fun to watch the many birds feed. I just wish I could get hummingbirds to this area. I still can’t figure out if it is the altitude, the pine forest, what. I’ve tried feeders in the back, feeders in the front. I know there are hummingbirds in Flagstaff, just not in our forested area. I will keep trying, by keeping fresh liquid out there for them. Maybe before winter they will find the feeders and know that I am here to help.
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Random Facts…
There are 10 towns named Hollywood in the United States.
Crazy Stuff in the News…
WINONA, Minn. - Authorities in Minnesota said a goat found in the trunk of a woman’s car when she took it to a repair shop has been placed in the care of a veterinarian. James Prusci, an auto repairman with Tires Plus in Winona, said a woman came into the store just before noon Friday and informed him there was a live goat in her trunk, the Winona Daily News reported. Prusci said the woman told him she planned to butcher the animal but her car broke down en route to St. Paul, Minn. Workers heard the goal crying in the trunk. The goat was painted the Minnesota Vikings colors, purple and gold, and had the No. 4 — Vikings newcomer Brett Favre’s number — shaved into its side, Prusci said. The mechanic said he called animal control and a vehicle from the service arrived with two police cars as the woman was preparing to drive away.
Winona Police Sgt. Chris Nelson said the goat was placed in the care of a veterinarian. He did not say whether the woman or a man who was waiting for her outside of the repair shop was cited.
Month long events in August
Edinburgh Festival is an internationally famous arts festival that takes place during August National Immunization Awareness Month… National Psoriasis Awareness Month… Women's Small Business Month... National Back to School month…American Adventures Month…Golf Month…National Inventor’s Month…National Win with Civility Month…What will be your legacy Month
Week of Aug 25…
Be Kind to Humankind Week
28 Aug…
240 days so far this year…125 days remain in 2009
Race Your Mouse Around the Icons Day
*Hong Kong : Festival of Hungry Ghosts
*Jordon : Arab Renaissance Day
1749….. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Frankfurt, social philosopher (Faust)
1828….. Leo Tolstoy, novelist and philosopher
1889….. Charles Boyer France, actor
1903….. Bruno Bettelheim US, writer (Uses of Enchantment)
1905….. Sam Levene actor
1906….. Sir John Betjeman poet laureate of England (Mt Zion)
1916….. C Wright Mills sociologist, writer (The Power Elite)
1921….. Nancy Kulp Penn, actress (Beverly Hillbillies)
1925….. Donald (David Dixon) O’Connor dancer, singer, actor: Singin’ in the Rain
1929….. Roxie Roker actress: The Jeffersons
1930….. Ben (Biagio Anthony) Gazzara actor
1943….. David Soul Chicago, actor (Starsky & Hutch)
1965….. Shania Twain (Eilleen Regina Edwards) Grammy Award-winning singer
1969….. Jason Priestley Vancouver BC, actor
1946….. Bob Beamon US, long jumper (Olympic-gold-1968)
1958….. Scott Hamilton Olympic Hall of Famer and figure skating Gold Medalist
1592 George Villiers Duke of Buckingham, royal minister to James I
1831 Lucy Ware Webb Hayes 1st lady
1774….. Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton 1st American Catholic saint
1878 George Hoyt Whipple US, astrophysicist (Nobel-1934)
1908 Roger Tory Peterson NY, ornithologist/writer (How to Know Birds)
Events on this day…
1789….. Sir William Herschel discovers Saturn's moon Enceladus
1811….. Poet Percy Bysshe Shelley eloped with Harriet Westbrook.
1867….. US occupies Midway Islands in the Pacific
1884….. 1st known photograph of a tornado is made near Howard SD
1907….. United Parcel Service begins service, in Seattle
1938….. Northwestern U awards honorary degree to dummy Charlie McCarthy
1949….. Riot prevents Paul Robeson from singing near Peekskill NY
1955….. Fourteen-year-old African-American Emmett Till is abducted and later murdered by two white men in Mississippi
1963….. 200,000 demonstrate for equal rights in Washington, DC & Martin Luther King Jr's "I have a dream speech" at Lincoln Memorial
1968….. At the democratic convention in Chicago 10's of thousands of Anti-Vietnam war protestors battle police in the streets
1996….. After four years of separation, Charles, Prince of Wales and his wife, Princess Diana, formally divorce.
Holy Mackerel…
1945….. Rationing for butter is to be decreased again with the red points required for butter going down to 12 points per pound, this is the second decrease since July when butter was 24 red points per pound.
Can you guess what each of these riddles is describing?
1. At night they come without being fetched, and by day they are lost without being stolen. What are they? [2]
2. I'm where yesterday follows today, and tomorrow's in the middle. What am I?
3. From the beginning of eternity
To the end of time and space
To the beginning of every end
And the end of every place.
What am I?
4. In a marble hall white as milk
Lined with skin as soft as silk
Within a fountain crystal-clear
A golden apple doth appear.
No doors there are to this stronghold,
Yet thieves break in to steal its gold.
--Mother Goose
5. It is said among my people that some things are improved by death. Tell me, what stinks while living but in death smells good?
* Bonus:
All about, but cannot be seen,
Can be captured, cannot be held,
No throat, but can be heard.
What is it?
1. Stars or Dreams.
2. A dictionary.
3. The letter 'e'.
4. An egg.
5. A pig.
*Bonus: The wind.
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We didn’t have any rain or any even any clouds today. It was nice, with a high of only 82°. The cooler nights are nice. The birds are certainly getting ready for something. They are cleaning up on bird seed. The smaller bird feeder has to be filled a little more than once a day. The larger one lasts for two days. This is about twice as often as often as just a week ago. Either I have more birds or the ones that are here are very hungry. It’s a small thing but is so much fun to watch the many birds feed. I just wish I could get hummingbirds to this area. I still can’t figure out if it is the altitude, the pine forest, what. I’ve tried feeders in the back, feeders in the front. I know there are hummingbirds in Flagstaff, just not in our forested area. I will keep trying, by keeping fresh liquid out there for them. Maybe before winter they will find the feeders and know that I am here to help.
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Random Facts…
There are 10 towns named Hollywood in the United States.
Crazy Stuff in the News…
WINONA, Minn. - Authorities in Minnesota said a goat found in the trunk of a woman’s car when she took it to a repair shop has been placed in the care of a veterinarian. James Prusci, an auto repairman with Tires Plus in Winona, said a woman came into the store just before noon Friday and informed him there was a live goat in her trunk, the Winona Daily News reported. Prusci said the woman told him she planned to butcher the animal but her car broke down en route to St. Paul, Minn. Workers heard the goal crying in the trunk. The goat was painted the Minnesota Vikings colors, purple and gold, and had the No. 4 — Vikings newcomer Brett Favre’s number — shaved into its side, Prusci said. The mechanic said he called animal control and a vehicle from the service arrived with two police cars as the woman was preparing to drive away.
Winona Police Sgt. Chris Nelson said the goat was placed in the care of a veterinarian. He did not say whether the woman or a man who was waiting for her outside of the repair shop was cited.
Month long events in August
Edinburgh Festival is an internationally famous arts festival that takes place during August National Immunization Awareness Month… National Psoriasis Awareness Month… Women's Small Business Month... National Back to School month…American Adventures Month…Golf Month…National Inventor’s Month…National Win with Civility Month…What will be your legacy Month
Week of Aug 25…
Be Kind to Humankind Week
28 Aug…
240 days so far this year…125 days remain in 2009
Race Your Mouse Around the Icons Day
*Hong Kong : Festival of Hungry Ghosts
*Jordon : Arab Renaissance Day
1749….. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Frankfurt, social philosopher (Faust)
1828….. Leo Tolstoy, novelist and philosopher
1889….. Charles Boyer France, actor
1903….. Bruno Bettelheim US, writer (Uses of Enchantment)
1905….. Sam Levene actor
1906….. Sir John Betjeman poet laureate of England (Mt Zion)
1916….. C Wright Mills sociologist, writer (The Power Elite)
1921….. Nancy Kulp Penn, actress (Beverly Hillbillies)
1925….. Donald (David Dixon) O’Connor dancer, singer, actor: Singin’ in the Rain
1929….. Roxie Roker actress: The Jeffersons
1930….. Ben (Biagio Anthony) Gazzara actor
1943….. David Soul Chicago, actor (Starsky & Hutch)
1965….. Shania Twain (Eilleen Regina Edwards) Grammy Award-winning singer
1969….. Jason Priestley Vancouver BC, actor
1946….. Bob Beamon US, long jumper (Olympic-gold-1968)
1958….. Scott Hamilton Olympic Hall of Famer and figure skating Gold Medalist
1592 George Villiers Duke of Buckingham, royal minister to James I
1831 Lucy Ware Webb Hayes 1st lady
1774….. Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton 1st American Catholic saint
1878 George Hoyt Whipple US, astrophysicist (Nobel-1934)
1908 Roger Tory Peterson NY, ornithologist/writer (How to Know Birds)
Events on this day…
1789….. Sir William Herschel discovers Saturn's moon Enceladus
1811….. Poet Percy Bysshe Shelley eloped with Harriet Westbrook.
1867….. US occupies Midway Islands in the Pacific
1884….. 1st known photograph of a tornado is made near Howard SD
1907….. United Parcel Service begins service, in Seattle
1938….. Northwestern U awards honorary degree to dummy Charlie McCarthy
1949….. Riot prevents Paul Robeson from singing near Peekskill NY
1955….. Fourteen-year-old African-American Emmett Till is abducted and later murdered by two white men in Mississippi
1963….. 200,000 demonstrate for equal rights in Washington, DC & Martin Luther King Jr's "I have a dream speech" at Lincoln Memorial
1968….. At the democratic convention in Chicago 10's of thousands of Anti-Vietnam war protestors battle police in the streets
1996….. After four years of separation, Charles, Prince of Wales and his wife, Princess Diana, formally divorce.
Holy Mackerel…
1945….. Rationing for butter is to be decreased again with the red points required for butter going down to 12 points per pound, this is the second decrease since July when butter was 24 red points per pound.
Can you guess what each of these riddles is describing?
1. At night they come without being fetched, and by day they are lost without being stolen. What are they? [2]
2. I'm where yesterday follows today, and tomorrow's in the middle. What am I?
3. From the beginning of eternity
To the end of time and space
To the beginning of every end
And the end of every place.
What am I?
4. In a marble hall white as milk
Lined with skin as soft as silk
Within a fountain crystal-clear
A golden apple doth appear.
No doors there are to this stronghold,
Yet thieves break in to steal its gold.
--Mother Goose
5. It is said among my people that some things are improved by death. Tell me, what stinks while living but in death smells good?
* Bonus:
All about, but cannot be seen,
Can be captured, cannot be held,
No throat, but can be heard.
What is it?
1. Stars or Dreams.
2. A dictionary.
3. The letter 'e'.
4. An egg.
5. A pig.
*Bonus: The wind.
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Our country lost the final brother of a political dynasty. I never really followed what Ted did…I was a bigger fan of John and Bobby. I was stuck on the car accident. But as I listen to those who knew him, from all political sides, he certainly did a lot for the many. I was surprised that from within his huge circle of acquaintances he was seen as a very caring human being who always had time to listen. That kind of politician is needed in our leadership positions.
We received no rain today, but it didn’t get that hot either. A nice day. I was very glad that last night’s temperature only dropped to a comfortable 45°--which is much better than the predicted possible 35°.
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Random Facts…
You have no sense of smell when you're sleeping!
Crazy Stuff in the News…
When most people think of Peru they think of tropical rain forests, the Andes mountains, the ancient Incas, gold mines and fish meal (one of their major exports in case you never read Wikipedia).
What most people don’t think of is surgically implanted drug turkeys. However, since drugs are another major export of Peru, the Peruvians have to be pretty innovative about how they get them out of the country. Enter the turkeys.
Recently, Peruvian police expecting to find a shipment of cocaine hidden in a crate holding two live turkeys were surprised to discover the drug surgically implanted inside the birds.
Acting on a tip, officers stopped a bus outside the city of Tarapoto in the central jungle state of San Martin.
Police were puzzled when they found the turkeys in the crate, but didn’t find the cocaine. They then noticed that the two turkeys were bloated. Lifting up the feathers of the bird, in the chest area, police detected a handmade seam.
A veterinarian extracted 11 oval-shaped plastic capsules containing 1.9 kilograms of cocaine from one turkey and 17 capsules with 2.9 kilograms from the other.
That’s nearly 11 pounds of drugs!
Gangs often use human couriers who swallow cocaine to sneak it across borders but it is unusual to use animals. In 2005, Colombian police found a total of 3 kilograms of heroin sewn into the bellies of six puppies during a raid on a veterinarian clinic.
You’ll be happy to know both turkeys survived the removal.
Month long events in August
Edinburgh Festival is an internationally famous arts festival that takes place during August National Immunization Awareness Month… National Psoriasis Awareness Month… Women's Small Business Month... National Back to School month…American Adventures Month…Golf Month…National Inventor’s Month…National Win with Civility Month…What will be your legacy Month
Week of Aug 25…
Be Kind to Humankind Week
27 Aug…
239 days so far this year…126 days remain in 2009
Global Forgiveness Day
*Texas—LBJ Day
*Moldova: Independence Day—from USSR—1991
1770….. Georg Wilhelm F Hegel German philosopher/inventor (dialectic)
1809….. Hannibal Hamlin (R) 15th VP
1865….. Charles Gates Dawes (R) 30th VP (1925-29, Nobel 1925)
1908….. Lyndon B Johnson (D) 36th Pres
551 B.C ….. Confucius (K’ung Fu-tzu) philosopher
1871….. Theodore Dreiser US, novelist (Sister Carrie, American Tragedy)
1882….. Samuel Goldwyn pioneer film maker/producer (MGM)
1899….. C.S. Forester Engl, historical novelist, created Horatio Hornblower
1908….. Martha Raye [Margaret Reed], Butte Mont, actress
1910….. Mother Teresa [Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu], Yugoslavia
1929….. Ira Levin writer: Rosemary’s Baby, The Stepford Wives, The Boys from Brazil
1942….. Daryl Dragon Pasadena Calif, keyboardist (Capt & Tennille)
1943….. Susan "Tuesday" Weld NYC, actress
1952….. Pee-wee Herman aka Paul Reubens, actor
Events on this day…
26 -BC….. Origin of Egyptian Era
1660….. John Milton’s books were burned in London, because of the author’s attacks on King Charles II.
1667….. Earliest recorded hurricane in US (Jamestown Virginia)
1859….. In Titusville, Pennsylvania, Edwin Drake drills the first successful oil well in the United States.
1883….. Krakatoa, west of Java, explodes with a force of 1,300 megatons
1889….. Charles G. Conn of Elkhart, IN patented the metal clarinet
1912 ….. Edgar Rice Burroughs' publishes Tarzan
1955….. The "Guinness Book of World Records" compiled by student twins Norris and Ross McWhirter is published for the first time and becomes an instant success.
1990….. Former Guinness chairman Ernest Saunders and his three conspirators Gerald Ronson, Sir Jack Lyons and Anthony Parnes are convicted for involvement in a conspiracy to drive up the price of shares of Guinness
Riddles from
Can you guess what each of these riddles is describing?
1. I went into the woods and got it. I sat down to seek it. I brought it home with me because I couldn't find it. What is it?
2. I am weightless, but you can see me. Put me in a bucket, and I'll make it lighter. What am I?
3. I never was, am always to be,
No one ever saw me, nor ever will,
And yet I am the confidence of all
To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball.
What am I?
4. I'm light as a feather, yet the strongest man can't hold me for much more than a minute. What am I?
5. I am the black child of a white father, a wingless bird, flying even to the clouds of heaven. I give birth to tears of mourning in pupils that meet me, even though there is no cause for grief, and at once on my birth I am dissolved into air. What am I?
Pronounced as one letter,
And written with three,
Two letters there are,
And two only in me.
I'm double, I'm single,
I'm black, blue, and gray,
I'm read from both ends,
And the same either way.
What am I?
1. A splinter.
2. A hole.
3. Tomorrow.
4. Breath.
5. Smoke.
.*Bonus: An eye.
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We received no rain today, but it didn’t get that hot either. A nice day. I was very glad that last night’s temperature only dropped to a comfortable 45°--which is much better than the predicted possible 35°.
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Random Facts…
You have no sense of smell when you're sleeping!
Crazy Stuff in the News…
When most people think of Peru they think of tropical rain forests, the Andes mountains, the ancient Incas, gold mines and fish meal (one of their major exports in case you never read Wikipedia).
What most people don’t think of is surgically implanted drug turkeys. However, since drugs are another major export of Peru, the Peruvians have to be pretty innovative about how they get them out of the country. Enter the turkeys.
Recently, Peruvian police expecting to find a shipment of cocaine hidden in a crate holding two live turkeys were surprised to discover the drug surgically implanted inside the birds.
Acting on a tip, officers stopped a bus outside the city of Tarapoto in the central jungle state of San Martin.
Police were puzzled when they found the turkeys in the crate, but didn’t find the cocaine. They then noticed that the two turkeys were bloated. Lifting up the feathers of the bird, in the chest area, police detected a handmade seam.
A veterinarian extracted 11 oval-shaped plastic capsules containing 1.9 kilograms of cocaine from one turkey and 17 capsules with 2.9 kilograms from the other.
That’s nearly 11 pounds of drugs!
Gangs often use human couriers who swallow cocaine to sneak it across borders but it is unusual to use animals. In 2005, Colombian police found a total of 3 kilograms of heroin sewn into the bellies of six puppies during a raid on a veterinarian clinic.
You’ll be happy to know both turkeys survived the removal.
Month long events in August
Edinburgh Festival is an internationally famous arts festival that takes place during August National Immunization Awareness Month… National Psoriasis Awareness Month… Women's Small Business Month... National Back to School month…American Adventures Month…Golf Month…National Inventor’s Month…National Win with Civility Month…What will be your legacy Month
Week of Aug 25…
Be Kind to Humankind Week
27 Aug…
239 days so far this year…126 days remain in 2009
Global Forgiveness Day
*Texas—LBJ Day
*Moldova: Independence Day—from USSR—1991
1770….. Georg Wilhelm F Hegel German philosopher/inventor (dialectic)
1809….. Hannibal Hamlin (R) 15th VP
1865….. Charles Gates Dawes (R) 30th VP (1925-29, Nobel 1925)
1908….. Lyndon B Johnson (D) 36th Pres
551 B.C ….. Confucius (K’ung Fu-tzu) philosopher
1871….. Theodore Dreiser US, novelist (Sister Carrie, American Tragedy)
1882….. Samuel Goldwyn pioneer film maker/producer (MGM)
1899….. C.S. Forester Engl, historical novelist, created Horatio Hornblower
1908….. Martha Raye [Margaret Reed], Butte Mont, actress
1910….. Mother Teresa [Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu], Yugoslavia
1929….. Ira Levin writer: Rosemary’s Baby, The Stepford Wives, The Boys from Brazil
1942….. Daryl Dragon Pasadena Calif, keyboardist (Capt & Tennille)
1943….. Susan "Tuesday" Weld NYC, actress
1952….. Pee-wee Herman aka Paul Reubens, actor
Events on this day…
26 -BC….. Origin of Egyptian Era
1660….. John Milton’s books were burned in London, because of the author’s attacks on King Charles II.
1667….. Earliest recorded hurricane in US (Jamestown Virginia)
1859….. In Titusville, Pennsylvania, Edwin Drake drills the first successful oil well in the United States.
1883….. Krakatoa, west of Java, explodes with a force of 1,300 megatons
1889….. Charles G. Conn of Elkhart, IN patented the metal clarinet
1912 ….. Edgar Rice Burroughs' publishes Tarzan
1955….. The "Guinness Book of World Records" compiled by student twins Norris and Ross McWhirter is published for the first time and becomes an instant success.
1990….. Former Guinness chairman Ernest Saunders and his three conspirators Gerald Ronson, Sir Jack Lyons and Anthony Parnes are convicted for involvement in a conspiracy to drive up the price of shares of Guinness
Riddles from
Can you guess what each of these riddles is describing?
1. I went into the woods and got it. I sat down to seek it. I brought it home with me because I couldn't find it. What is it?
2. I am weightless, but you can see me. Put me in a bucket, and I'll make it lighter. What am I?
3. I never was, am always to be,
No one ever saw me, nor ever will,
And yet I am the confidence of all
To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball.
What am I?
4. I'm light as a feather, yet the strongest man can't hold me for much more than a minute. What am I?
5. I am the black child of a white father, a wingless bird, flying even to the clouds of heaven. I give birth to tears of mourning in pupils that meet me, even though there is no cause for grief, and at once on my birth I am dissolved into air. What am I?
Pronounced as one letter,
And written with three,
Two letters there are,
And two only in me.
I'm double, I'm single,
I'm black, blue, and gray,
I'm read from both ends,
And the same either way.
What am I?
1. A splinter.
2. A hole.
3. Tomorrow.
4. Breath.
5. Smoke.
.*Bonus: An eye.
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We are reformers in spring and summer; in autumn and winter we stand by the old -- reformers in the morning, conservatives at night. Reform is affirmative, conservatism is negative; conservatism goes for comfort, reform for truth. -Ralph Waldo Emerson, writer and philosopher (1803-1882)
I received the above quote from my friend Martha. Now that I have reached the ripe of age of 60, I kinda figured I was starting the autumn of my life. I have no plans to live to 100. I still enjoy reform. For the most part, I still adapt to change fairly well. But I certainly understand what Ralph was talking about. There are so many people, no matter what their age, that are ‘anti-change‘ in their lives. When I was working in education, every year, about now, a few parents would come in and want to change teachers. Ms X is not like the teacher from last year. We would start a new program and teachers would not want the change. As I work with computers now I get the latest browsers out there. I get the latest major programs. Each has a learning curve—sometimes a very steep one. Once I learn it, I wonder how I ever did without it. As much as I enjoy Mr. Emerson, I think, for me, it is more about attitude than chronological age. It matters little what season your chronological life is in, it is a lot about what season your actions are in. I hope that I will continue to embrace reform and truth.
We were scheduled for 80° today, with the possibility of showers in the afternoon. We only made it to 71° and when the rain hit this afternoon, we dropped quite quickly to 55°. This was a real shocker. I actually had to close the windows downstairs. After the rain stopped, we crawled back up to 66°. That was nice. They say it may get down to 34° tonight. Fall in the air and this is little early for me. I’m not ready for the leaves to turn, for there to be no more flower gardens. I want summer to last at least until mid-September.
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Random Facts…
Dolphins sleep with one eye open.
The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.
Crazy Stuff in the News…
POOLE, England - British scientists said they have discovered a plant in the Philippines that feeds by luring and consuming rats. Botanists Stewart McPherson and Alastair Robinson said the plant, dubbed Nepenthes attenboroughii after legendary wildlife broadcaster Sir David Attenborough, consumes "whole rats" by luring them into its mouth and dissolving them with acid-like enzymes.
"The plant produces spectacular traps which catch not only insects, but also rodents," McPherson told The Sun in an exclusive interview. "It is remarkable that it remained undiscovered until the 21st century." McPherson and Robinson said their team found the plant on Mount Victoria after hearing accounts of the shrub's eating habits from missionaries. "My team and I named it in honor of Sir David whose work has inspired generations toward a better understanding of the beauty and diversity of the natural world," McPherson said..
Month long events in August
Edinburgh Festival is an internationally famous arts festival that takes place during August National Immunization Awareness Month… National Psoriasis Awareness Month… Women's Small Business Month... National Back to School month…American Adventures Month…Golf Month…National Inventor’s Month…National Win with Civility Month…What will be your legacy Month
Week of Aug 25…
Be Kind to Humankind Week
26 Aug…
238 days so far this year…127 days remain in 2009
Women’s Equality Day
National Dog Day
*Namibia – Heroes' Day—began in 1988—after a 20 year war for Independence
*Philippines – National Heroes' Day.
1743….. Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier Paris, father of mod chemistry
1850….. Charles Richet French physiologist (anaphylaxis-Nobel 1913)
1873….. Lee De Forest Council Bluffs, inventor (Audion vacuum (radio) tube)
1906….. Dr Albert B Sabin polio vaccine discoverer
1875….. Sir John Buchan Scotland, Gov-Gen of Canada/writer
1935….. Geraldine Ferraro (Rep-D-NY) 1st female major-party VP candidate
1838….. John Wilkes Booth actor, assassin
1884….. Earl Biggers author ("Charlie Chan" detective series)
1904….. Christopher Isherwood England, novelist/playwright (I Am a Camera)
1927….. Francois Leydet author (Last Redwoods)
1942….. Vic Dana singer: Red Roses for a Blue Lady
Events on this day…
55 -BC …..Roman forces under Julius Ceasar invade Britain
1498 ….. The master artist, Michelangelo, was commissioned to make the Pieta
1858….. In what is called "The Battle of Four Lakes," force under Colonel George Wright fight for about three hours with Coeur d’Alene, Columbia River, Colville, Kalispel, and Spokane Indians. The army defeats the Indians.
1907 ….. Houdini escapes from chains underwater at Aquatic Park in 57 sec
1920 ….. 19th amendment passes-women's suffrage granted
1955 ….. 1st color telecast (NBC) of a tennis match (Davis Cup)
1957 ….. The Ford Motor Company rolled out the first Edsel automobile.
1972 ….. Summer Olympics open in Munich, West Germany
1977….. The province of Québec, under the leadership of premier René Lévesque, passes a law extending the requirements for the use of French as the province's official language.
2002 ….. 60,000 delegates and politicians from 174 countries around the world have gathered for the latest Earth Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa
Riddles from
Can you guess what each of these riddles is describing?
1. What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?
2. No sooner spoken than broken. What is it? [2 answers]
3. A certain crime is punishable if attempted but not punishable if committed. What is it? [2 answers]
4. You use a knife to slice my head and weep beside me when I am dead. What am I?
5. I'm the part of the bird that's not in the sky. I can swim in the ocean and yet remain dry. What am I?
*Bonus: I am mother and father, but never birth or nurse. I'm rarely still, but I never wander. What am I?
1. A river.
2. Silence. A secret.
3. Suicide. Coup d'etat.
4. An onion.
5. A shadow.
*Bonus: A tree..
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I received the above quote from my friend Martha. Now that I have reached the ripe of age of 60, I kinda figured I was starting the autumn of my life. I have no plans to live to 100. I still enjoy reform. For the most part, I still adapt to change fairly well. But I certainly understand what Ralph was talking about. There are so many people, no matter what their age, that are ‘anti-change‘ in their lives. When I was working in education, every year, about now, a few parents would come in and want to change teachers. Ms X is not like the teacher from last year. We would start a new program and teachers would not want the change. As I work with computers now I get the latest browsers out there. I get the latest major programs. Each has a learning curve—sometimes a very steep one. Once I learn it, I wonder how I ever did without it. As much as I enjoy Mr. Emerson, I think, for me, it is more about attitude than chronological age. It matters little what season your chronological life is in, it is a lot about what season your actions are in. I hope that I will continue to embrace reform and truth.
We were scheduled for 80° today, with the possibility of showers in the afternoon. We only made it to 71° and when the rain hit this afternoon, we dropped quite quickly to 55°. This was a real shocker. I actually had to close the windows downstairs. After the rain stopped, we crawled back up to 66°. That was nice. They say it may get down to 34° tonight. Fall in the air and this is little early for me. I’m not ready for the leaves to turn, for there to be no more flower gardens. I want summer to last at least until mid-September.
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Random Facts…
Dolphins sleep with one eye open.
The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.
Crazy Stuff in the News…
POOLE, England - British scientists said they have discovered a plant in the Philippines that feeds by luring and consuming rats. Botanists Stewart McPherson and Alastair Robinson said the plant, dubbed Nepenthes attenboroughii after legendary wildlife broadcaster Sir David Attenborough, consumes "whole rats" by luring them into its mouth and dissolving them with acid-like enzymes.
"The plant produces spectacular traps which catch not only insects, but also rodents," McPherson told The Sun in an exclusive interview. "It is remarkable that it remained undiscovered until the 21st century." McPherson and Robinson said their team found the plant on Mount Victoria after hearing accounts of the shrub's eating habits from missionaries. "My team and I named it in honor of Sir David whose work has inspired generations toward a better understanding of the beauty and diversity of the natural world," McPherson said..
Month long events in August
Edinburgh Festival is an internationally famous arts festival that takes place during August National Immunization Awareness Month… National Psoriasis Awareness Month… Women's Small Business Month... National Back to School month…American Adventures Month…Golf Month…National Inventor’s Month…National Win with Civility Month…What will be your legacy Month
Week of Aug 25…
Be Kind to Humankind Week
26 Aug…
238 days so far this year…127 days remain in 2009
Women’s Equality Day
National Dog Day
*Namibia – Heroes' Day—began in 1988—after a 20 year war for Independence
*Philippines – National Heroes' Day.
1743….. Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier Paris, father of mod chemistry
1850….. Charles Richet French physiologist (anaphylaxis-Nobel 1913)
1873….. Lee De Forest Council Bluffs, inventor (Audion vacuum (radio) tube)
1906….. Dr Albert B Sabin polio vaccine discoverer
1875….. Sir John Buchan Scotland, Gov-Gen of Canada/writer
1935….. Geraldine Ferraro (Rep-D-NY) 1st female major-party VP candidate
1838….. John Wilkes Booth actor, assassin
1884….. Earl Biggers author ("Charlie Chan" detective series)
1904….. Christopher Isherwood England, novelist/playwright (I Am a Camera)
1927….. Francois Leydet author (Last Redwoods)
1942….. Vic Dana singer: Red Roses for a Blue Lady
Events on this day…
55 -BC …..Roman forces under Julius Ceasar invade Britain
1498 ….. The master artist, Michelangelo, was commissioned to make the Pieta
1858….. In what is called "The Battle of Four Lakes," force under Colonel George Wright fight for about three hours with Coeur d’Alene, Columbia River, Colville, Kalispel, and Spokane Indians. The army defeats the Indians.
1907 ….. Houdini escapes from chains underwater at Aquatic Park in 57 sec
1920 ….. 19th amendment passes-women's suffrage granted
1955 ….. 1st color telecast (NBC) of a tennis match (Davis Cup)
1957 ….. The Ford Motor Company rolled out the first Edsel automobile.
1972 ….. Summer Olympics open in Munich, West Germany
1977….. The province of Québec, under the leadership of premier René Lévesque, passes a law extending the requirements for the use of French as the province's official language.
2002 ….. 60,000 delegates and politicians from 174 countries around the world have gathered for the latest Earth Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa
Riddles from
Can you guess what each of these riddles is describing?
1. What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?
2. No sooner spoken than broken. What is it? [2 answers]
3. A certain crime is punishable if attempted but not punishable if committed. What is it? [2 answers]
4. You use a knife to slice my head and weep beside me when I am dead. What am I?
5. I'm the part of the bird that's not in the sky. I can swim in the ocean and yet remain dry. What am I?
*Bonus: I am mother and father, but never birth or nurse. I'm rarely still, but I never wander. What am I?
1. A river.
2. Silence. A secret.
3. Suicide. Coup d'etat.
4. An onion.
5. A shadow.
*Bonus: A tree..
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We had the clouds for part of the day, but alas, they kept their moisture away from us. It was cooler with a high of only 75°, but a little rain sure would be nice. As the sun set, the wind really picked up. The cool wind is nice.
Tom Chabin, our local representative to the State House has joined Facebook. I’ve known Tom since back in the day, before state politics. He is a good man who has done much with his life. He is now in the State House, in the minority, and must be very frustrated. Our non-elected Republican governor and the Republican majority in both houses can’t agree on a budget. Neither likes what the other has proposed. Neither likes what the Democrats want. We have been in this stalemate much too long. Anyway, hopefully Tom will be using Facebook to keep us up-to-date on his legislative work.
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Random Facts…
Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.
Most boat owners name their boats. The most popular boat name requested is Obsession.
125 in every 1000 people in Rwanda is murdered.
Crazy Stuff in the News…
LONDON - An 8-year-old London boy has become the youngest person in the world to walk on the wings of an airplane in mid-flight. Tiger Brewer broke the record -- set eight years ago by a then-11-year-old -- by wing-walking on his grandfather's biplane Thursday, 1,000 feet above Rendcomb Airfield in Gloucestershire, England, The Times of London reported. "On take-off I was scared. From one to 10, it was probably a nine, but when I was in the air, it was probably a five," he said. "It felt amazing, like I was on top of the world. It was cold and windy but it can't be beat. You don't have a parachute, just a pair of goggles."
The boy's father, Colin, said the family was not too concerned for Tiger's safety. "I wasn't scared for him physically, just emotionally," the father said. "He was nervous and although he acts like a big man, he is only 8. But he just kept repeating his mantra, 'Go away fear,' and he did it. He wanted to do this for years but wasn't tall enough."
WEST VIEW, Pa. - A 95-year-old Pennsylvania man listed by Guinness World Records as the world's longest-serving bartender has announced his intention to retire. Angelo Cammarata, 95, said he and his sons sold Cammarata's Cafe in West View, where he has been tending bar for most of his 77 years in the profession, and he will no longer be seen behind the bar once the new owners are approved by the state within the next few weeks, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported. "It was a pleasure," Cammarata said of his years behind the bar, "because I met so many wonderful people." He said the new owners, who are changing the name to Danny's, asked him to stay on, but he decided to retire and take care of his wife, Marietta, at their home in Ross, Pa.
Month long events in August
Edinburgh Festival is an internationally famous arts festival that takes place during August National Immunization Awareness Month… National Psoriasis Awareness Month… Women's Small Business Month... National Back to School month…American Adventures Month…Golf Month…National Inventor’s Month…National Win with Civility Month…What will be your legacy Month
Week of Aug 25…
Be Kind to Humankind Week
25 Aug…
237 days so far this year…128 days remain in 2009
Kiss & Make Up Day
National Second Hand Wardrobe Day
*Uruguay: Independence Day from Brazil in 1825
*France: Liberation Day 1944
*Paraguay: Constitution Day 1967
*Hong Kong: Liberation Day 1945
1530….. Ivan IV (the Terrible) 1st tsar of Russia
1819….. Allan Pinkerton founded Chicago detective agency
1836….. Bret Harte US, author (Outcasts of Poker Flat)
1905….. Clara Bow silent movie actress
1909….. Michael Rennie actor (Klatuu-Day the Earth Stood Still)
1913….. Walt Kelly cartoonist, creator of "Pogo"; worked on “Fantasia”
1916….. (Charles) Van Johnson actor
1918….. Leonard Bernstein conductor/composer/pianist
1919….. George Wallace Governor of Alabama
1921….. Brian Moore Ireland, novelist (Catholics, Doctor's Wife)
and ….. Monty Hall (Halparin) TV host: Let’s Make a Deal
1927….. Althea Gibson 1st black tennis champion
1930….. Sir Sean Connery actor (James Bond)
1931….. Regis Philbin TV host
1933….. Tom Skerritt Emmy Award-winning actor: Picket Fences
1946….. Rollie (Roland Glen) Fingers Baseball Hall of Fame pitcher
1949….. Gene Simmons musician: group: Kiss
1961….. Billy Ray Cyrus singer: Achy Breaky Heart
Events on this day…
325….. The first Council of Nicaea ends, at which leaders of the Christian church adopted the Nicaean Creed, affirming the Holy Trinity, and fixed the schedule of the yearly celebration of Easter.
609….. Galileo demonstrates his 1st telescope to Venetian lawmakers
1689….. Montreal taken by Iroquois
1718….. Hundreds of French colonists arrive in Louisiana; New Orleans, founded
1804….. Alice Meynell becomes 1st woman jockey (England)
1916….. National Park Service established in the Dept of the Interior
1989….. The unmanned Voyager 2 spacecraft has reached the Planet Neptune which is over two billion miles from Earth and sent back the first close-up pictures of Neptune and its satellite moons
Riddles from
Can you guess what each of these riddles is describing?
*Note yesterday’s #3: What goes up and down the stairs without moving? The Answer could also be banister.
1. What goes around the world but stays in a corner?
2. I have holes in my top and bottom, my left and right, and in the middle. But I still hold water. What am I?
3. Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I?
4. The man who invented it doesn't want it. The man who bought it doesn't need it. The man who needs it doesn't know it. What is it?
5. I run over fields and woods all day. Under the bed at night I sit not alone. My tongue hangs out, up and to the rear, awaiting to be filled in the morning. What am I?
* Bonus: Throw it off the highest building, and I'll not break. But put me in the ocean, and I will. What am I? [2 answers]
1. A stamp.
2. A sponge.
3. Fire.
4. A coffin.
5. A shoe.
*Bonus: A wave, A tissue.
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Tom Chabin, our local representative to the State House has joined Facebook. I’ve known Tom since back in the day, before state politics. He is a good man who has done much with his life. He is now in the State House, in the minority, and must be very frustrated. Our non-elected Republican governor and the Republican majority in both houses can’t agree on a budget. Neither likes what the other has proposed. Neither likes what the Democrats want. We have been in this stalemate much too long. Anyway, hopefully Tom will be using Facebook to keep us up-to-date on his legislative work.
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Random Facts…
Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.
Most boat owners name their boats. The most popular boat name requested is Obsession.
125 in every 1000 people in Rwanda is murdered.
Crazy Stuff in the News…
LONDON - An 8-year-old London boy has become the youngest person in the world to walk on the wings of an airplane in mid-flight. Tiger Brewer broke the record -- set eight years ago by a then-11-year-old -- by wing-walking on his grandfather's biplane Thursday, 1,000 feet above Rendcomb Airfield in Gloucestershire, England, The Times of London reported. "On take-off I was scared. From one to 10, it was probably a nine, but when I was in the air, it was probably a five," he said. "It felt amazing, like I was on top of the world. It was cold and windy but it can't be beat. You don't have a parachute, just a pair of goggles."
The boy's father, Colin, said the family was not too concerned for Tiger's safety. "I wasn't scared for him physically, just emotionally," the father said. "He was nervous and although he acts like a big man, he is only 8. But he just kept repeating his mantra, 'Go away fear,' and he did it. He wanted to do this for years but wasn't tall enough."
WEST VIEW, Pa. - A 95-year-old Pennsylvania man listed by Guinness World Records as the world's longest-serving bartender has announced his intention to retire. Angelo Cammarata, 95, said he and his sons sold Cammarata's Cafe in West View, where he has been tending bar for most of his 77 years in the profession, and he will no longer be seen behind the bar once the new owners are approved by the state within the next few weeks, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported. "It was a pleasure," Cammarata said of his years behind the bar, "because I met so many wonderful people." He said the new owners, who are changing the name to Danny's, asked him to stay on, but he decided to retire and take care of his wife, Marietta, at their home in Ross, Pa.
Month long events in August
Edinburgh Festival is an internationally famous arts festival that takes place during August National Immunization Awareness Month… National Psoriasis Awareness Month… Women's Small Business Month... National Back to School month…American Adventures Month…Golf Month…National Inventor’s Month…National Win with Civility Month…What will be your legacy Month
Week of Aug 25…
Be Kind to Humankind Week
25 Aug…
237 days so far this year…128 days remain in 2009
Kiss & Make Up Day
National Second Hand Wardrobe Day
*Uruguay: Independence Day from Brazil in 1825
*France: Liberation Day 1944
*Paraguay: Constitution Day 1967
*Hong Kong: Liberation Day 1945
1530….. Ivan IV (the Terrible) 1st tsar of Russia
1819….. Allan Pinkerton founded Chicago detective agency
1836….. Bret Harte US, author (Outcasts of Poker Flat)
1905….. Clara Bow silent movie actress
1909….. Michael Rennie actor (Klatuu-Day the Earth Stood Still)
1913….. Walt Kelly cartoonist, creator of "Pogo"; worked on “Fantasia”
1916….. (Charles) Van Johnson actor
1918….. Leonard Bernstein conductor/composer/pianist
1919….. George Wallace Governor of Alabama
1921….. Brian Moore Ireland, novelist (Catholics, Doctor's Wife)
and ….. Monty Hall (Halparin) TV host: Let’s Make a Deal
1927….. Althea Gibson 1st black tennis champion
1930….. Sir Sean Connery actor (James Bond)
1931….. Regis Philbin TV host
1933….. Tom Skerritt Emmy Award-winning actor: Picket Fences
1946….. Rollie (Roland Glen) Fingers Baseball Hall of Fame pitcher
1949….. Gene Simmons musician: group: Kiss
1961….. Billy Ray Cyrus singer: Achy Breaky Heart
Events on this day…
325….. The first Council of Nicaea ends, at which leaders of the Christian church adopted the Nicaean Creed, affirming the Holy Trinity, and fixed the schedule of the yearly celebration of Easter.
609….. Galileo demonstrates his 1st telescope to Venetian lawmakers
1689….. Montreal taken by Iroquois
1718….. Hundreds of French colonists arrive in Louisiana; New Orleans, founded
1804….. Alice Meynell becomes 1st woman jockey (England)
1916….. National Park Service established in the Dept of the Interior
1989….. The unmanned Voyager 2 spacecraft has reached the Planet Neptune which is over two billion miles from Earth and sent back the first close-up pictures of Neptune and its satellite moons
Riddles from
Can you guess what each of these riddles is describing?
*Note yesterday’s #3: What goes up and down the stairs without moving? The Answer could also be banister.
1. What goes around the world but stays in a corner?
2. I have holes in my top and bottom, my left and right, and in the middle. But I still hold water. What am I?
3. Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I?
4. The man who invented it doesn't want it. The man who bought it doesn't need it. The man who needs it doesn't know it. What is it?
5. I run over fields and woods all day. Under the bed at night I sit not alone. My tongue hangs out, up and to the rear, awaiting to be filled in the morning. What am I?
* Bonus: Throw it off the highest building, and I'll not break. But put me in the ocean, and I will. What am I? [2 answers]
1. A stamp.
2. A sponge.
3. Fire.
4. A coffin.
5. A shoe.
*Bonus: A wave, A tissue.
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I went to a friend’s house last night for dinner and an astronomy slide show. It was a great dinner and the slide show was very interesting. As a renowned, retired astrophotographer and a Canadian, he went to Chile for two weeks to see the southern sky with some other Canadians. Turns out, Chile has some of the best views of the southern sky in the world. They have some of the best telescopes, and lots of them. We also learned about the Hubble Dark Sky program. It is amazing stuff. It makes me wonder how anyone can believe that Earth is the only planet that has intelligent life. There are just too many other galaxies out there. Maybe someday we will contact them, or they will contact us. Maybe in my lifetime there will be some contact. The slide show couldn’t help but get one interested in what is really out there.
The clouds came, the clouds left. They chose to not drop any rain today. They kept the temperature about 80°. That meant that the neighborhood could enjoy the great outdoors.
I just watched a good ’60 Minutes’ on the life of Don Hewitt. Whatever happened to the news reporting of those days? I’m not talking about the hidden camera, ‘gotcha reporting’ they did early. I’m talking about the in depth news stories that really let us know the people that went with the news. Hopefully it will return.
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Random Facts…
Spotted skunks do handstands before they spray.
Crazy Stuff in the News…
HINGHAM, Mass. - Police Massachusetts said they arrested a woman who attacked a store clerk with a Slim Jim meat snack and a bottle of apple juice. Hingham police said the woman, identified as Nancy Ward, 46, of Hingham, became enraged Aug. 7 because a Cracker Barrel store did not have an item she wanted and she believed she had been overcharged by a clerk, The Patriot Ledger, Quincy, Mass., reported. The woman allegedly threw a bottle of apple juice at the clerk, striking him in the head, and punched him before throwing the Slim Jim snack at him. Then, police said, she tore down the store’s flag and drove
away in a black Saab convertible. Police were alerted to be on the lookout for the woman, and Ward was spotted the next day playing music loudly and singing in her car. She was arrested and charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, assault and battery, disorderly conduct and malicious destruction of property.
Month long events in August
Edinburgh Festival is an internationally famous arts festival that takes place during August National Immunization Awareness Month… National Psoriasis Awareness Month… Women's Small Business Month... National Back to School month…American Adventures Month…Golf Month…National Inventor’s Month…National Win with Civility Month…What will be your legacy Month
Week of Aug 24…
National Be Safe At Home Week
22 Aug…
236 days so far this year…129 days remain in 2009
National Waffle Day
*Ukraine: Independence Day for USSR--1991
1899….. Jorge Luis Borges Argentina, writer of fiction, essays (Labyrinths)
1759….. Wilbur Wilberforce England, crusaded against slavery
1912….. Durward Kirby Indianapolis Ind, TV announcer (Garry Moore Show)
1938….. Mason Williams Abilene Tx, writer (Smother Brothers Hour), musician “Classical Gas”
1961….. Cal Ripken Jr all-star shortstop (Balt Orioles)
1965….. Marlee Matlin Ill, deaf actress (Children of Lesser God-Acad Award)
Events on this day…
79….. Mt Vesuvius erupts, buries Pompeii & Herculaneum
1456….. The printing of the Gutenberg Bible was completed.
1853….. 1st potato chips prepared by Chef George Crum (Saratoga Springs, NY)
1869….. Waffle iron invented
1909….. Workers start pouring concrete for Panama Canal
1949….. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) established
1967….. Liberian flag designed
1969….. Arlo Guthrie’s Alice’s Restaurant premiered in both New York and Los Angeles.
1985….. A toxic leak at the Union Carbide factory on December 3rd has been blamed on a chain of human errors and mechanical safeguards failing.
1987….. Announcement of possible Martian tornadoes
1989….. Voyager 2 flies past Neptune
Riddles from
Can you guess what each of these riddles is describing?
1. What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?
2. You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat?
3. What goes up and down the stairs without moving?
4. What can you catch but not throw?
5. I can run but not walk. Wherever I go, thought follows close behind. What am I?
* Bonus: What's black and white and red all over?
1. A towel.
2. An ear of corn. Or A chicken.
3. A rug.
4. A cold.
5. A nose.
*Bonus: An embarrassed skunk., A zebra painted red., A sunburned penguin., A newspaper
The clouds came, the clouds left. They chose to not drop any rain today. They kept the temperature about 80°. That meant that the neighborhood could enjoy the great outdoors.
I just watched a good ’60 Minutes’ on the life of Don Hewitt. Whatever happened to the news reporting of those days? I’m not talking about the hidden camera, ‘gotcha reporting’ they did early. I’m talking about the in depth news stories that really let us know the people that went with the news. Hopefully it will return.
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Random Facts…
Spotted skunks do handstands before they spray.
Crazy Stuff in the News…
HINGHAM, Mass. - Police Massachusetts said they arrested a woman who attacked a store clerk with a Slim Jim meat snack and a bottle of apple juice. Hingham police said the woman, identified as Nancy Ward, 46, of Hingham, became enraged Aug. 7 because a Cracker Barrel store did not have an item she wanted and she believed she had been overcharged by a clerk, The Patriot Ledger, Quincy, Mass., reported. The woman allegedly threw a bottle of apple juice at the clerk, striking him in the head, and punched him before throwing the Slim Jim snack at him. Then, police said, she tore down the store’s flag and drove
away in a black Saab convertible. Police were alerted to be on the lookout for the woman, and Ward was spotted the next day playing music loudly and singing in her car. She was arrested and charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, assault and battery, disorderly conduct and malicious destruction of property.
Month long events in August
Edinburgh Festival is an internationally famous arts festival that takes place during August National Immunization Awareness Month… National Psoriasis Awareness Month… Women's Small Business Month... National Back to School month…American Adventures Month…Golf Month…National Inventor’s Month…National Win with Civility Month…What will be your legacy Month
Week of Aug 24…
National Be Safe At Home Week
22 Aug…
236 days so far this year…129 days remain in 2009
National Waffle Day
*Ukraine: Independence Day for USSR--1991
1899….. Jorge Luis Borges Argentina, writer of fiction, essays (Labyrinths)
1759….. Wilbur Wilberforce England, crusaded against slavery
1912….. Durward Kirby Indianapolis Ind, TV announcer (Garry Moore Show)
1938….. Mason Williams Abilene Tx, writer (Smother Brothers Hour), musician “Classical Gas”
1961….. Cal Ripken Jr all-star shortstop (Balt Orioles)
1965….. Marlee Matlin Ill, deaf actress (Children of Lesser God-Acad Award)
Events on this day…
79….. Mt Vesuvius erupts, buries Pompeii & Herculaneum
1456….. The printing of the Gutenberg Bible was completed.
1853….. 1st potato chips prepared by Chef George Crum (Saratoga Springs, NY)
1869….. Waffle iron invented
1909….. Workers start pouring concrete for Panama Canal
1949….. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) established
1967….. Liberian flag designed
1969….. Arlo Guthrie’s Alice’s Restaurant premiered in both New York and Los Angeles.
1985….. A toxic leak at the Union Carbide factory on December 3rd has been blamed on a chain of human errors and mechanical safeguards failing.
1987….. Announcement of possible Martian tornadoes
1989….. Voyager 2 flies past Neptune
Riddles from
Can you guess what each of these riddles is describing?
1. What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?
2. You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat?
3. What goes up and down the stairs without moving?
4. What can you catch but not throw?
5. I can run but not walk. Wherever I go, thought follows close behind. What am I?
* Bonus: What's black and white and red all over?
1. A towel.
2. An ear of corn. Or A chicken.
3. A rug.
4. A cold.
5. A nose.
*Bonus: An embarrassed skunk., A zebra painted red., A sunburned penguin., A newspaper
A nice gentle rain started about 4 this afternoon. One of those nice gentle rains with no thunder, no lightning, and no breeze. It is certainly much appreciated for the dry forest, and our semi-dry area. It looks like one of those rains that will just hang around for a while.
I moved furniture today. I set up a spare bedroom in the room that leads to the deck. It had been upstairs, but I like it better downstairs. The upstairs room, the one with no windows, is now a place for my travel stuff and my antique roll top desk. I’m far from finished but the big stuff is moved. I have one of those high air beds that is actually pretty comfortable for sleeping. I took a short nap on the air bed and it worked out fine. With these warm summer nights, and very little breeze, the upstairs is a little warm so I can now sleep downstairs, if it is too warm upstairs.
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Random Facts…
The first motto that appeared on US coins was not, 'In God We Trust,' – it was 'Mind Your Business.' These copper cents were authorized on April 21, 1787.
In 1908, the grandnephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, Charles Joseph Bonaparte, created the Bureau of Investigation, which would later become known as the FBI.
Abner Doubleday had nothing to do with the invention of baseball. The rumor that baseball was created by this Civil War general was started by the Major League to promote the legend that baseball is an American sport.
Betsy Ross didn’t design or sew the first American flag. That rumor was started by her grandson, William Canby, at a meeting of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania in March 1870 – 30-years after Betsy Ross had died.
The first President to be born a citizen of the United States was the eighth President, Martin Van Buren.
Crazy Stuff in the News…
EAGAN, Minn. - A Minnesota principal fired for having a kindergartner unclog a toilet with his bare hands has had his punishment lessened by an arbitrator. Doug Steele, who was dismissed unanimously by the Burnsville-Eagan-Savage school board in February for the December incident at Rahn Elementary School in Eagan, successfully appealed his dismissal to an arbitrator. Instead of losing his job, Steele will be suspended for 15 days without pay, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported. Sue Grissom, the district's human resources director, said district officials were disappointed by the ruling but will abide by the arbitrator's decision. However, she said Steele will not be reinstated as principal of Rahn Elementary and will instead be placed in a position of equal stature with duties including coordinating grants, assessments and state accountability reporting. Elijah and Shannon Hannah, the parents of the child who was forced to unclog the toilet with his hands, said they were also disappointed by the ruling. "I'm just mad," Elijah Hannah said Wednesday. "I've been mad since it all happened."
Month long events in August
Edinburgh Festival is an internationally famous arts festival that takes place during August National Immunization Awareness Month… National Psoriasis Awareness Month… Women's Small Business Month... National Back to School month…American Adventures Month…Golf Month…National Inventor’s Month…National Win with Civility Month…What will be your legacy Month
Week of Aug 17…
Weird Contest Week
22 Aug…
235 days so far this year…130 days remain in 2009
Day to Remember Slavery and it’s abolition
Valentino Day
*Swaziland – Umhlanga Day. [Dance for Maidens]
*Ukraine – Flag Day.
1754 Louis XVI Versailles, king of France
1903 William Primrose Glasgow Scot, violist
1912 Gene Kelly Pitts, dancer/actor
1930 Vera Miles actress (Psycho)
1934 Barbara Eden Tucson Az, actress (Dream of Jeannie)
1947 Keith Moon rocker1949 Rick Springfield Australia
1949 Shelley Long Fort Wayne Indiana, actress (Diane-Cheers)
1951 Queen Noor of Jordan
1970 River Phoenix Madras Ore, actor
Events on this day…
1617 1st one-way streets established (London)
1833 Britain abolishes slavery in colonies; 700,000 slaves freed
1872 1st Japanese coml ship visits SF, carrying tea
1904 Automobile tire chain patented
1919 "Gasoline Alley" cartoon strip premiers in Chicago Tribune
1960 World's largest frog (3.3 kg) caught (Equatorial Guinea)
Language from
These puzzles are about words and language. Can you solve them?
1. Of those numbers whose English representation in capital letters consists only of straight lines, only one number has a value equal to the number of straight line segments required to write it out. What number is this?
2. What word is pronounced differently when the first letter is capitalized? [5]
3. Punctuate the following so it makes sense: "That that is is that that is not is not is not that it it is."
4. What word begins with 'h', ends with 'n', contains six letters, and contains eight words besides itself without transposing a single letter?
2. Herb. (American English only) Job. Nice. Polish. Differently.
3. That that is, is; that that is not, is not. Is not that it? It is."
4. "Herein." The words it contains are: "he," "her," "here," "ere," "re," "rein," "I," and "in."
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I moved furniture today. I set up a spare bedroom in the room that leads to the deck. It had been upstairs, but I like it better downstairs. The upstairs room, the one with no windows, is now a place for my travel stuff and my antique roll top desk. I’m far from finished but the big stuff is moved. I have one of those high air beds that is actually pretty comfortable for sleeping. I took a short nap on the air bed and it worked out fine. With these warm summer nights, and very little breeze, the upstairs is a little warm so I can now sleep downstairs, if it is too warm upstairs.
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Random Facts…
The first motto that appeared on US coins was not, 'In God We Trust,' – it was 'Mind Your Business.' These copper cents were authorized on April 21, 1787.
In 1908, the grandnephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, Charles Joseph Bonaparte, created the Bureau of Investigation, which would later become known as the FBI.
Abner Doubleday had nothing to do with the invention of baseball. The rumor that baseball was created by this Civil War general was started by the Major League to promote the legend that baseball is an American sport.
Betsy Ross didn’t design or sew the first American flag. That rumor was started by her grandson, William Canby, at a meeting of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania in March 1870 – 30-years after Betsy Ross had died.
The first President to be born a citizen of the United States was the eighth President, Martin Van Buren.
Crazy Stuff in the News…
EAGAN, Minn. - A Minnesota principal fired for having a kindergartner unclog a toilet with his bare hands has had his punishment lessened by an arbitrator. Doug Steele, who was dismissed unanimously by the Burnsville-Eagan-Savage school board in February for the December incident at Rahn Elementary School in Eagan, successfully appealed his dismissal to an arbitrator. Instead of losing his job, Steele will be suspended for 15 days without pay, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported. Sue Grissom, the district's human resources director, said district officials were disappointed by the ruling but will abide by the arbitrator's decision. However, she said Steele will not be reinstated as principal of Rahn Elementary and will instead be placed in a position of equal stature with duties including coordinating grants, assessments and state accountability reporting. Elijah and Shannon Hannah, the parents of the child who was forced to unclog the toilet with his hands, said they were also disappointed by the ruling. "I'm just mad," Elijah Hannah said Wednesday. "I've been mad since it all happened."
Month long events in August
Edinburgh Festival is an internationally famous arts festival that takes place during August National Immunization Awareness Month… National Psoriasis Awareness Month… Women's Small Business Month... National Back to School month…American Adventures Month…Golf Month…National Inventor’s Month…National Win with Civility Month…What will be your legacy Month
Week of Aug 17…
Weird Contest Week
22 Aug…
235 days so far this year…130 days remain in 2009
Day to Remember Slavery and it’s abolition
Valentino Day
*Swaziland – Umhlanga Day. [Dance for Maidens]
*Ukraine – Flag Day.
1754 Louis XVI Versailles, king of France
1903 William Primrose Glasgow Scot, violist
1912 Gene Kelly Pitts, dancer/actor
1930 Vera Miles actress (Psycho)
1934 Barbara Eden Tucson Az, actress (Dream of Jeannie)
1947 Keith Moon rocker1949 Rick Springfield Australia
1949 Shelley Long Fort Wayne Indiana, actress (Diane-Cheers)
1951 Queen Noor of Jordan
1970 River Phoenix Madras Ore, actor
Events on this day…
1617 1st one-way streets established (London)
1833 Britain abolishes slavery in colonies; 700,000 slaves freed
1872 1st Japanese coml ship visits SF, carrying tea
1904 Automobile tire chain patented
1919 "Gasoline Alley" cartoon strip premiers in Chicago Tribune
1960 World's largest frog (3.3 kg) caught (Equatorial Guinea)
Language from
These puzzles are about words and language. Can you solve them?
1. Of those numbers whose English representation in capital letters consists only of straight lines, only one number has a value equal to the number of straight line segments required to write it out. What number is this?
2. What word is pronounced differently when the first letter is capitalized? [5]
3. Punctuate the following so it makes sense: "That that is is that that is not is not is not that it it is."
4. What word begins with 'h', ends with 'n', contains six letters, and contains eight words besides itself without transposing a single letter?
2. Herb. (American English only) Job. Nice. Polish. Differently.
3. That that is, is; that that is not, is not. Is not that it? It is."
4. "Herein." The words it contains are: "he," "her," "here," "ere," "re," "rein," "I," and "in."
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Another work week draws to a close. For those of us retired, it means busy streets, crowded stores, and working friends who have a little time to relax. The Monsoons are to return this weekend. That will be good, as my deck hit 90° again today, and it was muggy with no breeze. Bring on the rain. The big fire is just about contained. The rain would certainly help.
I am on the fence about the release of the man convicted over the Lockerbie bombing. When I was in Scotland, we didn’t visit Lockerbie, but it did come up several times. Such a needless act of violence. Now the guy has only months to live, so he is being freed by the very compassionate Scots. He got back to his home country of Libya with cheers. Once again, it is the question of his conviction. He was sentenced to 27 years, but after an appeal, he was believed by many in the UK to be innocent. He served 8 years. He denied anything to do with the bombing, evidence was scarce. He was seen by many in Libya and the Muslim world as a simple scapegoat who is innocent. His release has done a lot to remind the Muslims of what they see as a miscarriage of justice. This world is so full of hate, and all too often looks for more reasons to hate. Too bad everyone can’t just live and let live.
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Random Facts…
A baboon called Jackie became a private in the South African army in World War I.
Crazy Stuff in the News…
BENALMADENA, Spain - A 67-year-old British matador who was ordered by his doctor to retire more than five years ago has announced he will return to the ring in Spain. Frank Evans, a grandfather-of-five from Salford, England, said he will once again don the bullfighting moniker El Ingles --The English -- and face off against a bull in Benalmadena, Spain, this month, The Daily Telegraph reported. "I am just delighted to be able to get back into that same bullring and show that I am better than ever," said Evans, who quit bullfighting in 2005 after undergoing a quadruple heart bypass and knee replacement surgery. "People should take me as an example of what can be achieved later in life. If I can do this at my age then surely that proves anything is possible," he said.
Month long events in August
Edinburgh Festival is an internationally famous arts festival that takes place during August National Immunization Awareness Month… National Psoriasis Awareness Month… Women's Small Business Month... National Back to School month…American Adventures Month…Golf Month…National Inventor’s Month…National Win with Civility Month…What will be your legacy Month
Week of Aug 17…
Weird Contest Week
22 Aug…
234 days so far this year…131 days remain in 2009
Hug Your Boss Day
Ramadan begins
Be An Angel Day
1834….. Samuel Langley pioneer in aviation: Langley Air Force Base [in Virginia] bears his name
1836….. Archibald M Willard US, artist (Spirit of '76)
1862….. Claude Debussy St Germain-en-Laye, composer
1893….. Dorothy Parker US, short story writer (1958 Marjorie Peabody Award)
1920….. Dr Denton Cooley heart surgeon (1st artificial heart transplant)
and ….. Ray Bradbury Ill, sci-fi author
1934….. Norman Schwartzkopf NJ, US General
1939….. Carl Yastrzemski NY, Boston Red Sox great
1940….. Valerie Harper Sufferin NY
1941….. Bill (Duane) Parcells football coach
1947….. Cindy Williams Van Nuys Calif, actress (Shirley-Laverne & Shirley)
Events on this day…
565….. St Columba reported seeing monster in Loch Ness
1485….. King Richard III of England is killed at the battle of Bosworth Field, the last battle of the so-called "Wars of the Roses," in which the Houses of York and Lancaster battled for the throne of England.
1762….. 1st female (Ann Franklin) US newspaper editor, Newport RI, Mercury
1770….. Captain James Cook, having landed at Australia, claimed it for the British Crown.
1846….. US annexes New Mexico
1902….. Pres Teddy Roosevelt became 1st US chief executive to ride in a car
1922….. Irish revolutionary Michael Collins, who signed the treaty with Britain that created the Irish Free State the previous year, is assassinated by Irish nationalists opposed to the treaty.
1950….. Althea Gibson becomes 1st black competetor in natl tennis competition
1968….. 1st papal visit to Latin America (Pope Paul VI arrives in Bogota)
Missing Pairs from
In each of these puzzles, a proverb is written with exactly one letter of each word replaced with another.
Can you figure out what the original proverb is?
1. Wetter mate that fever.
2. Paint peart newer son pair lads.
3. I switch is dime raves mine.
4. So nets if goof mews.
5. Take hat white she sin whines.
6. Won't budge I took my ids covet.
7. Calf I load if wetter that so break.
8. Loot befort yon heap
9. Binds if I heather frock totether.
10. Won't pit oft pill gomorrow whet yon tan go toddy
* Bonus: Earls so red, earls no rose.
1. Better late than never.
2. Faint heart never won fair lady.
3. A stitch in time saves nine.
4. No news is good news.
5. Make hay while the sun shines.
6. Don't judge a book by its cover.
7. Half a loaf is better than no bread.
8. Look before you leap.
9. Birds of a feather flock together
10. Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
* Bonus: Early to bed, early to rise.
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I am on the fence about the release of the man convicted over the Lockerbie bombing. When I was in Scotland, we didn’t visit Lockerbie, but it did come up several times. Such a needless act of violence. Now the guy has only months to live, so he is being freed by the very compassionate Scots. He got back to his home country of Libya with cheers. Once again, it is the question of his conviction. He was sentenced to 27 years, but after an appeal, he was believed by many in the UK to be innocent. He served 8 years. He denied anything to do with the bombing, evidence was scarce. He was seen by many in Libya and the Muslim world as a simple scapegoat who is innocent. His release has done a lot to remind the Muslims of what they see as a miscarriage of justice. This world is so full of hate, and all too often looks for more reasons to hate. Too bad everyone can’t just live and let live.
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Random Facts…
A baboon called Jackie became a private in the South African army in World War I.
Crazy Stuff in the News…
BENALMADENA, Spain - A 67-year-old British matador who was ordered by his doctor to retire more than five years ago has announced he will return to the ring in Spain. Frank Evans, a grandfather-of-five from Salford, England, said he will once again don the bullfighting moniker El Ingles --The English -- and face off against a bull in Benalmadena, Spain, this month, The Daily Telegraph reported. "I am just delighted to be able to get back into that same bullring and show that I am better than ever," said Evans, who quit bullfighting in 2005 after undergoing a quadruple heart bypass and knee replacement surgery. "People should take me as an example of what can be achieved later in life. If I can do this at my age then surely that proves anything is possible," he said.
Month long events in August
Edinburgh Festival is an internationally famous arts festival that takes place during August National Immunization Awareness Month… National Psoriasis Awareness Month… Women's Small Business Month... National Back to School month…American Adventures Month…Golf Month…National Inventor’s Month…National Win with Civility Month…What will be your legacy Month
Week of Aug 17…
Weird Contest Week
22 Aug…
234 days so far this year…131 days remain in 2009
Hug Your Boss Day
Ramadan begins
Be An Angel Day
1834….. Samuel Langley pioneer in aviation: Langley Air Force Base [in Virginia] bears his name
1836….. Archibald M Willard US, artist (Spirit of '76)
1862….. Claude Debussy St Germain-en-Laye, composer
1893….. Dorothy Parker US, short story writer (1958 Marjorie Peabody Award)
1920….. Dr Denton Cooley heart surgeon (1st artificial heart transplant)
and ….. Ray Bradbury Ill, sci-fi author
1934….. Norman Schwartzkopf NJ, US General
1939….. Carl Yastrzemski NY, Boston Red Sox great
1940….. Valerie Harper Sufferin NY
1941….. Bill (Duane) Parcells football coach
1947….. Cindy Williams Van Nuys Calif, actress (Shirley-Laverne & Shirley)
Events on this day…
565….. St Columba reported seeing monster in Loch Ness
1485….. King Richard III of England is killed at the battle of Bosworth Field, the last battle of the so-called "Wars of the Roses," in which the Houses of York and Lancaster battled for the throne of England.
1762….. 1st female (Ann Franklin) US newspaper editor, Newport RI, Mercury
1770….. Captain James Cook, having landed at Australia, claimed it for the British Crown.
1846….. US annexes New Mexico
1902….. Pres Teddy Roosevelt became 1st US chief executive to ride in a car
1922….. Irish revolutionary Michael Collins, who signed the treaty with Britain that created the Irish Free State the previous year, is assassinated by Irish nationalists opposed to the treaty.
1950….. Althea Gibson becomes 1st black competetor in natl tennis competition
1968….. 1st papal visit to Latin America (Pope Paul VI arrives in Bogota)
Missing Pairs from
In each of these puzzles, a proverb is written with exactly one letter of each word replaced with another.
Can you figure out what the original proverb is?
1. Wetter mate that fever.
2. Paint peart newer son pair lads.
3. I switch is dime raves mine.
4. So nets if goof mews.
5. Take hat white she sin whines.
6. Won't budge I took my ids covet.
7. Calf I load if wetter that so break.
8. Loot befort yon heap
9. Binds if I heather frock totether.
10. Won't pit oft pill gomorrow whet yon tan go toddy
* Bonus: Earls so red, earls no rose.
1. Better late than never.
2. Faint heart never won fair lady.
3. A stitch in time saves nine.
4. No news is good news.
5. Make hay while the sun shines.
6. Don't judge a book by its cover.
7. Half a loaf is better than no bread.
8. Look before you leap.
9. Birds of a feather flock together
10. Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
* Bonus: Early to bed, early to rise.
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I got my very first scammer phone call today. It came from 613-216-2172 and was listed on my caller ID as ‘Ontario’. The recorded message said I could lower my interest rate on my credit card. If I wanted more information, push 6. I wanted to tell them I have Do Not Call and to remove my name. So I pushed 6. The guy on the other end said he was from Visa Data Services. He pretended to have never heard of any Do Not Call list. I asked to speak to his supervisor. He said he was looking at my credit card account and that since my balance was over $4000, he could lower my rate. I told him he had the wrong person, and that I wanted his supervisor. He said “Sure, just give him my pin number for my card”. I said NO!!. “OK”, he says, “then give me your mother’s maiden name.“ Again I said NO! He said he could not transfer me to a supervisor until I gave him either my pin or my mother’s maiden name. He would give me no information about myself, but insisted that he knew I had a $4000 balance. He wanted my name, my address, etc. He got nothing. I finally hung up and reported him to the FCC’s web site. It was scary, because he was so nice, and appeared to be so helpful. Checking the internet, there is no such company. In fact, there isn’t even the address he gave me on Google Earth. The closest address is in the middle of Trinity University’s Football Field. I really feel that my privacy has been violated. I hope they don’t call again.
Flagstaff Restaurant Review: There is a new, small, hole-in-the-wall Greek restaurant that just opened. It is ‘across the tracks’ in downtown Flagstaff. Our retirement group of three got there at 11:30. They had four outside tables and three or four tables inside. We took an outside table on the covered patio. We all had a great lunch. I ordered the Gyro and it had twice as much meat as the one I had a few weeks ago at another Greek place in Flag. “The Greek Islands” is not a place I would usually stop. It is hard to find, there is little parking, and it is in a kind of dumpy area. I am glad we went. The food and the service were great. The Greek who runs the place came to our table several times to be sure everything was going well. By noon the place was full, and people were waiting to be seated. He has only been open three weeks and seems to be doing well. They serve lunch six days a week and dinner three nights a week. And they had some nice Greek music playing in the background. Flagstaff is full of surprises.
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Random Facts…
One out of three U.S. women owns a gun!
Crazy Stuff in the News…
Washington state police said they were searching for a “witch doctor” who “cleansed” money of evil and allegedly ran off with nearly $140,000 from clients. But it was spiritually clean money.
Lakewood police said the woman, who uses the name Senora Monica, conned multiple people in the Puget Sound region into giving her large sums of money to cleanse.
Police Lt. Heidi Hoffman said Monica would often return the money to her clients, and then ask for a fee for her services.
Hoffman said the suspect and her husband ran a Lakewood store called “Centro de Consultas Espirituales” that specialized in spiritual guidance and sold items such as incense, candles and talents. She said Monica and her husband fled after stockpiling a large amount of money.
A woman who owns a hair salon next to Monica’s store said the woman would tell clients they would die if their money was not cleansed of evil spirits.
Month long events in August
Edinburgh Festival is an internationally famous arts festival that takes place during August National Immunization Awareness Month… National Psoriasis Awareness Month… Women's Small Business Month... National Back to School month…American Adventures Month…Golf Month…National Inventor’s Month…National Win with Civility Month…What will be your legacy Month
Week of Aug 17…
Weird Contest Week
21 Aug…
233 days so far this year…132 days remain in 2009
Men’s Grooming Day
Poet’s Day
Senior Citizen’s Day
World Daffodil Day
1660….. Hubert Gautier engineer, wrote 1st book on bridge building
1906….. William "Count" Basie jazz pianist
............. Friz Freleng animator (Bugs Bunny-Emmy 1982)
1921….. Nancy Kulp Harrisburg Pa, actress (Jane-Beverly Hillbillies)
1923….. Chris Schenkel sportscaster: CBS Sports; ABC Sports
1936….. Wilt Chamberlain NBA great center
1938….. Kenny Rogers singer, actor
1939….. Clarence Williams III NYC, actor (Mod Squad)
1951….. Harry Smith Indiana, TV news
Events on this day…
1680….. Pueblo Indians took possession of Santa F‚ from Spanish
1841….. John Hampson patents venetian blind
1858….. 1st Lincoln-Douglas debate (Illinois)
1888….. William Burroughs of St. Louis, MO patented his adding machine.
1911….. The Mona Lisa, the famous portrait by Leonardo da Vinci also called ( La Gioconda ) ( painted between 1503 - 1506 ) , was stolen from the Louvre in Paris.
1959….. Hawaii becomes 50th US state
1985….. Mary Decker Slaney runs mile in world record 4:16.71
1987….. Clayton Lonetree, 1st marine court-martialed for spying, convicted. Released in 1996 when determined that his prosecution had been overzealous.
2004….. Michael Phelps gets his 6th gold medal at the Athens 2004 1831: Virginia slave Nat Turner begins a slave rebellion in Southampton County in which over 50 whites are killed.
Missing Pairs from
In each of these puzzles, there are two double blanks.
Fill in the blanks with the same pair of letters to complete an English word.
For example, use the letter-pair ac in b__ckp__k to make the word backpack.
1. _ _ od _ _ rk
2. p _ _ dl _ _
3. _ _ p _ _ zard
4. h _ _ g _ _ lin
5. c _ _ kb _ _ k
6. a _ _ mo _ _
7. _ _ at _ _
8. s _ _ ur _ _ e
9. lo _ _ i _ _
10. _ _ i _ _<>
1. Woodwork
2. Peddled
3. Haphazard
4. Hobgoblin
5. Cookbook
6. Anemone
7. Orator
8. Saturate
9. Longing
10. onion
<> <>11 <> <> <> <>
Flagstaff Restaurant Review: There is a new, small, hole-in-the-wall Greek restaurant that just opened. It is ‘across the tracks’ in downtown Flagstaff. Our retirement group of three got there at 11:30. They had four outside tables and three or four tables inside. We took an outside table on the covered patio. We all had a great lunch. I ordered the Gyro and it had twice as much meat as the one I had a few weeks ago at another Greek place in Flag. “The Greek Islands” is not a place I would usually stop. It is hard to find, there is little parking, and it is in a kind of dumpy area. I am glad we went. The food and the service were great. The Greek who runs the place came to our table several times to be sure everything was going well. By noon the place was full, and people were waiting to be seated. He has only been open three weeks and seems to be doing well. They serve lunch six days a week and dinner three nights a week. And they had some nice Greek music playing in the background. Flagstaff is full of surprises.
<> <> <> <> <> <>
Random Facts…
One out of three U.S. women owns a gun!
Crazy Stuff in the News…
Washington state police said they were searching for a “witch doctor” who “cleansed” money of evil and allegedly ran off with nearly $140,000 from clients. But it was spiritually clean money.
Lakewood police said the woman, who uses the name Senora Monica, conned multiple people in the Puget Sound region into giving her large sums of money to cleanse.
Police Lt. Heidi Hoffman said Monica would often return the money to her clients, and then ask for a fee for her services.
Hoffman said the suspect and her husband ran a Lakewood store called “Centro de Consultas Espirituales” that specialized in spiritual guidance and sold items such as incense, candles and talents. She said Monica and her husband fled after stockpiling a large amount of money.
A woman who owns a hair salon next to Monica’s store said the woman would tell clients they would die if their money was not cleansed of evil spirits.
Month long events in August
Edinburgh Festival is an internationally famous arts festival that takes place during August National Immunization Awareness Month… National Psoriasis Awareness Month… Women's Small Business Month... National Back to School month…American Adventures Month…Golf Month…National Inventor’s Month…National Win with Civility Month…What will be your legacy Month
Week of Aug 17…
Weird Contest Week
21 Aug…
233 days so far this year…132 days remain in 2009
Men’s Grooming Day
Poet’s Day
Senior Citizen’s Day
World Daffodil Day
1660….. Hubert Gautier engineer, wrote 1st book on bridge building
1906….. William "Count" Basie jazz pianist
............. Friz Freleng animator (Bugs Bunny-Emmy 1982)
1921….. Nancy Kulp Harrisburg Pa, actress (Jane-Beverly Hillbillies)
1923….. Chris Schenkel sportscaster: CBS Sports; ABC Sports
1936….. Wilt Chamberlain NBA great center
1938….. Kenny Rogers singer, actor
1939….. Clarence Williams III NYC, actor (Mod Squad)
1951….. Harry Smith Indiana, TV news
Events on this day…
1680….. Pueblo Indians took possession of Santa F‚ from Spanish
1841….. John Hampson patents venetian blind
1858….. 1st Lincoln-Douglas debate (Illinois)
1888….. William Burroughs of St. Louis, MO patented his adding machine.
1911….. The Mona Lisa, the famous portrait by Leonardo da Vinci also called ( La Gioconda ) ( painted between 1503 - 1506 ) , was stolen from the Louvre in Paris.
1959….. Hawaii becomes 50th US state
1985….. Mary Decker Slaney runs mile in world record 4:16.71
1987….. Clayton Lonetree, 1st marine court-martialed for spying, convicted. Released in 1996 when determined that his prosecution had been overzealous.
2004….. Michael Phelps gets his 6th gold medal at the Athens 2004 1831: Virginia slave Nat Turner begins a slave rebellion in Southampton County in which over 50 whites are killed.
Missing Pairs from
In each of these puzzles, there are two double blanks.
Fill in the blanks with the same pair of letters to complete an English word.
For example, use the letter-pair ac in b__ckp__k to make the word backpack.
1. _ _ od _ _ rk
2. p _ _ dl _ _
3. _ _ p _ _ zard
4. h _ _ g _ _ lin
5. c _ _ kb _ _ k
6. a _ _ mo _ _
7. _ _ at _ _
8. s _ _ ur _ _ e
9. lo _ _ i _ _
10. _ _ i _ _<>
1. Woodwork
2. Peddled
3. Haphazard
4. Hobgoblin
5. Cookbook
6. Anemone
7. Orator
8. Saturate
9. Longing
10. onion
<> <>11 <> <> <> <>
OK, I get it. It’s still summer. Summers are hot. Today hit 93° on my deck. No breeze. Just my portable cooler to keep me comfortable when I was not out and about running errands.
My day with the tax man came and went. I had all the right stuff. My tax guy called the Colorado Tax lady. They spoke for about 20 minutes. They threw around form numbers, and other gibberish. All I said was my Social Security number. When it was all over, I had to send in the same twenty-seven pages of paperwork I had sent in back in April. My tax guy told me, “Well, we will start with this….again.” I rushed to the Post Office and mailed off all the forms, at a cost of $10.51. I know full well that this is not over, in fact, I feel it is only beginning. The good part is that I was assured, by my tax guy, that I won’t owe any money. I know I could never have been a tax guy. I just don’t have the patience. The tax office in Flag now greets me by my first name, and today, even bought me a Starbucks coffee. The tax guy, a little older than I am, just kept saying ‘frigin’ computer, ‘friggin’ forms, ‘friggin’ piles of papers. I guess he was getting as frustrated as I have been for the last month over this silly tax problem.
Two phrases are in the news again today—Sheriff Apraio and Racial Profiling. He has investigations from Homeland Security, Dept of Justice, and now a civil suit. His ‘sweeps’ pick up about 50-75 people who might be illegal, holds them for hours with no food, water, or restroom facilities. They are usually handcuffed and lined up near a wall. The detainees can’t have the water or restroom, because the deputies need to keep them together. After hours of being held, only a small number of people are arrested. Of the arrested group, only one or two are illegal, a few more are arrested for outstanding warrants—most for unpaid parking tickets. All other detainees are just sent on their way, left to explain to employers and/or family members why they were late. Sheriff Joe really likes press conferences and really likes the spotlight. Most of all Sheriff Joe likes to be the victim. He continues to babble on about how the Feds and the ACLU don’t scare him and won’t stop him from his ‘sweeps’ that are making Maricopa County a safer place to live. Really? Yep, that’s what he says.
<> <> <> <> <> <>
Random Facts…
The word 'set' has more definitions than any other word in the English language.
Crazy Stuff in the Royal Family…
George III of Great Britain and Ireland was being driven through Windsor Great Park when he ordered his carriage driver to stop. The King got out, walked over to an oak tree, shook hands with one of its branches and talked to it for several minutes. He thought he was talking to the King of Prussia.
Ludwig II of Bavaria was notable for his decision to reverse night and day. He had a moon painted on his bedroom ceiling and embarked on epic mountain journeys in the dead of night in a golden sleigh, accompanied by coachmen who were forced to dress in the style of Louis XIV.
Catherine the Great of Russia, discovering that she had dandruff, imprisoned her hairdresser in an iron cage for three years to stop the news spr eading. Enchanted by a primrose in the royal garden,she posted a sentry to guard the plant day and night.
Queen Juana of Spain worshipped her husband Philip, who died in 1506, so much that she refused to allow him to be buried and had his coffin accompany her wherever she traveled.
Henry Christophe, King of Northern Haiti, ordered his guards to prove their loyalty to him by marching over a 200ft-high cliff. Those who obeyed plunged to their deaths; those who refused were tortured and executed. Christophe eventually ended up shooting himself.
Month long events in August
Edinburgh Festival is an internationally famous arts festival that takes place during August National Immunization Awareness Month… National Psoriasis Awareness Month… Women's Small Business Month... National Back to School month…American Adventures Month…Golf Month…National Inventor’s Month…National Win with Civility Month…What will be your legacy Month
Week of Aug 17…
Weird Contest Week
20 Aug…
232 days so far this year…133 days remain in 2009
Pony Express Day
Virtual World’s Day
*Estonia: Day of Restoration of Independence—from Soviet Union—1991
*Hungary: Constitution Day—1949
*Senegal: Independence Day—1960
1778….. Bernardo O'Higgins won independence for Chile
1785….. Oliver Hazard Perry US Naval hero
1833….. Benjamin Harrison North Bend, Ohio (R) 23rd Pres
1901 ….. Salvatore Quasimodo Italy, poet/critic/translator (Nobel 1959)
1907 ….. Shirley Booth NYC, actress (Hazel)
1923 ….. Jim (James Travis) Reeves “Gentleman Jim” guitarist, singer
1931 ….. Don King boxing promoter
1942 ….. Isaac Hayes composer (Shaft)
1946 ….. Connie Chung TV newscaster
1948 ….. Robert Plant rocker (Led Zeppelin
1954 ….. Al Roker TV weatherman
Events on this day…
1741 ….. Alaska was discovered by Danish navigator Vitus Jonas Bering. That’s how the Bering Sea got its name.
1789 ….. An "Act Providing for the Expenses Which May Attend Negotiations or Treaties with the Indian Tribes, and the Appointment of Commissioners for Managing the Same" is approved by the United States.
1866 ….. Pres Andrew Johnson formally declares Civil War over
1896 ….. Dial telephone patented
1910 ….. Eero Saarinen ), Finnish-American architect and designer of the Gateway Arch in St. Louis and Dulles Airport in Virginia.
1940 ….. After 3 months of the Battle Of Britain in the skies over the South Coast the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill paid tribute to the British Royal Air Force, saying, "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."
….. ….. Exiled Soviet revolutionary Leon Trotsky is assassinated in Mexico City
1959 ….. Actor Hugh O’Brian, TV’s Wyatt Earp, finally met his idol, Dr. Albert Schweitzer in Africa. O’Brian was conveyed up the river by natives who were lepers and he met the famous doctor at his hospital. After meeting Schweitzer, O’Brian referred to him as “a living saint”. The physician strongly urged the need to abolish nuclear testing and war and O’Brian came back to the U.S. with the same views.
1974 ….. Nolan Ryan pitch measured at record 161.6 kph (100.4 mph)
1988 ….. In the worst day of fires in Yellowstone National Park firstorms destroy over 150,000 acres of the park.
Missing Pairs from
In each of these puzzles, there are two double blanks.
Fill in the blanks with the same pair of letters to complete an English word.
For example, use the letter-pair ac in b__ckp__k to make the word backpack.
1. v _ _ lat _ _ n
2. h _ _ dw _ _ e
3. _ _ rses _ _ e
4. a _ _ a _ _ a
5. s _ _ tim _ _ t
6. who _ _ sa _ _
7. p _ _ sev _ _ e
8. tr _ _ bad _ _ r
9. _ _ da _ _ ted
10. d _ _ tingu _ _h
* Bonus: _ _ s _ _ de
1. violation
2. hardware
3. horseshoe
4. alfalfa
5. sentiment
6. wholesale
7. persevere
8. troubadour
9. undaunted
10. distinguish
* Bonus: cascade
<> <> <>11 <> <> <> <>
My day with the tax man came and went. I had all the right stuff. My tax guy called the Colorado Tax lady. They spoke for about 20 minutes. They threw around form numbers, and other gibberish. All I said was my Social Security number. When it was all over, I had to send in the same twenty-seven pages of paperwork I had sent in back in April. My tax guy told me, “Well, we will start with this….again.” I rushed to the Post Office and mailed off all the forms, at a cost of $10.51. I know full well that this is not over, in fact, I feel it is only beginning. The good part is that I was assured, by my tax guy, that I won’t owe any money. I know I could never have been a tax guy. I just don’t have the patience. The tax office in Flag now greets me by my first name, and today, even bought me a Starbucks coffee. The tax guy, a little older than I am, just kept saying ‘frigin’ computer, ‘friggin’ forms, ‘friggin’ piles of papers. I guess he was getting as frustrated as I have been for the last month over this silly tax problem.
Two phrases are in the news again today—Sheriff Apraio and Racial Profiling. He has investigations from Homeland Security, Dept of Justice, and now a civil suit. His ‘sweeps’ pick up about 50-75 people who might be illegal, holds them for hours with no food, water, or restroom facilities. They are usually handcuffed and lined up near a wall. The detainees can’t have the water or restroom, because the deputies need to keep them together. After hours of being held, only a small number of people are arrested. Of the arrested group, only one or two are illegal, a few more are arrested for outstanding warrants—most for unpaid parking tickets. All other detainees are just sent on their way, left to explain to employers and/or family members why they were late. Sheriff Joe really likes press conferences and really likes the spotlight. Most of all Sheriff Joe likes to be the victim. He continues to babble on about how the Feds and the ACLU don’t scare him and won’t stop him from his ‘sweeps’ that are making Maricopa County a safer place to live. Really? Yep, that’s what he says.
<> <> <> <> <> <>
Random Facts…
The word 'set' has more definitions than any other word in the English language.
Crazy Stuff in the Royal Family…
George III of Great Britain and Ireland was being driven through Windsor Great Park when he ordered his carriage driver to stop. The King got out, walked over to an oak tree, shook hands with one of its branches and talked to it for several minutes. He thought he was talking to the King of Prussia.
Ludwig II of Bavaria was notable for his decision to reverse night and day. He had a moon painted on his bedroom ceiling and embarked on epic mountain journeys in the dead of night in a golden sleigh, accompanied by coachmen who were forced to dress in the style of Louis XIV.
Catherine the Great of Russia, discovering that she had dandruff, imprisoned her hairdresser in an iron cage for three years to stop the news spr eading. Enchanted by a primrose in the royal garden,she posted a sentry to guard the plant day and night.
Queen Juana of Spain worshipped her husband Philip, who died in 1506, so much that she refused to allow him to be buried and had his coffin accompany her wherever she traveled.
Henry Christophe, King of Northern Haiti, ordered his guards to prove their loyalty to him by marching over a 200ft-high cliff. Those who obeyed plunged to their deaths; those who refused were tortured and executed. Christophe eventually ended up shooting himself.
Month long events in August
Edinburgh Festival is an internationally famous arts festival that takes place during August National Immunization Awareness Month… National Psoriasis Awareness Month… Women's Small Business Month... National Back to School month…American Adventures Month…Golf Month…National Inventor’s Month…National Win with Civility Month…What will be your legacy Month
Week of Aug 17…
Weird Contest Week
20 Aug…
232 days so far this year…133 days remain in 2009
Pony Express Day
Virtual World’s Day
*Estonia: Day of Restoration of Independence—from Soviet Union—1991
*Hungary: Constitution Day—1949
*Senegal: Independence Day—1960
1778….. Bernardo O'Higgins won independence for Chile
1785….. Oliver Hazard Perry US Naval hero
1833….. Benjamin Harrison North Bend, Ohio (R) 23rd Pres
1901 ….. Salvatore Quasimodo Italy, poet/critic/translator (Nobel 1959)
1907 ….. Shirley Booth NYC, actress (Hazel)
1923 ….. Jim (James Travis) Reeves “Gentleman Jim” guitarist, singer
1931 ….. Don King boxing promoter
1942 ….. Isaac Hayes composer (Shaft)
1946 ….. Connie Chung TV newscaster
1948 ….. Robert Plant rocker (Led Zeppelin
1954 ….. Al Roker TV weatherman
Events on this day…
1741 ….. Alaska was discovered by Danish navigator Vitus Jonas Bering. That’s how the Bering Sea got its name.
1789 ….. An "Act Providing for the Expenses Which May Attend Negotiations or Treaties with the Indian Tribes, and the Appointment of Commissioners for Managing the Same" is approved by the United States.
1866 ….. Pres Andrew Johnson formally declares Civil War over
1896 ….. Dial telephone patented
1910 ….. Eero Saarinen ), Finnish-American architect and designer of the Gateway Arch in St. Louis and Dulles Airport in Virginia.
1940 ….. After 3 months of the Battle Of Britain in the skies over the South Coast the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill paid tribute to the British Royal Air Force, saying, "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."
….. ….. Exiled Soviet revolutionary Leon Trotsky is assassinated in Mexico City
1959 ….. Actor Hugh O’Brian, TV’s Wyatt Earp, finally met his idol, Dr. Albert Schweitzer in Africa. O’Brian was conveyed up the river by natives who were lepers and he met the famous doctor at his hospital. After meeting Schweitzer, O’Brian referred to him as “a living saint”. The physician strongly urged the need to abolish nuclear testing and war and O’Brian came back to the U.S. with the same views.
1974 ….. Nolan Ryan pitch measured at record 161.6 kph (100.4 mph)
1988 ….. In the worst day of fires in Yellowstone National Park firstorms destroy over 150,000 acres of the park.
Missing Pairs from
In each of these puzzles, there are two double blanks.
Fill in the blanks with the same pair of letters to complete an English word.
For example, use the letter-pair ac in b__ckp__k to make the word backpack.
1. v _ _ lat _ _ n
2. h _ _ dw _ _ e
3. _ _ rses _ _ e
4. a _ _ a _ _ a
5. s _ _ tim _ _ t
6. who _ _ sa _ _
7. p _ _ sev _ _ e
8. tr _ _ bad _ _ r
9. _ _ da _ _ ted
10. d _ _ tingu _ _h
* Bonus: _ _ s _ _ de
1. violation
2. hardware
3. horseshoe
4. alfalfa
5. sentiment
6. wholesale
7. persevere
8. troubadour
9. undaunted
10. distinguish
* Bonus: cascade
<> <> <>11 <> <> <> <>
Winds must have been blowing the smoke away from Flagstaff today. The plume of smoke is visible with containment not expected until the 30th. The fire is twenty miles away from downtown, about 25 from my place. The monsoon is expected to return for the weekend and that will help. The 20mph winds aren’t helping, nor is the 12% humidity at the fire. There are over 500 firefighters at the fire right now with air drops when possible. Thankfully, no structures are in danger—this is in a wilderness area. There is still no word on how the fire started.
Our Congressional Rep had a teleconference tonight. It is amazing. She had tried a public town hall meeting but it didn’t work out due to the lunatic fringe. The teleconference is a very good format. Good questions, better answers. Very nice to hear good calm questions, good sensible answers. This is a big issue and needs to be explained to the country. Ann Kirkpatrick seems to be trying to do that.
<> <> <> <> <> <>
Random Facts…
Donald Duck comics were banned in Finland because he doesn't wear pants.
Your ribs move about 5 million times a year, every time you breathe.
Crazy Stuff In The News…
SAUKVILLE, Wis. - A Wisconsin couple said they have amassed a collection of six antique outhouses to adorn the exotic gardens at their home. Andrea and John Jaeger of the Town of Saukville said they purchased their first outhouse more than 20 years ago at a Mequon, Wis., auction for $5 and friends soon began bringing aged outhouses to their garden to turn the single accent piece into a full-fledged collection, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reported Monday. "We don't really want to collect them," John Jaeger said. "But we hate to see them being destroyed, because they're part of history." Jaeger said he considers his outhouse collection to be complete, but he might be willing to make an exception if a particularly interesting piece catches his attention, such as a double-decker outhouse or one made from brick. "I don't really need any more," he said.
Month long events in August
Edinburgh Festival is an internationally famous arts festival that takes place during August National Immunization Awareness Month… National Psoriasis Awareness Month… Women's Small Business Month... National Back to School month…American Adventures Month…Golf Month…National Inventor’s Month…National Win with Civility Month…What will be your legacy Month
Week of Aug 17…
Weird Contest Week
18 Aug…
231 days so far this year…134 days remain in 2009
“Black Cow” Root Beer Float Day
National Medical Dosimetrist Day—oncology radiologist
National Aviation Day—since 1939
*Afghanistan: Independence Day—1919 from UK
1631….. John Dryden 1st poet laureate of England (Absalom & Achitophel)
1785….. Seth Thomas pioneer in mass production of clocks
1871….. Orville Wright aviator
1883….. Coco (Gabriel Bonheur) Chanel fashion designer; perfume creator
1902….. Ogden Nash Rye NY, humorous poet
1919….. Malcolm Forbes publisher
1921….. Gene Roddenberry executive producer (Star Trek)
1931….. Willie Shoemaker jockey
1938….. Diana Muldaur actress
1939….. Ginger [Peter] Baker England, drummer (Cream)
1940….. Jill St. John (Oppenheim) actress
1946….. Bill Clinton 42nd US President.
1948….. Mary Elizabeth Aitcheson "Tipper" Gore Wife of Al Gore US Vice President.
1965….. Kyra Sedgwick actress
1969….. Christian Slater actor
1970….. Matthew Perry actor
Events on this day…
1099….. Crusaders beat Saracens in Battle of Ascalon
1848….. The first report of the California gold strike
1856….. Gail Borden of Brooklyn, NY patented his process for condensed milk
1888….. 1st beauty contest (Spa, Belgium), 18 yr old West Indian wins
1909….. 1st race at the Indianapolis 500 Speedway
Movie Trivia from
Name the movies that had these famous lines…Extra credit for the Actor and the Character’s name and the year of the movie.
1. "And I guess that was your accomplice in the wood chipper."
2. "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
3. "I do not, for one, think that the problem was that the band was down. I think that the problem may have been that there was a Stonehenge monument on the stage that was in danger of being crushed by a dwarf."
4. "That's what I love about these high school girls, man: I get older, they stay the same age."
5. "I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?"
6. "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son."
7. "Who told you to step on my sneakers, who told you to walk on my side of the block, who told you to be in my neighborhood?"
8. "There's a lotta things about me you don't know anything about, Dottie. Things you wouldn't understand. Things you couldn't understand."
9. "Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?"
10. "My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the armies of the North, general of the Felix legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next."
* Bonus: "Bring the dog, I love animals. I'm a great cook."<>
1. MARGE GUNDERSON (Frances McDormand) in Fargo (1996)
2. VERBAL KINT (Kevin Spacey) in The Usual Suspects (1995)
3. DAVID ST. HUBBINS (Michael McKean) in This Is Spinal Tap (1984)
4. WOODERSON (Matthew McConaughey) in Dazed and Confused (1993)
5. JACK BYRNES (Robert DeNiro) in Meet the Parents (2000)
6. DEAN WORMER (John Vernon) in National Lampoon's Animal House (1978)
7. BUGGIN OUT (Giancarlo Esposito) in Do The Right Thing (1989)
8. PEE-WEE HERMAN (Paul Reubens) in Pee-wee's Big Adventure (1985)
9. CAPTAIN OVEUR (Peter Graves) in Airplane! (1980)
10. MAXIMUS (Russell Crowe) in Gladiator (2000)
* Bonus: ALEX FORREST (Glenn Close) in Fatal Attraction (1987)
<> <> <> <> <> <> <>
Our Congressional Rep had a teleconference tonight. It is amazing. She had tried a public town hall meeting but it didn’t work out due to the lunatic fringe. The teleconference is a very good format. Good questions, better answers. Very nice to hear good calm questions, good sensible answers. This is a big issue and needs to be explained to the country. Ann Kirkpatrick seems to be trying to do that.
<> <> <> <> <> <>
Random Facts…
Donald Duck comics were banned in Finland because he doesn't wear pants.
Your ribs move about 5 million times a year, every time you breathe.
Crazy Stuff In The News…
SAUKVILLE, Wis. - A Wisconsin couple said they have amassed a collection of six antique outhouses to adorn the exotic gardens at their home. Andrea and John Jaeger of the Town of Saukville said they purchased their first outhouse more than 20 years ago at a Mequon, Wis., auction for $5 and friends soon began bringing aged outhouses to their garden to turn the single accent piece into a full-fledged collection, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reported Monday. "We don't really want to collect them," John Jaeger said. "But we hate to see them being destroyed, because they're part of history." Jaeger said he considers his outhouse collection to be complete, but he might be willing to make an exception if a particularly interesting piece catches his attention, such as a double-decker outhouse or one made from brick. "I don't really need any more," he said.
Month long events in August
Edinburgh Festival is an internationally famous arts festival that takes place during August National Immunization Awareness Month… National Psoriasis Awareness Month… Women's Small Business Month... National Back to School month…American Adventures Month…Golf Month…National Inventor’s Month…National Win with Civility Month…What will be your legacy Month
Week of Aug 17…
Weird Contest Week
18 Aug…
231 days so far this year…134 days remain in 2009
“Black Cow” Root Beer Float Day
National Medical Dosimetrist Day—oncology radiologist
National Aviation Day—since 1939
*Afghanistan: Independence Day—1919 from UK
1631….. John Dryden 1st poet laureate of England (Absalom & Achitophel)
1785….. Seth Thomas pioneer in mass production of clocks
1871….. Orville Wright aviator
1883….. Coco (Gabriel Bonheur) Chanel fashion designer; perfume creator
1902….. Ogden Nash Rye NY, humorous poet
1919….. Malcolm Forbes publisher
1921….. Gene Roddenberry executive producer (Star Trek)
1931….. Willie Shoemaker jockey
1938….. Diana Muldaur actress
1939….. Ginger [Peter] Baker England, drummer (Cream)
1940….. Jill St. John (Oppenheim) actress
1946….. Bill Clinton 42nd US President.
1948….. Mary Elizabeth Aitcheson "Tipper" Gore Wife of Al Gore US Vice President.
1965….. Kyra Sedgwick actress
1969….. Christian Slater actor
1970….. Matthew Perry actor
Events on this day…
1099….. Crusaders beat Saracens in Battle of Ascalon
1848….. The first report of the California gold strike
1856….. Gail Borden of Brooklyn, NY patented his process for condensed milk
1888….. 1st beauty contest (Spa, Belgium), 18 yr old West Indian wins
1909….. 1st race at the Indianapolis 500 Speedway
Movie Trivia from
Name the movies that had these famous lines…Extra credit for the Actor and the Character’s name and the year of the movie.
1. "And I guess that was your accomplice in the wood chipper."
2. "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
3. "I do not, for one, think that the problem was that the band was down. I think that the problem may have been that there was a Stonehenge monument on the stage that was in danger of being crushed by a dwarf."
4. "That's what I love about these high school girls, man: I get older, they stay the same age."
5. "I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?"
6. "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son."
7. "Who told you to step on my sneakers, who told you to walk on my side of the block, who told you to be in my neighborhood?"
8. "There's a lotta things about me you don't know anything about, Dottie. Things you wouldn't understand. Things you couldn't understand."
9. "Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?"
10. "My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the armies of the North, general of the Felix legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next."
* Bonus: "Bring the dog, I love animals. I'm a great cook."<>
1. MARGE GUNDERSON (Frances McDormand) in Fargo (1996)
2. VERBAL KINT (Kevin Spacey) in The Usual Suspects (1995)
3. DAVID ST. HUBBINS (Michael McKean) in This Is Spinal Tap (1984)
4. WOODERSON (Matthew McConaughey) in Dazed and Confused (1993)
5. JACK BYRNES (Robert DeNiro) in Meet the Parents (2000)
6. DEAN WORMER (John Vernon) in National Lampoon's Animal House (1978)
7. BUGGIN OUT (Giancarlo Esposito) in Do The Right Thing (1989)
8. PEE-WEE HERMAN (Paul Reubens) in Pee-wee's Big Adventure (1985)
9. CAPTAIN OVEUR (Peter Graves) in Airplane! (1980)
10. MAXIMUS (Russell Crowe) in Gladiator (2000)
* Bonus: ALEX FORREST (Glenn Close) in Fatal Attraction (1987)
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- Retired, Not Dead
- Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
- I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.